Best TV Shows About Cryptocurrency – Fortress of Solitude

The cryptocurrency community has almost become an alliance, a group of people spread across the world pledging their support to a new global financial system. The only real way of supporting cryptocurrency is to get involved with it or is it?

You can now do more than keep up to date on developments and promote it over dinner tables and glasses of red with your friends. More joy can be found in crypto in the TV series that have touched on crypto. And there are more than you think.

Here are the best TV shows that have ties to crypto. Some of them you have probably seen before but didnt realise the connection.

The most loved bunch of geeks must have dedicated an episode to cryptocurrency, surely? Well, they did and they would have a fortune to their name f they could only remember where they stored their mined coins all those years ago. They tell the story of the almost dream of crypto and they do it well. If only they had left it in a secure Luno Bitcoin Wallet, they would be rich now. Actually, they already are

Arguably the best insight into crypto with laughs along the way is found in Silicon Valley. In the first season, the characters wanted to start their own digital coin and in season five, they are enjoying the fruits of their crypto business. Diehard crypto fans need to know about Richard Hendricks and the gang.

The Good Wife is a show that has won around the masses, from lunchtime viewer to midnight TV bingers. In one episode towards the end of season three, the complexities of Bitcoin are laid bare for a court case and is a great insight into crypto for newcomers to the scene.

One of the successes of The Simpsons is that it includes a wealth of characters and personalities, just like our real world. And with different people, it is unsurprising that Bitcoin has become a part of some of their lives. There have been subtle Bitcoin hints at stages, but one particular episode features Krusty the Clown discussing his own bitcoin ventures.

The fact that TV makers are referring to Bitcoin is a great advert for the industry. It helps people to be exposed to it and be less fearful of something that is unknown or only whispered about between people in tech and finance circles. The power of TV and film to promote products and services is monumental, and with TV makers on side, it could have positive and lasting effects on the crypto sphere.

Although a Bitcoin film or crypto blockbuster has yet to be made, dont be surprised if one is in the pipeline or coming to a cinema near you soon!

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Best TV Shows About Cryptocurrency - Fortress of Solitude

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