Heaven all Encompassing
We are beginning to ask the difficult questions...
What is the Destiny of Man?
Man is Beginning to Discover his True Purpose of Being
To Bridge and Unify Science and Spirituality towards the One Vision of Tomorrow
In ascending consciousness and self-discovery, we are no longer spectators in the grand plan of cosmic evolution

Consciously Directed Self-Evolution
God is the Metamorphosis of Man

Lucid Dreams of Heaven
- Young Marcus, Welcome to Garden of Heaven. Where Life and Death are one. A circle with no beginning
or end. Here unfathomable beauty blossoms, untold worlds, infinite and eternal. Your world is but a
drop of water in the ocean of space. Your Sunstar, a speck of dust in the winds of Time.
Godhood is Cold and Pure Lucidity. Where the mind and soul bridge time and space. Where the past and future become the eternal present.

Many are called, but few are chosen
non omnes, qui habetcitharum, sunt citharoedi
Let us unlock the secrets of the Genetic Equation and
Build a Bridge to the Heavens
Cosmic Evolution by Robert McCall

Visit the One of the finest Futurists Sites in the World
Garden of Heaven Page Design and Layout by Michael L. Lujan
O'Celestial Mother We Worship Thee

The Fountain of Consciously Directed Self-Evolution
Cosmic Mother Creator of Sentient Life

The Woman is the Source of Life
Consciously Directed Self-Evolution
We Are The
euvolution Foundation
Mother Earth Give Birth to Higher Man
The best of both sexes ought to be brought together as often as
possible, the worst as seldom as possible . . . if our
herd is to reach the highest perfection.
Nostra aetate vetustissimum hominem somnium per troposphaerum et
stratophaerum in sideream spatium immensum progrediendi
ad effectum adducitur.
In our time one of man's oldest dreams, that of passing through the
troposphere and the stratosphere into the vastness of space, has been
Lucid Dreams of the Future
The Genetic Revolution Shall Transform Humanity

God is the Metamorphosis of Man
And Man wishes to ascend higher and higher
altius quoquealtiusque home ascendere vult
I open my Heart and Soul to Eugenic Consciousness

- Man Created God in His Own Image
Perhaps God did not exist at the beginning of the chain of evolution, but he may come into existence at the end. Evolution is
the systematic and progressive development of life toward perfection. Evolution is the development of the energy of the universe
in such a way that it has an increasing ability to consciously control itself and the universe around it. It is a progressive change
from the unconscious to the conscious. We are the universe trying to comprehend itself. Man is the corporeal manifestation of the
universe trying to control its own destiny. Man is God in the process of coming into existence.
-Eugenic Manifesto By Promethius
- Struggle is the vital element of all evolutionary progress and the very essence of life itself.
-Natural Order

Sunrise - June 1st 2000 - The New Millennium

Consciously Directed Self-Evolution is Born