Sandown Town council accused of censorship and unreasonable response to effective councillor scruti … – On The Wight

A Sandown Town councillor has accused the Mayor, Cllr Paddy Lightfoot, of censorship and an unreasonable response to effective councillor scrutiny.

Cllr Emily Brothers says that at Mondays Town Council meeting the Mayor prevented her from making a statement, and also refused to allow for a hard copy of her statement to be circulated to fellow town councillors, as well as members of the public or press who attended.

Reason for investigation unknownCllr Brothers told News OnTheWight,

This is a form of censorship.

During the meeting the Mayor confirmed that an investigation into me is underway, but to date I have not been informed as to the terms of the investigation, why it has been initiated and who will be conducting the investigation.

News OnTheWight has emailed the Mayor and the Clerks of Sandown Town Council a series of questions in relation to the incident and will update once we hear back.

Brothers: Willing to co-operate with a fair and transparent investigationCllr Brothers went on to say,

I am willing to co-operate with a fair and transparent investigation, enabling me to move forward in representing residents and ensure accountability for the electorate of Sandown.

Thats why I would like to make my statement clear and available for them to read.

Cllr Brothers statementThe statement that Cllr Brothers had intended to share at the meeting reads:

I received an e-mail on 10/11/21 from the Town Clerk notifying that I would be subject: to have 2 members of staff present at any future meeting, and a note taken of any discussion and future action, and this note shared with the mayor.

What power is being applied by the Town Clerk?

No apparent process has been applied in reaching this decision.

This is an unreasonable response to effective Councillor scrutiny.

I am grateful to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor agreeing to meet me on 11/11/21 despite no resolution being reached.

The Mayor agreed to clarify by 15/11/21 the status and authority for the Town Clerks decision, which he endorses. No clarification has been received, so I now ask for clarification. Therefore, I will not adhere to the sanctions as no justification has been given for this action and I do not believe them to be lawfullyimposed.

I referred the matter to the Monitoring Officer, who advises that his powers are limited to member conduct not the process applied by a Town Council. Thus, no intervention is offered.

I will continue to observe the Members Code of Conduct, whilst not accepting the Town Clerks unfair restriction.

I remain determined to speak up for positive change in Sandown and will not be silenced by bullying and intimidation.

Image: Google Maps/Streetview and Sandown Town Council Website

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Sandown Town council accused of censorship and unreasonable response to effective councillor scruti ... - On The Wight

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