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Category Archives: Artificial Intelligence

How artificial intelligence is redefining computing as we know it – Tech News Inc

Posted: November 9, 2021 at 2:00 pm

The emergence of the personal computer and the Internet in the twentieth centuryNS The century has changed our daily lives. Today we have access to information anywhere and anytime and many of our tasks are now automated.

In recent years, another, quieter revolution has interfered with our daily lives. It could completely transform information technology as we know it, raise the site Technology review: It is artificial intelligence (AI).

In the last 40 or 50 years, a computer has become more compact and faster, but its almost a box loaded with microprocessors that execute human programming instructions.

Now, artificial intelligence is redefining computing on three different fronts: how computers are made, how they are programmed, and how they are used. And why they are.

The first change relates to the design. For decades, advances in computing have followed Moores Law, doubling the number of transistors on a chip every two years. AI requires a different approach: it requires too many simultaneous calculations.

This means that a new type of chip is needed. Technology review highlights. Manufacturers like Intel and Nvidia now offer custom AI chips called TPU (Tensor Processing Unit), designed to perform ultra-fast but less accurate calculations, such as those used by neural networks.

Second change: programming. For forty years we have been programming computers. In the next forty years, we will train them, says Chris Bishop, head of Microsoft Research UK. No need to write the rules anymore: the neural network learns them on its own by relying on the examples provided.

Developed by OpenAI Corporation, the system GPT-3 is able to learn a language on its own, write news articles, write computer programs, or come up with an entirely new piece of music.

The third revolution, finally, concerns the use of terminals. Today, devices no longer need a keyboard or mouse to interact with us. Technology review highlights. In fact, anything used in everyday life (refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, doorbell, toothbrush, etc.) can become smart.

Beings able to guess our desires before we even formulate them and communicate with each other. When I was a kid, it was my favorite scene from the movie novice magicianWhen Mickey asks for a broom to help him sort, says Daniela Ross, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (CSAIL). Soon we wont need any magic to make that happen. The computer came out of its box and turned into a broom.

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Artificial Intelligence in the Vineyard –

Posted: at 2:00 pm

Adopting this new vineyard technology is critical to the California grape industry.

Tom Shapland, PhD, CEO and cofounder of Tule Technologies

Anything humans can observe with their eyes a computer can be taught to see as well. Growers scout their vineyards for pests, disease, water stress, vigor, and moresoon this will all be achieved by computer vision: In the near future, vehicle-mounted camera systems will provide fast, efficient vineyard data and alert growers to problems that may require further human inspection and/or intervention.

But vineyard scouting is just one area of viticulture that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will transform.

Today, the term AI appears all over popular media. But in order to use the technology effectively within vineyard and winery operations, we have to learn what it is and how it works.

What is AI?

AI is a broad concept, describing a computer system that performs tasks that we would expect to require human intelligence. For example, a computer system like Amazons Alexa understands spoken language, the same way we expect people to understand spoken language. That is AI. A computer system that counts grape clusters utilizing the camera on a smart phonethat is AI. This second example is where we have seen the most striking gains in the power of this technology, the area of computer vision.

What is leading to these new capabilities in computer vision over the last few years is the use of machine learning. Put simply, creating software is like baking. You start with some inputs (i.e., flour, water, salt, and yeast) and use a recipe to produce an output (i.e., bread). In traditional software development, engineers write every step in the recipe. In machine learning, software engineers give a computer many examples of the inputs and outputs, and the computer learns from the examples to develop its own recipe. AI has become especially adept at looking at pictures as inputs and using a machine-learned recipe to tell us what is in the picturesthe output.

At Tule, our team of engineers have developed Tule Vision, a computer vision model that monitors water stress levels. Growers are able to take a short video of their plants, and the AI tells them the midday leaf water potential (i.e., LWP, or thirstiness of the plants). To achieve this, we gave a computer thousands of pictures of vines, as well as labels for each picture describing the midday LWP of the vines. The computer then learned to recognize the different levels of water stress in the plants, just as an experienced viticulturist learns by observing the vine canopy vigor, leaf-petiole angle, color, etc.

In the next few years, the wine industry will welcome many more AIs similar to Tule Vision that will provide agronomic insight via pictures.

I leave you with a warning: If California growers do not adopt AI, the grape industry will be wiped out. Though many growers chose their career path because they like working outside with their hands and not with computers, they need it will ultimately behoove them to seek out the latest automation tools and integrate them into their daily workflow. Doing so will increase the efficiency of daily and seasonal tasks, mitigate concerns over labor shortages, and allow our growers to make informed, real-time decisions about the health of their vines, grapes, and resulting wines.

If we want a vibrant grape and wine industry, and for future generations to have access to local wines and produce, then growers will have to eventually learn to farm by computer.

Get involved or get left behind.


Tom Shapland, PhD is the CEO and co-founder of Tule Technologies. He has a doctorate in horticulture and agronomy from UC Davis. You can learn more about how Tule helps growers make irrigation decisions at


Shapland will be speaking atWINExpo 2021.The AI and Automation in Vineyards panel discussion will feature vintners currently utilizing this advanced technology in the field who can speak, first hand, to their successes. Learn more about WINExpo and register.

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Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Windward with the 2021 Entrepreneurial Company of the Year Award for Powering the Maritime Ecosystem with Artificial…

Posted: at 2:00 pm

Windward is shaping the future of maritime intelligence with disruptive AI solutions that solve the toughest maritime challenges

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 9, 2021 /CNW/ -- Based on its recent analysis of the European Maritime Logistics Industry, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Windward with the 2021 Entrepreneurial Company of the Year Award for redefining how businesses make decisions in the maritime industry. Windward combines unrivaled maritime expertise with groundbreaking technology to empower organizations with sophisticated and innovative predictive tools that enhance risk management.


Windward is well-positioned in the maritime industry and helps customers drive profitability with data and predictive intelligence solutions that enable businesses to gain control over all maritime-related risk factors including insights into vessels, fleets, cargo, containers, and companies. The company facilitates the smooth functioning of global maritime trade, reduces threat factors, and increases risk awareness. Windward utilizes a robust depository of maritime data to optimize the decision-making process for the managerial teams of leading organizations in this industry.

"With extensive maritime domain expertise, Windward goes an extra mile in connecting the dots and bridging the intelligence gap that exists in reality, thereby enabling customers to integrate automated risk-based solutions for enhanced business practices in maritime operations," said Suriya Anjumohan, Senior Industry Analyst at Frost & Sullivan. "As a specialist in harnessing maritime data, Windward, with its AI-powered predictive intelligence and real-time actionable insights, protects its customers' business from malign risk factors."

Windward's AI platform leverages its robust maritime expertise and Big Data to maximize operational capabilities, enhance due diligence processes, provide effective recommendations, accelerate research, trade confidently with pertinent insights, and increase efficiency and profits. In addition, Windward has expanded its services in several verticals including the energy, banking and trade finance industries as well as enlarged its presence in the United States, Europe, the United Kingdom, and the GCC region.

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"Windward helps customers drive profitability and enhance maritime risk awareness with optimized risk and resource management," noted Anjumohan. "The company offers enhanced visibility into fleets' compliance and risk factors by leveraging maritime data and artificial intelligence technologies, thereby empowering customers to build a future-proof organization with a more informed and data-powered decision-making process."

With increasing maritime regulations and international trade tensions, Windward continues to evolve and face the growing challenges in the maritime industry with its strong domain expertise and skilled industry experts. The company continually upgrades its top-notch maritime intelligence tools and services to deliver easy-to-implement and comprehensive maritime AI solutions based on best-in-class data.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has demonstrated excellence in devising and implementing a strong growth strategy. The award recipient has shown strength in terms of innovation in products and technologies, leadership in customer value, and speed in response to market needs. The award looks at the emerging market participants in the industry and recognizes their best practices that are positioned for future growth excellence.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Awards recognize companies in various regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

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For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its role in helping investors, corporate leaders, and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models, and companies to action, resulting in a continuous flow of growth opportunities to drive future success. Contact us: Start the discussion. Contact us: Start the discussion.

Contact:Lindsey WhitakerP: 1.210.477.8457E:

About WindwardWindward is a leading Predictive Intelligence company fusing AI and big data to digitalize the global maritime industry, enabling organizations to achieve business and operational readiness. Windward's AI-powered solution allows stakeholders including banks, commodity traders, insurers, and major energy and shipping companies to make real time, predictive intelligence-driven decisions, providing a 360 view of the maritime ecosystem and its broader impact on safety, security, finance, and business. For more information visit


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Frost & Sullivan Recognizes Windward with the 2021 Entrepreneurial Company of the Year Award for Powering the Maritime Ecosystem with Artificial...

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The University of Maine Artificial Intelligence Series hosts webinar on AI in healthcare The Maine Campus – The Maine Campus

Posted: at 2:00 pm

On Thursday, Nov. 4, the University of Maine Artificial Intelligence Series hosted a webinar on the uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare industry. The webinar was held over Zoom and featured guest speaker Dr. Behrouz Shabestari, the acting director of the Division of Health Informatics Technologies and the director of the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) National Technology Centers Program.

The UMaine Artificial Intelligence Webinar Series is a series of free webinars for the Maine business community, policymakers, attorneys, healthcare providers and other members of the public. Experts from various companies come to speak on a variety of diverse topics in this field.

It is my great pleasure to introduce speakers today that are going to talk about artificial intelligence in healthcare, the Associate Vice President for Research at UMaine Ali Abedia said.

The Director of the Center for Computational Pharmacology and Computational Bioscience Program Larry Hunter was supposed to present during the lecture but due to technical difficulties was unable to.

Im going to talk today about the applications of artificial intelligence at NIBIB, Dr. Shabestari said.

According to Shabestari, NIBIB has four scientific program areas. These include the Division of Applied Science and Technology (DAST), the Division of Health Informatics Technologies (DHIT), the Division of Discovery Science and Technology (DDST) and the Division of Interdisciplinary Training (DIDIT).

Shabestari is responsible for running the Division of Health Informatics Technologies. This division looks at the study of AI through image processing, visual perception and display and point of care technologies and diagnostics.

AI can change how we gather data, not just how we interpret the data, Shabestari said.

According to Shabestair, there are applications of AI that can provide medical results 10 times faster.

If we have an application that uses the AI tool to get the information and interpret the data, then we also have the network for getting information from the standard 2-d images, so why cant we go directly from the data to the information, Shabestari said. According to Shabestari, researchers at NYU Langone Health are currently trying to solve this answer as well and it is an area that he is very interested in.

Another application of AI that is becoming impactful in the healthcare industry is AI with CT Denoising. CT scans involve the use of radiation to capture images and according to Shabestari, the impact that AI is having on this field is huge. According to Shabestari, AI machine learning for CT scanning can bring the dosage of radiation down 75% for the patients. Shabestari noted that radiation is not good for the patients so being able to reduce it while still producing strong images is a huge advantage.

Shabestari also notes that a major advantage of incorporating AI is you dont need to be an expert on AI to be able to use its applications.

It is a major advantage of AI training to be able to do things without needing complete expertise, Shabestari said. Shabestari noted that healthcare professionals can still gather results and information with AI applications without being an expert on it.

Shabestari also noted how AI applications are being incorporated into the fight against COVID-19.

It was a very challenging application, but wanting good COVID[-19] tests has expedited the AI application because the FDA approved it faster and there was a lot of money put into it to get faster results, Shabestari said.

Shabestari talked about an ongoing clinical trial that is in the works in which AI applications are being utilized in the assessment and management of COVID-19. It involves a device that patients blow into and then they put the results under a microscope and compare them to other viruses. The clinical trial is currently using the machine learning application of AI to identify and learn more about these viruses, and according to Shabestari, it has been very successful.

I hope this will be able to get to the market soon, Shabestari said.

Shabestari also noted that a major challenge that healthcare professionals are facing with COVID-19 is monitoring patients throughout the recovery period.

If people have COVID[-19] and then they recover and then it attacks a different area of the body such as [the] liver or kidney you cannot continuously get a CT scan, Shabestari said. He says an alternative that can be utilized when monitoring patients recovery is ultrasounds.

According to Shabestari, the benefits of utilizing ultrasounds is that it is beneficial for assisting less experienced physicians with identifying features for COVID-19 detection and diagnosis and provides 86% accuracy.

There was a brief question and answer period toward the end of the webinar. A question raised by a spectator of the webinar asked what skill sets are important for students that are interested in entering this field aside from technical expertise in AI.

A program is anything you can learn but it is the understanding. Im not an AI expert. I cannot write one line of code and understand it or the layer of the network, but I can clearly understand all of the applications, Shabestari said. AI is just an optimistic algorithm, so you have to learn how to apply the AI.

For more information and to see more webinars from this series you can visit the departments website at

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WhiteHat Jr to Host Free Virtual Event ‘AI Accelerator’ to Educate Children about How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the World – Devdiscourse

Posted: at 2:00 pm

The AI Accelerator will be the seventh edition of CreatorSpace, a monthly virtual event series where children engage and learn from world-renowned experts Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (NewsVoir) WhiteHat Jr, a leading live online learning platform, will host CreatorSpace: AI Accelerator, a free virtual event that aims to shine a light on the increasing importance of artificial intelligence in todays tech enabled world. The event will feature subject matter experts, including Gokul V. Subramaniam (Vice President, Client Computing Group and General Manager of Client Platform and Systems at Intel Corporation) and Alex Atanasov (Physicist and PhD student in theoretical physics at Harvard University). CreatorSpace: AI Accelerator will be held on Saturday, November 13, 2021 at 5 PM IST and is open to children between 6-18 years of age and their parents. The event is a part of WhiteHat Jrs flagship virtual interactive learning series, CreatorSpace, which addresses a new topic each month with the support of world-renowned experts. During the intensive, action-packed two-hour sessions, children will learn from experts about the importance, benefits and applications of Artificial Intelligence. Children will also get to participate in live quizzes and Q&A sessions. In just over 6 months, CreatorSpace has established itself as our most popular monthly educational event, bringing together tens of thousands of kids and their parents from around the world. Such traction motivates us to identify and curate immersive sessions with a wide array of renowned speakers to enlighten the young generation, said Trupti Mukker, CEO, WhiteHat Jr. ''With AI Accelerator, the attempt is to further feed the curiosity of students by introducing them to the fascinating ways in which technology is changing our lives today and how it can potentially shape our tomorrow. The event will be moderated and hosted by Samir Kochhar, a model, an actor and a television presenter known for being the host of the pre-match Indian Premier League. The event is complimentary for all enthusiastic learners globally and their parents. Register for free at About WhiteHat Jr WhiteHat Jr was launched in the year 2018 with the singular mission of empowering kids to become creators versus consumers of technology. The company has channeled students natural creativity through an engaging curriculum and personalized, live teacher attention. WhiteHat Jrs 11,000+ strong teacher workforce conducts thousands of live Coding, Math and Music online classes every day on its proprietary platform. Cumulatively, the company has conducted more than 8.7 million classes to date. About Gokul V. Subramaniam Gokul V. Subramaniam, vice president in the Client Computing Group (CCG) serves as general manager of Client Platform and Systems at Intel Corporation. He leads the global organization which is responsible for delivering validation platforms, reference designs, and system technologies for the client roadmap. Mr. Subramaniam is the author of seven publications in the areas of software engineering, mobile phones, and semiconductor system design. He is a former Technical Steering Council member of the Linaro, a collaborative open source software and engineering organization and holds six patents with an additional five filed in the area of compute, wireless, power management, camera/audio/speech/touch, industrial design, system and software. About Alex Atanasov Alex Atanasov is a PhD student in theoretical physics at Harvard University. He is driven by the prospect of applying tools from physics to study a diverse set of complex systems in the real world. He is currently studying how artificial neural networks process and learn from information. He published a book on complex analysis at age seventeen. Since then, he has published papers in fields ranging across string theory, quantum field theory, and neuroscience. Mr. Atanasov has worked as a software intern at Google, a neuroscience researcher at Yale, and a visiting researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He graduated magna cum laude from Yale with a BS in Physics and MS in Mathematics. He is also a classical guitarist with a passion for Bach. Image 1: Gokul V Subramaniam Image 2: Alex Atanasov PWR PWR

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WhiteHat Jr to Host Free Virtual Event 'AI Accelerator' to Educate Children about How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the World - Devdiscourse

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How artificial intelligence is redefining dating and relationships – India Today

Posted: at 2:00 pm

Millennials expect everything at their fingertips including love. Their expectations regarding an ideal partner are evolving fast and so are social and cultural expectations. Keen to make their own choices based on the connection they share with a person, they are in no hurry to settle down or compromise until they feel comfortable with their choice of partner. Around 67 per cent (of individuals) would rather find a meaningful relationship in the serendipity of a dating app than have friends and family arrange a set-up, says Sitara Menon, senior marketing manager of dating app OkCupid.

With the proliferation of Internet, new ways and means are in place to find love. Traditional dating culture among teens and those in their early twenties have been replaced with varied and flexible methods of getting together in which technology and social media play a crucial role. Pawan Gupta, CEO,, says: I used many matchmaking products and had a frustrating experience going through the whole process. It made me realise that traditional matrimonial sites in India suck because they were designed for parents, instead of urban Indians, and match people based on outdated, old parameters such as religion and caste/ community.

Whats clear is that daters are looking for love on their own terms. They have explicitly rejected the idea of shrinking themselves into a few pictures and 120 characters or the placement of your stars at birth and the zeros in your CTC. Today, dating apps are responsible for 1 in 3 relationships in the US, and this truth is expanding to India. Online dating puts the power of choice with individuals, allowing them to match with someone based on clearly expressed intentions, says Menon. On OkCupid, daters answer a minimum of 15 questions to feed an algorithm that forms the heart of the product. These are related to individuals beliefs, values and quirks so that they can find somebody compatible.

In the current paradigm, anybody can be slotted on the basis of parameters, and AI-driven algorithms then find the most optimal matches. The AI engine of, for example, uses technology at five different stages: registration, pre-chat stage, product gamification, post-chat stage, and removal of any biased data using machine learning. It uses the users basic preferences regarding their partners age range, height, caste, religion, location, education, and salary to filter and rank those matches. This is how users receive matches, adds Gupta. As users spend more time and interact with more users, their matches improve over time, helping them find a compatible partner.

Most of the shift due to AI, or even a simple software for that matter, is largely an attempt at simplifying lives and increasing efficiency. The biggest advantage of this technology in finding your ideal match is that it makes the process smoother and faster as you dont have to manually go through hundreds of profiles. AI does a lot of background work for you and significantly reduces the search space, says Shalini Singh, founder, andwemet.

The massive millennial population in India is spurring the demand for services and solutions that simplify their lives. And dating is no different. They demand dating apps that help them find the right partner on their own terms so they can enjoy a compatible relationship, says Menon. With an average millennial spending much of the waking hours online, dating apps have become a place where they get to connect with new and interesting people in the quest for love.

Irrespective of how much we deny it, AI is here to stay. When we consider the comfort it brings into different aspects of our lives, it seems daters are more than ready for matchmaking powered by artificial intelligence.


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A camera that trains you at home thanks to artificial intelligence and prevents you from hurting yourself | Technology – Central Valley Business…

Posted: at 2:00 pm

Its called Peloton Guide and its an AI-powered camera that measures our movements and exercises at home so that we dont injure ourselves and get the most out of lifting weights in the comfort of home.

Imagine buying some weights to train at home because the gym catches you far away or because the coronavirus has left you after effects that prevent you from being surrounded by so many people sweating and doing sports.

Now you start to train at home and you do not know if you are doing it well or badly, or if the movements you are doing are correct or you can injure yourself. Luckily for you there is a company called Peloton that has decided to take care of all this and more.

Peloton thrived during the pandemic with the exponential increase in sales of its smart bike, accumulating millions of subscribers in his payment application.

And now it seems that the situation has stabilized and that they have seen that they need to give a new blow to the table to stand out, in Peloton they have announced that they have ready a camera with artificial intelligence that corrects the movements of the training.

Peloton Guide is the Pelotons first foray into fitness and it consists of a camera (a kind of webcam) driven by an AI that records all our movements while we exercise and gives us advice and corrects our posture.

Is that how it works: Peloton Guide connects to your TV with an HDMI cable; Once you turn it on and log in to your Peloton account, you will see an interface similar to that of the Peloton Bike, where you can find live strength training and content already recorded on demand.

One of the reasons why so many people are overweight is because exercising is also tiring and boring. With these tricks it will be much more fun.

From there it is up to you to choose what training you want to do, be it a functional one, an upper body or a leg and gluteal one. Peloton Guide shows you what you select and trains you in real time with postural recommendations.

The camera, which is the novelty, allows you to see yourself on television training with the instructor so that you can compare your position with that of the expert, so there is no failure when executing the exercise.

This product will go on sale first in the US and will be the companys first gadget that costs less than $ 500 to buy. In case you do not have loose we leave you some exercises that are free.

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DISA Moves to Combat Intensifying Cyber Threats with Artificial Intelligence – Nextgov

Posted: November 5, 2021 at 10:01 pm

In the near term, Defense Information Systems Agency officials plan to strategically employ artificial intelligence capabilities for defensive cyber operations.

First of all, the threat has never been higher. It's also been commoditized: Malware has become commercialized as essentially organized crime on an international scale, Deputy Commander of the Joint Force Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network Rear Adm. William Chase III, told reporters during a media roundtable last week. So, one of the first questions we have to ask ourselves is: What are we actually vulnerable to?

The press event was associated with DISAs Forecast to Industry and the release of its strategic plan for 2022 through 2024.

That document organizes some of the agencys broad aims to accelerate [its] efforts to connect and protect the warfighter in cyberspace as the conflict landscape evolves. The vision includes lines of effort promoting activities to ultimately implement and refine a global network infrastructure and unified capabilities, such as leverage data as a center of gravity, and drive force readiness through innovation.

We're now standing up the Office of the Chief Data Officer to be able to catalog and understand all of the data sources that we haveand then be able to apply AI and machine learning to actually help our cyber defenders be able to, in more real-time, have visibility of the attacks as they're actually occurring on the network, DISA Chief Information Officer Roger Greenwell explained.

Greenwell, who also serves as the agencys acting risk management executive and Enterprise Integration and Innovation Center director, said officials are still in the process of finalizing who the chief data officer tapped to lead that office will be. But, he noted, the new hub is being built out and stood up, and it is populated with a number of individuals.

Its establishment comes at a crucial time when DISA is processing massive volumes of data. The agency oversees roughly 300 billion Internet Protocol version 4 addresses, and recognizes that it is simply not possible for analysts to have visibility into all those endpoints that exist and manually manage everything.

So, AI and machine learning are absolutely critical to that. We have some pilot efforts ongoing right now. Certainly, the Joint AI Center is a partner with us in terms of how we actually will go about taking advantage of AI, Greenwell explained. But that is, to me, the most critical need that we have for AI at this moment, but there certainly are other use cases for it as well.

The CIO and other senior officials at the roundtable also reflected on pivots being made to confront modern challenges. Director of DISAs Cyber Security and Analytics Directorate Brian Hermann noted that tools and networks are having to be rearchitected to match new demands accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

And at the same time, as the others noted, cyber crime is increasing and becoming more organized.

The reality is that we can't continue to do the things that we've done for years, in the same way, and be secure against that threat. And so, what we're focused on is automation, AI and tools like that so that we can relieve the pressure on the analysts, and get the high priority things in front of them very quickly, Hermann said, and deal with the known issuesthe challenges that come up all the timein a very automated way.

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Artificial intelligence for the care of green zones – Innovation Origins

Posted: at 10:01 pm

The Italian company Ecobubble wants to develop more liveable and hospitable cities. Ecobubble takes on the challenge of curbing urban pollution with their green zones technology. Co-founder Nicola Nescatelli explains how.

Were a company that designs and develops green solutions to curtail local pollution. We use integrated automation systems to do this and have different types of green solutions that can be linked to a variety of automation systems depending on the pollution problem. Our most requested services are: the design of public and private green zones for phytoremediation (remediation of pollutants using plants), Green Building, and the development of solutions for the Net Zero Emissions transition.

Also interesting: Plant filtration system as an alternative solution to treating wastewater

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The idea originated in the lecture halls of the Faculty of Astrophysics at the University of Rome. We were attending the NASA Clean Air Studyat the time. This project was set up to develop new air purification methods for space stations. It was here that we introduced our self-sustaining space greenhouses for future colonies on Mars.

Also read:: Living on Mars? Not so fast according to space experts

We decided to first start applying our knowledge and experience on Earth, seeing that the Earth is now also benefiting from cooperative efforts for sustainability. And also because space missions have a rather longer time horizon. Our research for Ecobubble began by cataloging more than six hundred phytoremediated plants. This way, we now know which plants are the most efficient for a particular type of urban ecosystem. With the multispectral cameras and sensors that detect pollutants, the lushness of the vegetation and environmental parameters can then be calculated. These cameras are in turn connected to the water management system of the green zones. Even people who do not have green thumbs can garden in a clean way by using Ecobubbles technology.

Several. This project is quite complex because it takes various disciplines to develop it. Think of mathematicians, physicists, botanists and experts specialized in artificial intelligence. In order to bring Ecobubble to the market, we would need, out of necessity, an automation process that could support customers in taking care of the plants. And, of course, collaborations with universities and large organizations that believe in us.

Although we have not pegged out our future yet, we will continue to use our creativity and scientific knowledge to create synergies between nature and technological innovations. We will tackle sustainability challenges. For now, we are in the process of constructing large green zones, and we have a pilot with Ecobubble home kits. We hope to put those home kits into mainstream sales within a year and a half.

You can read previous instalments of this series here.

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Filings buzz: tracking artificial intelligence mentions in the automotive industry –

Posted: at 10:01 pm

Credit: Michael Traitov/ Shutterstock

Mentions of artificial intelligence within the filings of companies in the automotive industry were 141% increase between July 2020 and June 2021 than in 2016, according to the latest analysis of data from GlobalData.

When companies in the automotive industry publish annual and quarterly reports, ESG reports and other filings, GlobalData analyses the text and identifies individual sentences that relate to disruptive forces facing companies in the coming years. Artificial intelligence is one of these topics - companies that excel and invest in these areas are thought to be better prepared for the future business landscape and better equipped to survive unforeseen challenges.

To assess whether artificial intelligence is featuring more in the summaries and strategies of companies in the automotive industry, two measures were calculated. Firstly, we looked at the percentage of companies which have mentioned artificial intelligence at least once in filings during the past twelve months - this was 86% compared to 57% in 2016. Secondly, we calculated the percentage of total analysed sentences that referred to artificial intelligence.

Of the 50 biggest employers in the automotive industry, Yamaha Motor Co Ltd was the company which referred to artificial intelligence the most between July 2020 and June 2021. GlobalData identified 151 artificial intelligence-related sentences in the Japan-based company's filings - 2.2% of all sentences. Aisin Seiki Co Ltd mentioned artificial intelligence the second most - the issue was referred to in 1.9% of sentences in the company's filings. Other top employers with high artificial intelligence mentions included Denso Corp, Ford Motor Co and Toyota Boshoku Corp.

Across all companies in the automotive industry the filing published in the second quarter of 2021 which exhibited the greatest focus on artificial intelligence came from Ford Motor Co. Of the document's 1,720 sentences, 22 (1.3%) referred to artificial intelligence.

This analysis provides an approximate indication of which companies are focusing on artificial intelligence and how important the issue is considered within the automotive industry, but it also has limitations and should be interpreted carefully. For example, a company mentioning artificial intelligence more regularly is not necessarily proof that they are utilising new techniques or prioritising the issue, nor does it indicate whether the company's ventures into artificial intelligence have been successes or failures.

In the last quarter, companies in the automotive industry based in Asia were most likely to mention artificial intelligence with 0.32% of sentences in company filings referring to the issue. In contrast, companies with their headquarters in the United States mentioned artificial intelligence in just 0.17% of sentences.

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Filings buzz: tracking artificial intelligence mentions in the automotive industry -

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