Cable News Is Handling Coverage Of Chelsea Manning In The …

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Its absurd. Sometimes we have to step back and say, you know, some of these cases we cover, this is beyond insanity. Theres no way that taxpayers are going to pay a hundred thousand dollars for a gender transformation for this guy while hes in prison.

Host Mara Shiavocampo had asked him if the government had a responsibility to protect prisoners from imminent harm.

No. I mean, Im not going to coddle this person. Hes still a male. He has the male genitalia. Hes going in to serve with males. I mean, what a great idea. If Im convicted, I can say Im now a female, throw me in with the female prisons. I mean, we cant bring ourselves down to the level of these type of criminal - hes a criminal, hes a convicted criminal. He doesnt have these rights. His right is to go to jail and serve your time. Well protect you as we protect any other prisoner. Have a nice day.

People out there, dont send me angry emails that I refered to him as Bradley and not Chelsea and him instead of her. I dont do what Bradley Manning wants me to do. So thanks very much.

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Cable News Is Handling Coverage Of Chelsea Manning In The ...

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