How to keep your data out of WikiLeaks – Computer Business Review

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Want to avoid seeing your corporate data appear in WikiLeaks?

However much you thrive on the roller coaster of business, one adrenaline rush you want to avoid is finding out that your corporate data is on WikiLeaks.

CIOs face the dichotomy of running an agile, flexible, data-sharing organisation while ensuring they are keeping corporate data safe. Much of the data being shared is sensitive in nature and if it gets into the wrong hands the results would be disastrous.

The good news is that it is possible to strike a delicate balance between an agile data model and strong data security.

When it comes to safeguarding data, establishing role-based, data-level security settings and encryption at rest are key to ensuring that data is only shared with appropriate individuals or organisations.

Take, for instance, the activities involved in supporting NHS patients or insurance customers. A doctor or financial analyst should have access to a great deal of patient or customer personal information. On the other hand, a call centre handler booking appointments or renewing policies only needs a restricted view of the same data.

Based on our work with security-conscious organisations, including global banks, here are the key factors that need addressing:

Redaction: Using redaction makes it easy to mask sensitivedata for certain audiences. By removing, replacing or blocking out details such as personallyidentifiable information (PII), it is easy to share custom views of your dataand prevent leakage.This feature has the added bonus of helping with compliance as it provides support for regulations including EU GDPR.

Advanced encryption: To protect data from cyber criminals and insider threats, organisations need to implement encryption in a more systematic way. Advanced encryption involves the selective and transparent encryption of data, configuration and logs. With its automatic and fast granular key rotation, standards-based cryptography and advanced key management, advanced encryption provides separation of duties between the security administrator and any system, network or database administrator to decrease the risk of potential exposure.

Standards Focus: Ensure you use data management products that support standards such as Common Criteria Certification, a stringent standard for computer security. Additionally, look for compartment security, data auditing, strict access controls as well as authentication tools that work with your organisations existing IT infrastructure.

Principle of least privilege: This is the process of deciding which users, programs and processes require access to the information in any particular layer of a computing environment. This includes application security controls around the databases APIs and security capabilities.

RBAC at scale: Role-Based Access Controls that manage individual users access to data dependent on their role have to be deployed at scale or designed with very granular roles and access controls to ensure performance isnt impacted at times when there are high volumes of data being added or queried.

Element level security: While older databases offered security at the document level, the latest technology has made it possible to increase granularity and hide specific elements within a document from users. Security at the element or property level based on an employees role enables companies to protect sensitive information throughout the life cycle of a document.

Certificate-Based Strong Authentication (CBA): CBA ensures the use of an encryption key that is unique to the authentication device and the user. CBA can also be used to digitally sign transactions and provide proof of the integrity and origin of data, also known as non-repudiation.

Effective data governance policies: Its important to implement and follow effective data governance policies and best practices such as maintenance of access controls, metadata, data quality and security features. If your database platform allows attributes to travel with the data, then the policy enforcement can be more granular and effective.

Separation of duties: This security method is used to manage conflicts of interest, the appearance of conflict of interest and fraud. By carefully restricting the types or amount of data any one individual employee can access, it creates a naturalbarrier to fraudulent activity.

Use the strongest available authentication: Using the highest level of authentication ensures the security and quality of the data.Examples include, LDAP, Kerberos and an external Key Management System.

Use SSL/TLS: Last but not least, Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is essential to encrypt all communications between all the different nodes and hosts.

We believe enterprises dont need to make a trade-off between data sharing and security. When your most sensitive and valuable data is being integrated across multiple silos of data, it takes a combination of products and processes to ensure that data is secure. But these capabilities can protect against some of the most sophisticated security threats companies are facing todayand in doing so, provide a competitive advantage.

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How to keep your data out of WikiLeaks - Computer Business Review

Wikileaks Releases Emails From Macron Campaign – Fortune

Wikileaks published over 20,000 emails stolen from the election campaign of French President, Emmanuel Macron, on Monday morning along with a tool to search the documents.

The leaked emails, which includes records of campaign expenses and logistics, do not so far appear to contain any obvious bombshells though it could take days for the media and others to properly review their contents.

According to Wikileaks, which announced the publication on Twitter and on its website, the emails span eight years and are from thousands of people:

Today, Monday 31 July 2017, WikiLeaks publishes a searchable archive of 21,075 unique verified emails associated with the French presidential campaign of Emmanual Macron. The emails range from 20 March 2009 to 24 April 2017. The 21,075 emails have been individually forensically verified

The full archive of 71,848 emails with 26,506 attachments from 4,493 unique senders is provided for context.

A brief review by Fortune of a sample of the emails turned up largely mundane items like a bill for secretarial services, and a significant part of the trove consists of newsletters that Macron-affiliated staff received from media outlets like Le Monde.

There are, though, some emails that discuss the rise of U.S. President Donald Trump, including one from a French government economist that describes Trump as a "political hybrid animal," whose campaign was built on an America-first message.

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Wikileaks created turmoil in the U.S. Presidential election last year by leaking emails stolen from Hillary Clinton's campaign Chair, John Podesta, and is regarded by many as a propaganda outlet for the Russian government.

In its short statement announcing the release of the Macron campaign emails, Wikileaks noted French cyber-security authorities had not attributed earlier leaks to Russia and said certain hacking attacks had come with false attribution.

Monday's document dump comes months after hackers leaked emails from the Macron campaign days before the French election in Maya move that ultimately had little effect on the results, which saw Macron soundly defeat French far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.

Last week, Reuters reported that Russia had created bogus Facebook pages to spy on the Macron campaign.

Excerpt from:
Wikileaks Releases Emails From Macron Campaign - Fortune

Wikileaks Says Robert Mueller Gave Russia Nuclear Material – But That’s Not The Whole Story – HuffPost UK

Wikileaks has released a classified US State Department from 2009 that appears to prove Special Counsel Robert Mueller, head of the Trump/Russia probe, once supplied the Russians with nuclear material.

The claim, if true, would be a hugely damaging revelation that would throw the whole investigation into chaos and incri

Only it isnt and Wikileaks knows it.

The text and tweet released by Wikileaks more than suggests Mueller is guilty of a serious crime, passing on nuclear material to the USAs superpower rival.

6. (S/Rel Russia) Action request: Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample once he arrives to Moscow on September 21. Post is requested to convey information in paragraph 5 with regard to chain of custody, and to request details on Russian Federations plan for picking up the material. Embassy is also requested to reconfirm the April 16 understanding from the FSB verbally that we will have no problem with the Russian Ministry of Aviation concerning Muellers September 21 flight clearance.

But the section it omitted from the tweet changes the entire context of Muellers actions.

Joshua Roberts / Reuters

2. (S/NF) Background: Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to the Russian request, the Georgian Government authorised the United States to share a sample of the material with the Russians for forensic analysis.

This text is included in the document linked to in the tweet but its clear many people did took it at face value.

Wikileaks used to be a force for good in the world, playing a major role in revealing the inner workings ofGuantanamo Bayand exposing events like the killing of journalists by US forces in Iraq.

But more recently the group and its founder, Julian Assange, have been accused of pandering to a pro-Russian agenda.

Assange has been eager to assist the Trumps in the ongoing probe into possible collusion between the Presidents associates and Russia during the 2016 US election.

When Donald Trump Jr released an email showing he attended a meeting with the knowledge he was to receive damaging information on Hillary Clinton via the Russian government, Assange tweeted:

He added: I argued that his enemies have it so why not the public? His enemies will just milk isolated phrases for weeks or months ... with their own context, spin and according to their own strategic timetable.

Better to be transparent and have the full context ... but would have been safer for us to publish it anonymously sourced.

By publishing it himself it is easier to submit as evidence.

Assange has been living in the Ecuadoran embassy in London since 2012 trying to avoid extradition by the Swedish authorities over a rape case which was dropped in May.

He has long fought the charges, saying he feared it would ultimately mean extradition to the US for prosecution over what Wikileaks has published.

Swedens decision to discontinue its case ends that threat.

But appearing on the balcony of the embassy in May, Assange said a legal conflict with the United States and the UK continued and the road is far from over.

Go here to see the original:
Wikileaks Says Robert Mueller Gave Russia Nuclear Material - But That's Not The Whole Story - HuffPost UK

WikiLeaks releases Manual for Linux Implant Aeris – Ghacks Technology News

WikiLeaks has been fairly steadily releasing documents from what is known as the Vault 7 leaks, and now documentation has been released about a tool known as Aeris which specifically targets POSIX systems such as a couple GNU/Linux Distributions.

Posted on WikiLeaks yesterday, was information regarding the Imperial project of the CIA,

Aeris is an automated implant written in C that supports a number of POSIX-based systems (Debian, RHEL, Solaris, FreeBSD, CentOS). It supports automated file exfiltration, configurable beacon interval and jitter, standalone and Collide-based HTTPS LP support and SMTP protocol support - all with TLS encrypted communications with mutual authentication.

It is compatible with the NOD Cryptographic Specification and provides structured command and control that is similar to that used by several Windows implants.

This article will be focusing specifically on Aeris however.

Aeris appears to be an implant that is designed to allow an agent to retrieve and send information about the infected system through TLS encrypted channels.

There are multiple avenues for information transmission such as mail systems like Postfix, that allow the agent to send heavily encrypted information to the designated destination in a virtually unbreakable fashion using AES256 encryption.

What systems are targeted?

The distribution of Aeris consists of a set of Python utilities and a set of binaries, one per platform that is targeted by Aeris.

Aeris does not have a separate installer. To deploy it, simply place an Aeris binary in the desired directory. Rename the binary in any way that you wish. Note that the configuration is patched in at build time; hence, no additional files (beyond possibly those related to persistence -- see the next section) are needed.

While many people may view this on a political level, or on the topic of privacy advocacy etc, I look at this from a standpoint of future security.

In the past, malware that has caused problems for the general populace has been based on government malware; such as WannaCry for example. WannaCry was initially based on EternalBlue, that many attribute it to the NSA.

Read also: A look at the nano text editor in GNU/Linux

With the release of this information on Aeris, I worry that black-hat (read: bad hackers) may get their hands on / develop something similar, and use the methods described in the documentation in malicious ways.

However, with that being said, most home users would have very little to worry about, and unless a server has a reason to be targeted; again there shouldnt really be any need to worry. But, educating ones-self on the topic is never a bad thing!

In the Manual, there is a rather amusing part of one paragraph that I thought I might point out:

Each implant instance has a unique certificate authority associated with it. The CA's private key is used to sign the implant's certificate as well as certificates for each LP associated with the implant in question.

If anyone actually reads this paragraph, he or she is entitled to a small monetary prize courtesy of the Aeris team lead. Implant- collected data cannot be decrypted without the CA's private key; hence, this key is considered SECRET//NOFORN and must be maintained on a classified network. All keys and certificates (CA, target, and LP) are 2048 bits in size.

Many people like to think that GNU/Linux systems are invincible, and that simply by running a Linux based system you are totally safe from malware and the like; these releases are just further proof that this is not the case; lets just hope that more malicious users out there do not try and take advantage of these new tools!

For those who wish to see the information about Aeris, you can find the manual here (PDF).


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WikiLeaks releases Manual for Linux Implant Aeris


WikiLeaks has been releasing documents from what is known as the Vault 7 leaks, and now documentation has been released about a tool known as Aeris


Mike Turcotte


Ghacks Technology News


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WikiLeaks releases Manual for Linux Implant Aeris - Ghacks Technology News

Wikileaks: CIA targets Red Hat with hacking tool – WRAL Tech Wire

Updated Jul. 28, 2017 at 8:49 a.m.

Published: 2017-07-28 08:47:00 Updated: 2017-07-28 08:49:21

By RICK SMITH, WRAL TechWire Editor

Raleigh, N.C. The top software product from Raleigh-based Red Hat is the target of a hacking tool developed by the CIA, according to documents published by WikiLeaks.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is one of the world's most popular software platforms used by global financial firms, and services related to RHEL is among Red Hat's most profitable revenue streams. Red Hat is the world's best-known developer of Open Source Linux software.

WikiLeaks says Red Hat's RHEL was targeted under a CIA program called "Imperial."

National Security Agency-born hacking programs were utilized in two major global ransomware attacks, according to researchers.

The program taking aim at RHEL is called Aeris, perhaps named after a character in the Final Fantasy VII game. And it appears to be quite dangerous. (An image of Aeris from the game is included with the "users guide" Wikileaks published.)

"The malware includes features for data exfiltration and can be used to build customized attacks," says tech news site Inquirer.

Led by Julian Assange, WikiLeaks did not identify the source of the latest document dump.

"RELEASE: CIA 'Aeris' implant targeting Debian, Red Hat, Solaris, FreeBSD and Centos users," WikiLeaks declared in a tweet on Thursday.

The targets

The software targets two versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Red Hat calls RHEL"the leading open source platform for modern datacenters" and says it "delivers military-grade security, 99.999% uptime, support for business-critical workloads, and so much more. Ultimately, the platform helps you reallocate resources from maintaining the status quo to tackling new challenges. It's just 1 reason why more than 90% of Fortune Global 500 companiesuse Red Hat products and solutions."

According to Wikileaks, Aeris is an "automated implant" that "supports automated file exfiltration."

Written in "C" programming language, Aeris also targets other software: Debian, Solaris, FreeBSD and CentOS.

Wikileaks adds that Aeris is "similar" to "implants" also used to penetrate Windows systems.

WRAL TechWire has reached out to Red Hat for reaction.

The full explanation

Here's the description about Aeris as published by Wikileaks:

"Aeris is an automated implant written in C that supports a number of POSIX-based systems (Debian, RHEL, Solaris, FreeBSD, CentOS). It supports automated file exfiltration, configurable beacon interval and jitter, standalone and Collide-based HTTPS LP support and SMTP protocol support - all with TLS encrypted communications with mutual authentication. It is compatible with the NOD Cryptographic Specification and provides structured command and control that is similar to that used by several Windows implants."

Other hacking tools

Aeris is one of three tools unveiled by WikiLeaks in its latest expose, include one that penetrates Apple Mac operating systems.

The tools are called "Achilles" and "SeaPea."

"Achilles is a capability that provides an operator the ability to trojan an OS X disk image (.dmg) installer with one or more desired operator specified executables for a one-time execution," Wikileaks says.

"SeaPea is an OS X Rootkit that provides stealth and tool launching capabilities. It hides files/directories, socket connections and/or processes. It runs on Mac OSX 10.6 and 10.7."

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Wikileaks: CIA targets Red Hat with hacking tool - WRAL Tech Wire

WikiLeaks Releases CIA Tools for Stealthy Hacking of Apple’s Operating System – Sputnik International


13:09 27.07.2017(updated 13:27 27.07.2017) Get short URL

WikiLeaks released new documents on Thursday as part of Vault 7 release, which contain information on the CIA hacking tools from the Imperial project.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) As regards the hacking tools, the Achilles is a trojan forthe OS X, while SeaPea is an OS X Rootkit that provides stealth and tool launching capabilities.

"Aeris is an automated implant written inC that supports a number ofPOSIX-based systems (Debian, RHEL, Solaris, FreeBSD, CentOS)," the press release explained.

SeaPea "hides files/directories, socket connections and/or processes. It runs onMac OSX 10.6 and 10.7."

WikiLeaks released the first batch fromthe Vault 7 project inMarch, containing a total of8,761 documents. The latest releases were dedicated toa CIA project targeting SMS messages sent and receive onAndroid devices and an analysis bya CIA "technology scout" analyzing suspected Chinese and Russian malware, and took place onJuly 13 and July 19 respectively.

Visit link:
WikiLeaks Releases CIA Tools for Stealthy Hacking of Apple's Operating System - Sputnik International

Letters to the Editor for Thursday, July 27, 2017 – Lynchburg News and Advance

Russia? It's all just a lot of smoke

Russia has been meddling in American affairs since the beginning of the Cold War. Were they trying to sway the last presidential election? Who knows? Is there any evidence that Russia had any influence on the election? No, absolutely none. (I know what you are thinking: WikiLeaks, right? I will address that in a moment.)

No evidence exists that Russia affected one voting machine or one vote in any state. No evidence exists that Russia affected one vote from any Electoral College representative. In short, our current president was elected by a strong majority of electoral votes completely within the current legal framework of our election process. Whether anyone likes that election outcome matters about as much whether they like the outcome of the Super Bowl. There was no Russian meddling in the process of the election, period.

Did Russia affect American opinion during the campaign? Assuming former FBI Director James Comey is not a Russian operative, the only tangible thing anyone can point to which may have swayed any voters opinions were the infamous WikiLeaks email dumps. The contents of those emails did shed light on some unsavory opinions and actions of high-ranking DNC members. So what was the source of the WikiLeaks emails?

Russia denies any relation to them. Some intelligence agencies infused with numerous Obama appointments claim the emails came from Russian hacking, but they have shown no proof or electronic trail. In over 11 years of operation, like them or hate them WikiLeaks has never been proven wrong not once. And Julian Assange has repeatedly declared that the emails did not come from Russia or any government for that matter.

While he flatly refuses to reveal his sources, comments Assange has made in interviews seem to suggest a DNC staffer, Seth Rich, may have been the source. Rich was murdered at 4 a.m. and the case is still unsolved. Originally, it was labeled a robbery, but his possessions wallet, phone, watch were not stolen. Suspecting a cover-up, WikiLeaks has offered a $20,000 reward for Richs murderer.

WikiLeaks denies the emails came from Russia and the Russians deny it. The whole Russian meddling story was asserted to explain how the inevitable Hillary Clinton could have lost. It has no basis in fact of any kind. The Democrats insist that there is a lot of smoke that must be investigated. But it is only the smoke that they are blowing up Americas you-know-what to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars in endless investigations, the only purpose of which is to find something, anything that they can use against Trump. These taxpayer funded investigations may be the most expensive and exhaustive opposition research campaign ever conducted in American political history.

See the original post:
Letters to the Editor for Thursday, July 27, 2017 - Lynchburg News and Advance

WikiLeaks drops another cache of ‘Vault7’ stolen tools – Naked Security

The WikiLeaks Vault 7 almost-weekly drip-drip-drip of confidential information on the cybertools and tactics of the CIA continued last week.

The latest document dump is a trove from agency contractor Raytheon Blackbird Technologies for the so-called UMBRAGE Component Library (UCL) Project, which includes reports on five types of malware and their attack vectors.

This is the 17th release of specific CIA hacking or surveillance tools since the initial announcement by WikiLeaks on March 7.

According to a statement announcing the latest release:

The documents were submitted to the CIA between November 21st2014 (just two weeks afterRaytheon acquired Blackbird Technologiesto build aCyber Powerhouse) and September 11th2015. They mostly contain Proof-of-Concept ideas and assessments for malware attack vectors partly based on public documents from security researchers and private enterprises in the computer security field.

Raytheon Blackbird Technologiesacted as a kind of technology scout for theRemote Development Branch (RDB)of the CIA by analysing malware attacks in the wild and giving recommendations to the CIA development teams for further investigation and PoC development for their own malware projects.

The component library includes:

A new variant of the HTTPBrowser Remote Access Tool (RAT), used by a threat actor known as Emissary Panda, believed to be in China, which was built in 2015. It is a keylogger, and according to Raytheon captures keystrokes using the standard RegisterRawInputDevice() and GetRawInput() APIs and writes the captured keystrokes to a file.

A new variant of the NfLog RAT, also known as IsSpace and used by Samurai Panda. It is, according to Raytheon, a basic RAT that polls C2 servers every 6 seconds awaiting an encoded response. If it detects that a user has administrative privileges, it will attempt to reload itself using the elevated permissions.

Regin, described as a very sophisticated malware sample, which has been around since 2013. It is used for target surveillance and data collection. Raytheon said it has a six-stage, modular architecture that affords a high degree of flexibility and tailoring of attack capabilities to specific targets. It is also stealthy, with an, ability to hide itself from discovery, and portions of the attack are memory resident only.

HammerToss, a suspected Russian state-sponsored malware, which became operational in 2014 and was discovered in 2015, uses Twitter accounts, GitHub or compromised websites, and cloud storage to arrange the command and control operations for the malware. It is considered the most sophisticated malware of the five in the current release.

Gamker, an information-stealing Trojan that uses an interesting process for self-code injection that ensures nothing is written to disk.

As WikiLeaks noted in its announcement, these were all malware attacks found in the wild, and therefore not secret. But the CIAs hope clearly was that they would lead to development of their own malware projects to be used to conduct attacks not just on individual computers or systems, but social media platforms like Twitter as well.

Read more from the original source:
WikiLeaks drops another cache of 'Vault7' stolen tools - Naked Security

Wikileaks Pettiness Reveals What Might Be the Secret Amazon … – Gizmodo

Justin Berry, right, listens Kurt Eichenwald testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee regarding sexual exploitation of children over the Internet in Washington in 2006. (Photo: AP)

Well, this is ugly: On Monday evening, international secret-sharing website WikiLeaks, whose founder Julian Assanges behavior of late has been slightly concerning, tweeted out what certainly looks like an Amazon burner account journalist Kurt Eichenwald used to write positive reviews of his own books back in the aughts.

WikiLeaks animosity seems to have been inspired by a legal battle between former Sputnik writer Bill Moran and Newsweek, where Eichenwald published a now-deleted piece in October 2016 claiming President Donald Trump, the Russian government-owned Sputnik, and WikiLeaks were all engaged in a conspiracy to smear Hillary Clinton. Moran fought back with claims of libel and defamation. Moran also alleged that Eichenwald had tried to silence him with bribery and threats. The case resulted in a settlement this month.

Eichenwalds story insinuated WikiLeaks was a tool of the Russian government. Eichenwald is hardly the only person to make the claimUS intelligence linked the hacked documents released by Wikileaks to the Russian government as well, though Assange denies it was his sourcebut Assange and Wikileaks have been reveling in Eichenwalds embarrassment as if it somehow means that Wikileaks didnt influence the election.

Heres Assange suggesting that Eichenwald may have left his job at Newsweek over the Moran affair:

In a reply, Eichenwald claimed to simply be on leave writing a book.

And heres a post from the verified Twitter account of the WikiLeaks Task Force, which the site uses to Correct misinformation about #WikiLeaks. It reads: Haha! Court docs show that @KurtEichenwalds alias is Andrew McDonald. Checkout these Amazon reviews of KEs books.

Linked is an Amazon profile using that name, which has two reviews from 2000 and 2005 calling Eichenwalds books The Informant one of the most exciting, unbelievable and astonishing books I have ever read, and his later book Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story just as thrilling.

The court docs in question were subsequently linked to by WikiLeaks, and are briefs from the defense team of Timothy Ryan Richards, who was convicted of 11 child-pornography related offenses following Eichenwalds 2005 series on, a since-shuttered child porn site.

The documents link Eichenwald to two email addresses under the Andrew McDonald alias via a credit card tied to a PayPal account. Both the email addresses and the PayPal account were allegedly used by Eichenwald in the course of infiltrating

Eichenwalds reporting on the now-shuttered became a matter of a very public journalistic ethics controversy after it was revealed he paid $2,000 to the sites namesake Justin Berry as part of an attempt to gain his confidence, which he did not disclose to his editors. (Eichenwald later asked for and received repayment of the money.)

Amusingly, all of this decade-old controversy about Eichenwald and his reporting is only coming back into the spotlight now because Eichenwald is being trolled by WikiLeaks following yet another controversial story. Eichenwalds myopic political views and increasingly insufferable behavior on Twitter in recent years have made him a favorite target of online trolls, and WikiLeaks is tossing fuel on the fire in service of its own agenda. Whats worse: Eichenwalds (alleged) humiliating reviews of his own book or WikiLeaks pettiness?

Both Eichenwald and Wikileaks did not respond to a request for comment. Well update if they do.

View original post here:
Wikileaks Pettiness Reveals What Might Be the Secret Amazon ... - Gizmodo

WikiLeaks versus the US – Press TV

These are the headlines we are tracking for you in this episode of On the News Line:

WikiLeaks: To bring down America

The US has made each and every effort to discredit whistleblower organization WikiLeaks, but the latest remarks by the CIA chief is symptomatic of Washington's failure to reverse the damage done to its image as a result of revelations by the group. Mike Pompeo has described WikiLeaks as a non-state hostile intelligence service.Pompeo says the whistleblower website is plotting to "take down America any way they can and find any willing partner to achieve that end." While exposing the US weaknesses and lies, Pompeo's comments also shows how powerful WikiLeaks is and how the organization and its chief Julian Assange have turned into a nightmare for the US as a self-styled defender of human rights which itself stands accused of violating human rights and international law.

Al-Aqsa tensions: Rights not recognized Tensions are rising to alarming levels in the occupied lands of Palestine over Israels latest controversial security measures at al-Aqsa compound in East Jerusalem al-Quds. Several have died in clashes with the Israelis and many wounded in what many fear could trigger a new uprising by the Palestinians. Criticisms are to the same degree rising against the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas over his handling of what many see as an Israeli plot to extend its control over al-Aqsa. Abbas has just ordered the suspension of all official contact with Israel until it stopped the new security measures at the third holiest site in the Muslim world.But many are already criticizing that this is too little and coming too late.

WikiLeaks versus the US - Press TV