Is it a Good Time to Buy Bitcoin? – FX Empire

The swing trade took one month to play out and we had to sit through a lot of noise, but the price structure never turned bearish, even though it appeared questionable at times.

The question everyone is asking: now a good time to buy? And in terms of our long-only swing trade strategy, the answer is NO. Why not? It looks strong now? The risk of retrace after such a move is very high. This is NOT a location that offers attractive reward/risk, even though price appears to be pushing higher.

Now that we are out of our position, we WAIT for the next long setup and this begins with first anticipating an inflection point. At the moment, that point is the 10,400 area. This is the previous range resistance, which is now likely to act as a new support. IF price can retrace to this area, and produce a setup, we will be prompted to share a new swing trade idea. It may find support sooner, but only price action can provide the evidence and there is nothing at the moment except for vertical candles.

This is the herd mentality in action. No one was excited about Bitcoin at 9200, or 9K but now it looks strong again. Markets are irrational and driven by the forces of greed and fear which often lead to the wrong timing. The effective thing to do in such a situation is lock in profits while the buyers are plentiful, even if it is just a portion of the position. Effective behavior and following a set of rules are what produce results, NOT chasing a market after it has made a significant move. Want to learn more? Visit the link to my website which you can find on my profile page.

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Is it a Good Time to Buy Bitcoin? - FX Empire

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