How do I report my cryptocurrency gains/losses when I …

Income from mining:

According to the IRS, when a taxpayer successfully mines Bitcoins or crytocurrencies and has earnings from that activity whether in the form of Bitcoins or any other form, he or she must include it in his gross income after determining the fair market dollar value of the virtual currency as of the day he received it. If a bitcoin miner is self-employed, his or her gross earnings minus allowable tax deductions are also subject to the self-employment tax.

It depends on how those currencies were held and used. Based on that, the IRS determines whether to treat the currency as income or property.

Bitcoin used to pay for goods and services is taxed as income:

Bitcoin held as capital assets is taxed as property:

If you hold Bitcoin as a capital asset, you must treat it as property for tax purposes. General tax principles applicable to property transactions apply. In other words, just like stocks or bonds, any gain or loss from the sale or exchange of the asset is taxed as a capital gain or loss. Otherwise, the investor realizes ordinary gain or loss on an exchange.

Bitcoin received as incomeand then held and sold for profitis taxed as both:


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How do I report my cryptocurrency gains/losses when I ...

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