
Namecoin is a decentralized open source information registration and transfer system based on the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Namecoin was the first fork of Bitcoin and still is one of the most innovative altcoins. It was first to implement merged mining and a decentralized DNS. Namecoin squares Zooko's Triangle!

Find more information in the Namecoin wiki or join us on the Namecoin forum.

2014-12-19 Softfork upcoming with block 212500 (around New Year's Eve). Pool operators and solo miners please update to v0.3.80 asap. Regular users are recommended to update, too. See the Release notes.

2014-12-16 As of block 210000 the Namecoin block reward halved to 25NMC. Happy halving day!

2014-04-20 Thanks to Shobute for designing and Indolering for pushing the new website.

2014-04-17 The Namecoin blockchain is now three years old. Happy birthday!

For the latest news go to the Namecoin forum or check out r/namecoin.

Official anouncements will also be made on this BitcoinTalk thread.

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Chelsea Manning – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Chelsea Elizabeth Manning (nacida Bradley Edward Manning, Crescent, Oklahoma, 17 de diciembre de 1987), fue soldado y analista de inteligencia del ejrcito de los Estados Unidos. Manning cobr notoriedad internacional por haber filtrado a WikiLeaks miles de documentos clasificados acerca de las guerras de Afganistn conocidos como los Diarios de la Guerra de Afganistn y de Irak, incluidos numerosos cables diplomticos de diversas embajadas estadounidenses y el video del ejrcito conocido como Collateral Murder ('asesinato colateral'). Tras tres aos de prisin provisional, cuyas condiciones fueron controvertidas en algunos perodos, el Pentgono formul una acusacin formal contra Manning,[1] y un tribunal militar le conden en agosto de 2013 en primera instancia a cumplir una pena de 35aos de prisin y a su expulsin del ejrcito con deshonor.[2]

El 22 de agosto de 2013, Manning manifest pblicamente su identidad como mujer transexual, expresando su decisin de iniciar un tratamiento hormonal para modificar su cuerpo, y pidi que de entonces en adelante se le llamase Chelsea.[3]

Manning cambi oficialmente su nombre a Chelsea Elizabeth en abril de 2014.[4]

El ejrcito de los Estados Unidos acus a Manning de haber filtrado el video conocido como Collateral Murder ('asesinato colateral'), en el que se ve cmo un helicptero estadounidense mata a un grupo de civiles en Irak del que formaban parte dos periodistas de la agencia Reuters,[5] los documentos secretos que derivaron en las publicaciones de los Diarios de la Guerra de Afganistn el 25 de julio de 2010 y de los Registros de Guerra en Iraq el 22 de octubre de 2010, adems de la filtracin de los cables diplomticos en WikiLeaks. En total casi medio milln de registros de las guerras de Irak y Afganistn, y ms de 250.000 cables diplomticos, que Manning reconoci haber divulgado en el transcurso del juicio al que fue sometido tres aos ms tarde.[6]

Esta acusacin fue posible debido a que el hacker colomboestadounidense Adrian Lamo delat la autora de Manning de las filtraciones, pues en una conversacin va chat Manning le manifest haber conseguido cables de guerra secretos referidos a las invasiones en Medio Oriente.[7]

La detencin de Manning se produjo en mayo de 2010 en Bagdad por el comando de Investigacin Criminal del Ejrcito de los Estados Unidos, y condujo a su retencin sin cargos durante ms de un mes en una prisin militar en el Campamento Arifjan en Kuwait.[8] Posteriormente trasladaron a Manning al centro de detencin militar de Marine Corps Brig, en Quantico, en el estado de Virginia (Estados Unidos) para afrontar un proceso con la justicia militar de su pas.[9]

En diciembre de 2010 continuaba la detencin de Manning en condiciones de mxima vigilancia (maximum custody detainee) y sometida a un aislamiento absoluto que algunas fuentes crticas consideraban como una forma de tortura.[10][11][12] En enero de 2011, su abogado David Coombs, plante una objecin formal contra el tratamiento que estaba recibiendo Manning y present una queja basada en el artculo 38 del Cdigo Uniforme de Justicia Militar (UCMJ).[13] En virtud de este artculo, cualquier miembro de las Fuerzas Armadas que se crea perjudicado por su comandante en jefe puede solicitar una reparacin. [...] Si la reparacin es negada, se puede hacer una denuncia, y un oficial superior debe examinar la denuncia.

Segn su abogado David Coombs, Manning permaneca en su celda 23horas al da sin almohada, sbanas ni objetos personales. Su nico ejercicio, segn Coombs, era caminar por una habitacin vaca. Cuando dorma deba quitarse toda la ropa excepto la ropa interior y entregarla a los guardias.[14]

Manning ha estado confinada en soledad y durante parte de esta semana fue ubicada de nuevo en la seccin de suicidas por su comandante de brigada en Quantico. Fue despojada de la ropa con la excepcin de su ropa interior. Adems, le quitaron las gafas que lleva por prescripcin mdica. [...] Se vio obligada a sentarse a ciegas, a excepcin de los momentos en que estaba leyendo o en los que se le permiti ver televisin. En esos momentos se le devolvieron las gafas.

Se excluy a Manning del programa de vigilancia a suicidas tras dos das en la seccin, despus de que el juez de la Oficina del Estado Mayor del Ejrcito as lo estableciera. El oficial de Asuntos Pblicos de Quantico, Brian Villiard, asegur que las condiciones de encarcelamiento de Manning se correspondan con el rgimen de custodia mxima y que se intentaba prevenir que pudiera autolesionarse. Declar as mismo a la cadena CNN que le estaban tratando como se haca con cualquiera que pudiera suponer un riesgo para la vida, la propiedad o la seguridad nacional.[14]

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Chelsea Manning - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Edward Snowden, Pope Francis and Russian Newspaper Among Nobel Peace Nominees – TOI – Video

Edward Snowden, Pope Francis and Russian Newspaper Among Nobel Peace Nominees - TOI
Edward Snowden, Pope Francis and Russian newspaper among Nobel Peace nominees A Russian newspaper critical of President Vladimir Putin is among the nominatio...

By: The Times of India

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Edward Snowden, Pope Francis and Russian Newspaper Among Nobel Peace Nominees - TOI - Video

President Obama Asks That Germans Give US “The Benefit Of The Doubt” On NSA Spying

In a press conference, German ChancellorAngela Merkel and President Obama both spoke favorably of American intelligence work.

In 2013, news that the United States National Security Agency (NSA)had tapped Merkels phone caused a sensation. The United States promised to knock it off. Merkel, at the time, was less than pleased: Friends dont spy on each other, she said.

Now, things appear calmer between the two nations. Heres Merkel earlier today discussing the need for collaboration with the United States:

There are still different assessments on individual issues there, but if we look at the sheer dimension of the terrorist threats, we are more than aware of the fact that we need to work together very closely.

And here is Merkel praising the effectiveness of the United States intelligence apparatus:

The institutions of the United States of American have provided us and still continue to provide us with a lot of very important, very significant information that are also important to our security.

President Obama, also had comments on the work of the NSA and his other intelligence organs:

What I would ask would be that the German people recognize that the United States has always been on the forefront of trying to promote civil liberties, that we have traditions of due process that we respect, that we have been a consistent partner of yours in the course of the last 70 years and certainly the last 25 years in reinforcing the values we share.So, occasionally, I would like the Germans to give us the benefit of the doubt, given our history, as opposed to assuming the worst.

A call for civility! 2015 surely is a new year.

I think this all indicates that the larger cooling of interest, and anger concerning the large-scale spying efforts of the NSA extends past the borders of the United States, reaching other nations.

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President Obama Asks That Germans Give US “The Benefit Of The Doubt” On NSA Spying

Obama asks Germany “to give us the benefit of the doubt” on NSA spying

Further Reading President Barack Obama asked Germans to give the United States the benefit of the doubt when it comes to snooping by the National Security Agency.

In a Monday joint press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel held at the White House on Monday, Obama said he recognizes the sensitivities around this issue.

In October 2013, German media reported that Merkel had strong suspicions that her personal cellphone was being monitored by American authorities.

White House spokesman Jay Carney unequivocally told reporters at the time that such surveillance was not continuing, but he did not directly deny the allegations of past conduct. The next year, Germany decided not to renew its government contract with Verizon, citing concerns over spying by the National Security Agency.

Last week, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence made minor changes to its spying protocols, which many legal experts decried as mere window dressing.

On Monday, Obama added:

What I would ask would be that the German people recognize that the United States has always been on the forefront of trying to promote civil liberties, that we have traditions of due process that we respect, that we have been a consistent partner of yours in the course of the last 70 years, and certainly the last 25 years, in reinforcing the values that we share. And so occasionally I would like the German people to give us the benefit of the doubt, given our history, as opposed to assuming the worstassuming that we have been consistently your strong partners and that we share a common set of values.

And if we have that fundamental, underlying trust, there are going to be times where there are disagreements, and both sides may make mistakes, and there are going to be irritants like there are between friends, but the underlying foundation for the relationship remains sound.

I think there are still different assessments on individual issues there, but if we look at the sheer dimension of the terrorist threat, we are more than aware of the fact that we need to work together very closely, she said, according to a White House transcript.

And I, as German Chancellor, want to state here very clearly that the institutions of the United States of America have provided us and still continue to provide us with a lot of very significant, very important information that also ensure our security. And we dont want to do without this. There are other possibilities, through the cyber dialogue, for example, to continue to talk about the sort of protection of privacy versus data protection and so on, and security. But this was basicallycombating terrorism was basically in the forefront today.

Obama asks Germany “to give us the benefit of the doubt” on NSA spying

Apricorn Aegis Desktop 6 TB 256-Bit Encryption USB 3 Hard Drive (ADT-3PL256-6000) Quick Review – Video

Apricorn Aegis Desktop 6 TB 256-Bit Encryption USB 3 Hard Drive (ADT-3PL256-6000) Quick Review
Visit Apricorn #39;s Padlock DT is a hardware encrypted USB 3.0 Desktop drive. Simple and easy to use, Padlock DT offers unparalleled security. Additionally, Padlock...

By: Seymour Porter

Apricorn Aegis Desktop 6 TB 256-Bit Encryption USB 3 Hard Drive (ADT-3PL256-6000) Quick Review - Video