Letter: The Law and Order President – Northwest Herald

Trump, who claims to be the Law and Order President, is gaslighting his gullible base of Fox News and OAN viewers as his right wing propaganda machine promotes fear-mongering advertisements featuring brutal images from the 2014 Ukraine Pro-Democracy protests again the Authoritarian Regime of Petro Poroshenko.

Meanwhile, his vicious Stormtrooper private army of unmarked SS paramilitary thugs, many belonging to Erik Princes taxpayer-funded Blackwater, are beating, tear-gassing, pepper-spraying, shooting with rubber bullets and illegally detaining peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment rights to expose Americas racial injustices, police brutality, the criminal negligence of this administrations Covid-19 debacle and Trumps growing Neo-Fascist authoritarianism.

All this chaos to create Trump's own Reichstag fire in American cities. Himmler and Hitler would

be proud.

Lets review: The guy who is an unindicted felon accomplice for campaign finance fraud in the case his attorney was convicted for paying illegal hush money to a porn star, was fined for operating a fraudulent charity, sued for operating a fake university, swindled investors, associates and employees.

He's been accused of sexual assault, rape and pedophilia by over two dozen women, violates the emoluments clause for personal enrichment, pardons war criminals, traitors, con artists and swindlers, who evades taxes, committed bank and insurance fraud, who was impeached for bribery and extortion of Ukraine, who obstructs justice with the help of his corrupt AG and who arguably committed treason in aiding and abetting his puppet-master Putins attack on our 2016 election as he remains silent to Russian bounties paid for our dead hero soldiers.

That guy claims to be the Law and Order President. Thankfully, honest, moral and ethical Republicans like the Lincoln Project, Real Americans and RVAT.org are exposing Trump, his incompetent cabinet, sycophant congressional cowards and MAGA Cult followers to their own anti-American, anti-democracy depravity. On Nov. 3, vote blue to end this nightmare!

Bob Janz


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Letter: The Law and Order President - Northwest Herald

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