Twitter reportedly censors moving Bible message from Tim Tebow: ‘Sensitive content’ – TheBlaze

Twitter reportedly censored one of former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow's Bible-centric videos for promoting "sensitive content."

The Western Journal obtained a screenshot of the reported censorship before the tech giant apparently removed it.

The video which innocuously featured Tebow imploring Christians to hold fast to their faith amid trying times was censored with a banner that read, "The following media includes potentially sensitive content."

In the video, the outspoken Christian athlete stresses the importance of relying on God through difficult times.

He says, "Bible believers, when we look at the Bible, and we see a lot of the heroes, a lot of times they truly were wounded deeply before they were ever used greatly. So maybe you're going through a time in your life where you feel like you've just been wounded greatly. It hasn't been your year, hasn't been your day you just don't feel like this is your time."

Tebow adds, however, that there is growth in the valley.

"This could be your time for learning," he cautions. "This could be your time for growing. This could be your time for adapting. This could be the time that is a test for you, but tomorrow it gets turned into a testimony."

The famed athlete points out that God could very well be preparing those struggling through difficulties for greater disciplines.

"You never know what God is doing with your life," he adds. "You never know what he is preparing you for. So many times in the Bible, when we look at the heroes, there were times in their life where if they stopped, if they quit, if they said, 'No, God, I've had enough' then they would have missed out on the most impactful, most influential times of their life."

"Maybe that is the next step for you," he adds. "Maybe that is tomorrow. Maybe that is next week, maybe that is next year. But when we quit, we will never know what we missed out on. We will never know what's in store for us."

Tebow explains that there should be no fear in uncertainty because of Christians' relationships with Jesus Christ.

"We get to trust an unknown future to a known God, because we know how much he loves us," he explains. "We know what he did for us in sending his son. He gave his best for us."

He concludes the video, Right where you're at, whatever you're doing, whatever you're going through, he loves you. You were enough for his son to die on the cross, that's how much you're loved. Hold onto that in your time of need."

Tebow captioned the video, "This could be your time. That breakthrough could be tomorrow, or it could be next year. But, you have the opportunity to turn however you're being tested into a testimony. So many heroes were wounded deeply before they were used greatly!"

TheBlaze reached out to Twitter for verification of the content warning and clarification as to why it was purportedly placed and subsequently removed.

A Twitter spokesperson tells TheBlaze that the company is looking into the alleged censorship.

The video has been viewed more than 43,000 times at the time of this reporting.

See the article here:

Twitter reportedly censors moving Bible message from Tim Tebow: 'Sensitive content' - TheBlaze

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