Snowden leaks erode trust in Internet companies, government

Edward Snowden's revelations about the National Security Agency's (NSA) data collection practices have eroded the public's trust in major technology companies -- and in the Internet, a Harris Interactive survey found.

Harris polled over 2,000 U.S. adults for their opinions on surveillance, data gathering, Internet privacy and trust in a post-Snowden era.

About 85% of those polled were at least somewhat familiar with Snowden's leaks about government surveillance and some 80% wanted Congress to implement new laws for curbing the NSA.

Despite that, over half believed that mass surveillance helps prevent terrorism and an almost equal number felt that Internet companies should cooperate with the government's efforts in this regard.

Somewhat paradoxically though, two out of three survey respondents also felt betrayed because ISPs and other online companies are working secretly with the government to collect and monitor the communications of private citizens. About 60% are less trusting of ISPs and other technology companies than before the revelations.

The results reflect mixed emotions among Internet users said Stephen Cobb, a senior security researcher at security vendor Eset, which commissioned the Harris Interactive survey.

"People clearly are thinking more about the relationship between privacy and security. What the Snowden revelations have done is to surface the unresolved tension over this issue," he said. "People would like, on the one hand, to think the surveillance is necessary. But there is push back against unnecessary surveillance."

There is little doubt that Snowden's revelations about major Internet companies like Google, Microsoft and Yahoo secretly handing over customer data to intelligence agencies have shaken consumer confidence. "The feeling of betrayal is considerable and understandable," Cobb said.

One result is that people appear to be scaling back their Internet use. Nearly half of the respondents have become more cautious about what they say, where they go and what they do on the Internet. About 25% are less inclined to use email these days because of the same reason.

Though the survey sample is relatively modest, the results are significant, Cobb said.

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Snowden leaks erode trust in Internet companies, government

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