Edward Snowden poll results (hero, traitor, or someting else) are in!

On March 19, we posed a question that's fed conversation at dinner tables, Sunday morning talk shows, and more Capitol Hill cocktail parties than you can shake a stick at:

Is Edward Snowden, who made off with classified files and leaked them to reporters, a hero, a traitor, or something in between?

For anyone who might need a refresher, Snowden is the former National Security Agency contractor who made off with a vast trove of classified files, fed them to hungry journalists, turned up in Moscow, and now faces espionage charges by the U.S. government.

Snowden recently turned up -- via robot camera -- at a TED talk, which you can read about here.

Well, the votes are in. But the polls much like elections in Turkey, Iraq and Cambodia remain open to debate.

Be our guest. Vote here. If we get enough votes, we'll publish the results again.

To date, the voting was much more lopsided than any of us here at Snowden Central could have imagined. You be the judge:

He's a hero for revealing that the NSA collected phone data on millions of ordinary Americans. 55.08% (363 votes)

He's a traitor who stole classified files and fled to Moscow, and he should be prosecuted. 30.96% (204 votes)

He's somewhere in the middle. We don't know enough, yet, about who he gave the files. 13.96% (92 votes)

Excerpt from:
Edward Snowden poll results (hero, traitor, or someting else) are in!

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