Citizenfour: Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald …

This review is not my opinion of Snowden or the NSA but my thoughts on the quality of the documentary. I am surprised by the dozens of one-word "boring" reviews here. Since CitizenFour is a documentary, I wasn't expecting a car-chase pace.

Perhaps it is because I immersed myself in an isolated environment with laptop with headphones that I found the slow pacing and long silences to be so tense. The words left unsaid often seemed more sinister than those articulated. And despite Snowden wanting to come forward, I could really begin to feel his terror as the comfort of his anonymity and in-charge interviews gave way to the encroaching "oh crap" moments as he began preparing for the next steps.

The brief scene of him staring out the hotel window was chilling in its simplicity. It reminded me of films where prisoners of war are dragged outside to the firing squad and the prisoner looks up at the sky, knowing it will be the last time. Ever. When the Chinese human rights lawyer said they didn't have a car, and Snowden made eye contact with the filmmaker, I could almost feel his stomach plummet. I enjoy horror movies, but this quiet documentary really disturbed me.

See the article here: Citizenfour: Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald ...

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