AI Predicts The Future – AI Daily

Although artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly popular, no one knows how far it can actually evolve, and although some people believe that it will become fully aware of our super-species, others believe that this is not possible and that AI will only support humans in the future.

There are still many ethical issues associated with artificial intelligence that companies do not need to address at present, such as the ethical implications of the future use of artificial intelligence.

In 2020, more than ever, AI assistants will be arranging their calendars, planning their journeys, ordering pizza and more. AI is really woven into our lives today, so much so that most people don't think for a second that when they search Google or watch Netflix, highly accurate AI-driven predictions are at work that make the experience flow. They interact with us and help us make more informed decisions about our daily lives and activities.

As these services learn to anticipate our behavior and better understand our habits, they become increasingly useful to us as we age.

This will lead to a glorious utopia if people follow more meaningful aspirations in their lives, rather than let economic necessity dictate what they spend their time on. There is no doubt that the economic and social changes that AI promises to bring, and in some cases threatens to bring, go beyond anything imagined in previous technological revolutions. A future in which machines do physical labor, just as they did during the Industrial Revolution, but where decisions are made, work is thought and done by machines, not by humans.

This is an outcome that continues to be hotly debated and is not likely to be achieved until 2020. As AI technology and machine learning applications improve, we are likely to see more tools like GPT 2.0 making more and better predictions for the future. Asking it to predict our future based on the past curated by Reddit is certainly something new, but it's certainly not the end of the line.

In smart cities, AI chips will help locate missing people and search for stolen vehicles. The same idea must be applied to car accidents, as cars learn to break laws and driving rules when it means saving more lives. AI chips will also improve our ability to process visual data more efficiently, paving the way for autonomous vehicles of the future.

Because AI can read and synthesise a huge dataset much faster than we can, it can be used to predict all sorts of things, from virus outbreaks to crimes. By processing data from any source, chips can provide more privacy and reliability as well as lower costs in the future.

If we continue to improve, we will probably be able to make more and better predictions about the future. In the meantime, the model railway lets us train on what we can expect in weeks, months or years. I think asking us to philosophise about our future, based on the past curated by Reddit, is new, but I'm glad we did.

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AI Predicts The Future - AI Daily

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