Artificial intelligence is changing the world here’s how to invest –

This is the second part in aseries looking at the investments for the future sectors that will grow to become major industries and provide returns along the way. Part onelooks at clean energy. We will also focus on, water security, ageing populations and nutrition

"Alexa, can I make money investing in companiesthat buildartificial intelligence (AI) programmes?"

There is a lot of hype around the technology andit has thepotential to transform our lives. This naturally has led to investors approaching the sector with interest, looking to see whether they can invest in the next big technological change.

Investing in something as specific as AI is known as thematic investing or trend investing. Thisis a way of getting exposure to one niche area that is expected to expand significantly over time and therefore grow an investment.

Investing in AI is the second part in aseries looking at trend investing. Telegraph Money studies the outlook AI companies, how they would withstand a recession and what is the best way to invest for those enamoured with the sector.

AI is beginning to touch all areas of our lives, from suggesting films on Netflix to helping doctors diagnose diseases. It even interacts with us in our homes via smart speakers, which can play music and answer questionsamong an increasingly sophisticated array of "skills".

While AI dates back to the work of computer pioneer Alan Turing in the 1940s, its usefulness for the masses could be at a turning point. Research from Microsoft showed that around half of British businesses are now using AI in some form.

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Artificial intelligence is changing the world here's how to invest -

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