Chelsea Manning Archives – Washington Free Beacon

Former U.S. Army soldier Chelsea Manning complained on Twitter Monday that she had been banned from entering Canada as a result of her conviction of espionage.

Former acting CIA Director Michael Morell resigned his non-resident Senior Fellow position at Harvard on Thursday in protest of convicted military leaker Chelsea Manning joining the Kennedy Schools Institute of Politics.

The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has named convicted felon and transgender activist Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow at its Institute of Politics for the 2017-18 academic year.

Chelsea Manning went after MSNBC host Joy Reid on Tuesday for defending Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) on Twitter.

A featured moment on Twitters Moments section described convicted military leaker Chelsea Manning as a U.S. Army whistleblower on Thursday.

Chelsea Manning, a transgender activist and former Army intelligence analyst who was imprisoned for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified U.S. documents, showed up to the White House on Thursday morning to protest President Donald Trumps decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military.

Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst who was imprisoned for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents, could be featured in an upcoming issue of flagship fashion magazine Vogue.

Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst convicted of leaking troves of U.S. secrets, was released from prison on Wednesday after former President Barack Obama commuted her sentence in January.

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Chelsea Manning Archives - Washington Free Beacon

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