Snowden takes a selfie with Glenn Greenwald

Edward Snowden got together Thursday with the British journalist who first reported the NSAs spying tactics and snapped a selfie to commemorate the occasion.

The selfie, first posted to Facebook on Thursday morning, shows the infamous NSA leaker grinning with journalist Glenn Greenwald, documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras and Greenwalds partner, David Miranda.

Snowden has been living in Russia since he was granted asylum there.

Miranda posted the selfie of the foursome and another photo of himself with Snowden on his Facebook account with the playful caption, Snowden selfie! Greenwald then shared it on Twitter and confirmed that the photo was snapped by the former NSA contractor.

In June 2013, Snowden exposed NSA secrets and leaked documents to Poitras and Greenwald in a Hong Kong hotel room over a series of interviews.

Greenwald published the spy secrets in an article for the Guardian on June 5, setting off a controversy over the United States surveillance programs that reverberated around the world.

This is the first photo that Snowden and Greenwald have taken together.

See original here:
Snowden takes a selfie with Glenn Greenwald

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