Edward Snowden Gets His Own Action Figure (VIDEO)

Friday, Feb. 21

The Price of PR , a roundtable discussion organized by SPIBAs Marketing Committee, will be held this morning starting at 9:30 a.m. in their Nevsky office. Featured speakers include Alexander Zypkin, the PR Director for MegaFons Northwest branch, Olga Chernysheva, the managing partner for BC Communications, and AKOS Executive Director Yekaterina Karzhonkova. Register by Feb. 20 if you wish to attend.

Starting at 9 a.m., AmChams Procurement Committee meeting will commence in their office in the New St. Isaac Office Center at Ulitsa Yakubovicha 24. Consolidated purchasing will be the topic of discussion.

Saturday, Feb. 22

Find out just how strong you or a loved one are at the Valiant Games starting today at the LenExpo center and pitting men against each other in a variety of events. If the Olympics werent enough action for you, then dont miss these masculine festivities.

Dance fans need look no further than this two-day extravaganza. Watch as amateurs compete for prizes by doing the Hustle and numerous other moves at the Petersburg Dance Social. The event kicks off today at 1 p.m. and runs into the early evening. Things pick up again tomorrow at 12.30 p.m. Find out more at the Broadway Dance website.

Sunday, Feb. 23

The second international choreography competition Under the Petersburg Sky begins today. Partnered with the Boris Eifman Ballet, youre likely to see some of the best in the world when it comes to creating art from movement. The competition continues until Feb. 27.

Monday, Feb. 24

Get your jazz fix during the sixth annual International Festival of Jazz and Dance Music starting today at the Kannon Dance Center at 7b Ulitsa Kazanskaya. The festival provide an opportunity for global musicians to collaborate and exchange ideas as well as giving the listening public an opportunity to hear some top-notch music.

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Edward Snowden Gets His Own Action Figure (VIDEO)

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