Snowden Got Help in Snooping from NSA Colleague

An NSA employee had his title and designation stripped after it was discovered that he had allowed Edward Snowden to use his password. Snowden got access to some very vital information through this fellow worker who is currently being disciplined.

Besides him there are two others, a military man and a contractor, who are held to be responsible for abetting Edward Snowden in his wrongdoings. The NSA began a cleanup operation of its rank and file to weed out suspicious elements.

According to the grapevine, Edward Snowden approached 20 to 25 people in the NSA while he was on duty as a contractor. A few are suspected to have aided him in his nefarious plans.

The security flaw that led to Snowden fleeing with confidential information was the largest of its kind in the annals of US history. It made the United States government and its agencies appear shamefaced before the rest of the world due to their spying behavior.

Snowden was a trickster who surreptitiously gained access to a coworkers password. From there onwards it was plain sailing for Snowden. He made off with thousands of documents that were top secret material.

However, in a rejoinder to this accusation, Edward Snowden has flatly denied having ever swiped any password. Only time will reveal who is lying and who is speaking the truth.

Source: NBC News

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Snowden Got Help in Snooping from NSA Colleague

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