Could AI Replace Tom Cruise? – Discovery Institute

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr (cropped).

A new episode ofID the Futurefeatures a recent Michael Medved Show with artificial intelligent expert Robert J. Marks, author of the new bookNon-Computable You: What You Do That Artificial Intelligence Never Will. The occasion for the conversation isan articleby Marks about the Tom Cruise movieTop Gun: Maverick. Marks argues that, strictly in terms of optimal military tactics, the job of the human fighter pilots in the movie would have been better filled by drones. But as sanguine as Marks is about the possibilities for AI in military and other applications, he is among the loudest voices insisting that the AI community tends to overhype AI capabilities.

In his conversation with Michael Medved, and in greater depth inhis new book, Marks argues that AI will never replace certain roles and capacities possessed only by human soldiers. And AI, he says, will never be conscious or truly creative. While AIs best days are still ahead, says Marks, AI will always be limited to what can be performed by an algorithm, in contrast to non-computable you, who face no such limitation. Download the podcast or listen to it here.

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Could AI Replace Tom Cruise? - Discovery Institute

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