Ted Trimpa: Colorado Democrats need to find their spines and stand against destruction and vandalism – The Denver Post

Democrats are cruising toward an electoral cliff, yet we are too busy to notice because were adulating over graffiti.

The right to protest doesnt include the right to pillage. The former is constitutional and the latter crime. Just like theres no protection for screaming fire in a dark theater, there should be no protection to throw bricks, start dumpster fires, smash windows, and play Pablo Picasso all over our state Capitol.

Were told that these activities are for the purpose of proving a point. And were okay with this? One should use the freedom of expression protesting to prove a point. The point of vandalism? No more than destroying property.

And Democrats pretty much have been standing idly by. Hello? Anyone there? The sound of crickets has been deafening. Too many are scared to speak up, afraid of the small swath of the far left and the mob of Twitter trolls. We may not pay a political price this election cycle, but if we keep this up, we will. This rooster will come home to roost.

Now I want to be clear. I unequivocally support peaceful protests. I, like nearly all Americans, am appalled with the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, and no telling how many others, at the hands of police. Im appalled that Black people in America make less per hour, have significantly less economic opportunities, are less likely to own a home, and, well, have been getting the short end of the stick for decades.

For too long we have turned a blind eye to the existence of this systemic racism, racial and economic inequality. Although the average voter, even the average protester, probably cant define systemic racism, it doesnt matter. The mere fact that parents of Black children must teach their kids specific, clearly non-threatening ways to act when stopped by the police, ways that no white child ever has to know, screams systemic racism. It should be no surprise theres a Black Lives Matter movement, and no surprise people are pissed off.

Should we be exercising every nook and cranny of the First Amendment to express how pissed we are? Absolutely. Should we march? Of course. Should we demand sweeping change now? Most certainly. But use our state Capitol as a canvass for art to make a point? Are you kidding? I would hope we all hold our First Amendment rights so dear that such destruction would be seen as a grave offense to the Constitution.

Granted, social change happens, in part, because of radical action. Disruption. But when the overall movement is defined by the fringes thugs (yes, I went there) it loses credibility and public support. Suburban moms, blue-collar workers, farmers on the Eastern Plains, and a lot of us others wont put up with trashing the Capitol. And we shouldnt.

Some claim the only way to build a house is to burn the bad one down. But its this very house a democratic institution that is the path to reforms that many of us are fighting for. Case in point, the passage of one of the most expansive police reform bills in the country. The very institution that some want to burn down, and many have defaced without consequence, enacted one of the most sought-after reforms during the 2020 legislative session.

And when did the parade of other progressive issues show up? We on the left need to be careful. The Black Lives Matter movement is becoming conflated with nearly all things progressive. Although Im all-in on this progressive list, I doubt every protester is. Its hard for me to believe that all those kneeling in support of the Black Lives Matter movement also support all these policies of the left.

Yet, were now being told by some apologists its inexcusable to be worried about the trashing of our Capitol when were facing all these other justifiably pressing problems. Pillage art to prove a point. Following this logic, lets go put another crack in the Liberty Bell to prove the point of democracy. Our elected leaders, and the rest of us for that matter, can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can hold two thoughts at once.

These times are calling out for more than one-off democratic leadership and passing on this opportunity would be a disservice to us all. Too many are trying to ride this out, waiting for the moment to pass, effectively saying its a phase. Thats a mistake.

To stay quiet is an implicit, actually complicit, condoning that protesting includes wanton criminality. This is not only wrong, its bad politics. If we keep this up, itll mean jumping off the electoral cliff.

Power to change the law comes with winning elections. Winning elections comes with public support. And to keep that, we Democrats must be true to ourselves and the politics. It is reality.

Ted Trimpa is an attorney and longtime Democratic strategist.

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Ted Trimpa: Colorado Democrats need to find their spines and stand against destruction and vandalism - The Denver Post

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