Chelsea Manning sentence commuted – CNNPolitics

' : ""},a.getDefinedParams = function(n, e) {return e.filter((function(e) {return n[e]})).reduce((function(e, t) {return r(e, (function(e, t, n) {t in e ? 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"" : "") + "n n n n "),ttlseconds: Number(e.ttl)}}},23: function(e, t) {var n = {}.toString;e.exports = function(e) {return, -1)}},24: function(e, t) {e.exports = function(e) {if (null == e)throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + e);return e}},25: function(e, t, n) {var r = n(60)("wks"), i = n(62), o = n(19).Symbol, a = "function" == typeof o;(e.exports = function(e) {return r[e] || (r[e] = a && o[e] || (a ? o : i)("Symbol." + e))}).store = r},26: function(e, t) {e.exports = function() {}},27: function(e, t, n) {"use strict";Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {value: !0}),t.default = function(e) {var t = e;return {callBids: function() {},setBidderCode: function(e) {t = e},getBidderCode: function() {return t}}}},28: function(e, t, n) {"use strict";var r, i = n(7), o = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : {default: r}, a = (function(e) {{if (e && e.__esModule)return e;var t = {};if (null != e)for (var n in e), n) && (t[n] = e[n]);return t.default = e,t}})(n(0));var d = {}, u = ["criteo"];function s(e, t) {var n = document.createElement("script");n.type = "text/javascript",n.async = !0,t && "function" == typeof t && (n.readyState ? n.onreadystatechange = function() {"loaded" !== n.readyState && "complete" !== n.readyState || (n.onreadystatechange = null,t())}: n.onload = function() {t()}),n.src = e;var r = document.getElementsByTagName("head");(r = r.length ? r : document.getElementsByTagName("body")).length && (r = r[0]).insertBefore(n, r.firstChild)}t.loadExternalScript = function(e, t) {if (t && e)if ((0,o.default)(u, t)) {if (!d[e]) {a.logWarn("module " + t + " is loading external JavaScript");var n = document.createElement("script");n.type = "text/javascript",n.async = !0,n.src = e,a.insertElement(n),d[e] = !0}} else a.logError(t + " not whitelisted for loading external JavaScript");else a.logError("cannot load external script without url and moduleCode")},t.loadScript = function(t, e, n) {t ? n ? d[t] ? e && "function" == typeof e && (d[t].loaded ? e() : d[t].callbacks.push(e)) : (d[t] = {loaded: !1,callbacks: []},e && "function" == typeof e && d[t].callbacks.push(e),s(t, (function() {d[t].loaded = !0;try {for (var e = 0; e t.max ? e : t}), {max: 0}), p = (0,v.default)(e.buckets, (function(e) {if (n > g.max * r) {var t = e.precision;void 0 === t && (t = y),i = (e.max * r).toFixed(t)} else if (n = e.min * r)return e}));return p && (t = n,a = r,d = void 0 !== (o = p).precision ? o.precision : y,u = o.increment * a,s = o.min * a,c = Math.pow(10, d + 2),f = (t * c - s * c) / (u * c),l = Math.floor(f) * u + s,i = (l = Number(l.toFixed(10))).toFixed(d)),i}function m(e) {if (o.isEmpty(e) || !e.buckets || !Array.isArray(e.buckets))return !1;var t = !0;return e.buckets.forEach((function(e) {void 0 !== e.min && e.max && e.increment || (t = !1)})),t}t.getPriceBucketString = function(e, t) {var n = 2 (0,S.timestamp)()},function(e) {return e && (e.status && !(0,A.default)([C.BID_STATUS.BID_TARGETING_SET, C.BID_STATUS.RENDERED], e.status) || !e.status)});function U(e, n) {var r = [], i = (0,S.groupBy)(e, "adUnitCode");return Object.keys(i).forEach((function(e) {var t = (0,S.groupBy)(i[e], "bidderCode");Object.keys(t).forEach((function(e) {return r.push(t[e].reduce(n))}))})),r}function u(n) {var g = {};function p(e) {return "string" == typeof e ? [e] : w.isArray(e) ? e : n.getAdUnitCodes() || []}function v() {return U(n.getBidsReceived().filter((function(e) {return "banner" !== e.mediaType || (0,a.sizeSupported)([e.width, e.height])})).filter(d).filter(t.isBidNotExpired), S.getOldestHighestCpmBid)}function y() {return n.getStandardBidderAdServerTargeting().map((function(e) {return e.key})).concat(R).filter(S.uniques)}function m(r, i, e, t) {return Object.keys(i.adserverTargeting).filter(o()).forEach((function(e) {var t, n;r.length && r.filter((n = e,function(e) {return e.adUnitCode === i.adUnitCode && e.adserverTargeting[n]})).forEach((t = e,function(e) {w.isArray(e.adserverTargeting[t]) || (e.adserverTargeting[t] = [e.adserverTargeting[t]]),e.adserverTargeting[t] = e.adserverTargeting[t].concat(i.adserverTargeting[t]).filter(S.uniques),delete i.adserverTargeting[t]}))})),r.push(i),r}function o() {var t = y();return function(e) {return -1 === t.indexOf(e)}}function b(t) {return _({}, t.adUnitCode, Object.keys(t.adserverTargeting).filter(o()).map((function(e) {return _({}, e.substring(0, O), [t.adserverTargeting[e]])})))}return g.resetPresetTargeting = function(e) {if ((0,S.isGptPubadsDefined)()) {var t = p(e), r = n.getAdUnits().filter((function(e) {return (0,A.default)(t, e.code)}));window.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach((function(n) {B.forEach((function(t) {r.forEach((function(e) {e.code !== n.getAdUnitPath() && e.code !== n.getSlotElementId() || n.setTargeting(t, null)}))}))}))}},g.getAllTargeting = function(e) {var r, t, i, n, o, a, d, u, s, c = 1 i && (r = !1)),!r})),r &&,r}function u(e, t) {void 0 === e[t] ? e[t] = 1 : e[t]++}},addWinningBid: function(e) {o = o.concat(e),R.callBidWonBidder(e.bidder, e, f)},setBidTargeting: function(e) {R.callSetTargetingBidder(e.bidder, e)},getWinningBids: function() {return o},getTimeout: function() {return E},getAuctionId: function() {return m},getAuctionStatus: function() {return b},getAdUnits: function() {return s},getAdUnitCodes: function() {return l},getBidRequests: function() {return g},getBidsReceived: function() {return p}}},t.auctionCallbacks = W,t.getStandardBidderSettings = d,t.getKeyValueTargetingPairs = V,t.adjustBids = s;var _ = n(0), h = n(31), i = n(17), S = n(228), E = n(12), w = n(3), r = n(18), o = n(20), T = a(n(10)), C = a(n(7)), A = n(41);function a(e) {return e && e.__esModule ? e : {default: e}}var B = r.userSync.syncUsers, O = n(0), R = n(8), U = n(9), N = n(4), D = t.AUCTION_STARTED = "started", j = t.AUCTION_IN_PROGRESS = "inProgress", P = t.AUCTION_COMPLETED = "completed";U.on(N.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT, (function(e) {s(e)}));var k = 4, x = {}, M = {}, G = [];var q = t.addBidResponse = (0,o.createHook)("asyncSeries", (function(e, t) {this.auctionAddBidResponse(e, t)}), "addBidResponse");function W(e, p) {var v = 0, t = !1, n = (0,_.delayExecution)((function() {t = !0}), p.getBidRequests().length);function y() {v--,t && 0 === v && e()}return {addBidResponse: function(e, t) {v++;var n = p.getBidRequests(), r = p.getAuctionId(), i = (0,_.getBidderRequest)(n, t.bidderCode, e), o = (function(e) {var t = e.adUnitCode, n =, r = e.bidRequest, i = e.auctionId, o = r.start, a = b({}, n, {auctionId: i,responseTimestamp: (0,_.timestamp)(),requestTimestamp: o,cpm: parseFloat(n.cpm) || 0,bidder: n.bidderCode,adUnitCode: t});a.timeToRespond = a.responseTimestamp - a.requestTimestamp,U.emit(N.EVENTS.BID_ADJUSTMENT, a);var d = r.bids && (0,T.default)(r.bids, (function(e) {return e.adUnitCode == t})), u = d && d.renderer;u && u.url && (a.renderer = E.Renderer.install({url: u.url}),a.renderer.setRender(u.render));var s, c = w.config.getConfig("mediaTypePriceGranularity." + n.mediaType), f = (0,h.getPriceBucketString)(a.cpm, "object" === (void 0 === c ? "undefined" : m(c)) ? c : w.config.getConfig("customPriceBucket"), w.config.getConfig("currency.granularityMultiplier"));return a.pbLg = f.low,a.pbMg =,a.pbHg = f.high,a.pbAg =,a.pbDg = f.dense,a.pbCg = f.custom,a.bidderCode && (0 e.getTimeout() + w.config.getConfig("timeoutBuffer") && e.executeCallback(!0)}function z(e, t) {U.emit(N.EVENTS.BID_RESPONSE, t),e.addBidReceived(t),I(e, t)}function d(e) {var t = w.config.getConfig("mediaTypePriceGranularity." + e), n = "string" == typeof e && t ? "string" == typeof t ? t : "custom" : w.config.getConfig("priceGranularity"), r = pbjs.bidderSettings;return r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD] || (r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD] = {}),r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD][N.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING] || (r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD][N.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING] = [{key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.BIDDER,val: function(e) {return e.bidderCode}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.AD_ID,val: function(e) {return e.adId}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.PRICE_BUCKET,val: function(e) {return n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.AUTO ? e.pbAg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.DENSE ? e.pbDg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.LOW ? e.pbLg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.MEDIUM ? e.pbMg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.HIGH ? e.pbHg : n === N.GRANULARITY_OPTIONS.CUSTOM ? e.pbCg : void 0}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.SIZE,val: function(e) {return e.size}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.DEAL,val: function(e) {return e.dealId}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.SOURCE,val: function(e) {return e.source}}, {key: N.TARGETING_KEYS.FORMAT,val: function(e) {return e.mediaType}}]),r[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD]}function V(e, t) {if (!t)return {};var n = {}, r = pbjs.bidderSettings;r && (u(n, d(t.mediaType), t),e && r[e] && r[e][N.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING] && (u(n, r[e], t),t.sendStandardTargeting = r[e].sendStandardTargeting));return t.native && (n = b({}, n, (0,i.getNativeTargeting)(t))),n}function u(r, i, o) {var e = i[N.JSON_MAPPING.ADSERVER_TARGETING];return o.size = o.getSize(),O._each(e, (function(e) {var t = e.key, n = e.val;if (r[t] && O.logWarn("The key: " + t + " is getting ovewritten"),O.isFn(n))try {n = n(o)} catch (e) {O.logError("bidmanager", "ERROR", e)}(void 0 === i.suppressEmptyKeys || !0 !== i.suppressEmptyKeys) && t !== N.TARGETING_KEYS.DEAL || !O.isEmptyStr(n) && null != n ? r[t] = n : O.logInfo("suppressing empty key '" + t + "' from adserver targeting")})),r}function s(e) {var t = e.bidderCode, n = e.cpm, r = void 0;if (pbjs.bidderSettings && (t && pbjs.bidderSettings[t] && "function" == typeof pbjs.bidderSettings[t].bidCpmAdjustment ? r = pbjs.bidderSettings[t].bidCpmAdjustment : pbjs.bidderSettings[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD] && "function" == typeof pbjs.bidderSettings[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment && (r = pbjs.bidderSettings[N.JSON_MAPPING.BD_SETTING_STANDARD].bidCpmAdjustment),r))try {n = r(e.cpm, b({}, e))} catch (e) {O.logError("Error during bid adjustment", "bidmanager.js", e)}0 (eg mediaTypes.banner.sizes)."), e.sizes = n);if (t && {var i =;if (i.playerSize)if (Array.isArray(i.playerSize) && 1 === i.playerSize.length && i.playerSize.every(d)) e.sizes = i.playerSize;else if (d(i.playerSize)) {var o = [];o.push(i.playerSize),w.logInfo("Transforming video.playerSize from " + i.playerSize + " to " + o + " so it's in the proper format."),e.sizes = i.playerSize = o} else w.logError("Detected incorrect configuration of Please specify only one set of dimensions in a format like: [[640, 480]]. Removing invalid property from request."), delete}if (t && t.native) {var a = t.native;a.image && a.image.sizes && !Array.isArray(a.image.sizes) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.image.sizes field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.image.sizes property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.image.sizes),a.image && a.image.aspect_ratios && !Array.isArray(a.image.aspect_ratios) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.image.aspect_ratios field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.image.aspect_ratios property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.image.aspect_ratios),a.icon && a.icon.sizes && !Array.isArray(a.icon.sizes) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.icon.sizes field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.icon.sizes property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.icon.sizes)}})),e},h.callBids = function(e, t, r, i, o, a) {if (t.length) {var n = t.reduce((function(e, t) {return e[Number(void 0 !== t.src && t.src === C.S2S.SRC)].push(t),e}), [[], []]), d = b(n, 2), u = d[0], s = d[1];if (s.length) {var c = (0,E.ajaxBuilder)(a, o ? {request: o.request.bind(null, "s2s"),done: o.done} : void 0), f = U.bidders, l = R[U.adapter], g = s[0].tid, p = s[0].adUnitsS2SCopy;if (l) {var v = {tid: g,ad_units: p};if (v.ad_units.length) {var y = {return e.start = (0,S.timestamp)(),i})), m = v.ad_units.reduce((function(e, t) {return e.concat((t.bids || []).reduce((function(e, t) {return e.concat(t.bidder)}), []))}), []);w.logMessage("CALLING S2S HEADER BIDDERS ==== " + f.filter((function(e) {return (0,A.default)(m, e)})).join(",")),s.forEach((function(e) {B.emit(C.EVENTS.BID_REQUESTED, e)})),l.callBids(v, s, r, (function() {return y.forEach((function(e) {return e()}))}), c)}}}u.forEach((function(e) {e.start = (0,S.timestamp)();var t = R[e.bidderCode];w.logMessage("CALLING BIDDER ======= " + e.bidderCode),B.emit(C.EVENTS.BID_REQUESTED, e);var n = (e.doneCbCallCount = 0,E.ajaxBuilder)(a, o ? {request: o.request.bind(null, e.bidderCode),done: o.done} : void 0);t.callBids(e, r, i, n)}))} else w.logWarn("callBids executed with no bidRequests. Were they filtered by labels or sizing?")},h.videoAdapters = [],h.registerBidAdapter = function(e, t) {var n = (2 n




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Chelsea Manning sentence commuted - CNNPolitics

Justice for Julian Assange, Test of Western Democracy …

This has been the 7th year that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange spent Christmas in confinement inside Ecuadors London embassy. For nearly a decade, the US governments aggressive witch-hunt of truthtellers has trapped him in the UK.

Assange claimed political asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2012 to mitigate the risk of extradition to the US, relating to his publishing activities. He has been unlawfully held by the UK government without charge, being denied access to medical treatment, fresh air, sunlight and adequate space to exercise. In December 2015, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention concluded that Assange was being "arbitrarily deprived of his freedom and demanded that he be released". Yet the UK governments refusal to comply with the UN finding has allowed this unlawful detention to continue.

This cruel persecution of Assange represents a deep crisis of Western democracy. As injustice against this Western journalist prevails, the legitimacy of traditional institutions has weakened. The benevolent Democracy that many were taught to believe in has been shown to be an illusion. It has been revealed as a system of control, lacking enforcement mechanisms in law to deal with real offenders of human rights violations, who for example illegally invade countries under the pretext of fighting terrorism. Under this managed democracy, the premise of "no person is above laws" is made into a pretense that elites use to escape democratic accountability. Media has become the "Guardian" of ruling elites that engage in propaganda to distort truth.

Dictatorship of the West

Assanges plight, his struggle for freedom revealed a dictatorship in the West. There have been changes in Ecuadors treatment of Assange ever since a new President Lenin Moreno took office in May 2017. Contrary to the former President Rafael Correa, who courageously granted the publisher asylum, Moreno has shown total disregard for this Australian journalist who has become a political refugee and also a citizen of Ecuador since December 2017.

This Ecuadorian governments shift in attitude had to do with Western governments bullying this small nation of South America. It was reported that the US has pressured Ecuador over loans, making it act illegally in violation of international laws as well as its own constitution. At the end of March, one day after a high level US military visit to Ecuador, this new Ecuadorian president unilaterally cut off Assange from the outside world, by denying his access to internet, prohibiting him from having visitors and communicating with the press. Assange has been put into isolation, which Human Rights Watch general counsel described as being similar to solitary confinement.

In mid October, in the guise of restoring his Internet access, Ecuador issued a "Special Protocol" that perpetuates this silencing of Assange. By further restricting his freedom of expression and requiring him to pay for medical bills and phone calls, Moreno government seeks to break Assange. He is forcing him to leave the embassy on his own accord and get arrested by UK authorities, who are refusing to give him assurances to not extradite him to the US.

US imperialism

Assange has met the fury of empire by exposing US government war crimes having the blood of tens of thousands of innocent people dripping from its hands. He has become a political prisoner, being treated as an enemy by the most powerful government in the world. Last month, US prosecutors mistakenly revealed secret criminal charges against Assange under file in the Eastern District of Virginia.

James Goodale, First Amendment lawyer and former general counsel of the New York Times, commented on the danger of US governments efforts to charge a journalist possibly under espionage who is not American and did not publish in the US:

"A charge against Assange for conspiring with a source is the most dangerous charge that I can think of with respect to the First Amendment in almost all my years representing media organizations."

The Espionage Act of 1917 is a US federal law, created after World War I to prosecute spies during wartime. This law is still in effect today and can be used to go after even those outside of US territory, due to a later amendment that removed this wording from the act: "within the jurisdiction of the United States, on the high seas, and within the United States".

Obamas Justice Department was eager to prosecute Assange and WikiLeaks for publishing classified documents, but chose not to do so, due to concerns that it would set a precedent which could strip away the First Amendment protection for the press. After WikiLeaks Vault 7 publication in March 2017 detailing CIA capabilities to perform electronic surveillance, the US government showed its appetite to abuse this outdated law to criminalize journalism.

In April 2017, the then Attorney General Jeff Sessions stated that the arrest of Assange is a priority. This threat on press freedom increased in the following months, as he showed his determination to prosecute media outlets publishing classified information. Trumps Secretary of State and the former CIA director, Mike Pompeo called WikiLeaks "a non-state hostile intelligence service", claiming that the organization tries to subvert American values and it needs to be shut down. As the Trump administration tries to claim that it has a right to prosecute anyone in the world in their assault on free press, top Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill showed their bipartisan support. They signed a letter demanding Pompeo urges Ecuador to evict Assange.

Contagious act of resistance

The secret indictment against Assange opened a sad era for democracy. Barry Pollack, WikiLeaks founders Washington D.C. based attorney noted that this Trump administrations attempt to prosecute "someone for publishing truth is a dangerous path for democracy to take". David Kaye, UN special rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression stated that "prosecuting Assange would be dangerously problematic from the perspective of press freedom" and should be resisted.

Top human rights organizations have been showing strong opposition against the extradition of Assange. Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch urged the UK government not to extradite him to the US. More than 30 Parliamentarians of the German Parliament and EU Parliament wrote to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, asking the UN to intervene so that Assange can travel to a safe third country.

Now, significant support for Assange has emerged from one of the European nations. On December 20, two German parliamentarians came to London to visit Assange inside the Ecuadorian Embassy. Germany that once suffered the suppression of civil liberty under a terrifyingly totalitarian state, has in recent years become a safe haven for Western dissidents who were forced to flee their countries against their governments persecution. In the aftermath of Snowden revelations of the "United Stasi of America", support for the safety of whistleblowers and journalists who report on government surveillance has increasingly grown.

WikiLeaks investigative editor Sarah Harrison, who helped to secure asylum for the NSA whistleblower found her refuge for her exile from the UK in Berlin. Germanys major center-left political party, SPD recognized her political courage, demonstrated in her work with WikiLeaks and the organizations extraordinary source protection. Harrison was given an award, named after a journalist and the former West German chancellor Willy Brant who escaped the Nazis and was exiled before returning to Germany.

Last week, two German politicians who traveled to visit Assange, carried out an act of urgent diplomacy to represent this countrys commitment to the value of freedom of speech. At the press conference outside of the embassy after their visit, the pair who has been eager to see Assange for months, but were not allowed to do so until now, stood with Assanges father and called for an international solution to Western governments persecution of Assange. Sevim Dagdelen, member of the Left Party, emphasized that Assanges injustice is an exceptional case, noting how "there is no other publisher or editor in the Western world who has been arbitrarily detained" and this is a betrayal of Western values about human rights. Heike Hansel, vice-chairman of the Left parliamentary group, urged people to resist US government extraterritorial prosecution of Assange.

The courage of individuals inside democratic institutions, striving to uphold civil liberties, became contagious. Just before Christmas Eve this year, UN experts reiterated their demand for the UK to honor its international obligations and allow Assange to leave the embassy without fear of arrest and extradition. Chris Williamson, a sitting UK Member of Parliament has endorsed the UNs statement that Assange should be compensated and be made free. While elected officials are standing up for the principle of democracy, concerned citizens around the world day and night stand watch over Assange outside of the embassy in London.

Restoring rule of law

As 2018 comes to an end, the legitimacy of the West and its entire fabric of institutions is now being tested. Democracy birthed in ancient Athens, was peoples aspiration to organize a society through their direct participation in power. In modern times, it got uprooted from the original imagination and quickly degenerated into a form of "elective despotism" that Thomas Jefferson once predicted.

In the institutional hierarchy of Western liberal democracy, what was regarded as the force for progress began to decay, from inside out. A system of representation that is purported to make those who are capable and intelligent to use their skills for public service, has been abused. Now, the rich and powerful began to inflict harm on those whom they are supposed to represent.

WikiLeaks, the worlds first global Fourth Estate, has come to existence as response to this crisis of democracy. With a pristine record of accuracy in its publications, the whistleblowing site brought a way for citizens around the world to transform this hollow democracy that has devoured ideals that once inspired the hearts of ordinary people.

From the 2007 release of the Kroll report on official corruption in Kenya that affected the outcome of the national election, to the exposing of the moral bankruptcy of Icelands largest bank in 2009, WikiLeaks publications helped awaken the power of citizenry in many countries. Released documents sparked global uprisings, transforming pervasive defeatism and despair into collective action on the streets. US diplomatic cables leak shared through social media in 2010 unleashed a powerful force that finally topped the corrupt Tunisian dictator Ben Ali.

Months after the Arab Spring, informed by WikiLeaks cables, people in Mexico launched a peaceful youth movement against the political corruption of the media. Revelations of Cablegate also affected the course of a presidential election in Peru, and transformed the media in Brazil. In 2016, the DNC leaks and publication of Podesta emails educated American people about how their political system works.

Julian Assange, through his work with WikiLeaks, engaged in that type of vibrant journalism that revitalized the impulse for real democracy. By publishing vital information in the public interest, he defended publics right to know, empowering ordinary people to actively participate in history.

Now, it is our responsibility to respond to this crisis of democracy through solidarity. Can each of us step up to the challenge to solve the problems that our leaders have created? Efforts to free Assange urge us all to claim and exercise the power inherent within that can restore justice to end this prosecution of free speech.

Nozomi Hayase, Ph.D., is a writer who has been covering issues of freedom of speech, transparency, and decentralized movements. Her work is featured in many publications. Find her on twitter @nozomimagine.

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Justice for Julian Assange, Test of Western Democracy ...

WikiLeaks – Defend WikiLeaks

How WikiLeaks works

WikiLeaks is a transparency organisation and online publisher founded in 2006 by Julian Assange. It reveals censored and restricted materials, specialising in large data sets and has published over 10 million documents with a perfect record of authenticity.

WikiLeaks receives censored and restricted documents anonymously after Julian created the first anonymous secure online submission system for documents from journalistic sources. For years it was the only such system of its kind, but such a dropbox is now a staple of many major news and human rights organisations, with versions such as SecureDrop. The documents released by WikiLeaks have shown the inner workings of governments, corporations, trade deals, wars, and much more.

Julian Assange founded WikiLeaks to:

bring important news and information to the public One of our most important activities is to publish original source material alongside our news stories so readers and historians alike can see evidence of the truth.

Key points about WikiLeaks:

WikiLeaks first began publishing source documents in December 2006 when it released documents on Somalia. One of its first major releases was the a copy of the Guantanamo Bay prison camps 2003 Standard Operating Procedures for the US Army. WikiLeaks soon released allegations of illegality by the Swiss Bank Julius Baer, Sarah Palins Yahoo emails, the secret bibles of Scientology and the membership list of the far-right British National Party.

In 2010, WikiLeaks came to global attention by publishing tens of thousands of classified documents from the United States, from the US Armys helicopter gunners in Collateral Murder to the Afghan War Diaries, the Iraq War Logs to Cablegate, the State Department diplomatic cables. This was followed in 2011 by the Gitmo Files documents on 767 of the 779 prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.

From 2012-15, WikiLeaks published the Global Intelligence Files (5 million emails from intelligence contractor Stratfor), two million files from Syrian political elites, the Saudi Cables (500,000 files from the Saudi Foreign Ministry) as well as material on Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnerships trade deals.

In 2016, WikiLeaks published the DNC Leaks over 50,000 emails and attachments from the US Democratic National Committee and the Podesta Emails 58,660 emails from Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta.

This was followed in 2017 by the publication of Spy Files: Russia and, most notably the Vault 7 series which exposes CIA hacking tools in the biggest leak in the CIAs history. In 2018, WikiLeaks released files on Amazon and on a secret arms deal in the Middle East

This is a snapshot of some WikiLeaks releases. A full list can be viewed here.

WikiLeaks, its publisher and its journalists have won many awards, including:

WikiLeaks has also been nominated for the UN Mandela Prize (2015) and, in six consecutive years, for the Nobel Peace Prize (2010-2015).

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WikiLeaks - Defend WikiLeaks

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Category:WikiLeaks - Wikimedia Commons

WikiLeaks –

WikiLeaks has become a political game changer for the entire world.

Secrets, we now realize, are no longer possible even for those with diplomatic pouches, encrypted security measures and the most powerful safeguards for supposedly securing total privacy.

Thanks to WikiLeaks the whole world now knows the content of many of the most intimate conversations between heads of state as well as reports of ambassadors to their governments. Some of the material was so explosive that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spent much of the past week preparing foreign leaders for the fallout what the Guardian described as a meltdown of the U.S. diplomatic corps.

In addition to giving support to many of Israel's positions, especially regarding the threat of Iran, several revelations are deeply embarrassing. They provide off-the-cuff assessments by American diplomats of world leaders, critiques that were expected to be released only decades from now. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is compared to Hitler, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is called an emperor with no clothes," Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is "driven by paranoia," according to the cables, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel earns high marks as a "Teflon" politician.

The explosive nature of what has now become public knowledge was perhaps best summed up by Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini who referred to the public release of the WikiLeaks information as the "Sept. 11 of world diplomacy."

Related Article: Stopping Lashon Hara

WikiLeaks has introduced a new concept into the political arena: Truth trumps all else. If it is true that a head of state spoke ill of another government's leader it is not only justifiable but even mandatory to reveal the insult. After all, it is true, and what can be more exemplary than to publicize truth? If there is information that guides foreign policy which our enemies are unaware of but strategically important to us, the only question that needs to be answered before making it public is whether it is indeed fact; WikiLeaks is proud to present itself as fearless spokesman for truth, no matter the fallout or negative consequences.

I will leave it to the political analysts to discuss the merits of this position as it relates to the relationships between nations and the real-politique necessary to assure peace between peoples with differing ideologies and aspirations. What I'm more interested in is whether the guiding rule of WikiLeaks ought to be an ethical principle for our private lives.

Does the truth really supersede every other value? Does the fact that something is true always justify its being made public?

Before we make up our minds about the morality of WikiLeaks laying bare every governmental indiscretion or secret to the world's press, it might be relevant for us to put this into the perspective of our own moral choices on a daily basis.

Judaism is quite clear about the severity of lashon hara speaking ill of others. Very often those who are guilty of this sin attempt to justify their behavior with the words But it's true. According to Jewish law, this defense is totally irrelevant. Lashon hara, which literally means 'evil talk,' has no right for expression because of its motivation; its truthfulness does not override its hurtfulness. If what is being said is a slanderous lie in addition to being hurtful, it would be an even greater sin.

Rabbi Israel Salanter, founder of the Mussar movement that stressed the importance of developing personal integrity, put it beautifully: Before we speak of another person we must always ask ourselves two questions is it kind and is it true? And if the answer to the first is no, then the second no longer matters; our ethical imperative demands silence.

It often comes as a surprise to many people to learn that Jewish law sometimes not only permits but actually encourages the suppression of truth.

What if the family and the doctor are certain that a critically ill patient wouldn't be able to cope with a dire prognosis? Compassion, codified by Jewish law, dictates that we may hide the truth from the clinically condemned sufferer, even if we have to lie when he asks whether we are optimistic about his fate.

There are many moments in life when unvarnished truth comes with a price too costly to bear. The Talmud points out that God himself did not hesitate to tell a lie in the cause of a kinder and greater good. When the angels came to Sarah to inform her that she would be blessed with a child, her response mocked the prophecy on the grounds that her husband Abraham was too old to be a father. But when God repeated her words to Abraham he changed them; in God's version Sarah supposedly put the onus on herself I am too old to bear a child. That wasn't true. But it was kind. And it is from this very story that the sages posit the principle that a lie in the interest of peace in this case peace between husband and wife is far preferable to a hurtful truth.

The WikiLeaks philosophy has no place in our personal lives. Judaism long ago warned us that the malicious does not become any more acceptable simply by virtue of its veracity, nor does truth enjoy an unquestioned right to be disseminated in spite of any negative consequences.

After all, as William Blake so profoundly pointed out,

A truth that's told with bad intentbeats all the lies you can invent.

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WikiLeaks -

Does Julian Assange Really Have an Email That Will Get …

Julian Assange, the founder and head of WikiLeaks, has laid his cards on the table: He views it as his mission to do what he can to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States of America. And his reasons arent just political, as Charlie Savage wrote earlier this week in the New York Times: In an interview with Robert Peston of ITV on June 12, Savage wrote, Assange suggested that he not only opposed her candidacy on policy grounds, but also saw her as a personalfoe.

Recently, the internet rumor mill has been circulating an enticing possibility for those rooting for an Assange takedown of Clinton: Assange says that he has, in his possession, an email or emails that will offer enough evidence thats the simple, two-word quote that is repeated over and over and over, everywhere for authorities to indict Clinton. If youGoogle Clinton Assange indictment,the headlines scream off the screen, each more excitable than the last:Democrat Scandal: Julian Assange Claims New Leaks Will Send Hillary Clinton to Prison Over Campaign to Destroy Bernie Sanders,BREAKING: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of Hillary Clinton,Julian Assange: My Next Leak Will Ensure Hillarys Arrest,and so on. (Disclosure: My brother does data analysis for the Clintoncampaign.)

Suffice it to say, this would be a big deal. If Hillary Clinton got indicted, it would virtually hand the election to Donald Trump. But after the millions of dollars Republican members of Congress spent investigating the Benghazi attacks, the yearlong FBI inquiry into Clintons use of a private, non-secure server for emails that led to that agencys director, James Comey,publicly reprimanding Clinton as extremely carelessbut declining to press charges, and the endless scrutiny of the Clinton Foundations finances, what could such an email possiblycontain?

Or maybe thats the wrong question to be asking. Based on my attempt to verify the quote in question, Assange may have never actually claimed to have such materials. Rather, this may have all been an out-of-control game of internet telephone, of rumormongering at its worst and least responsible, propagated by outlets hostile to Clinton and eventually reaching the pages of the top newspaper in the United States, theTimes, and one of the top papers in Canada, theNational Post. At the very least it appears that the most popular version of the blockbuster-emails story that Assange told ITV a future release will contain enough evidence to indict Clinton is false, despite having been endlessly echoed online. Assange did not make that claim in that interview, and while its hard to prove the total nonexistence of a two-word quote, theres no clear evidence he uttered that phrase in an interview atall.

Before explaining whats going on here, its important to make clear that Assangehassaid that WikiLeaks will be dumping juicy Clinton-related documentsin the future. But this is different, and less surprising, from the idea of Assanges explicitly mentioning a specific email or emails that could lead to a Clinton indictment. Its one thing to sayWere going to release emails that will make Hillary Clinton look bad, which WikiLeaks has done and will undoubtedly continue to do whenever it can, and its quite another to sayWere going to release emails that will land Hillary Clinton inprison.

The confusion that gave rise to the enough evidence rumor might stem from the fact that the ITV spot was a bit of a train wreck. Mostly, the interview has been spread around online viathis linkto a shortened version, but what appears to be the full, start-to-finish interview is here, with the Clinton portion coming in the last 3:30 orso:

As Savage notes in hisTimeswriteup, part of the reason this interview slipped under the radar when it first aired was because Mr. Peston appeared to mistakenly assume that WikiLeaks had obtained still-undisclosed emails from the private server Mrs. Clinton had used while secretary of state and kept cutting Mr. Assange off to ask about it. But those emails had actually already been published by the State Department as a result of the FBIs investigation into Clintons cybersecurity (or lack thereof) practices WikiLeaks just compiled them into an easy-to-search database. Thats why the interview is a bit hard to fully follow: As Savage writes, it now seems clearer that Mr. Assange was trying to talk about the Democratic National Committee emails, even as Peston was pressing him about server emails. He was giving a hint about the big reveals to come the emails that led to afair amount of Democratic embarrassment, and to the ouster of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chair of theDNC.

But on the question of whether Assange mentioned the possibility of a Clinton indictment in that interview, the answer is clear: Yes, he did, but in a very specific and not particularly explosive way. It comes at around the five-minute mark of the fullvideo:

We have accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton we could proceed to an indictment. But because Loretta Lynch is the DoJ, head of the DoJ in the United States, appointed by Obama, Loretta Lynch is the person in charge of our case [meaning the governments investigation of WikiLeaks dissemination of classified government documents]. Shes not going to indict Hillary Clinton, thats not possible that could happen, but the FBI can push for concessions from the new Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment. But theres very strong material, both in the emails and in relation to the Clinton Foundation. For example, we published an email where Hillary Clinton is instructing her staff to remove the Classified header of a classified document and send it by a non-classified fax. So that just requires one more thing, which is to show that the document was actually sent. But she instructed her staff to violate those classification procedures in the United States.

Assange is claiming that one of the emails WikiLeaks had already published at that time (via the State Department releases) could potentially be indictment-worthy in the context of future evidence that hasnt yet emerged but that he finds that extremely unlikely. Hes making the common-sense observation that the Democrat-appointed attorney general is probably not looking to go out of her way to indict a Democratic former secretary of State who is running for President during the peak of a presidentialcampaign.

(Update: On Twitter, Savage points out that when you include Assanges words from immediately prior to what I excerpted, it sounds like hes saying something a bit different, though some interpretation is required with regard to the placement of the quotationmarks:

The FBI is going to go, We have accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton we could proceed to an indictment. But because Loretta Lynch is the DoJ head of the DoJ in the United States, appointed by Obama Loretta Lynch is the person in charge of our case. Shes not going to indict Hillary Clinton, thats not possible that could happen. But the FBI can push for concessions from the new Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment.But theres very strong material, both in the emails and in relation to the Clinton Foundation

In this reading, our case again, per Savage on Twitter refers to the governments hypothetical case against Clinton, not against WikiLeaks. In listening to the interview, I had processed a pause in Assanges speech as him trailing off and switching his train of thought: The FBI is going to go We have accumulated I actually think Savages interpretation is more likely. If hes right, then it gets even harder to interpret this segment as Assange claiming there is still-unreleased material that will lead to Clintons indictment rather, hes imagining that the FBI believes it already has enough evidence to indict, but that investigators there realize that Lynchs allegiances make that a politicalimpossibility.)

Now, the full story of Clintons asking for the header to be removed is a bit murky, and there are potentially nonincriminating explanations. But setting aside the merits of Assanges legal analysis, there is no point in this clip, or the ITV segment on the whole, when he claims specifically that he is sitting on unreleased material that will likely lead to Clintons indictment, or when he uses the phrase enough evidence to describe the contents of a leak-to-come. Plus, that claim makes no sense in the full context of the clip: If he was anticipating an indictment, why would he be talking about his hopes for the FBI to extract concessions from a new Clinton government? Yet the interview has been presented, thousands of times now if you factor in the internets bottom-feeders, as proof that Assange is going to be releasing some bombshell materials that pose a serious legal threat to Clinton. (An email to WikiLeaks seeking comment bouncedback.)

The enough evidence quote turns out to be rather ghostly almost every time it is mentioned online, its either attributed to the ITV interview or disconnected from any sourcing whatsoever. Trying to track it down leads deep down a dark internet rabbit hole. In a Russia Today segment posted to YouTube Wednesday, for example, the host leads off by saying that Julian Assange is now preparing to release more leaked emails, and this time he says they will, quote, provide enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton. The host doesnt provide the source of the quote (or make it clear where it leaves off). If you then Google Assange and the exact phrase enough evidence, one top Google News result the top result for me is a National Post article from Tuesday which references a Democracy Now interview. Quoting from that interview, the Post articlenotes:

In relation to sourcing, I can say some things, Assange told the host. (A), we never reveal our sources, obviously. Thats what we pride ourselves on. And we wont in this case, either. But no one knows who our source is. Assange has said the release Friday was the first in a series and the new emails would provide enough evidence to indict Clinton. In a June interview with Britains ITV, Assange said the same, warning there was enough evidence to indict Clinton if the U.S. government had the courage to do so. [emphasis mine]

What does has said mean here? To which interview is it referring? Again, we have the unusual situation of a direct quote being provided with no specific attribution. As the slippery phrasing hints, enough evidence didnt come from the Democracy Now segment that transcript doesnt contain the words enough, evidence, or indict, and only mentions arrested in the context of the as-yet-unresolved sexual-assault charges leveled against Assange in 2010. The quote is just floating there, alone andmysterious.

Theres a similar issue with an article by David Sanger, the Times chief Washington correspondent, which was publishedMonday:

Julian Assange, who founded WikiLeaks, argued to Richard Engel of NBC in an interview broadcast Monday that there is no proof of that whatsoever that Russia was behind the original hacking. We have not disclosed our source, and of course, this is a diversion thats being pushed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Mr. Assange also said another round of emails to be released would provide enough evidence to indict her, but her campaign manager, Robby Mook, said, He says a lot of things, so Im not, Im not going to pay attention to that.

The attribution isnt totally clear, but the simplest interpretation, based on the also said phrasing, is that Assange made the enough evidence comment to Engel. But if you watch the full interview posted on, theres no such moment.(I emailed with Sanger about this yesterday, and he said that quote came from the articles contributing reporter and that he would ask her about it. If I hear more, Ill update thisstory.)

Other mainstream outlets picked up the quote as well: Julian Assange has pronounced that there are more hacked emails to come from his group, including ones that willprovide enough evidenceto see Hillary Clinton arrested,wrote Reasons Nick Gillespieon Tuesday, linking to the ITV spot. (I took it from a headline that linked to the interview, but I had not watched the interview, which is not good journalism, to be sure, said Gillespie when I asked him about his post.)A New YorkNewsdayeditorial published Mondayhad it slightly differently and got the date of the interview wrong: in an interview with Britains ITV earlier this month, Assange predicted that [the private-server emails] would provide enough evidence to derail hercampaign.

So where did this two-word quote ostensibly uttered by Assange originate? It appears, but cant be definitively proven, that it first popped up the day after the ITV interview in June, in blog posts covering that interview published by Zero Hedge and Russia Today. Zero Hedge, a popular economics- and finance-focused conservative blog that is very Clinton-averse and, to phrase it diplomatically, has not always had an intensely intimate relationship with the concept of careful fact-checking, published an item headlined Julian Assange Warns WikiLeaks Will Publish Enough Evidence To Indict Hillary Clinton. The post in question didnt actually show where in the ITV interview Assange said that, because he didnt say that. (Wednesday, Zero Hedge followed up with a post which noted that One month ago, when Wikileaks Julian Assange told ITVs Richard Peston that he would publish enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton, few took him seriously. If people didnt take the quote seriously, there was good reason for it.) As for Russia Today, its article about the ITV interview had the very similar headline Wikileaks will publish enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton, warns Assange, and like the Zero Hedge article it provided no evidence of that actualquote.

The RT and Zero Hedge posts exploded across the internet shortly after they went up, gaining traction via typically high-share-count sites like U.S. Uncut (In a recent interview with ITV, Assange said the whistleblowing website will soon be leaking documents that will provide enough evidence for the Department of Justice to indict the presumptive Democratic nominee) and TruthDig, and were also posted to popular conservative forums like FreeRepublic and, helping the rumor to spread still further. One YouTube video on the subject got more than 260,000 views. The original article and almost all the follow-up postings all made the same error: They all claimed that Assange said in the ITV interview that a future WikiLeaks release would provide enough evidence direct quote to indictClinton.

The case that RT and/or Zero Hedge launched this rumor isnt bulletproof, but its fairly strong. If you do a Google search over a date range that only goes to June 10, 2016 a couple days before the ITV interview theres no sign of anyone reporting this direct quote before then. Technically, there are some hits, but all the links I clicked on pointed to content which was indexed incorrectly and had actually been published later, or which was otherwiseirrelevant.

Again: Its very, very hard to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a given person never used a given two-word phrase in reference to a particular situation. But typically, if a public figure makes a remark and news outlets snip a couple words from it, it takes about ten seconds, thanks to Google, to determine the context and read the full sentence in question. As far as I can tell, having checked both Google and Nexis, no one seems to have posted the full sentence from which Assanges enough evidence remark was plucked, and over and over and over, those writing about or reporting on that quote have linked to an interview in which it simply doesnt occur. This is extremely unusual.

If this is, in fact, a false rumor, it isnt hard to see why it went viral. One of the many reasons people spread rumors without fact-checking them is wish-fulfillment: people who hate Clinton really, really want to see her indicted (if not shot for the supposed treason she has committed). But its still strange and disturbing, even by circa-2016 standards of viral rumors, that a direct quote that doesnt show up anywhere could so effortlessly penetrate the Clinton/WikiLeaks conversation, from the webs most tin-foil-hatted blogs all the way up to the New York Times.

Read more from the original source:
Does Julian Assange Really Have an Email That Will Get ...

Verdict near in Bradley Manning trial – CBS News

A military judge said Monday that she expects to announce a verdict on Tuesday in the trial of Bradley Manning, a 25-year-old Army private accused of aiding the enemy by facilitating the release of a trove of classified national security documents to anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

The judge, Army Col. Denise Lind, began deliberating Friday after closing arguments brought to an end the nearly two-month trial. Manning asked for a military judge, rather than a jury, to hear his case.

In addition to aiding the enemy - the most serious charge Manning faces, which could result in a sentence of life in prison if he is convicted - Manning stands accused of federal espionage, theft, and computer fraud for his role in releasing roughly 700,000 battlefield reports, diplomatic cables, and pieces of video footage to the controversial organization, which subsequently published much of the material on its website. The unauthorized disclosure represented the largest leak of classified material in American history.

Manning has acknowledged releasing the documents to WikiLeaks, but his defense attorney has said that he did not expect the information to fall into the hands of American enemies or pose a danger to soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the eyes of his supporters and defense team, Manning is a whistleblower, albeit a naive one, who was simply doing his part to expose what he saw as wartime atrocities and unwittingly became ensnared in a snowballing crisis as his disclosure metastasized.

During closing arguments, Manning's attorney David Coombs said his client was negligent in releasing the documents but insisted Manning had no "evil intent."

"He's not seeking attention," Coombs said. "He's willing to accept the price" of his actions.

Manning has said he disclosed the documents to provoke a public debate about the righteousness of America's wartime conduct. At a pre-trial hearing earlier this year, he accused the American military of "bloodlust," saying troops and commanders demonstrated a lack of regard for human life as they prosecuted the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Coombs portrayed his client as a "guy who cared about human life."

Manning has insisted that his release was not indiscriminate - that he had access to hundreds of millions of documents as an intelligence analyst in Iraq, but that he culled and released only those that documented legitimate malfeasance.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who himself became a controversial figure and international fugitive in the wake of his organization's decision to release the documents provided by Manning, has sprang to the Army private's defense, lauding him as a whistleblower and accusing the U.S. government of attempting to squelch dissent and dismiss legitimate grievances. He has slammed U.S. officials for waging a "war on whistleblowers."

To his detractors, however, Manning is no whistleblower. Prosecutors portrayed the Army private as a traitor and publicity hound who knew perfectly well where his disclosures would land when he began unlawfully leaking the documents in late 2009. Manning has insisted that his leaks did not begin until February 2010.

"This is a case about a soldier who systematically harvested hundreds of thousands of documents from classified databases and then dumped that information onto the Internet into the hands of the enemy," said the prosecutor, Capt. Joe Morrow, during the trial. He said Manning demonstrated a sense of "arrogance" in releasing the information.

The chief prosecutor, Maj. Ashden Fein, said Manning's goal was "worldwide distribution."

Manning "knew the entire world included the enemy, from his training," Fein said. "He knew he was giving it to the enemy, specifically al Qaeda."

In a 2010 appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," Vice President Joe Biden batted down the suggestion that Manning was a whistleblower, saying the private's actions were more in line with those of a "high-tech terrorist."

After he was arrested in May 2010, Manning was held in solitary confinement, sometimes naked, at a Marine base in Quantico, Va. for nine months. Jailers said they stripped him of clothing because he was considered a suicide risk, but Lind previously ruled that Manning had been unlawfully punished during his detention and that 112 days should be shaved off of any sentence he eventually receives.

Manning's sexuality was also at issue during the trial. A gay man serving during the era of "don't ask, don't tell," Manning was barred from revealing his sexual identity to his colleagues and commanders. Defense attorneys have contended that Manning's struggle to fit into a military culture that devalued his own identity may have played a role in his decision to begin leaking classified information.

Manning has already pleaded guilty to reduced versions of 10 of the 22 charges he faces, which could land him in prison for up to 20 years. Lind previously refused to dismiss the accusation that Manning had aided the enemy, saying prosecutors had presented sufficient evidence to justify the charge.

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Verdict near in Bradley Manning trial - CBS News

I am Bradley Manning (full HD)

It's time to stop the war on | #iambradleymanning

Produced and directed by Logan Price (@kstrel) and Ana Nogueira (@ananogger) as volunteers, with help from the Bradley Manning Support Network. Special thanks to Katie Davison.

Appearances:Maggie GyllenhaalRoger WatersOliver StoneDaniel EllsbergPhil DonahueMichael RatnerAlice WalkerTom MorelloMatt TaibbiPeter SarsgaardAngela DavisMobyMolly CrabappleTim DeChristopherLT Dan ChoiBishop George PackardRussell BrandAllan NairnChris HedgesWallace ShawnAdhaf SoueifJosh StieberMichael Ratner

With expertise and in kind support from:

Katie DavisonScott CramerDaniel CashinAndy sternMcNair ScottBrice Bishop PullenAbraham HeislerRoger HillDavid MartinezRain PhoenixSarah Sophie FlickerRobin Bell (Bell Visuals)Steve SapienzaDan KatzRyan HarveyHunter HarrisHan ShanKaty ScogginLaura PoitrasCressida TrewSherief GaberSharif Abdel KouddousOmar KamelJeremy FleishmanTodd ChandlerYana WaltonAnne SullivanBrenda CoughlinNorman SolomonElizabeth PressSam AlcoffMelanie LevyMeagan AlgerI-Ching LaoSandra NurseMaisy MetrixKirsta GurkoDicey TroopTess CohenVida JamesMetar MoskovitchFlynn JoffrayBryce GroffBonny MossJordan FlahertyGeorge MachadoZac SolomanPranav BehariCristian FlemmingJohn TrozzoloRootsActionColor LinesPraxis FilmsYes LabsThe Public SocietyArticle 19 FilmsRickshaw FilmsBradley Manning Support Network

---Music via creative commons attribution license:

"I dunno" by Grapes -"The Complex" by Kevin Macleod -

Originally posted here:
I am Bradley Manning (full HD)

The Soul-Rape of Bradley Manning – The Dollar Vigilante

[Editors Note: The following post is by TDV contributor, Wendy McElroy]

US Army Private Bradley Manning is being persecuted for exposing war crimes committed by the Bush and Obama administrations. Like any criminal, the US government wants its wrongful acts to remain secret; it wishes to make the truth illegal.

On June 3rd, the trial of Manning began. He previously pled guilty to 10 offenses that could collectively bring 20 years in custody, but the military prosecutors were not satisfied. They pursued the capital offense of aiding the enemy which can be punished by execution or life imprisonment. This is Obama's warning to anyone else who is tempted to speak truth to power.


Bradley Manning was arrested in May 2010 for passing restricted material to the WikiLeaks site, which is dedicated to the free flow of information. The material included videos of American airstrikes on Baghdad and Afghanistan, as well as hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables that became known as the Iraq and Afghan War logs.

The American government and military were acutely embarrassed. For example, one video consisted of cockpit gunsight footage from a US helicopter that was involved in the series of July 12, 2007 airstrikes on Baghdad in which an estimated 18 people were killed, including two Reuters war correspondents. The military claimed the dead were armed insurgents, and at least two of them had weapons which is common practice in Iraq. The Pentagon buried the footage by refusing a Freedom of Information request from Reuters. When the video was leaked, it showed an indiscriminate slaughter. Its audio captured the unalloyed joy of the Americans as they killed and an absolute lack of remorse when they realized young children were among the dead.

This video was a turning point for Manning who was shocked by the soldier's remarks. At his pre-trial hearing, he stated of the leaked material, I felt I had accomplished something that allowed me to have a clear conscience based upon what I had seen and read about and knew were happening in both Iraq and Afghanistan every day.

The 1971 leak of the Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsberg was a turning point in the Vietnam War because it revealed the depth of lies being told by the American government to the American people. Manning's act was a turning point in the Iraq and Afghan wars but it had far wider impact. For one thing, it was instrumental in sparking the Arab Spring; one diplomatic cable discredited the Tunisian government by verifying the raw corruption of the President and his family.


Indiscriminate slaughter and the torture of detainees do not disturb the Obama administration; talking about them does. Manning not only talked but he backed everything up with data. For exposing and embarrassing them, government wishes not merely to punish Manning but to crush him utterly so that his example does not inspire others. To do so, it must make transparency into treason.

The accusation of aiding and abetting the enemy is a drastic and dangerous expansion of the Espionage Act. The exact wording of the charge: Knowingly giving intelligence to the enemy through indirect means. Traditionally, direct means have been required; that is, a person directly and intentionally provided intelligence to the enemy. The prosecutors now contend that the transfer can be indirect and unintentional. They argue Manning should have known Al Qaeda could access the information; his intention of revealing a war crime to the world becomes irrelevant. The New York Times observed, This would turn all government whistle-blowing into treason: a grave threat to both potential sources and American journalism.

The civil libertarian Glenn Greenwald explained further, [The new legal theory] would basically mean that any kind of leak now of classified information to newspapers, where your intent is not to aid the Taliban or help them but to expose wrongdoing, is now considered a capital offense and considered aiding and abetting the enemy.And thats an amazingly broad and expansive definition The expanded theory becomes a de facto gag order, especially in the hands of Obama who has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all previous Presidents combined.

There is no question that Manning broke the law. The fault lies not in Manning but in the military. No person nor organization has the right to force a man to surrender his conscience and mutely watch the slaughter of children. He has an inalienable right to speak the truth. To claim otherwise is to argue that a soldier is literally property, a slave of the military and no longer a man.

In Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau declared, Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right.Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. Speaking specifically of soldiers who surrender their conscience, Thoreau continued, They have no doubt that it is a damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably inclined. Now, what are they? Men at all? or small movable forts and magazines, at the service of some unscrupulous man in power? [B]ehold a marine, such a man as an American government can makea mere shadow and reminiscence of humanity

Manning has already spent 1110 days in prison, much of it in solitary confinement and other conditions that human rights organizations call torture. Even for the most military of men, 1110 days and the prospect of 20 years more should be enough punishment for the 'crime' of retaining a conscience.


Roger Williams, the Puritan founder of Rhode Island, was America's first revolutionary. He created the American soul by inextricably linking individual liberty with freedom of belief. In the 1640s, Williams argued passionately for soul liberty that is, an individual's conscience should be free from outside interference and control. [T]o force the Consciences of the Unwilling is a Soul-rape, he declared bluntly. Drawing upon Williams, the contemporary American philosopher Martha Nussbaum further defined soul-rape as forcing people to affirm convictions that they may not hold, or to give assent to orthodoxies they dont support.

Williams won the argument, and the First Amendment was the ultimate result. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press The amendment was first in the Bill of Rights because freedom of conscience and speech is the most fundamental of human rights. Around the world, Americans became renowned as a people who bowed their heads and beliefs to no one; they spoke and believed freely. And, so, the world gravitated toward America because of the hunger within human beings to think and decide for themselves. It is a hunger for human dignity.

The persecution of Manning is an attempt to destroy the core of what it means to be American by destroying freedom of conscience and speech. The police and surveillance state of America wants to control information down to the level of reaching inside people's minds to instill a fear of speaking or deciding for themselves.

Obama is raping the soul of America.

I confess to a quiet love and appreciation for the Obama administration. Not because Obama shares with me a similar complexion, genetic background or non-US citizenship. No, it's because under the Obama administration the US state has finally started to pull off its ridiculous mask of benevolence. No more helpful "world cop", due process, rule of law or checks and balances. Just a stone-cold bully who will steal, spy, kidnap and murder as he pleases.

Obama is like a prophetic fulfillment. He is more than the second Bush II. He is more than his interventionist deified hero FDR. Obama will be remembered as one of the finest silk-tongued totalitarian redistributionist mass murderers. Forget the worn comparisons to Hitler. We're talking Stalin-level here.

Sure, you had other real stinkers atop the illegitimate monolopy on violence known as the US government. There were especially notable crooks like Nixon and Wilson and Lincoln. But I have faith in Obama. I think he has what it takes to trump them all. The man is just hitting his stride and he's still got a couple of years left.

Indefinite detention of US citizens, cosmic level secret government surveillance, demonstratively cruel punishment of whistleblowersObama is just getting warmed up. We may not see the closing of the US borders or actual martial law under him, but he is certainly paving the way. If you've been thinking about TDV's offers to help you get out of the US while the getting is still good, there is no better time than now to get started. Find out more by clicking here.


Gary GibsonEditor, The Dollar Vigilante

Excerpt from:
The Soul-Rape of Bradley Manning - The Dollar Vigilante

Bradley Manning Avoids Most Serious Charge, Still Facing …

[Editor's Note: The following post is by TDV Editor-in-Chief, Jeff Berwick]

Yesterday, Private Bradley Manning was charged and faces "up to" 136 years in a cage for being someone Thomas Jefferson would consider a patriot. Considering the world's oldest person died at 116 years old last month it is quite clearly a life sentence. For myself, at 42, I consider anything more than 10 years a life sentence. Not that I couldn't still have fun at 52 but a lot less fun with a lot more viagra.

The most poignant part of it was that I didn't even hear of it until hours after the sentencing. When a hispanic-white man got into an altercation in Florida my CIABook wall was filled with hours and days of vitriol. When a man who tried to show war crime atrocities to the world was kidnapped and killed (life sentence) there was barely a peep. And, of the peeps on the mainstream media comments section it was mostly one of euphoria.

But, perhaps George Orwell put it best.

While I think Thomas Jefferson was a reasonable and decent man (slave raping aside), I think two of the murderers on Mt. Rushmore should be resculpted. Manly, bigoted, warmongering imperialist, Theodore Rosevelt, and the mass murderer and fascist, Abraham Lincoln, should be resculpted into the image of Bradley Manning and now, perhaps, Edward Snowden. Certainly, given the evidence, Thomas Jefferson wouldn't object to this renovation.

Never mind that in leaking that material Manning was upholding his legal and moral duty to expose war crimes after the superiors in his chain of command refused to do anything. But legality and morality don't matter in the midst of the chaos of the total state. Obama and high ranking Army officers have already declared Manning guilty "He broke the law!" long before his trial. And Obama and his Army top brass lost no sleep during the three years they tortured Manning with forced nudity and solitary confinement.

I am a bit surprised that Manning wasn't found guilty of the charge of aiding the enemy. If he had, that ruling would have implied that publishing material that the "enemy" could possibly see was a crime with a life sentence. That would have effectively stopped newspapers or websites from publishing anything that the government didn't want them to out of fear of lifetime imprisonment.

Another person of the ilk of Manning and Snowden is Adam Kokesh. When he worked for the empire murdering men, women and children abroad for profit he was thought of by the system as hero. Now that he pushes back against the gargantuan state and loaded a shotgun on YouTube he still remains in jail as the judge deemed him to be a "very dangerous man".

In the seven-hour closing argument against Manning they mostly came down to calling him an "anarchist" and used that as their main reason for ending his life.

Sure, you can use the argument that he willingly entered into employment with the military and agreed to certain rules under that contract, including keeping certain things secure and private. But, some things go well and far beyond a personal contract. If you were to enter into a contract with a babysitting service and said you'll keep all actions confidential and found out that the main clients and proprietors were people like the BBC's Jimmy Savile and an entire pedophile ring and you broke your contract and exposed them, you'd be a hero. When it is the government, however, as with all things, it appears the opposite is true.

For this reason I suggest just disengaging from anything to do with government. You can't negotiate you can't vote you can't petition or call your congressman and effect real change. The most real change you can make is what the "founding fathers" of the US did and leave your oppressive country and go somewhere else less oppressive and criminal.

We've chosen Chile at the moment. No place is perfect but Chilenos don't have more than a hundred military bases around the world and aren't drone bombing babies while kidnapping and ending the lives of anyone who exposes it.

There are also other countries (most others, really) that are better than the US and Western countries. With a basic subscription to TDV you can meet like-minded "founding father" expatriates in these other countries who can help you escape from a place gone very, very wrong.

Anarcho-Capitalist. Libertarian. Freedom fighter against mankinds two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick is the founder ofThe Dollar Vigilante, CEO ofTDV Media & Servicesand host of the popular video podcast,Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the worlds freedom, investment and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.

Bradley Manning Avoids Most Serious Charge, Still Facing ...