African whistle-blower website afriLeaks is hosted in another country, which means it is safe from African government subpoenas.
Whistle-blowers can leak documents and information securely to media houses on afriLeaks. (Reuters)
In 2010, United States intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning leaked 750000 documents to the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks. These included diplomatic cables and videos of US airstrikes, which seemingly killed civilians. US military investigators quickly traced the leak back to Manning and, after a military trial, sentenced her to 35 years in prison.
She did not have access to a secure server to which she would have been able to upload the documents anonymously.
Like her, anyone wanting to share sensitive information with a newspaper has run the risk of detection by governments, companies or hackers.
But now whistle-blowers can leak documents and information securely to media houses on a website called afriLeaks.
This is a partnership between the African Network of Centres for Investigative Reporting, the Hermes Centre for Transparency and Digital Human Rights, based in Italy, and several media houses in Africa. The Mail & Guardian and Oxpeckers, an environmental investigative unit, are the only South African publishing houses involved.
How does it work? AfriLeaks is a website based in the Netherlands. As a would-be whistle-blower, you would go
The website explains the best way to protect your online identity, after which you click on the blow the whistle link. You can then upload files and a message, for example, for the M&G, which is notified that a leak has been submitted.
Unless you chose to reveal your identity, there is no way for the M&G to know who you are.
Read the original here:
AfriLeaks gives truth a fighting chance