Letters to the Editor – Arizona Daily Star

Stop blaming Trump for COVID-19

Lets get some things straight about Trump and COVID-19. The virus originated in China. They covered it up and allowed it to spread internationally. In January, Donald Trump issued a travel ban on China and declared a public emergency, followed by travel bans on Europe, Mexico, and Canada.

In March he declared the virus a pandemic and a National Emergency. Yes, Trump initially down played the severity of the virus, but so did illustrious Dr. Anthony Fauci and others. Trump initiated historic public and government actions to acquire and manufacture millions of masks, gowns, face shields and thousands of ventilators.

According to a GAO report, COVID-19 required many more PPEs than the national stockpile could store. Trump got big health care insurers to waive testing costs and deductibles for COVID care. Trump launched the Operation Warp Speed vaccine program.

The White House and the CDC set guidelines for states to reopen. Some governors ignored them.

Employers have responsibilities, too

I understand that a national liability bill is being or will be proposed to protect an employer from frivolous lawsuits. However, the employer must first provide a safe work environment in this COVID-19 time: requiring or providing masks, protective barriers or adequate space between workers, keeping the work area and restrooms clean and sanitized. Whatever is needed to protect employees from catching or giving COVID-19 to one another.


Letters to the Editor - Arizona Daily Star

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