What Times-Call readers said this week – Longmont Times-Call

Here is a selection of comments on stories posted by the Times-Call on its Facebook page Sept. 5-11, 2020.

Blake Edward Miller: I will miss you Dr. Valencia, so sad. Took care of me since sixth grade or before!

Shirley Parker: As a nurse at the hospital during his time, we always knew when he was coming because he wore clogs. We all loved him. He and Dr. Tanenbaum worked so well together. He definitely will be missed.

Rod Tilley: Dr. Valencia helped me immensely during the months and years following my stroke. His patience and guidance helped me towards a new and fulling life. He will be missed.

Olivia Alvarez: I think, you need specific data, charter shools in Longmont and Firestone are open since August and they dont have any cases. You have the option to enroll your kids in the (LaunchEd) program. That is totally online.

Meaghan Woodson: No matter what the district does parents will be upset, so its pretty simple: If you want your kids in school, send them; if you dont, choose the online option.

Heather Heasley: I want to know what St. Vrain Valley School District has to say about the recent publication on the CDC website that provides guidelines to parents in the event that schools have to keep our kids (without permission) overnight in the event of an emergency. In other words, I want written confirmation from Don Haddad saying that there is not a scenario that would prevent parents from taking children home in the event of an emergency.

Amy Grace: Do it SVVSD, get these kids back in school! Jeffco is going full time in person, the largest district in our state. If they can go, we can too.

Els Dominguez: Keep all kids home until January 2021, COVID along with the flu season will be too much. Also, LaunchEd, which is the online option, is very parent led and not an option for those with computer, language and possible monetary barriers. I had my two youngest in LaunchEd and had to unenroll them as it was not working for us at all.

Sheree Briseno: My daughter has been back in school and there have been no cases at her school or with anyone elses children that I know that are in school in person. These kids need in person learning, socializing, structure, routines.

Molly Creek: Totally get both sides here, but we cant live in a fantasy world and planning to continue to push the department of health are pretty concerning stances to take.

April Koontz Leverone: What it boils down to is this, no matter what the district decides, someone is going to be pissed off. Its a lose/lose for the district. I personally love how SVVSD has handled this whole situation thus far.

Jessica Martinez: The only comment I will make is please dont believe everything you hear or read. Do what you as an individual want to do. I work in dentistry (one of the highest risk categories) and all I can say is the information we are getting in general is not accurate.

Susan Ballard-McKie: Open the schools up and let the kids get back to school! More damage is being done keeping them out. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Lisa Fox Hennig: I trust SVVSD to do the safest science based choice for our children.

Cathy Hartigan: Imagine that! Private schools and charter schools leading the way! Public schools still evaluating. Hmmm.

Bryanna Pickens: How is it too early? After three weeks youd think we would have a spike. Look at Marchs data while everyone was in quarantine!

Melanie Koppes: Sad that so many people fall for this media propaganda and fail to have a conversation with someone with a different view. I guarantee that most Americans are pretty close on most ideas but we let the biased media and corrupt politicians tell us we are enemies. We are supposed to be united to stand up to them not divided against each other.

Lance Touve: I am surprised that, after literally decades of programs, mandates, laws and wokefullness, Boulder isnt a pristine, oppressiveless example of a non-biased city. Why would they need to demonstrate?

Shawn Bebout: Funny how they are trying to allow what rights you are allowed to stand up for.

Suzanne Frazier: We have a few people in this state who want to feel like they are in control of their lives and acting in such a way that is rather immature.

Hope Rabe: My family stands with Bandimere Speedway! If its OK for rioters to peacefully protest then it should be OK for people to really hold a peaceful protest.

Theresa Burke: First Amendment rights are legal! I stand with this group who are legally gathering under our First Amendment right.

Travis Pryor: Keep driving up those housing prices, baby. Pretty soon my humble little single-family dwelling will be selling for a half million!

Dave Larison: Carbon copy of Boulder where average home prices hit $1 million (four years) ago.

The rest is here:

What Times-Call readers said this week - Longmont Times-Call

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