Snowden blocked from traveling to Germany, testifying to Parliament

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Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor turned leaker and whistleblower,won't be able to travel to Germany to testify about NSA surveillance, according to a report from The Guardian.

Snowden asked for asylum in Germany last summer, but his application was rejected because hedidn't file it from German soil. Theoretically, a trip to Germany could have been a second chance to file an application.Butplans for the trip broke down, with sharpdisagreement among German political parties about the propriety of allowingSnowden into the country.

Unnamed government officials wrote a letter to theparliamentary committee that invited Snowden, sayingthatthe invitation would "run counter to the political interests of the Federal Republic" and "put a grave and permanent strain" on relations between the US and Germany.The letter was obtained and published by Sddeutsche Zeitung, Germany's largest newspaper.

In Internet chat, Snowden opined on travel, short-sellingand national security.

Green Party leader Simone Peter said her party will continue to fight over the issue."Merkel is displaying cowardice towards our ally America," said Peter. "We owe the Americans nothing in this respect. The government must at least make a serious effort to safely bring Snowden to Germany and let him give evidence here."

Snowden has been living in Russia since he gave top-secret documents to journalists last year. His one-year visa will run out this summer, but his lawyerJesselyn Radack said she expects the visa to be renewed.

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Snowden blocked from traveling to Germany, testifying to Parliament

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