BBC should not allow censorship of Proms – Bradford Telegraph and Argus

SIR - So the British Brainwashing Corporation are to ban Rule Brittania and Land of Hope and Glory from the proms.

The season is a significant event in British culture and in classical music. Czech conductor Ji Blohlvek described the Proms as "the world's largest and most democratic musical festival".

Outside proms existed in London's pleasure gardens since the mid 18th century, and indoor proms became a feature of 19th century musical life in London from 1838, notably under the direction of Louis Antoine Jullien and Sir Arthur Sullivan. The annual series of Proms continuing today had their roots in that movement. They were inaugurated on August 10, 1895 in the Queen's Hall in Langham Place by the impresario Robert Newman, who was fully experienced in running similar concerts at His Majesty's Theatre.

So, we have had the proms, in one shape or another for nearly three hundred years. The BBC is a relatively new organisation and it should not be allowed censorship of what is chiefly a series of concerts celebrating British culture.

Will the BBC drop British from its name?

D Hodgson, Falcon Road , Bingley

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BBC should not allow censorship of Proms - Bradford Telegraph and Argus

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