Missed Out On Bitcoin and HUH Token Monday? You Could Catch It Again On The 20th! – Techpoint Africa

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What are HUH Token Mondays you might ask? And youd be right too. HUH Token launched on Monday the 6th of December and only 2 Mondays after the worlds first Utimeme is set to burn a further $3million worth of tokens after its $1million worth burn earlier this week which is why, I personally, have coined the first and the third Monday of the month of December, a HUH Token Monday!

And youll come to see why further in this article and how that could benefit you

You might have missed out on Bitcoins rare oversold state earlier this month, but you could be thankful to know you didnt manage to lose a hard drive filled with millions worth of Bitcoin on it that might just take the help of NASA to locate like one man did.

Though, how many years do you think the man searched for his lost income and how many millions could it be worth at the time of writing this article?

It seems that amidst HUH Tokens ceiling smashing first weeks on the cryptocurrency market the newcomer, HUH Token, achieved a way of making Mondays a little less soppy or at least, they did during their first month on the cryptocurrency market with first, its successful launch, then second, its upcoming $3million worth HUH Token Burn!

Burning tokens increases the value of them for holders, because there are less in circulation, meaning that HUH Token holders come the middle of next week will have received a staggering $4million worth token burn over the course of a few days.

You could potentially be a part of the burn and be rewarded for simply being a holder of HUH Token (talk about passive income), though its always wise to do your research into the cryptocurrency market before buying cryptocurrency.

However, if HUH Token has tickled your fancy and youre ready to kick those Monday blues, then HUH Token uses a smart contract referral mechanism, where you will be given referral number when you become a holder The code entitles anybody youve passed it on to a reduction on sales fees by 10%, while, you, the holder receives a 10% BNB reward for the referreds first deposit!

Now, thats not something to crumble about ahead of a HUH Token Monday, given that you could be joining a group of holders over 12,000 people strong and HUH Token have great aims of making this 1million in 3 months!

You can complete some of your research into cryptocurrencies and HUH Token on the likes of CoinGecko, CoinMarketcap, Poocoin, BSC Scan and PancakeSwap and see all the stats and figures you could ever want. As well as being listed on BitForex this coming Monday.

Back in 2013 James Howells binned a hard drive that contained over $300million worth of Bitcoin inside of it, and you might just be able to understand James idea to root through trash mounds in the somewhat vain hope of finding his lost millions.

At the time he accidentally threw out his bitcoin holding hard drive, James amount of Bitcoin was likely worth somewhere in the hundreds of thousands region and over the growing popularity of Bitcoin it transpired that its worth much more now, hence James 8-year search for his funds.

But, with NASA on the job could James be reunited with enormous Bitcoin millions?

It seems that after numerous failed attempts at receiving access to his local councils landfill site, and even suggesting splitting the funds to inject back into the local community, James could only think of one other option, a company called Ontrack.

Ontrack were the company that NASA hired to recover the Columbia space shuttles hard drive after it crashed on Earth in 2003 Ontrack managed to recover almost 100% of the data, so, Im sure that James has the hopes and prayers behind him of most of the world!

I, for one, certainly hope he finds his trash-hard-drive with over $3million worth of Bitcoin on it.

If youd like to get involved with Bitcoin and HUH Token this week you could begin by clicking the links below or beginning your own research into cryptocurrency.

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Missed Out On Bitcoin and HUH Token Monday? You Could Catch It Again On The 20th! - Techpoint Africa

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