Beware the Left’s Second Amendment power grab – Washington Examiner

The leftists who wanted to force you to take a vaccine in order to keep your job and wanted to use a "Disinformation Board" to silence your First Amendment right to speak out against the government now want to eliminate your Second Amendment right to defend yourself and your family.

Our Bill of Rights, which includes the Second Amendment, is crucial to protect our personal liberties from an all-powerful federal government. If anyone questions the power of the modern federal government, think back to the power the federal bureaucracy seized to impose COVID mandates in the name of public safety while at the same time restricting your First Amendment right to challenge those mandates through censorship.

In the wake of the horrific tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, shameless politicians immediately pushed their political agenda of eliminating the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. President Joe Biden was behind a White House podium within hours to deliver a divisive political speech, claiming we have too many rights and telling us he must take away our rights to make us safer.

Leftists don't care about public safety they are in complete control of Baltimore and Chicago, two of the most dangerous cities in the world. Leftists made these cities more dangerous by releasing criminals during COVID and refusing to prosecute criminals as part of their "woke" agenda. Democrats keep our southern border open for gangs and drug cartels to pass through, and they refuse to cooperate with ICE to deport criminals. These soft-on-crime policies have created a crime wave, which has been exacerbated by the left's "Defund The Police" movement to cut police budgets. Leftist politicians who claim to care about student safety eliminated school resource officers, kicking police officers out of their schools.

These same leftists made children suffer with school closures, COVID lockdowns, and forced masking, which caused spikes in depression, drug use, and suicide. As we all suspected, the Biden administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention coordinated with national teachers unions to prolong remote learning and mask mandates for political reasons unsupported by "the science." Now, the Left is confusing children by telling them they have no gender, are not created in the image of God, and can experiment with puberty blockers to change their gender without consequence.

Children are suffering, and we face a mental health crisis in our country because the radical Left has spent decades attacking the role of God in our society, attacking the church, attacking the nuclear family, and dismissing the important role fathers play in raising their sons. The Left tells our children they do not come from God, they are not born for any purpose, and they cannot obtain salvation. The Left embraces abortion without restriction because life has no grand meaning to them, and the ability to create life is not treated with the awe and reverence it deserves.

Conservatives cannot back down under pressure from these radical leftists. We must be strong in defending the central pillars of our society and the constitutional rights of the people, including the Second Amendment. Leftists only care about taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens to make themselves more powerful and to make citizens powerless.

Americans have a fundamental right to keep and bear arms that "shall not be infringed." I will continue to defend our Second Amendment rights as a member of Congress, and I have never supported the Left's gun control agenda or their push for red-flag gun confiscation.

As you watch statements from leftist politicians and liberal media figures attacking the Second Amendment, remember that leftist politicians and celebrities are all protected by walls and guns because they know that walls and guns are effective at keeping themselves and their families safe. Leftists believe they have a right to defend themselves they just don't believe you should have the same rights they do.

In times of tragedy and evil, we turn to our faith in the Lord and are guided by what unites us. As Americans, we are united by our belief that our divine rights come from our creator. As Christians, we are united by a shared purpose to serve God above ourselves. We cannot let those who are attempting to destroy our society's central pillars of family, faith, and freedom succeed. We must work together to defend our rights, our freedoms, and our American way of life.

Rep. Mary Miller is a Republican representing the 15th District of Illinois. She runs a small family farm with her husband, Chris, and is a member of the House Freedom Caucus, Republican Study Committee, and House Second Amendment Caucus.

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Beware the Left's Second Amendment power grab - Washington Examiner

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