The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Future Education – Modern Diplomacy

While the market for facial recognition toolsand services is expected to more than double in value to $7bn by 2024, there have been repeated calls by politicians and civil rightsagencies safeguard against potential misuse of the technology. Biometricmonitoring and susceptibility to unfair bias are primary concerns, along withthe lack of industry standards that are a barrier to companies and governmentsdeploying the technologys potential benefits.

To help organizations tackle this challenge, theWorld Economic Forum released the first framework for the safe and trustworthyuse of facial recognition technology. The Framework for ResponsibleLimits on Facial Recognition was built by the Forum, industry actors, policy makers, civil societyrepresentatives and academics. It is meant to be deployed and tested as a toolto mitigate risks from potential unethical practices of the technology.

Although the progress in facial recognitiontechnology has been considerable over the past few years, ethical concerns havesurfaced regarding its limitations, said Kay Firth-Butterfield, Head ofArtificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the World Economic Forum. Ourambition is to empower citizens and representatives as they navigate thedifferent trade-offs they will face along the way.

This is the first framework to go beyond generalprinciples and to operationalize use cases for two distinct audiences:engineering teams and policy makers. Members of the working group have playedtwo complementary roles:

The first are contributors: industryrepresentatives (Groupe ADP, Amazon Web Services, IDEMIA, IN Groupe,Microsoftand SNCF,); policy makers (members of the French Parliament, OPECST,);academics; civil society organizations; and AFNOR Certification. The second areobservers: the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale delinformatique et des liberts CNIL) and the French Digital Council (ConseilNational du Numrique).

I support the idea of a bill at the FrenchParliament to enable this kind of experiment, which is essential to inform thepublic debate on facial recognition technology, said Didier Baichere, FrenchMP. More specifically, this bill aims to define the scope, objectives,stakeholders, and territories where such an experiment could be conducted aswell as the requirements for an informed and inclusive public consultation topromote public knowledge of the opportunities and the limits of facialrecognition technology.

Recent scientific progress, both in artificialintelligence and in computer vision more specifically, has enabled, in just afew years, a significant breakthrough in areas related to facial recognition,said Jean-Luc Dugelay, computer vision researcher at EURECOM Sophia Antipolis.For that reason, I believe that it is essential to accompany these advances inscience with a global policy reflection on the appropriate use of thistechnology; through a multistakeholder collaboration that involves academics,engineers, technology providers, and users, policy-makers, lawyers andcitizens.

The need for shared landmarks for artificialintelligence in general, and its application for facial recognition inparticular is primordial. Considers Olivier Peyrat, Chief Executive Officer ofAFNOR group. I consider positive all collective initiatives aimed at promotingtransparency, the sharing of the same language, precise and unequivocal, aswell as the definition of measures of confidence. The challenge is to createconditions accepted by public actors, private actors and citizens, to makepossible the development and the implementation of these new technologies in aserene environment.

This framework is structured around four steps:

Define what constitutes the responsible use of facial recognition through thedrafting of a set of principles for action. These principles focus on privacy,bias mitigation, the proportional use of the technology, accountability,consent, right to accessibility, childrens rights and alternative options.

Design best practices, to support product teams in the development of systems thatare responsible by design, focusing on four main dimensions: justify the useof facial recognition, design a data plan that matches end-usercharacteristics, mitigate the risks of biases, and inform end-users.

Assess to what extent the system designed is responsible, through an assessmentquestionnaire that describes what rules should be respected for each use caseto comply with the principles for action

Validate compliance with the principle for action through the design of an auditframework by a trusted third party (AFNOR Certification for the policy pilot).

France joined the World Economic Forum Centrefor the Fourth Industrial Revolution in January 2019. The framework wasco-designed by a fellow from the French government in residence at the Centre.


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The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Future Education - Modern Diplomacy

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