JSEcoin Website Cryptocurrency Mining

Problems We Are Trying To Solve1. Bitcoin consumes more electricity than Cuba2. Webmasters want new ways to monetize their sites3. Cryptocurrency shouldnt be so complicated

easy for everyone

Cyrptocurrencies are traditionally mined by industrial sized server farms setup next to power stations consuming vast amounts of electricity. Our platform saves energy and allows webmasters to monetize their websites by replacing the role of cryptocurrency miners.

Fee free fast transfers utilizing a multi-blockchain core database along with an account ledger we have been able to get the transaction time down to below 30 seconds and scaled it to 50,000 transactions a second in a test suite (the same operating capacity as VISA).

Self-Mining To make cryptocurrency fun, any user can log into their control panel and click a start mining button. A dedicated coin pool is offered so anyone with a web connection can go online and earn their fair share of the digital currency. This pushes the platform past just being for webmasters and app developers

Interesting FactThe cryptography code snippet uses less resources than a video advertisement and is less obtrusive to the user experience

JSEcoin Website Cryptocurrency Mining

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