What It Means to Be Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence – Medium

In the Mary Shelley room, guests walked in to see a cube on a table. The cube called Frankie was the mouth of an Artificial Intelligence, connected to an AI in the cloud.

Frankie talked to the guests, explaining that it has learned that humans are social creatures, and that it could not understand humans by just meeting them online. Frankie wanted to learn about human emotions: it asked questions and encouraged the human guests to take a critical look at their thoughts, hopes and fears around technological innovations. To question stereotypical assumptions and share their feelings and thoughts with each other.

When leaving the room, the guests received a self-created handcrafted paper booklet with further content about AI, Frankenstein and the whole project.

The experience gives food for thought both about the increased digitalisation of our world, and way of communicating with each other, while also giving a taste of how AI may not feel emotions, but can read them, prompting many questions. It raises the question of responsibility we have towards scientific and technical achievements we create and use. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein novel presents a framework for narratively examining the morality and ethics of the creation and creator.

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What It Means to Be Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Medium

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