Chelsea Manning burns Thin Blue Line flag, says f*#k the …

The former US Army soldier who betrayed her country and put her fellow service members at risk before becoming a transgender attention-seeker has once again made headlines after burning a Thin Blue Line flag and saying, F*&k the police.

Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning) posted a photo of a burning Thin Blue Line flag to Twitter on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, complete with the caption, F*** the police.

Manning then followed up by saying that Americans live under domestic military occupation in every major city.

The 31-year-old is best known for leaking classified military information to Wikileaks in 2010, putting servicemembers at risk. Charged with 22 offenses to include aiding the enemy, Manning was eventually found guilty for the majority of the charges and sentenced to 35 years in prison.

In 2017, Mannings sentence was commuted by then-President Barack Obama, allowing the disgraced former Soldier to walk among the populace. The following year, Manning ran for the US Senate as a Democrat in her home state of Maryland, winning only 5.7% of the vote during the primary.

Manning and anti-police sentiment are not a new combination- last year, Manning posted something similar on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

In addition to showing absolutely no support for police, Manning took the cake this year by posting a surveillance video of police searching Mannings empty apartment after the dishonorably-discharged intelligence analyst threatened suicide.

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Chelsea Manning burns Thin Blue Line flag, says f*#k the ...

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