7-year-old boy cleverly thwarts Apple’s iPhone security measures

Matthew Green, cryptography professor at Johns Hopkins, knows all about iPhone security and apparently so does his 7-year-old son, Harrison. According to CNN Money, the child was able to bypass Apple's Touch ID security measures and access Angry Birds Transformers using a simple physical attack.

But Tuesday morning at dawn, little Harrison crept into his parents' bedroom and walked over to his dad's side of the bed. He quietly reached for his father's iPhone, grabbed his right hand and pressed his large thumb onto the fingerprint scanner.

Apple recently increased iPhone and iPad security in iOS 8, encrypting data by default and protecting it in such a way that nobody, except the original owner, can access it via passcode or the biometrics of Touch ID. This improved security has caught the attention of the FBI, which claims these new security measures will hinder investigations and assist criminals. A recent court decision lessened the impact of this security, ruling that Touch ID was not protected by the Fifth Amendment.

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7-year-old boy cleverly thwarts Apple's iPhone security measures

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