OFRAK, an Open Source IoT Reverse Engineering Tool, Is Finally Here – WIRED

At the 2012 DefCon security conference in Las Vegas, Ang Cui, an embedded device security researcher, previewed a tool for analyzing firmware, the foundational software that underpins any computer and coordinates between hardware and software. The tool was specifically designed to elucidate internet-of-things (IoT) device firmware and the compiled binaries running on anything from a home printer to an industrial door controller. Dubbed FRAK, the Firmware Reverse Analysis Console aimed to reduce overhead so security researchers could make progress assessing the vast and ever-growing population of buggy and vulnerable embedded devices rather than getting bogged down in tedious reverse engineering prep work. Cui promised that the tool would soon be open source and available for anyone to use.

This is really useful if you want to understand how a mysterious embedded device works, whether there are vulnerabilities inside, and how you can protect these embedded devices against exploitation, Cui explained in 2012. FRAK will be open source very soon, so were working hard to get that out there. I want to do one more pass, internal code review before you guys see my dirty laundry.

He was nothing if not thorough. A decade later, Cui and his company, Red Balloon Security, are launching Ofrak, or OpenFRAK, at DefCon in Las Vegas this week.

In 2012 I thought, heres a framework that would help researchers move embedded security forward. And I went on stage and said, I think the community should have it. And I got a number of emails from a number of lawyers, Cui told WIRED ahead of the release. Embedded security is a space that we absolutely need to have more good eyes and brains on. We needed it 10 years ago, and we finally found a way to give this capability out. So here it is.

Though it hadnt yet fulfilled its destiny as a publicly available tool, FRAK hasnt been languishing all these years either. Red Balloon Security continued refining and expanding the platform for internal use in its work with both IoT device makers and customers who need a high level of security from the embedded devices they buy and deploy. Jacob Strieb, a software engineer at Red Balloon, says the company always used FRAK in its workflow, but that Ofrak is an overhauled and streamlined version that Red Balloon itself has switched to.

Cuis 2012 demo of FRAK raised some hackles because the concept included tailored firmware unpackers for specific vendors products. Today, Ofrak is simply a general tool that doesnt wade into potential trade secrets or intellectual property concerns. Like other reverse engineering platforms, including the NSAs open source Ghidra tool, the stalwart disassembler IDA, or the firmware analysis tool Binwalk, Ofrak is a neutral investigative framework. And Red Balloons new offering is designed to integrate with these other platforms for easier collaboration among multiple people.

What makes it unique is its designed to provide a common interface for other tools, so the benefit is that you can use all different tools depending on what you have at your disposal or what works best for a certain project, Strieb says.

Go here to see the original:

OFRAK, an Open Source IoT Reverse Engineering Tool, Is Finally Here - WIRED

Supercloud debate: Is open-source standardization the way forward? Databricks CEO weighs in – SiliconANGLE News

Supercloud is an emerging trend in enterprise computing that is predicted to bring major changes to how companies build out their cloud architecture.

Over the past six months, SiliconANGLE Media has been following the increase in companies considering supercloud as a way to get rid of multicloud complexity and help their customers monetize data assets.

Building a supercloud isnt a one-size-fits-all project. There are as many flavors of supercloud as there are choices for cloud. Some, like Snowflake Inc., are opting for the proprietary variety. Taking the opposite side of the debate is Databricks Inc., which advocates building on open-source standardization.

Open source can pretty much do anything, said Ali Ghodsi (pictured), co-founder and chief executive officer of Databricks Inc. We think that open source is a force in software thats going to continue for decades, hundreds of years, and its going to slowly replace all proprietary code in its way.

Ghodsi spoke with theCUBE industry analyst John Furrier at Supercloud 22, during an exclusive broadcast on theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Medias livestreaming studio. During The Open Supercloud session, they discussed the advantages and disadvantages of taking an open approach to supercloud.

Can open standards deliver the same experience as de facto, proprietary approaches in terms of control, governance, performance and security when it comes to building an abstraction layer that leverages hyperscaler power to deliver a consistent experience to users and developers?Databricks has bet its fortune on the fact that it can.

The companys data lakehouse platform provides an example of an open-source supercloud in action. Built on a structured and unstructured cloud data lake powered by the hyperscalers, which is made reliable and performant by Delta Lake, the platform provides a common approach to data management, security and governance through its Unity Catalog layer.

Were big believers in this data lakehouse concept, which is an open standard to simplifying the data stack and help people to just get value out of their data in any environment, Ghodsi said.

Around 80% of Databricks customer base is on more than one cloud, and they are struggling with the complexity, according to Ghodsi. Reconfiguring data management models over and over to integrate with the different proprietary technologies of the various cloud providers is a time-consuming and difficult task brought about thanks to the ad-hoc creation of multiclouds by default rather than by design a description given by Dell Technologies Inc.s Co-Chief Operating Officer Chuck Whitten.

Its the operations teams that bear the brunt of integrating new technology and making sure it works, according to Ghodsi. And doing it in multiple environments, each with a different proprietary stack, is a tough challenge.

So, they just want standardization, he said. They want open-source technologies. They believe in the communities around it. They know that source code is open so you can see if there are issues with it, if there are security breaches, those kinds of things.

Databricks didnt set out to build a supercloud. The company has a mission to help organizations move through the data/artificial intelligence maturity mode, bringing them to the point where they can leverage the advantage of prescriptive, automated AI/machine learning in the same way that enabled the tech giants to reach the level they are today, according to Ghodsi.

Google wouldnt be here today if it wasnt for AI, he said. You know, wed be using AltaVista or something.

The continuum starts when a company goes digital and starts to collect data, Ghodsi pointed out. They want to clean it, get insights out of it. Then they move on to using the crystal ball of predictive technology. The end comes when a company can finally automate the process completely and act on the predictions.

So this credit card that got swiped, the AI thinks it is fraud, were going to deny it, he said. Thats when you get real value.

The basis of Databricks data lakehouse, which falls under theCUBEs definition of supercloud, started when the company developed the Delta Lake framework in 2019 as a way to help companies organize their messy data lakes. The same year the project was donated to the Linux Foundation in order to encourage innovation. Then, at the start of Databricks Data + AI Summitthis past June, Databricks removed any differences between its branded Delta Lake and the open-source version by handing the reins of the storage framework to the Linux Foundation.

What were seeing with the data lakehouse is that slowly the open-source community is building a replacement for the proprietary data warehouse, Delta Lake, machine learning, real-time stack in open source, and were excited to be part of it, Ghodsi said.

Potentially, the most important protocol in the data lakehouse is Delta Sharing, according to Ghodsi. The open standard enables organizations to efficiently share large data sets without duplication. And being open source means that any organization can access the functionality to help build a supercloud in the design that works best for their organization.

You dont need to be a Databricks customer. You dont need to even like Databricks, Ghodsi said. You just need to use this open-source project and you can now securely share data sets between organizations across clouds.

Open source has already become the software default, and in the next couple of years, its going to be a requirement that software works across the different cloud environments, according to Ghodsi.

Is it based on open source? Is it using this data lakehouse pattern? And if its not, I think theyre going to demand it, he said.

Heres the complete video interview, part of SiliconANGLEs and theCUBEs coverage of the Supercloud 22 event:

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Supercloud debate: Is open-source standardization the way forward? Databricks CEO weighs in - SiliconANGLE News

The 5 Top App Definition and Build Tools From CNCF – Container Journal

Kubernetes has evolved to become the foundation of the modern cloud-native stack. Yet, adopting this lovable beast of a container platform doesnt come without its hurdles. Thankfully, many toolsets now exist to help engineers package, deploy and manage applications using Kubernetes.

Below, well look at some graduated and incubating CNCF tools that fit under the application definition and image build category. These open source packages address the operational concerns of Kubernetes, making it easier to install dependencies, generate Kubernetes operators, containerize VMs and more. If you want to improve the developer experience around Kubernetes adoption, these tools are an excellent first place to look.

The Kubernetes package manager

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Few cloud-native projects are as well-known as Helm, the Kubernetes package manager. If youre finding, sharing or installing cloud-native architecture, theres a high probability youre using Helm. The helm install command is a near-ubiquitous method for installing Helm charts for third-party applications. Helm charts are shared as files and laid out in a directory tree structure. Artifact Hub is a popular repository of Helm charts, where you can find, install and publish over 10,000 Kubernetes packages. Helm is a graduated project with the CNCF and is supported by a vast number of contributors.

Transform source code into runnable container images

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Buildpacks, an incubating project hosted by CNCF, is a utility that assists developers in transforming their application source code into images that can run in any cloud. The concept of Buildpacks originated at Heroku in 2011. Since then, Buildpacks has been open sourced and embraced by many other companies and projects, from Google to Cloud Foundry, GitLab and Knative. Buildpacks helps application developers convert code into runnable images, and the platform also assists in packaging Buildpacks for distribution. Buildpacks uses the latest OCI container formats and comes with plenty of features, such as advanced caching, auto-detection, minimal app image, image rebasing, bill of materials and more. It also sports a centralized registry for community Buildpacks.

A K8s API and runtime to define and manage VMs

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KubeVirt is an API that enables operators to quickly containerize virtual machines for Kubernetes. KubeVirt, an incubating CNCF sandbox project, provides a method to build and manage applications for containers and virtual machines in a common way. In essence, it allows operators to retain the VMs they already have while reaping the benefits of containerization. KubeVirt can be run on MiniKube, Kind and major cloud computing providers.

SDK for building Kubernetes applications

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The Operator Framework decreases the barrier to constructing Kubernetes applications. This handy open source toolkit provides the means to build, test and package operators, which are common Kubernetes-native applications. The SDK uses the controller-runtime library in this process. To get an idea of what sort of operators can be created, check out the Operator Hub registry for a sample of operators created by the Kubernetes community.

An open platform for building developer portals

Website | GitHub

Backstage is a new and exciting open source incubating CNCF project originally developed at Spotify. A little different than others on our list, Backstage is not concerned with building container imagesrather, its more focused on building developer portals to help centralize the management of a complex software ecosystem. Backstage is powered by the Backstage Software Catalog, a system that keeps tabs on the ownership and metadata of all the software in your organization. It utilizes metadata YAML files that sit with the source code, on which Backstage then creates visualizations. It looks to be a robust platform that can support the registration of any software type.

Above, weve highlighted the graduated and incubating CNCF projects relating to cloud-native application definition and image build. There are also many other exciting CNCF sandbox projects to keep tabs on in this field as well:


See original here:

The 5 Top App Definition and Build Tools From CNCF - Container Journal

Best Programming Language to Learn in 2022 – Server Watch

Whether youre an experienced developer or just starting out, adding a new programming language to your list of skills can be a powerful way to stand out in a competitive job market. Being eager and willing to learn is important, but knowing which programming language to choose can feel overwhelming and confusing.

Keep reading to gain a better understanding of the most popular programming languages, their average annual salaries, and a brief overview of their strengths.

When evaluating programming languages, its important to understand that each language has its own features, frameworks, and style. Because classifying programming languages can be somewhat subjective, think of each type as a philosophy instead of a strict definition.

Procedural programming languages work through code in a logical and structured order using procedures, modules, and procedure calls. Though some scenarios are best handled by the top-down simplicity of procedural programming, importance is placed on operation over data, which makes it difficult to relate with real-world solutions.

Object-oriented programming is built using objects that contain data, attributes, properties, and methods. By employing four fundamental conceptsinheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, and data abstractionobject-oriented programming languages increase code reuse, provide data security, and make it easier to maintain existing applications.

Functional programming focuses on the evaluation of expressions, placing priority on results instead of processes. Unit testing and debugging make functional programming good for increasing developer productivity, but the learning curve isnt easy for beginners and the code can be hard to maintain.

Scripting programming languages deliver instructions that are interpreted individually, at run time, instead of being compiled ahead of time. The specific features and functionality will depend on the run time environment being used, but the strengths remain the same: ease of learning, rapid development, and quick debugging.

Logic programming languages contain familiar-looking, easy-to-read, statements detailing what needs to be accomplished. By taking away the need to understand how tasks are accomplished, developers can focus on the knowledge and rules that will lead to the end results.

Looking for a faster solution? Read Why Low-Code/No-Code Is Revolutionizing App Development

The most popular programming languages include Python, Java, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#, Swift, C++, PHP.

Described as a general-purpose language, Python can read and write files and directories, create GUIs and APIs, power web development frameworks, and more. With simple syntax and a large developer community to lean on, Python is considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn.

Get started with the Premium Python Programming Certification Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

Java is a powerful programming language with platform independence and version resiliencecode that was written in Java decades ago is likely to run without issue today. Whether being used for web applications, Android apps, desktop software, or scientific applications, Java is one of the most diverse programming languages in use today.

Get started with the Complete Java Coder Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

SQL is the ideal companion programming language for all others, and arguably the most important in this data-driven world. Short for Structured Query Language, SQL provides the means to create, populate, and manage databases.

Get started with the Ultimate SQL Bootcamp from TechRepublic Academy.

Thought by many to be the most popular programming language in the world, JavaScript helps to deliver dynamic and interactive web content. This is one language that grows in sophistication and complexity in direct proportion to the skill of the developer using it.

Get started with the Comprehensive JavaScript Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

HTML is the most basic programming language, used in web design to deliver browser content. Basic programming tasks are easy to execute with HTML, but skilled programmers know how to use this language to create accessible, attractive, and cross-browser/cross-platform compatible content.

Get started with the Complete Web Developer Coding Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

CSS is the fresh coat of paint and new window dressing of the programming world, but it is quickly becoming among the most important languages. Designed to make front-end layouts beautiful and functional, CSS contributes to the usability and accessibility of web-based applications.

Get started with the HTML & CSS: Learn to Build Sleek Websites from TechRepublic Academy.

C# (pronounced C Sharp) is part of Microsofts .NET platform. Commonly used when developing desktop applications, C# is also known for being the language behind the Unity game engine.

Get started with the Complete C# Master Class Course from TechRepublic Academy.

Though some developers choose to use Objective-C, Swift is the programming language recommended for those looking to create applications for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Apple created Swift as a safe, fast, and fun means to create clean and consistent code.

Get started with the SwiftUI: The Complete Developer Course from TechRepublic Academy.

C++ is one of the most powerful, versatile, and sophisticated object-oriented programming languages. The strength of C++ is seen when powering processor- and graphics-heavy software like the Unreal Engine and gaming consoles, including Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.

Get started with the C++ Programming Bundle: Beginner to Expert from TechRepublic Academy.

PHP is one of the most widely utilized general-purpose scripting languages available. PHP is platform independent, supports all of the major web servers, and has a tremendous library of open-source software available to build on. These include content management systems (CMS) and eCommerce platforms.

Get started with the Ultimate PHP Training Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

Though they may not be the most popular, there are a few programming languages that are still used by many programmers:

Used by scientists and engineers, MATLAB is a proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks that is designed to analyze data and create algorithms. Though MATLAB is used most often by universities, it has been gaining traction in the image processing industry.

Get started with the Complete MATLAB Programming Certification Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

R excels at manipulating and graphing statistical data and is beloved by researchers.

Get started with the Complete R Programming Certification Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

Ruby is a popular open-source programming language used most often in web development, data analysis, and prototyping. It is often regarded as a popular programming language for beginners.

Get started with the Complete Ruby on Rails & Ruby Programming Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

Deciding which programming language to learn can feel overwhelming and confusing. The following criteria may help determine which programming language is the best to learn or use for a specific project.

Still not sure where to start? Check out the Complete Learn to Code Bundle from TechRepublic Academy.

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Best Programming Language to Learn in 2022 - Server Watch

Open-source Acorn takes a new approach to deploy cloud-native apps on Kubernetes – VentureBeat

Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for multicloud deployments, with services on every major public cloud and a host of vendor technologies, including Red Hat OpenShift and Suse Rancher.

Packaging and then deploying applications to run in cloud-native environments, with the Kubernetes container orchestration system, can be complex. Its a challenge that Acorn is looking to help solve. There is no shortage of vendors in the Kubernetes space, but Acorns pedigree is particularly strong.

Acorns cofounders, Sheng Liang, Darren Shepherd, Shannon Williams and Will Chang, were the cofounders of Rancher, which was acquired by Suse in 2020 for $600 million. Prior to founding Rancher, the group founded cloud.com, an early infrastructure-as-a-service provider that was acquired by Citrix in 2011. The technology that was cloud.com now exists as the open-source Apache CloudStack platform.

Acorn, which has raised an undisclosed amount of seed funding, just unveiled an early preview of its open-source technology.

I have a lot of respect for what Kubernetes has done, but being a user of Kubernetes, I still think it is too hard, Darren Shepherd, cofounder and chief architect of Acorn told VentureBeat. I think theres a much easier way to deploy applications on Kubernetes to harness its raw power without interacting directly with it and really having to be an expert in it.

A Kubernetes cluster can be configured in any number of ways to meet the needs of an organization, or even to meet the requirements of a particular workload. The basic idea is that a workload can be distributed across multiple nodes in a cloud, or even across clouds to help enable application availability, performance and resilience.

Shannon Williams, cofounder and president of Acorn, explained that Kubernetes itself is a platform that accepts commands, but its often up to the user deploying a workload to work through the complexity in order to get the optimal deployment. With Acorn, Williams said that his company is introducing a packaging approach that can make upgrading and consumption of containers easier for enterprises running Kubernetes workloads.

While Kubernetes provides the software infrastructure on which to run container-based application workloads, the goal with Acorn is to focus on the needs of applications.

The idea of creating a format and approach to enable the deployment of applications into Kubernetes is not a new one. There are multiple approaches, including Helm, Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB) and Operators, though each has its shortfalls, according to the cofounders of Acorn.

Currently, among the most common ways to deploy an application in Kubernetes is to use of a Helm chart. Shepherd said that while Helm provides a generic way of packaging, Acorn can have a higher degree of specificity that is optimized for application deployment. Acorn also has a service discovery model built-in, which understands what resources are available in a given Kubernetes cluster.

Shepherd explained that Acorn works as an abstraction layer above the core concepts that Kubernetes supports. For example, among the primary concepts in Kubernetes are the ideas of service and ingress, which are methods of exposing networking services. Acorn doesnt require users to understand or configure those concepts, instead it elevates to the higher level concept of simply exposing a networking port to an application.

Acorns cofounders also see the technology as being a rival to Kubernetes Operators. The concept of a Kubernetes Operator was pioneered by CoreOS in 2016 and integrated into Red Hat OpenShift, when CoreOS was acquired by Red Hat in 2018 for $250 million. The promise of an Operator is to go beyond just deployment with a Helm chart and help organizations to configure an application to scale and run in production.

We actually see that Acorn can replace the need for operators because we built Acorn to be sufficient enough to run like the most complicated stateful applications, Shepherd said. There are also capabilities in Acorn to deal with day-to-day operations and backups.

Its still early for the Acorn project, though according to cofounder and CEO Sheng Liang, his team is already talking to customers about the technology every day.

Clearly, this stuff solves a problem, but the open-source Acorn project is really just the start, Liang told VentureBeat. We need to build a bunch of enterprise capabilities around Acorn, and that will take some time.

Williams noted that with the experience of building cloud.com and Rancher, the cofounders of Acorn have seen time and again that open-source adoption leads to business.

Weve seen it over and over again, that as people use the technology, we uncover really interesting business opportunities to build companies and to build revenue, Williams said.

Originally posted here:
Open-source Acorn takes a new approach to deploy cloud-native apps on Kubernetes - VentureBeat

Anaconda Announces Strategic Cloud Partnership with Oracle to Enable Seamless, Secure Open-Source Innovation in the Cloud – SDTimes.com

Anaconda Inc., provider of the worlds most popular data science platform, today announced a collaboration withOracle Cloud Infrastructureto offer secure open-source Python and R tools and packages by embedding and enabling AnacondasrepositoryacrossOCI Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Services. Customers have access to Anaconda services directly from within OCI without a separate enterprise license.

We are committed to helping enterprises secure their open-source pipelines through the ability to use Anaconda anywhere, and that includes inside the Oracle Cloud, said Peter Wang, CEO and co-founder of Anaconda. By combining Anacondas package dependency manager and curated open-source repository with OCIs products, data scientists and developers can seamlessly collaborate using the open-source Python tools they know and trust while helping meet enterprise IT governance requirements.

Python has become the most popular programming language in the data science ecosystem, and for good reason; it is a widely-accessible language that facilitates a variety of programming-driven tasks. Because the velocity of innovation powered by the open-source community outpaces any single technology vendor, more and more organizations are adopting open-source Python for enterprise use.

Oracles partnership to provide data scientists with seamless access to Anaconda not only delivers high-performance machine learning, but also helps ensure strong enterprise governance and security, said Elad Ziklik, vice president, AI Services, Oracle. With security built into the core OCI experience, plus the security of Anacondas curated repository, data scientists can use their favorite open-source tools to build, train, and deploy models.

Together, Anaconda and Oracle are looking forward to bringing open-source innovation to the enterprise, helping apply ML and AI to the most important business and research initiatives. For more information on how to use Anaconda in OCI,click here.

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Anaconda Announces Strategic Cloud Partnership with Oracle to Enable Seamless, Secure Open-Source Innovation in the Cloud - SDTimes.com

JetBrains Introduces Fleet to Take on VSCodes of the Programming World – Analytics India Magazine

Fleet, a JetBrains product, calls itself a high-performance IDE with quick load times, responsive performance, and a light-weight text editor. The build-up is to present itself as a competitor to Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

JetBrains is a big player in the IDE market. IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm were until now its main rivals for VSCode. But, IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm had various downsidesnot free, licence required, high boot-up times, non-intuitive for beginners and unable to run in browsers, among othersthat couldnt give a real challenge to VSCode.

The Fleet IDE has been completely rebuilt. There are no UI components from the past. The company claims that they are reusing their code-processing engine, which distinguished them in the past and continues to distinguish them from others even now. The code-processing engine, which the company uses for code refactoring, is one of the reasons developers use IntelliJ Idea or Webstorm over VSCode.

Fleet currently supports Java, Kotlin, Python, Go, Javascript, Typescript, Rust, and Json. Apart from this, PHP and C++, many more will also be available later. The tool automatically detects the language and provides support, maximising the value by making the code-processing engine available in all of them.

The Fleet editor also enables natively connecting to a remote workstation where the code is stored. It is JetBrains take on GitHubs Codespaces.

The JetBrains team goes even a step further. It intends to perform some of the IDE Backend processes in the cloud in the future. This will transform any slow machine into a lightning-fast programming machine. Developers will no longer have to rely on the performance of their development computer to change or run code. Their machines will just be clients.

What were going to provide with Fleet is a different experience for those who sometimes just want an editor but also want a fully-fledged IDE. The platform is for those who want to use a single tool as opposed to specialized ones. And, of course for those certain scenarios that some of our existing IDEs may not cater for when it comes to distributed development, said JetBrains in a statement.

Meanwhile, VSCode is the biggest player in the segment with no rivals currently.

Launched in 2015, VSCode rose to popularity quickly and became one of the fifteen top development tools in a year. In 2016, it ranked 13th among the top popular development tools on Stackoverflow. The 2019 Developers Survey found that the VS Code editor quickly rose to the top, with 50% of the 87,317 participants using it.

The popularity of the editor is based on various factorsfree, open-source, and cross-platform. Besides, it offers various features which its competitors dont.

Unlike many other code editors, VSCode has an in-built debugger, which makes the development flow less clicky and keeps the code and debugger in a single view. This makes issue tracking and code run-throughs easier and faster. You dont need numerous displays to run the various consoles and rearrange them every time you need to minimise something. Its incorporated into the design and the layout of your ideal workstation.

There is intelliSense built into the code editor. It is a form of predictive coding. Along with framework, library, and language plugin extensions, developers can leverage predictive coding with ready-made boilerplate codes.

While the debatewhether Fleet will clinch the throne from VSCodeis gaining momentum, users also have a completely different take on it. In 2021, when JetBrains announced the launch of the initial version of Fleet with limited access, there were tons of comments on the website page.

A comment aptly summarised the needs of users. Very interesting, read one comment. Do you plan on making it free (as in freedom) software? As far as Im concerned, a proprietary editor is not going to compete with VSCode, regardless of how good it is. But if Fleet is going to be free that might make it a VSCode killer for me, more so if you bundle a free C# debugger.

View original post here:
JetBrains Introduces Fleet to Take on VSCodes of the Programming World - Analytics India Magazine

CrowPi L Review Part 2: Learn programming and electronics with a Raspberry Pi 4 laptop – CNX Software

In the first part of our review of CrowPi L Raspberry Pi 4 laptop for education, we checked the hardware and accessories such as the CrowTail starter kit with various sensors and other electronics modules, and showed how to install or remove the Raspberry Pi 4 SBC from the laptop shell.

Ive now had more time to play with the educational software, so Ill report my experience with the laptop when learning game design and hardware control with Letscode visual programming IDE, as well as the Python lessons for more advanced students.

Its the rainy season here in Thailand meaning its both hot and humid, and even though Im not entirely sure its related, I recently had to reinstall Raspberry Pi OS on one of my Raspberry Pi with a corrupted SD card. It happened again with the CrowPi L after I left it in its package for two to three weeks

But thats not a big issue, as Elecrow provides CrowPi OS images for download. So I just downloaded and flashed the CrowPi L image to a microSD card with USBImager, and I was good to do. Note that I often get the error The software needs to run on Crowpi-Laptop! at boot time.

But when that happens I can just click on the Pi Panel icon on the far right of the taskbar to start it up.

The Pi Panel program offers shortcuts to Letscode tutorials to learn visual programming, Python lessons, as well as other programming tools such as Thonny (Python IDE), Geany text editor, and the Arduino IDE, all of which are preinstalled in the image.

The Accessories tab provides shortcuts to desktop programs such as VLC Player, Chromium, or a File Manager, the Website tab gets links to relevant websites (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Linux, Ubuntu, Open Source)

while the Forum tab offers links to popular maker forums. Note that the CrowPi OS is basically Raspberry Pi OS with the Pi Panel programs and developer tools.

Lets check Letscode lessons first. There are three options with the game designs, hardware control (which requires the CrowTail Starter Kit with electronics modules), and finally an option to add future tutorials.

The game designs section does not rely on electronics at all, it will just teach kids and adults how to create games with visual programming.

There are sixteen lessons in total, and I tried Lesson 3 Undersea World to have a look.

Letscode program will show on the left, and the Pi Panels tutorial on the right of the screen. As you can see the Letscode window overlaps on the tutorial section. Its not ideal, but still usable.

The tutorial will explain step-by-step what the student has to do first with text, followed by a tutorial video showing where to click.

Youll also have access to background images and sprites to make game development easier, although letscode also allows you to draw your own sprites.

Youll have to drag and drop visual programming blocks to manage the behavior of sprites in your scene. It was fairly easy to follow, and both reading the text and watching the video are mandatory to complete a lesson, at least initially. This can be cumbersome on the small 11.6-inch display of the laptop, so I decided to connect a 10.1-inch HDMI display to the HDMI port of the laptop, have Letscode in full screen on the laptops screen, and the tutorial and videos on the HDMI display.

I found myself to be quite more productive that way. Note that by default, the screens will mirror, and youll need to run Screen Layout Editor to change the layout as follows.

Lets now switch to the section more relevant to CNX Software topics with Hardware control lessons.

There are 24 lessons in total from the basic light flickering lesson to more complex projects such as a welcome robot or a smart planting system. I went with Lesson 6 Motor Drive to have a closer look at the way those tutorials combining electronics and visual programming are conducted.

Ill keep using my dual display setup, as its even more imporant here, since the tutorial window is even bigger.

Before getting started with any of those lessons youll want to install the CrowPi L Extension by first clicking on the icon at the bottom left in the Letscode program

.. then select CrowPi L Extension which comes with the visual programming block well need for hardware control lessons.

The lesson starts with an explanation of the learning targets,

and provide a description of each module used in the project followed, if needed, by the theory behind the working principle of the sensors, in this case, the IR reflective sensor.

The motor drive tutorial also use a MOSFET module,

and a TT motor, so weve got an explanation for both.

After all that theory, well need to dig into our CrowTail Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi to get the necessary boards and modules for the project. The Starter Kit has plenty of modules (22), but since the package is well-described they are easy to locate.

This is followed by the connection diagram, and I think it could be more detailed. I had to take 3 jumper wires, two to connect the TT motor, and one to connect the female jumper cable of the battery pack. I also had to use my screwdriver to connect the wires to the screw terminals of the MOSFET board, as well as a tool to open the battery compartment and insert two AAA batteries of my own. None of this was explained, and it might be head scratching for kids without supervision. I also find the use of jumper wires to connect to the TT motor a bit odd, as they can be loose.

But lets carry on with the lesson now that we have connected our project. The visual programming part is fairly easy to follow as its explained step-by-step. Youll also see the Python automatically generated as you may more programming blocks. Once you program is done select the baud rate (115,000) in the bottom right, and click on the start/play button.

Everything looks fine, but does it really work? You bet it does as the TT motor as I place my finger on top of the IR reflective sensor

Lets switch to Python programming lessons and tutorials.

Just like for visual programming, there are three sections: Introduction to syntax, Hardware control, and an option to add a new course.

The introduction to syntax does not require any additional hardware, it just teached Python basics to more complex examples such as games that all run on the laptop itself. If we select one of the lessons, the Pi Panel tutorial will show on the right, and Thonny Python IDE will show on the left with the lesson providing step-by-step instructions to write the program.

The Hardware control Python lessons are exactly the same as with the Letcode program, but instead of using visual programming, students will learn to code Python.

I did flick through the Motor Drive lesson, and its basically the same as for the visual programming lesson with theory, explanation about the modules, a connection diagram, and the main difference is that youll learn Python programming on the way as well. By the way, you can also do this in the visual programming lesson, as Letscode will automatically generate the Python code as you drag and drop the blocks.

But I did not try it in detail, as the CrowTail Started Kit for Raspberry Pi comes with a printed user guide, and I personally prefer to learn that way. But thats a mistake as Ill explain better, and you should learn Python with the program inside CrowPi L laptop, instead of the book as it is outdated.

I first noticed the list of lessons was different. But I still went ahead, and installed samples and drivers as explained in the book:

pi@Crowpi-Laptop:~ $ git clone https://github.com/Elecrow-RD/RPi-Starter-Kit

pi@Crowpi-Laptop:~ $ git clone https://github.com/Elecrow-RD/RPi-Starter-Kit

Lets go into the examples directory to list the samples:

cd ../RPi-Starter-Kit/examples/pi@Crowpi-Laptop:~/RPi-Starter-Kit/examples $ ls -ltotal 80-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 745 Aug 10 14:31 10_plant_doctor.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 642 Aug 10 14:31 11_dimmer.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 647 Aug 10 14:31 12_speed_fan.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 834 Aug 10 14:31 13_servo_control.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 917 Aug 10 14:31 14_obstacle_alert.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1588 Aug 10 14:31 15_smart_lantern.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1015 Aug 10 14:31 16_distance_display.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1086 Aug 10 14:31 17_weather_station.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1396 Aug 10 14:31 19_speed_measurement.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 86 Aug 10 14:31 1_hello_world.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1282 Aug 10 14:31 20_plant_expert.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1370 Aug 10 14:31 21_remote_door.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 231 Aug 10 14:31 2_blinking_led.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 381 Aug 10 14:31 3_contorl_led.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 427 Aug 10 14:31 4_doorbell.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 674 Aug 10 14:31 5_treasure_chest.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 597 Aug 10 14:31 6_bright_and_dark.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 387 Aug 10 14:31 7_smart_light.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 705 Aug 10 14:31 8_collision_alert.py-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 591 Aug 10 14:31 9_car_tracking.py
























cd ../RPi-Starter-Kit/examples/

pi@Crowpi-Laptop:~/RPi-Starter-Kit/examples $ ls -l

total 80

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 745 Aug 10 14:31 10_plant_doctor.py

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 642 Aug 10 14:31 11_dimmer.py

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 647 Aug 10 14:31 12_speed_fan.py

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 834 Aug 10 14:31 13_servo_control.py

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 917 Aug 10 14:31 14_obstacle_alert.py

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1588 Aug 10 14:31 15_smart_lantern.py

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 1015 Aug 10 14:31 16_distance_display.py

Read the original here:
CrowPi L Review Part 2: Learn programming and electronics with a Raspberry Pi 4 laptop - CNX Software

The Guide to Kubernetes Consulting and How To Get Started – Programming Insider

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Kubernetes is a container management system that has been gaining popularity in the last few years. The number of companies using it has increased exponentially. It is now the most popular open-source project on GitHub and has been used by big companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.

The Guide to Kubernetes Consulting and How To Get Started provides insights on how to get started with consulting for Kubernetes. It also provides an overview of what a consultant should do when they start their consulting business.

Kubernetes is a container orchestration system that is designed to automate deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It has evolved into a dominant platform for managing containers across multiple cloud providers.

Kubernetes provides an easy way to manage and deploy applications by creating and managing the cluster of nodes that run the application. Kubernetes also manages the process of scaling up or down the number of nodes in order to meet demand. Kubernetes is a popular tool for deploying microservices-based applications because it offers many features that make it easier to deploy, scale, and manage these applications.

The Kubernetes consulting services are in demand these days. There are many companies that provide the services to the market. There is no perfect way to identify the best Kubernetes Consulting Company in the market. But there are some factors that one can consider when looking for a good one:

Kubernetes is a container-based platform that provides a runtime environment for applications. It is one of the most popular open source platforms and it has been adopted by enterprises across the world.

It is not easy to find the right Kubernetes consultant as there are many companies that provide this service. This article will help you find out which are the best consulting companies in the world, and their top consultants. The 5 Best Methods of Getting Help From Kubernetes Consultants:

Kubernetes is now one of the most popular platforms for managing containerized applications, scaling and management of containerized applications and it was originally developed by Google in 2014.

Kubernetes has made it possible for companies to deploy containers on a large scale without incurring any downtime. This has led to the rise of Kubernetes consulting agencies that provide support services to companies that need help with their Kubernetes environment.

A big part of what a Kubernetes consulting agency does is provide recommendations about how best to use Kubernetes in order to optimize various aspects such as cost, time and performance. This can be done through different methods such as consulting on best practices, conducting workshops or providing strategic guidance on what to do and in what order. An ITOutposts https://itoutposts.com/ Kubernetes consulting agency can also provide expertise around other technologies like DevOps, containerization, cloud computing or automation.

Read more from the original source:
The Guide to Kubernetes Consulting and How To Get Started - Programming Insider

Why Open Streets in New York City Were Reduced by 63 Miles – The New York Times

New York, on the other hand, made the open streets program permanent last year after a handful of breakout successes, including 34th Avenue in Queens, Vanderbilt Avenue and Berry Street in Brooklyn, and Dyckman Street in Manhattan, a result of the tireless efforts of residents, community groups, businesses and transportation and open space advocates. But many other open streets have struggled, been scaled back or have been scratched entirely.

A popular Italian-style piazza on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx went from three blocks in 2020 to one block this May, so that 90 curbside parking spots could be freed up. People drive to us, said Peter Madonia, the chairman of the Belmont Business Improvement District, which tries to balance the open street with the needs of businesses and customers. We still have a piazza, its just smaller.

In Jackson Heights, Queens, and Greenpoint, Brooklyn, the open streets have drawn a backlash from some residents who say they make it more difficult to drive, find parking and get deliveries. They also create gridlock on surrounding streets, residents say. Greenpoint drivers essentially took back two open streets on Driggs Avenue and Russell Street after metal barriers were vandalized, run over and dumped into Newtown Creek.

The more open streets there are, the harder it is for drivers to navigate, said Assemblyman David I. Weprin, a Queens Democrat, who has received complaints about the program. There are still parts of New York City where people rely on their cars, and its becoming increasingly anti-car in the city.

Others argue that with traffic deaths surging, open streets make navigating the city safer for pedestrians and cyclists. They can also bring health and environmental benefits, especially to poor neighborhoods with few parks.

Cars remain king, said Danny Harris, the executive director of Transportation Alternatives, an advocacy group which reported on the inequitable distribution of open streets. We need more open streets, not less, to support New Yorkers and our recovery.

Read more here:
Why Open Streets in New York City Were Reduced by 63 Miles - The New York Times