Letters to the Editor: Dec. 24, 2019 – TCPalm

Inviting Russia back to G8 seems likegood idea

Harvey Glatt, in his Dec. 14 letter, writes, "But (Vladimir) Putin, since Russia's membership (in the G8)was suspended, has stepped up both his aggression in Ukraine and his efforts to undermine democratic nations, including the United States."

He follows up with the complaint that President Donald Trump and U.S. Rep. Brian Mast voted to allow Russia back into the G7 summit. Since exclusion, by Glatts own admission, is not working, allowing Russia back seems like a good idea. The adage of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" would seem to apply.

President Barack Obama was cowardly and incapable of facing anyone down. He only bowed and pandered to the world, while demeaning the United States. He did nothing when Russia invaded Crimea, and sent "blankets" to help Ukraine protect themselves from a Russian invasion.

I hardly think trying to isolate Russia is going to accomplish anything except to encourage them to partner up with China It's hard to negotiate anything when you aren't willing to talk.

So kudos to Trump and Mast for their courage and reason in leaving the door open.

Maureen Cotter, Vero Beach

Chelsea Manning during A Conversation with Chelsea Manning at Bard College, Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts in Annandale-on-Hudson on Wednesday, February 21, 2018. Manning was convicted of leaking more than 700,000 classified documents, including battlefield reports on Iraq and Afghanistan and State Department cables, while working as an Army intelligence analyst in Iraq. She has said the leaks were intended to expose wrongdoing.(Photo: John Meore/Poughkeepsie Journal)

Presidential clemency in history

David Horsmans snarky Dec. 15 letter decrying interference by "President Bone Spurs in the military justice system displays a woeful ignorance of presidential clemency involving U.S. military personnel.

President AbrahamLincoln, who did not serve, issued more than 60 pardons for military-related crimes before being assassinated. His successor, Andrew Johnson, granted clemency to many thousands of Confederate troops Christmas Day1868.

More recently, President Bill Clinton, who did not serve, granted posthumous clemency to Henry Flipper, the first black graduate of West Point, found guilty of embezzlement but dishonorably dismissed from the Army. President Jimmy Carter granted amnesty to many thousands of draft-dodgers from the Vietnam era.

President Barack Obama, who did not serve, commuted the 35-year sentence of Chelsea Manning, who had pled guilty to espionage, freeing the former Army intelligence specialist decades before her scheduled release date of 2045. I must have missed Horsmans letter on that one.

Jim Trout, Sebastian

I wonder why people who stop for a red light stop four car lengths behind the car in front of them.

When the light changes to green, it takes much more time to move through the intersection before the light changes to red again. I am confused as to why so many people think that is a good idea.

Barbara Beach, Stuart

A Dec. 11 Opinion piece about the Listen First Project recommends we listen to one another, particularly in matters of political discussion.

Thats difficult.

When, in a discussion, topics such asMedicare for all, free college tuition, forgiveness of college loans, welfare and driver licenses for non-citizens, etc., come up, and are challenged, you'll get, Well both sides do that; both sides make promises.

Asked for an example from the other side, the person calls you a name, refuses to argue whenin fact you were hoping for a discussion. We see examples of this every day.

This has gradually become the modus operandi of today's Democratic Party. It is not your father's or even grandfather's party. It is not the party of JFK, who famously said, Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Today, that party has as one of its more prominent spokespersons Bernie Sanders, who says he's calling for socialism, but claims not to be looking at Cuba or Venezuela, but Denmark and Sweden.

The first two are socialist, the second two are not. (Actually, some Scandinavian countries that did try socialism years ago have since privatized industries and repealed regulations.) Denmark's prime minister recently refuted Sanders statement with, Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. In fact, in economic freedom Scandinavia is near the top. Their emphasis is on self-reliance and hard work.

Socialism crushes freedom as seen in Venezuela and Cuba. It is a system of ownership of the means of production and distribution by government, not individuals. Obviously, as our Constitution is based upon individual rights, it would have to be repealed or revoked by pen or sword to become our system here in the United States.

Audrey Taggart, Hobe Sound

The Dec. 16 letter from teacher Lynn Nissen was well articulated with regard to defining the elements involved in the dissemination of learning to students. In simple terms, teaching involves a behavioral technology designed to stimulate the brain to be receptive to the transmission of important lifelong information.

Indeed, it is not the responsibility of a teacher to function as a social worker, keeping antisocial behaviors from distracting from the learning process. That is the responsibility of educationally trained social workers, who ideally would function as guidance counselors or behavioral therapists.

Unfortunately the current composition of many families does not meet the standards of "the nuclear family. The concepts of single-parent households, dual-wage earners, divorce, and other situations often place an overwhelming and stress-laden burden on supervisory parenting.

When this deficiency manifests, mayhem, physical injury and gunshots may permeate the classroom.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of local school boards along with the FloridaBoard of Education to meet and address this situation. Parents and teachers must understand their designated roles and join together to create the positive classroom atmosphere. Hopefully when each participant fulfills their obligatory duties the educational process shall be enhanced.

Gary S. Weiner, Port St. Lucie

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Letters to the Editor: Dec. 24, 2019 - TCPalm

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