Julian Assange – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Julian Paul Assange (Townsville, Queensland, 3 de julio de 1971),[1] conocido como Julian Assange, es un programador, periodista y activista de Internet australiano, conocido por ser el fundador, editor y portavoz del sitio web WikiLeaks.

Assange no quiere dar a conocer su fecha de nacimiento ni otros datos personales. Raffi Khatchadourian en un artculo en el The New Yorker, dice que naci en Townsville, Queensland, en 1971. Assange ha dicho que sus padres hicieron una compaa teatral itinerante, y que asisti a 37 escuelas y 6 universidades en Australia.

Assange ayud en 1997 a escribir el libro Underground de Suelette Dreyfus,[2] en el que se le acredita como investigador. Comprende desde sus experiencias de adolescencia como miembro de un grupo de hackers llamado Subversivos Internacionales, por lo que, en 1991, la Polica Federal Australiana asalt su casa de Melbourne. La revista Wired y los peridicos The Sunday Times y The Sydney Morning Herald han apuntado a que existen similitudes entre Assange y la persona llamada Mendax en el libro. El New Yorker ha identificado a Assange como Mendax y explica su origen de una frase de Horacio. Assange ha accedido a varias computadoras (pertenecientes a una universidad australiana, a una compaa de telecomunicaciones, y a otras organizaciones) va mdem para detectar errores de seguridad. Posteriormente se declar culpable de 24 cargos por delitos informticos y fue liberado por buena conducta tras ser multado con 2.100 dlares australianos.

Assange estudi fsica y matemticas en la Universidad de Melbourne,[3] fue hacker y programador antes de asumir su actual cargo como director, asesor y redactor jefe de WikiLeaks.[4]

Ms tarde, Assange vivi como programador y promotor de software libre, es experto en los lenguajes de programacin Haskell y Ocaml, es el creador de programa de cifrado Rubberhose, que sirvi de base para el programa TrueCrypt; particip como desarrollador de FreeBSD, y colabor en el desarrollo de PostgreSQL.[5] En 1995 escribi Strobe, el primer escner de puertos gratuito y libre.[6] Strobe inspir a Gordon Lyon para desarrollar el escner de puertos Nmap.

Empezando alrededor de 1997, Assange coinvent "Rubberhose deniable encryption", un concepto criptogrfico hecho en un paquete de programas para GNU/Linux, diseado para proveer negacin pausible contra el criptoanlisis de manguera de goma, que originalmente estaba destinado a ser "una herramienta para trabajadores por los derechos humanos que necesitaban proteger informacin sensible, como listados de activistas y detalles sobre abusos cometidos".[7] Es, asimismo, autor o coautor de software libre como el programa de almacenamiento en cache NNTP Usenet y el Surfraw.

Assange estudi fsica y matemticas en la Universidad de Melbourne hasta 2006, cuando empez a implicarse profundamente en WikiLeaks. Ha sido descrito como muy autodidacta y extensamente ledo en ciencias y matemticas. Tambin ha estudiado filosofa y neurociencia. En su pgina web, describi cmo represent a su universidad en la Competicin Nacional Australiana de Fsica alrededor de 2005.

Assange ha dicho que es bastante cierto que est constantemente movindose y que est viviendo en los aeropuertos en estos das.[8] Ha estado en Vietnam, Suecia, Islandia, Siberia y Estados Unidos. Assange comenz alquilando una casa en Islandia el 30 de marzo de 2010, donde l y otros activistas trabajaron en el vdeo Asesinato colateral. En mayo de 2010, despus de llegar a Australia, se le quit el pasaporte, y al devolvrselo le dijeron que iba a ser cancelado, por lo que afirm sentirse perseguido por el gobierno estadounidense.[9]

Se deca que se encontraba refugiado, en paradero desconocido, ante el riesgo de ser asesinado por agentes especiales,[10] aunque el 21 de junio de 2010 se present en una conferencia en el Parlamento Europeo tal como estaba programado.[11][12]

El 16 de agosto del 2012, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Ecuador, Ricardo Patio, anunci que s otorgar asilo diplomtico al fundador de Wikileaks, Julian Assange. Por lo que se espera que el Gobierno Britnico conceda -a pesar de su negativa inicial-[13] el salvo conducto para que Julian Assange pueda viajar a Ecuador.[14]

Julian Assange - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Julian Assange – Wikipedia

Julian Paul Assange[1] [snd, snd][2] (* 3. Juli 1971[3] in Townsville, Queensland[1]) ist ein australischer politischer Aktivist, investigativer Journalist, ehemaliger Computerhacker, Programmierer und Sprecher der Enthllungsplattform WikiLeaks.

Neben dem WikiLeaks-Sprecher Kristinn Hrafnsson sowie Daniel Domscheit-Berg und Herbert Snorrason, die WikiLeaks im September 2010 verlieen,[4] ist Assange eine der wenigen bekannten Personen der Whistleblower-Plattform im Internet, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, geheimgehaltene Dokumente allgemein verfgbar zu machen. Assange machte widersprchliche Aussagen dazu, ob er als Grnder der Organisation bezeichnet werden knne.[5][6][7] Er erhielt verschiedene Journalismus-Preise und Auszeichnungen.

WikiLeaks hat mehrfach interne Dokumente von US-Armee und -Behrden verffentlicht, unter anderem zu den Kriegen in Afghanistan und im Irak. Assange droht deswegen ein Strafprozess in den USA. Einige bekannte US-Politiker und Journalisten haben seine Hinrichtung, oder gezielte Ttung (englisch Assassination) durch Militr oder Geheimdienste, teilweise auch mit illegalen Mitteln, gefordert. Frhere Untersttzer haben sich zunehmend kritisch ber Assange geuert, insbesondere ber seinen Fhrungsstil in der mittlerweile weitgehend inaktiven Organisation.

Nachdem in Schweden im Herbst 2010 Vergewaltigungsvorwrfe gegen ihn erhoben worden waren, schickte sich sein Gastland Grobritannien an, ihn dorthin zu berstellen. Assange bezeichnet die schwedischen Vorwrfe als Teil eines Komplotts gegen ihn und befrchtet, dass er als Folge an die USA ausgeliefert werden knne, wo ihn kein fairer Prozess erwarten wrde. Nachdem in Grobritannien alle rechtlichen Mittel gegen eine Auslieferung an Schweden ausgeschpft waren, floh er im Juni 2012 in die Botschaft Ecuadors in London und bat dort um politisches Asyl, das im August 2012 bewilligt wurde. Seitdem lebt er in der Botschaft. Seine Flucht in die Botschaft lste erhebliche internationale diplomatische Verwicklungen aus. Am 18. August 2014 kndigte Assange an, die Botschaft zu verlassen, bestritt aber, dass dies wegen seiner gesundheitlichen Probleme erfolgen werde.[8]

Julian Assanges Eltern betrieben einen Wanderzirkus. Er verbrachte seine Kindheit in der Nhe des australischen Ortes Byron Bay, einem Zentrum fr alternative Knstler. Spter zog die Familie auf die Insel Magnetic Island bei Townsville.[9] Nach der Trennung seiner Eltern wuchs Assange bei seiner Mutter auf, die 1979 einen Musiker heiratete. Aus dieser Ehe ging Assanges Halbbruder hervor. Nach der erneuten Trennung wechselte Assanges Mutter, da sie filmschaffend ttig war und sich zeitweise auf der Flucht vor einer Sekte und ihrem zweiten Mann befand,[10] mit beiden Kindern hufiger den Wohnort, wodurch diese zu hufigen Schulwechseln und zwischenzeitlichem Hausunterricht gezwungen waren.

Spter studierte Assange Physik und Mathematik an der University of Melbourne,[1] ohne jedoch einen Abschluss zu erlangen.[11] Als die mathematische Fakultt seiner Universitt im Rahmen eines Vertrages mit der US-Armee Studien erstellte, die das Verhalten von militrisch eingesetzten Truppentransportern und Bulldozern verbessern sollten, exmatrikulierte sich Assange aus Protest gegen das, was er die Optimierung einer Killer-Maschine nannte.[12]

Erste Programmiererfahrungen sammelte Assange auf einem C64, 1987 beschaffte er sich ein Modem.[9] Unter dem Pseudonym Mendax (lateinisch fr Lgner) begann er erste Aktivitten als Hacker. Er und zwei weitere Hacker schlossen sich zusammen und grndeten eine Gruppe namens International Subversives. Aufgrund dieser Aktivitten fhrte die Australian Federal Police 1991 in seinem Haus in Melbourne eine Razzia durch. 1992 wurde Julian Assange in 24 Fllen des illegalen Hackens fr schuldig befunden, weshalb er ein Bugeld in Hhe von 2100 australischen Dollar bezahlen musste und eine Bewhrungsstrafe erhielt.[13] 1995 schrieb Assange den ersten freien Portscanner namens Strobe.[14] Er beschftigte sich auch mit Verschlsselungssoftware und erfand 1997 das Dateisystem Rubberhose, das einen glaubhaft abstreitbaren Verschlsselungsmechanismus darstellt.[15]

Whrend seiner Zeit als Hacker lernte er seine sptere Frau kennen. 1989 zogen beide zusammen, ein gemeinsamer Sohn wurde geboren. 1991 trennte sich das Paar. 1999, nach einem jahrelangen Rechtsstreit, einigten sich Assange und seine Mutter Christine mit der Kindesmutter auf ein gemeinsames Sorgerecht.[9]

Seit 2006 ist er fr WikiLeaks aktiv. Nach eigener Aussage hat er im Internet Geld verdient und konnte somit unbezahlt fr WikiLeaks arbeiten.[5] Infolge seiner Arbeit fr WikiLeaks wurde er mehrmals verhaftet, abgehrt, zensiert und auch erfolglos verklagt.[16] 2011 wurde Assange von dem damals 18-jhrigen Sigurdur Thordarson, der anderthalb Jahre bei WikiLeaks volontierte, fr das FBI ausspioniert.[17][18]

Assange kndigte seinem bis dahin engsten Vertrauten Daniel Domscheit-Berg im August 2010 in einem Chat. Domscheit-Berg hatte zunehmend Kritik an der Arbeitsweise von WikiLeaks geuert: Er wollte feste Strukturen, ein Bro, bezahlte Angestellte. Und er wollte ber diese Dinge offen diskutieren. Spter verarbeitete er seine Kritik in einem Buch.[19]

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Julian Assange – Wikipedia

Julian Assange accuses Clegg over rape ‘charges’ comment

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pictured on the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in Knightsbridge, London, in November 2014. File photograph: Yui Mok/PA Wire

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has asked his legal team to study comments made by deputy British prime minister Nick Clegg to see whether they were defamatory.

Mr Clegg was interviewed on LBC radio on Thursday about Mr Assanges continued stay at the Ecuadorian embassy in London and the 10 million (13.46 million) cost of policing the building.

Mr Assange has been at the embassy since June 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he faces questions over claims of sexual assaults, which he denies.

Mr Clegg said: Am I frustrated that this goes on and on like this? Am I frustrated that taxpayers are picking up the tab around the Ecuadorian embassy? Yes, sure.

Imagine the frustration of the Swedish government - hardly an illiberal rogue state.

Democratic credentials

This is a country of impeccable democratic credentials with a well-respected judicial system who say he should go to Sweden to face very serious allegations and charges of rape, which he denies.

Of course, the right thing to do is for him to do that and face justice in a country where due process is well-established.

Mr Assange has taken exception to use of the word charges.

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Julian Assange accuses Clegg over rape ‘charges’ comment

CCN: Breaking Bitcoin News

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Sony cant seem to catch a break lately. Between the giant hacking scandal that took place throughout December and the aftermath of their secrets spilled all over the web, the movie production portion of...

Western society has a tendency to focus on how Bitcoin and the world, revolve around them in domestic terms. Bitcoin has been a very exciting investment opportunity, with five years of unprecedented growth,...

BitMarket, a Polish Bitcoin exchange, was recently closed down by BPH due to their association with Bitcoin. At first the bank was told that it was due to technical problems. Another bank, Bank Zachodni WBK...

Journalism is something that is meant to inform and snoop out the bad players in the world. Whether it be through corporate scandals, government cover-ups or dirty secrets, journalists are supposed to be the...

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CCN: Breaking Bitcoin News

Bitcoin Definition | Investopedia

Bitcoinis a digital currency created in 2009. It follows the ideas set out in awhite paperby the mysterious SatoshiNakamoto, whose true identity has yet to be verified.Bitcoinoffers the promise of lower transaction fees than traditional online payment mechanisms and is operated by a decentralized authority, unlike government issued currencies.

There are no physicalBitcoins, only balances associated with public and private keys. These balances are kept on a public ledger, along with allBitcointransactions, that is verified by a massive amount of computing power.

Bitcoin balances are kept using public and private "keys," which are long strings of numbers and letters linked through the mathematical encryption algorithm that was used to create them. The public key (comparable to a bank account number) serves as the address which is published to the world and to which others may send Bitcoin. The private key (comparable to an ATM PIN) is meant to be a guarded secret, and only used to authorize Bitcoin transmissions.

In March 2014, the IRS stated that all virtual currencies, including Bitcoin, would be taxed as property rather than currency. Gains or losses fromBitcoin held as capital will be realized as capital gains or losses, while Bitcoin held as inventory will incur ordinary gains or losses.

The independent individuals and companies who own the governing computing power and participate in the network, also known as "miners," are motivated by mining rewards (the release of new Bitcoin) and transaction fees paid in Bitcoin. These miners can be thought of as the decentralized authority enforcing the credibility of the Bitcoin network. New Bitcoin is being released to the miners at a fixed, but periodically declining rate, such that the total supply of Bitcoin approaches 21 million. One bitcoin is divisible to eight decimal places (100 millionth of one bitcoin), and this smallest unit is referred to as a Satoshi. If necessary, and if the participating miners accept the change, Bitcoin could eventually be made divisible to even more decimal places.

Style notes: According to theofficialBitcoinFoundation, the word "Bitcoin"is capitalized in the context of referring to the entity or concept, whereas "bitcoin" is written in the lower case when referring to a quantity of the currency (e.g. "I traded 20bitcoin"). The currency can be abbreviated toBTCor, less frequently,XBT. The plural form of the word can be either "bitcoin" or "bitcoins."

To learn more about this cryptocurrency, check outHow do I buy Bitcoins?

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. It is also sometimes referred to as a virtual currency or a crypto-currency.Bitcoins are held in a digital wallet and can be sent over the internet. Transactions are authorized using a digital signature.

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. It is also sometimes referred to as a virtual currency or a crypto-currency.Bitcoins are held in a digital ...

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. It is sometimes referred to as a virtual currency or cryptocurrency. Bitcoins are held in a digital wallet and can be sent over the Internet to anyone with a Bitcoin address. Fees for Bitcoin transactions are relatively low compared to traditional methods of transferring money over the Internet.

See the original post:
Bitcoin Definition | Investopedia

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Crash Course with Andreas …

The Jefferson Club, Silicon Valley

Website: https://www.jeffersonclub.org

Meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/Jefferson-Club...

The Jefferson Club is for anyone interested in making sound and informed long term, strategic decisions in view of the current economic, social, and political climate. Our goal is to better understand the direction of the economy, society, and politics, both in terms of trends and surprises. If you seek a better understanding of what's happening in the world and how it will impact you and your family, then join us.

------------------------------------------------------- Information About The Speaker: Andreas Antonopoulos

Website: https://antonopoulos.com

Bio: Former co-founder of Nemertes Research an Industry Analyst firm, Andreas is a broad-reaching technologist, who is well-versed in many technology subjects. He is a serial tech entrepreneur, having launched businesses in London, New York, and California, in the Bay Area. He has earned degrees in Computer Science, Data Communications and Distributed Systems. With experience ranging from hardware and electronics to high level business and financial systems technology consulting and decades as CTO/CIO/CSO in many companies he combines authority and deep knowledge with an ability to make complex subjects easy to understand. He often brings a fresh perspective to a topic with surprising insights and his ability to identify underlying principles and connections between different topics. More than 200 of his articles on security, cloud computing and data centers have been published in print and syndicated worldwide. His many expertise include Bitcoin, crypto-currencies, Information Security, Cryptography, Cloud Computing, Data Centers, Linux, Open Source and robotics software development. He also has been CISSP certified for 12 years.

As a bitcoin entrepreneur, Andreas has founded three bitcoin businesses and launched several community open source projects. He often writes articles and blog posts on bitcoin and is a permanent host on Let's Talk Bitcoin and prolific public speaker at technology events and was a recent speaker/presenter at this year's San Jose Bitcoin 2013 Conference

Video Produced by Come Correct Media http://www.comecorrectmedia.com http://www.youtube.com/comecorrectmedia

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Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Crash Course with Andreas ...

CryptoBadger – cryptocurrency news, guides, and rumors.

February 13, 2014 CryptoBadger

Just a quick note that Ive been dealing with the death of somebody close to me over the past several weeks, and updates to the site have suffered as a result. I should be able to get back into a semi-regular schedule starting next week. If youve sent me a message at any point in the new year, chances are that I havent responded to you yetIll do my best to start catching up on email as well.

I have a couple purpose-built custom mining cases here that Im hoping to get reviews up of soon, for those of you that want something thats more flexible (andaestheticallyappealing!) than a plastic milk crate.

An update to my mining guide for the R9 series of GPUs is still on the horizon as wellIm still having trouble getting my hands on the more desirable manufacturer brands at prices that dont sicken me.

Finally, today I updated the cryptocurrency ticker thats running on my site to pull the BTC quote from Coinbase, given the issues that Mt. Gox has been having. If youre running a WordPress site and would like the utilize the ticker, you can grab it from the official repository. As of today the ticker also supports displaying quote prices in Euros, in case youre from across the pond.

Edit: Thanks for the kind words, everyonetheyre much appreciated!

Continued here:
CryptoBadger - cryptocurrency news, guides, and rumors.

The Guantanamo Files – WikiLeaks

In its latest release of classified US documents, WikiLeaks is shining the light of truth on a notorious icon of the Bush administrations "War on Terror" the prison at Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, which opened on January 11, 2002, and remains open under President Obama, despite his promise to close the much-criticized facility within a year of taking office.

In thousands of pages of documents dating from 2002 to 2008 and never seen before by members of the public or the media, the cases of the majority of the prisoners held at Guantnamo 765 out of 779 in total are described in detail in memoranda from JTF-GTMO, the Joint Task Force at Guantnamo Bay, to US Southern Command in Miami, Florida.

These memoranda, known as Detainee Assessment Briefs (DABs), contain JTF-GTMOs recommendations about whether the prisoners in question should continue to be held, or should be released (transferred to their home governments, or to other governments). They consist of a wealth of important and previously undisclosed information, including health assessments, for example, and, in the cases of the majority of the 172 prisoners who are still held, photos (mostly for the first time ever).

They also include information on the first 201 prisoners released from the prison, between 2002 and 2004, which, unlike information on the rest of the prisoners (summaries of evidence and tribunal transcripts, released as the result of a lawsuit filed by media groups in 2006), has never been made public before. Most of these documents reveal accounts of incompetence familiar to those who have studied Guantnamo closely, with innocent men detained by mistake (or because the US was offering substantial bounties to its allies for al-Qaeda or Taliban suspects), and numerous insignificant Taliban conscripts from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Beyond these previously unknown cases, the documents also reveal stories of the 399 other prisoners released from September 2004 to the present day, and of the seven men who have died at the prison.

The memos are signed by the commander of Guantnamo at the time, and describe whether the prisoners in question are regarded as low, medium or high risk. Although they were obviously not conclusive in and of themselves, as final decisions about the disposition of prisoners were taken at a higher level, they represent not only the opinions of JTF-GTMO, but also the Criminal Investigation Task Force, created by the Department of Defense to conduct interrogations in the "War on Terror," and the BSCTs, the behavioral science teams consisting of psychologists who had a major say in the "exploitation" of prisoners in interrogation.

Crucially, the files also contain detailed explanations of the supposed intelligence used to justify the prisoners detention. For many readers, these will be the most fascinating sections of the documents, as they seem to offer an extraordinary insight into the workings of US intelligence, but although many of the documents appear to promise proof of prisoners association with al-Qaeda or other terrorist organizations, extreme caution is required.

The documents draw on the testimony of witnesses in most cases, the prisoners fellow prisoners whose words are unreliable, either because they were subjected to torture or other forms of coercion (sometimes not in Guantnamo, but in secret prisons run by the CIA), or because they provided false statements to secure better treatment in Guantnamo.

Regular appearances throughout these documents by witnesses whose words should be regarded as untrustworthy include the following "high-value detainees" or "ghost prisoners". Please note that "ISN" and the numbers in brackets following the prisoners names refer to the short "Internment Serial Numbers" by which the prisoners are or were identified in US custody:

Abu Zubaydah (ISN 10016), the supposed "high-value detainee" seized in Pakistan in March 2002, who spent four and a half years in secret CIA prisons, including facilities in Thailand and Poland. Subjected to waterboarding, a form of controlled drowning, on 83 occasions in CIA custody August 2002, Abu Zubaydah was moved to Guantnamo with 13 other "high-value detainees" in September 2006.

The Guantanamo Files - WikiLeaks

Collateral Murder

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind. -- George Orwell

Update: On July 6, 2010, Private Bradley Manning, a 22 year old intelligence analyst with the United States Army in Baghdad, was charged with disclosing this video (after allegedly speaking to an unfaithful journalist). The whistleblower behind the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, has called Mr. Manning a 'hero'. He is currently imprisoned in Kuwait. The Apache crew and those behind the cover up depicted in the video have yet to be charged. To assist Private Manning, please see bradleymanning.org.

5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.

Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.

The military did not reveal how the Reuters staff were killed, and stated that they did not know how the children were injured.

After demands by Reuters, the incident was investigated and the U.S. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own "Rules of Engagement".

Consequently, WikiLeaks has released the classified Rules of Engagement for 2006, 2007 and 2008, revealing these rules before, during, and after the killings.

WikiLeaks has released both the original 38 minutes video and a shorter version with an initial analysis. Subtitles have been added to both versions from the radio transmissions.

WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a number of military whistleblowers. WikiLeaks goes to great lengths to verify the authenticity of the information it receives. We have analyzed the information about this incident from a variety of source material. We have spoken to witnesses and journalists directly involved in the incident.

WikiLeaks wants to ensure that all the leaked information it receives gets the attention it deserves. In this particular case, some of the people killed were journalists that were simply doing their jobs: putting their lives at risk in order to report on war. Iraq is a very dangerous place for journalists: from 2003- 2009, 139 journalists were killed while doing their work.

Read this article:
Collateral Murder

Why the secret criminal investigation of WikiLeaks is troubling for journalists

The media is overlooking the details of an investigation that could have implications for all news organizations

Prosecutors in the Eastern District of Virginia began investigating WikiLeaks in 2010 after the site posted some of the quarter-million State Department cables leaked by Chelsea Manning.

Last month, an official from the Department of Justice publicly confirmed the investigation is still ongoing. It was the first time anyone, including WikiLeaks own defense team, has gotten such confirmation since April 2014.

Its an important sign that what may be the biggest criminal investigation into a publisher in US history continues to grow. Yet the news was buried 18 paragraphs deep in a Washington Post article that instead focused on Googles multi-year fight to be allowed to inform WikiLeaks staffers that the government had requested their data.

Free-press advocates and a few independent journalists fear that kind of coverage is a sign the media is overlooking the details of an investigation that could have implications for all news organizations.

The WikiLeaks investigation has really been unprecedented in its scope and its scale, and also its secrecy, Carey Shenkman, a constitutional lawyer and an associate to WikiLeaks counsel Michael Ratner, said in a phone interview. Creating ambiguity around the investigation has a chilling effect. It leaves open questions and I think it makes any publisher wonder if they will suffer a similar fate, investigated for releasing classified information in a way the government finds unacceptable.

Trevor Timm, co-founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, argued in 2013 that virtually every move made by the Justice Department against WikiLeaks has now also been deployed on mainstream US journalists. For example, the Department of Justice tried to secretly subpoena information from the Twitter accounts of WikiLeaks staffers more than two years before the Associated Press found the same thing had been done to its phone records.

Mannings arrest in the summer of 2010 coincided with the peak of the Obama administrations use of the Espionage Act as a weapon against leakers. Reports at the time indicated the DOJ was looking to prove that Assange had been a co-conspirator in the leak, perhaps with the idea of also charging him under the Espionage Act. Several years later, Timm noted, the world learned that Fox News reporter James Rosen had also been labeled a co-conspirator in a search warrant in the Espionage Act case against Stephen Kim.

I think the strategy is that in a certain way the DOJ can sort of build legal precedent for future activity by even traditional media organizations trying to compete in a digital environment, Alexa OBrien, an investigative journalist covering both Manning and WikiLeaks, said in a phone interview. OBrien is involved in a lawsuit aiming to unseal a dozen more court orders and search warrants related to the WikiLeaks investigation.

She also wants to see the governments underlying applications for six court orders, which she hopes will shed light on its criminal theory in going after WikiLeaks, she said. One key question is whether prosecutors see the internet-native publisher as analogous to more traditional news publications or as a different kind of entity all together. Either answer has implications for the future of digital news.

Why the secret criminal investigation of WikiLeaks is troubling for journalists