The anti-privacy EARN IT Act could change the internet as you know it – Mashable

Because the internet is a strange and complicated place, the fate of your digital privacy is, at this very moment, intertwined with that of online message boards and comment sections. And things, we're sorry to report, aren't looking so hot.

At issue is the seemingly unrelated EARN IT Act. Pushed by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham and a host of bipartisan co-sponsors, and voted on by the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday, the measure ostensibly aims to combat online child sexual abuse material. However, according to privacy and security experts who spoke with Mashable, the bill both directly threatens end-to-end encryption and promises to spur new and sustained online censorship by weakening Section 230 a provision of the Communication Decency Act of 1996 that protects internet providers from being held liable for their users' actions.

The devil, as it so often can be found, is in the details. That's because the newly amended version of the bill essentially gives state lawmakers the ability to regulate the internet, according to Joe Mullin, a policy analyst with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, who broke down the censorship risks posed by the measure should it become law.

"All 50 states will be able to write new Internet rules that online platforms and websites will have to follow," Mullin explained in an email. "The only limit on the new rules is that they will have to relate, in some way, to the fight against child sexual abuse. If websites don't follow the new state-level internet rules, they'll be exposed to private lawsuits and potentially state-level criminal prosecutions."

This concern is echoed by the ACLU which, in a July 1 open letter, warned that "[by] allowing states to set their own standards for platform liability for [child sexual abuse material], the amended version [of the EARN IT Act] allows states to create inappropriate standards by which platform responsibility for user-generated content should be judged."

In case that's not clear enough, earlier this month, in an open letter addressed to Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein and Sen. Graham, EFF director of federal affairs, India McKinney, predicted that the EARN IT Act would lead to the "loss of Section 230 immunity" for online platforms. In other words, online companies could be held liable for user-generated content. This could inspire those companies to proactively discontinue offerings like message boards that we all take for granted as an indelible part of internet culture.

"Why have a comments section, or a discussion forum, or an email service, or file storage services, if you could get in big trouble for something that a user did even without your knowledge," asked Mullin. "Online platforms will hedge their risk by removing or not providing these features."

And, even though the possibility of 50 distinct state-level rules exists if the EARN IT Act becomes law, it's not like living in one relatively hands-off state would necessarily exempt you. Why would a company go to the trouble of crafting 50 different policies and releasing 50 different location-specific offerings, after all, when it could simply tailor everything to the requirements of the most restrictive state government?

WATCH: It's surprisingly easy to be more secure online

Which brings us to encryption, or, more specifically, end-to-end encryption.

End-to-end encryption is the gold standard in digital privacy. When implemented properly, it ensures that only a message's sender and intended recipient can read its contents. Basically, it means that third parties like governments, private companies, and hackers aren't reading your messages, bank statements, and doctors' notes.

The EARN IT Act, which technically is an acronym for the "Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies," has a list of co-sponsors that include many Senators long in opposition to the idea of consumer access to end-to-end encryption. In 2016, Sen. Feinstein, one such EARN IT Act co-sponsor, co-authored a bill with Republican Sen. Richard Burr that would have more or less made end-to-end encryption illegal.

The EARN IT Act may not be as explicit as previous efforts to ban end-to-end encryption, but experts insist it is likewise a threat to a technology used by companies such as Apple to protect customers' data from hackers.

When initially introduced in the Senate on March 5 of this year, the EARN IT Act directly threatened the legality of end-to-end encryption so much so, that back in April, Signal, a free and open-source, secure messaging app, published a blog post warning its ability to operate in the U.S. was at risk should the measure pass.

"The EARN IT act turns Section 230 protection into a hypocritical bargaining chip," warned Signal. "At a high level, what the bill proposes is a system where companies have to earn Section 230 protection by following a set of designed-by-committee 'best practices' that are extraordinarily unlikely to allow end-to-end encryption."

The bill was amended last week to address some of those fears, but the changes weren't enough to convince actual privacy experts. Riana Pfefferkorn, the associate director of surveillance and cybersecurity at Stanford's Center for Internet and Society, made as much clear in a July 6 blog post. She wrote that the amendment by Sen. Patrick Leahy is "not the silver bullet that some are holding it out as in terms of answering critics' concerns about how EARN IT could potentially discourage encryption and harm cybersecurity."

Mullin agrees, and cautions that the bill could result in lawmakers insisting providers scan users' devices, messages, and conversations before they are ever encrypted.

"State lawmakers could easily get around the Leahy amendment by demanding some form of 'client side scanning,'" he said, "which has been the direction of the anti-encryption forces for about a year now."

Patrick Wardle, principal security researcher at Jamf, founder of the free anti-malware service Objective-See, and ex-NSA hacker, echoed Mullin in noting that the EARN IT Act looks to be more of the same from the anti-privacy crowd.

"[This] seems just to be the latest push by the govt. for weakening encryption," he said in a Twitter direct message. "Hopefully it doesn't go anywhere."

Wardle's opposition to the EARN IT Act is notable for many reasons, and not just because he used to work for the NSA. In 2017, Wardle uncovered a malware strain that had infected hundreds of computers in the U.S. and was used to spy on unsuspecting victims through their webcams. In early 2018, an Ohio man was charged with installing the malware on thousands of computers.

That Wardle who literally helped bring to justice someone accused of an effort to "produce child pornography" opposes the EARN IT Act should be a huge tip-off that the measure isn't as straightforward as its proponents suggest.

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Importantly, the bill hasn't passed yet; it hasn't even been brought to the floor of the Senate for a full vote. Not even the EFF could say when or even if the bill will get a full vote.

That doesn't mean the threat it poses to both your privacy, and the internet as we know it, is any less real should it eventually become law.

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The anti-privacy EARN IT Act could change the internet as you know it - Mashable

Encryption Software Market Report 2020: Rising Impressive Business Opportunities Analysis Forecast 2026 – Express Journal

Global Encryption Software market Size, Insights and Forecast 2020 to 2026 Latest Innovations & Application Analysis with the key players -Dell, Eset, Gemalto, IBm, Mcafee, Microsoft, Pkware, Sophos, Symantec, Thales E-Security, Trend Micro, Cryptomathic and Stormshield, including Production, Price, Revenue, Cost, Application, Growth Rate, Import, Export, Capacity, Market Share and Technological Developments.

The research report on Encryption Software market provides a granular analysis of this business space and also assesses its various segmentations. Major aspects such as existing market size ad position in terms of volume and revenue estimations are detailed in the study. Also, the document offers insights related to the regional scope and the competitive scenario of this industry vertical.

Throwing light on the key details from the Encryption Software market report:

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Citing the regional analysis:

Revealing the competitive arena of the Encryption Software market:

Other information offered by the research report:

Highlights of the report:

A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent market

Important changes in market dynamics

Market segmentation up to the second or third level

Historical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volume

Reporting and evaluation of recent industry developments

Market shares and strategies of key players

Emerging niche segments and regional markets

Key Questions Answered in the report:

What will the market growth rate of Encryption Software market

What are the key factors driving the global Encryption Software market

Who are the key manufacturer Encryption Software market space

What are the market opportunities, market risk and market overview of the Encryption Software market

What are sales, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of Encryption Software market

Who are the distributors, traders, and dealers of Encryption Software Industry

What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by types and applications of Encryption Software market

What are sales, revenue, and price analysis by regions of Encryption Software industries.

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Encryption Software Market Report 2020: Rising Impressive Business Opportunities Analysis Forecast 2026 - Express Journal

Encryption specialist partners with Distology Prolific North – Prolific North

Encryption platform, Galaxkey, has partnered with Manchesters Distology as it seeks further growth.

The company is behind a number of data protection products, which are certified by the National Cyber Security Centre(part of GCHQ). These include end-to-end email encryption, file sharing and protected collaboration tools.

Galaxkey'spartnership withDistology meets our key strategic objective - creating a market leading partnership betweenGalaxkey'sBest of Britishemail and data security, and Distology's leading expertise in IT security distribution, bringing theirbest of breedin vendors and an extensive network of IT resellers, said Sir GeorgeZambellas, Chairman ofGalaxkey.

Stephen Rowlands,Sales Directorfor Distology added:

Through the close relationshipswe have with our partners,wehave got tounderstand the pain pointsand challengesof companies working in heavily regulated industriesandbeen able to use this insight to pinpointwhat agoodsecurity solution would look likefor this sector.

To put it simply,Galaxkeyanswers allkeyconcernsfor businesses in this industry.For example, the restrictions aroundremote collaborationin the financial sectorcauses inefficiencies,delays,added costs andbarriers for all parties thesecouldallbe solved withGalaxkeysWorkspace product.

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Encryption specialist partners with Distology Prolific North - Prolific North

The Earn It Act: What Is It and Why Should You Be Scared – Complex

The continued onslaught of Trump era legal attacks can quickly and easily lead to exhaustion, whichunfortunatelycan also inspire people to just block out news of the sadistic shenanigans altogether. And with the looming Earn It Act, which makes good on its ominous name by being stacked with manipulative faux security tactics, blocking out such news could only serve the enemy.

While senators including Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) have hinged thatthe legislation on the narrative of it being merely an encouragement to the tech industry to "take child sexual exploitation seriously," the Earn It Actactually poses a serious threat to citizens'privacy and rights to free expression. Furthermore, as critics have outlined in great detail, the proposed legislation would do little in terms of protecting children.

Below, we've put together a mini-guide on the Earn It Act, including how to encourage Congress to trash it.

The Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies Act (Earn It Act) is described by senators as a piece of legislation that would "create incentives"for companies to "earn liability protection for violations of laws related to online child sexual abuse material" or CSAM.However, as mentioned above, that's far from a fair characterization.

The measure could ultimately produce a "backdoor"to encrypted services that, in the words of both the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans for Prosperity, would most certainly jeopardize the security and privacy of "every individual."The method of using such backdoors has long been the source of criticism from privacy advocates, who accurately argue that they can provide access to law enforcement and others who may not always have the publics best interest at the center of their actions.

"The Earn It Act threatens the safety of activists, domestic violence victims, and millions of others who rely on strong encryption every day,"Kate Ruane, ACLU Senior Legislative Counsel, warned back in May.

Presumably, you care about privacy.The Earn It Actas made clear in this detailed breakdown from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a nonprofit focused on defending civil liberties in a digital worldisanother example of an attempt at blatant constitutional violations being masked as helpful legislation.

Despite its self-publicized purported intentions, the Earn It Act eschews actually targeting CSAM and instead aims to enable the government (and potentially others) to meddle with the internet in detrimental ways. Chief among the problems with Earn It isthe use of so-called "best practices" requirements thatwould be decided upon by a commission under the guidance of known encryption-hater William Barr, the current U.S.Attorney General.

Conveniently, thethe Act's authors were careful with regards to language by avoiding outright stating "encryption"as a target in the legislation.

That doesn't matter, despitecomments from Blumenthal and others who are using the Act's written language as part of an attempt to prove that encryption is safe from attack.In fact, encryption is arguably a main target of the Act, whichper EFFmight be better described as a governmental effort aimed at bagging the ability to "scan every message online."

According to policy analyst Joe Mullin, any commission created as a result of the Earn It Act would have far more nefarious intentions than the PR campaign surrounding it might suggest.

"It will be a vehicle for creating a law enforcement wish list," Mullin said in March."Barr has made clear,overandoveragain, that breaking encryption is at the top of that wish list."

Be loud as hell about your disapproval of this nonsense. And with this handy EFF tool, you can also look up your representatives using your address and zip code, then be provided the option to send a pre-made letter urging them to reject the Earn It Act for giving the Attorney General "far too much power." Furthermore, don't let the exhaustion of the 2020 news cycle push you into a habit of ignoring developments of this nature.

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The Earn It Act: What Is It and Why Should You Be Scared - Complex

Impact of Covid-19 on Encryption Software Market 2020 Analysis by Geographical Regions, Type and Application Till 2027 with Top Key Players: Microsoft…

The Encryption Software market report by Reports and Data provides an extensive overview of the vital elements of the Encryption Software market and factors such as the drivers, restraints, latest trends, supervisory scenario, competitive landscape, technological advancements, and others. An in-depth analysis of these factors is described to understand the future growth prospects of the global Encryption Software market.

This is the latest report, covering the current COVID-19 scenario. The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected every industry worldwide. It has brought along various changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and the initial and future assessment of the impact are covered in the research report. The report discusses all the major aspects of the market with expert opinions on the current status along with a historical analysis.

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Market competitive Insights of Encryption Software Market

The report also emphasizes the initiatives undertaken by the companies operating in the market including product innovation, product launches, and technological development to help their organization offer more effective products in the market. It also studies notable business events, including corporate deals, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, partnerships, product launches, and brand promotions.

Leading Encryption Software manufacturers/companies operating at both regional and global levels:

Microsoft Corporation, IBM Corporation, EMC Corporation, Symantec Corporation, Intel Security, Sophos Holdings Ltd, McAfee, Check Point Software Technologies, Proofpoint, and Trend Micro.

The report also inspects the financial standing of the leading companies, which includes gross profit, revenue generation, sales volume, sales revenue, manufacturing cost, individual growth rate, and other financial ratios.

Segmentations, Sub Segmentations, CAGR, & High-Level Analysis overview of the Global Encryption Software Market Research Report

The segmentation included in the report is beneficial for readers to capitalize on the selection of appropriate segments for the Encryption Software sector and can help companies in deciphering the optimum business move to reach their desired business goals.

In market segmentation by types of Encryption Software , the report covers-

In market segmentation by applications of the Encryption Software , the report covers the following uses-

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Regional Insights of Encryption Software Market

The regional landscape section in the marker report provides a deep understanding of the regulatory framework, the latest market trends, growth opportunities, and restraints faced by the key market players in each regional market.

Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers in these key regions:

North America




Southeast Asia


Manufacturing Analysis of the Encryption Software Market

The report dedicates a section to inspect the manufacturing process of Encryption Software s. It includes a detailed analysis of the key feedstock required, cost and suppliers of the feedstock, cost analysis, pricing volatility, labor cost, and manufacturing process analysis of the Encryption Software market.

Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributor Analysis of the Encryption Software Market

Different marketing channels comprising of both direct and indirect channels have been assessed in detail in the Encryption Software market report. Crucial data pertaining to the marketing strategies adopted by companies, marketing channels, growth trends, pricing strategy, market standing, targeted consumers, and the distributors and traders operating in the market have also been included in the assessment.

Key Coverage of report:

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To summarize, the global Encryption Software market report studies the contemporary market to forecast the growth prospects, challenges, opportunities, risks, threats, and the trends observed in the market that can either propel or curtail the growth rate of the industry. The market factors impacting the global sector also include provincial trade policies, international trade disputes, entry barriers, and other regulatory restrictions.

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Impact of Covid-19 on Encryption Software Market 2020 Analysis by Geographical Regions, Type and Application Till 2027 with Top Key Players: Microsoft...

Global Cloud Encryption Software Market Projected to Reach USD XX.XX billion by 2025- Gemalto, HPE, IBM, Microsoft, Symantec, Thales E-Security, etc….

This research report studies and gauges through the current market forces that replicate growth trajectory and holistic growth trends.

Aligning with changing market scenario in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak , this in-depth research offering shares a clear perspective of resultant output that tend to directly impact the overall growth trajectory of the Cloud Encryption Software market.

This thoroughly compiled research output shares relevant details on overall industry production chain amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.Besides assessing details pertaining to production, distribution and sales value chain, this detailed research output on the Cloud Encryption Software market specifically highlights crucial developments across regions and vital countries, also lending a decisive understanding of the upcoming development scenario likely to be witnessed in the Cloud Encryption Software market in the near future.

This study covers following key players:GemaltoHPEIBMMicrosoftSymantecThales E-SecurityCiphercloudNetskopeTrend MicroParablu

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In this latest research publication on the Cloud Encryption Software market, a thorough overview of the current market scenario has been portrayed, in a bid to aid market participants, stakeholders, research analysts, industry veterans and the like to borrow insightful cues from this ready-to-use market research report, thus influencing a definitive business discretion.

The aim of the report is to equip relevant players in deciphering essential cues about the various real-time market based developments, also drawing significant references from historical data, to eventually present a highly effective market forecast and prediction, favoring sustainable stance and impeccable revenue flow despite challenges such as sudden pandemic, interrupted production and disrupted sales channel in the Cloud Encryption Software market.

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Market segment by Type, the product can be split into Cloud-basedOn-premise

Market segment by Application, split into BFSIManufacturingHealthcareGovernmentOthers

The report is targeted to offer report readers with essential data favoring a seamless interpretation of the Cloud Encryption Software market.Therefore, to enable and influence a flawless market specific business decision, aligning with the best industry practices, this specificresearch report on the Cloud Encryption Software market also lends a systematic rundown on vital growth triggering elements comprising market opportunities, persistent market obstacles and challenges, also featuring a comprehensive outlook of various drivers and threats that eventually influence the growth trajectory in the Cloud Encryption Software market.

Some Major TOC Points:1 Report Overview2 Global Growth Trends3 Market Share by Key Players4 Breakdown Data by Type and ApplicationContinued

The report also incorporates ample understanding on numerous analytical practices such as SWOT and PESTEL analysis to source optimum profit resources in Cloud Encryption Software market.

Besides presenting a discerning overview of the historical and current market specific developments, inclined to aid a future-ready business decision, this well compiled research report on the Cloud Encryption Software market also presents vital details on various industry best practices comprising SWOT and PESTEL analysis to adequately locate and maneuver profit scope.The report in its subsequent sections also portrays a detailed overview of competition spectrum, profiling leading players and their mindful business decisions, influencing growth in the Cloud Encryption Software market.

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Global Cloud Encryption Software Market Projected to Reach USD XX.XX billion by 2025- Gemalto, HPE, IBM, Microsoft, Symantec, Thales E-Security, etc....

Cybersecurity pros are uniting in a battle to save encryption – IOL

By Joseph Marks 22h ago

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Cybersecurity and privacy advocates are rallying to defend strong encryption, which is facing its harshest assault in decades from the Trump administration and Congress.

A coalition of dozens of top cybersecurity and Internet freedom groups, academics and experts sent a blistering letter this morning to the sponsors of an anti-encryption Senate bill they say would make hundreds of millions of Americans more vulnerable to hacking.

The bill, called the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, is the harshest among a number of efforts to weaken encryption across the Justice Department and Congress.

It would effectively require tech companies to weaken access to their secure systems to ensure law enforcement with a warrant can track terrorists, sexual predators and other criminals. But that would also make it far easier for cybercriminals and adversary nations to hack into troves of government, financial and health records, the authors write. They include the Internet Society, the Wikimedia Foundation and the Center for Democracy and Technology as well as experts at the American Civil Liberties Union, Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The bill "states that strong encryption is dangerous and it facilitates 'criminal activity,' without acknowledging that end-to-end encryption protects all people and is vital to many sectors of the economy, from banking to healthcare," the letter states. End-to-end is the strongest form of encryption in which communications are completely garbled as they travel between the sender and recipient and can't be deciphered even by the company that owns the platform.

The bill's sponsors are Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Sens. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Tom Cotton, R-Ark.

The calls reflect a dramatic shift during the past six years as lawmakers and officials have grown increasingly skeptical that strong encryption is as important as experts say. Cybersecurity experts, meanwhile, have grown more concerned they may lose a fight they view as vital to the future of the Internet.

The letter also points to the dramatic shift to telework during the pandemic.

That has opened up a bevy of new opportunities for hackers and made strong encryption even more vital, they say.

Weakening encryption "would put the safety and security of Internet users in danger at a moment when a devastating pandemic has made secure technologies more critical than ever to the everyday lives of Americans," they write.

Law enforcement also isn't exploring ways it can track criminals online without breaking encryption, experts argue.Those methods include using legally authorized hacking to exploit errors in how criminals use encryption. In rare cases, investigators have also used previously unknown bugs to break into encrypted devices and services.

"Interviews with hundreds of federal, state, and local law enforcement officials have shown that the largest barrier to law enforcement when dealing with modern communications systems is not encryption," the authors write. "Rather, it is an inability to leverage the data they currently have or could have access to."

That argument got a major boost this week when European law enforcement revealed an investigation that led to hundreds of arrests by cracking an encrypted service called Encrochat used by drug traffickers and other criminals. By hacking into the networks, police said they were able to read millions of messages in "real time, over the shoulder of the unsuspecting senders."

U.S. law enforcement has also successfully broken into encrypted devices in major cases.In two high-profile cases where Apple refused to help the FBI crack into encrypted iPhones, investigators ultimately gained access by working with secretive hacking tool brokers.

Those phones belonged to Syed Farook, who killed 14 people and injured others during a workplace shooting San Bernardino, Calif., in 2015 and Ahmed Mohammed al-Shamrani, who killed three people and injured eight others in a shooting at a Pensacola, Fla., military base in 2019.

In the San Bernardino case, then-FBI Director James Comey suggested the price tag for the access was more than $1 million.

Facebook also paid more than $100,000 for a hacking tool that revealed the messages of notorious sexual predator Buster Hernandez as part of an effort to help the FBI build a case against him, Vice reported recently.

Facebook has been a major target in Justice's push against encryption because of plans to expand end-to-end encryption across its messaging platforms - a move that Attorney General William P. Barr says will lead to a major expansion in sharing child pornography.

The letter comes just days after encryption advocates notched a partial victory against another encryption-threatening Senate bill.That bill, called the EARN IT Act, threatens to remove tech companies' liability protections for what users share on their platform unless they get far better at stemming the spread of child pornography.

The companies feared that would force them to stop using end-to-end encryption, but a last-minute amendment from Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., went a long way toward addressing those concerns. It basically bars civil and criminal cases against companies for violating the bill's rules merely because they use encryption.

Encryption advocates still have heartburn about the bill, though.

They worry it will open the door for lengthy litigation in which firms must prove that it's just encryption that's preventing them from combating the spread of child sexual abuse material and not something else, the Center for Democracy and Technology's Greg Nojeim notes.

The amendment also fails to exempt other cybersecurity protections beyond encryption that make data more secure but might also inhibit law enforcement investigations, Riana Pfefferkorn, associate director of surveillance and cybersecurity at Stanford's Center for Internet and Society, writes.

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Cybersecurity pros are uniting in a battle to save encryption - IOL

Steve Borwell: Encryption technology explained | Worcester News – Worcester News

Encryption is used absolutely everywhere, and for many, there are a lot of burning questions. How does encryption work? What makes a good encryption technology? How does it secure your data? These are all questions we receive on a regular basis.

Encryption is an enormous subject area, and rightly so. While the concept, in practice, is simple, theres a reason why new best practices are developed by leading mathematicians, cryptography experts, and the leading technical minds in our industry.

This week, well focus on giving you an excellent baseline understanding of encryption technologies and how they work and reinforce your confidence in the security considerations made for data in transit and at rest.

The definition is simple. Encryption is designed to encode a message in such a way that it can only be read by the desired recipients, if any.

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Regardless of how simple, and if they can be broken, this concept still stands. For example, if I were to take Hello, and rotate each character backwards by 7, it would become AXEEH. This method would be dubbed the ROT7 cipher. Encryption technologies are substantially more complex, but this example may help to illustrate the case.

The issue with the above is that it is reversible. Many encryption technologies mentioned in present day are extremely difficult to reverse, also known as one-way encryption, or more accurately Hashing.

These standards continuously update as technology becomes faster.

MD5, for example, has been used so extensively that it is easily reversible, even using Google Search. This collision happens due to widespread usage, and end-users storing thousands of plain-text strings alongside their hashed counterpart, the perfect combination to begin reversing this with enough computing power!

For now, iterations of SHA are extensively used. We may begin to see cracks, but only time can tell.

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Steve Borwell: Encryption technology explained | Worcester News - Worcester News

Encryption Software Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 – 3rd Watch News

The Encryption Software Market Research Report aims to provide insights that strongly demonstrate the market structure, scope, history, potential, and development perspective. By crossing through the historical and present market status, the Encryption Software market report provides authentic and reliable estimates for the forecast period. The Best part of this report is, this analyses the current state where all are fighting with the COVID-19, The report also provides the market impact and new opportunities created due to the Covid19 catastrophe.

Leading Companies Reviewed in the Report are:

IBM (US), Microsoft (US), Symantec (US), Thales e-Security (France), Trend Micro (Japan), Sophos (UK), Check Point (Israel), Micro Focus (UK), McAfee (US), Dell (US), WinMagic (US), ESET (US), Cryptomathic (Denmark), Bitdefender (Romania), Stormshield (France), and CipherCloud (US).

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The prime objective of this report is to help the user to gain a complete knowledge of the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, influential trends, market potential, and the challenges that the market is facing. The Encryption Software Market report offers recorded market information from 2015 to 2019, reveals revenue estimations for 2020 and figures from 2020 till 2025

Encryption Software Market highlights industry essentials, regional market, global economic industry growth, and market competitors along with their market share. Encryption Software Market report is concluded through collecting the number of researches. Sever industry based analytical techniques were also analyzed for a better understanding of this market.

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Based on application, the market has been segmented into:


Encryption Software market research report completely covers the vital statistics of the capacity, production, value, cost/profit, supply/demand import/export, further divided by company and country, and by application/type for best possible updated data representation in the figures, tables, pie chart, and graphs. These data representations provide predictive data regarding the future estimations for convincing market growth. The detailed and comprehensive knowledge about our publishers makes us out of the box in case of market analysis.

In addition, the number of business tactics aids the Encryption Software market players to give competition to the other players in the market while recognizing the significant growth prospects. Likewise, the research report includes significant information regarding the market segmentation which is designed by primary and secondary research techniques. It also offers a complete data analysis about the current trends which have developed and are expected to become one of the strongest Encryption Software market forces into coming future. In addition to this, the Encryption Software report provides the extensive analysis of the market restraints that are responsible for hampering the Encryption Software market growth along with the report also offers a comprehensive description of each and every aspects and its influence on the keyword market.

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Adroit Market Research is an India-based business analytics and consulting company. Our target audience is a wide range of corporations, manufacturing companies, product/technology development institutions and industry associations that require understanding of a markets size, key trends, participants and future outlook of an industry. We intend to become our clients knowledge partner and provide them with valuable market insights to help create opportunities that increase their revenues. We follow a code Explore, Learn and Transform. At our core, we are curious people who love to identify and understand industry patterns, create an insightful study around our findings and churn out money-making roadmaps.

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Encryption Software Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 - 3rd Watch News

Encryption firm Crypto International to cut most of its Swiss staff –

The successor company of Zug-based Crypto AG, which sold compromisedencryption devices, announced that more than 80 employees will be made redundant.


On Friday, Bernhard Neidhart, head of the Office of Economy and Labour of the Canton of Zug, confirmed information published in the NZZ paper. Zugs labour office has been informed of the opening of a consultation phase due to a possible mass redundancy, Neidhart told press agency Keystone-SDA, without giving further details.

According to the newspaper article, Crypto International AG intends to cut 83 of its 85 positions in Switzerland. The posts affected are mainly specialists in the field of cybersecurity. These redundancies are likely linked linked to the government's refusal to grant the company an export licence.

Crypto International AG acquired the rights to the now scandal-tainted Crypto AG company in 2018. Revelations this year that Crypto AG was at the heart of a vast CIA spying operation has shaken Switzerland to the core. The Zug-based communications encryption firm which was liquidated in 2018, sold code-making equipment to Iran, India, Pakistan, Latin American nations and dozens of other countries. The technology was modified to let the CIA and German secret service (BND) break codes, as reported by The Washington Post along with Swiss public television, SRF, and German broadcaster ZDF.

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Encryption firm Crypto International to cut most of its Swiss staff -