Encryption Software Market Detailed Analysis, Competitive landscape Forecast to 2026 – Citi Blog News

Eternity Insights, adds a comprehensive research of the Encryption Software market that mentions valuable insights pertaining to market share, profitability graph, market size, SWOT analysis, and regional proliferation of this industry. This study incorporates a disintegration of key drivers and challenges, industry participants, and application segments, devised by analyzing profuse information about this business space.

This research study on the Encryption Software market is an apt exhibit of this industry sphere. It includes a detailed analysis of this vertical as well as substantial information on this business space, with regards to pivotal aspects such as the current revenue, profits projections, the latest market tendencies, market size, market share, and various other deliverables, over the forecast period.

Request a sample Report of Encryption Software Market at: https://www.eternityinsights.com/request-a-sample/12436

A brief overview of the performance of the Encryption Software market during the forecast timeframe has been provided. Information about the driving factors affecting the Encryption Software market outlook has been delivered, in conjunction with the growth rate that this business space is expected to register over the expected duration. Also, the Encryption Software market study delivers a detailed notion of the numerous challenges prevailing in this business space. Also, an in-depth understanding of the growth opportunities existing in this vertical is delivered in the study.

Main pointers presented in the Encryption Software market report:

Unveiling the Encryption Software market with respect to the geographical terrain:

Encryption Software Market Segmentation: USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East Asia

Information given in the market report with regards to the major industry indicators:

A comprehensive gist of the Encryption Software market with regards to the product and application spectrums:

Product landscape:

Product types:

Key insights delivered in the report:

Application spectrum:

Application segmentation:

Specifics given in the report:

Ask for Discount on Encryption Software Market Report at: https://www.eternityinsights.com/ask-for-discount/12436

Other major pointers included in the report:

Some details about the competitive terrain of the Encryption Software market include:

Vendor base of the industry:

Competitive analysis pointers mentioned in the report include:

The Encryption Software market analysis also speaks on important details pertaining to parameters such as market concentration ratio.

Read more at: https://www.eternityinsights.com/report/global-encryption-software-market

Some of the Major Highlights of TOC covers:

Chapter 1: Methodology & Scope

Definition and forecast parameters

Methodology and forecast parameters

Data Sources

Chapter 2: Executive Summary

Business trends

Regional trends

Product trends

End-use trends

Chapter 3: Encryption Software Industry Insights

Industry segmentation

Industry landscape

Vendor matrix

Technological and innovation landscape

Chapter 4: Encryption Software Market, By Region

Chapter 5: Company Profile

Business Overview

Financial Data

Product Landscape

Strategic Outlook

SWOT Analysis

About us:

our reputed market research & consulting portal, eternity insights publishes industry/market reports, equity & financial data, and analytical research reports. We focus on almost all industries and deeply examine their segments & sub-segments. Our platform further probes the market revenues, ongoing trends, driving/preventive factors of the industries, key categories & sub-categories, competitive overview, etc.We have an expert team of research executives & data collectors that provide market intelligence services to facilitate better decisions. These decisions help clients with regards to more opportunities & penetration. eternity insights also exposes its customers to competitive strategies, impending events, survival plans, anticipated perils, and growth opportunities.

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Encryption Software Market Detailed Analysis, Competitive landscape Forecast to 2026 - Citi Blog News

Heres How Homomorphic Encryption Will Bring A Revolution In Computer Security – Technology Zimbabwe

Encryption has many states. Theres encryption for data in transit which is typically encrypted using protocols such as HTTPS, SSL, TLS, FTPS. Data at rest which is data that is temporarily held in computer memory.

Traditional encryption methods can secure data in transit and data at rest but data in use -data being processed, held in memory or analyzed by software apps- has proven harder to encrypt without reduced functionality.

This is where Homomorphic encryption comes into play. According to CBS Insights the encryption method is creating new opportunities for secure internet processes:

Startups and corporates alike are leveraging it for private database comparison, search, cloud computing, and to prevent future cyberattacks

The encryption method has been touted as the answer for organizations that need to process information whilst simultaneously protecting privacy and security.

Homomorphic encryption makes it possible to analyze encrypted data without revealing the data to anyone. This is important because most other encryption methods required that data be decrypted before use which made the data vulnerable to whatever you were trying to avoid by decrypting in the first place.

For instance, when you search for a shop on the internet a lot of your data is shared with third parties:

With homomorphic encryption in place none of the above will be shared with third parties and they also wont be able to access what results we obtain from such searches.

Homomorphic encryption has huge potential in areas with sensitive personal data such as in financial services or healthcare when the privacy of a person is paramount. In these cases, homomorphic encryption can protect the sensitive details of the actual data, but still, be analyzed and processed.

The encryption method is suited to many use cases including:

The reason why homomorphic encryption isnt in widespread use yet is that the encryption method is still slow. According to HashedOut, this is because the method requires a larger computational overhead compared to other encryption methods.

When IBM released its HElib C++ library in 2016, the library reportedly ran 100 TRILLION times slower than plaintext operations (i.e other encryption methods). Theyve since made the library 75 times faster than it was but it is still painfully slow compared to less secure alternatives in the field of encryption.

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Heres How Homomorphic Encryption Will Bring A Revolution In Computer Security - Technology Zimbabwe

Get a Handle on Your Data: DataSeers on the Importance of Data Governance & Management – PaymentsJournal

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One of the most pressing issues facing companies in thepayments industry is how they handle their data. Since financial transactionsand services generate large amounts of data, financial institutions need tohave a robust system in place to effectively process, analyze, and store theinformation.

Security is paramount, as the data is highly sensitive, andhackers are constantly trying their utmost to access it. And due to howvaluable and sensitive the data is, companies must comply with a myriad ofgovernment regulations dictating acceptable practices. Its essential thatcompanies understand where their data comes from and how to maintain itproperly.

To learn more about the importance of data governance, datamanagement, and what solutions exist to help companies navigate the problemsassociated with data handling, PaymentsJournal sat down with Adwat Joshi,founder and CEO of DataSeers, and Tim Sloane, VP of Payments Innovation atMercator Advisory Group.



During the conversation, Joshi and Sloane discussedDataSeers five step approach to data governance, data management, datasecurity, and what data quality means. They also covered encryption, and the intersectionof encryption with authentication and authorization.

Data governance is a major question facing the paymentsindustry. Regulators are increasingly scrutinizing how companies are governingtheir data and whether they are doing so correctly. Even without the scrutinyof regulators, solid data governance is vital for companies to be successful.

This is because bad data makes it challenging for companiesto use it effectively. If I dont have what I need, and its not in a goodformatits not rightthen how can I ever do anything with it? explainedJoshi.

One element of DataSeers approach is data profiling, whichentails reviewing the various data types to determine whether the data consistsof numbers, text, or a mix of the two. It gives you a clear understanding ofwho is sending what, said Joshi, allowing companies to request that the dataget cleaned before being accepted by that company.

DataSeers solution also enables authentication,authorization, and auditing. We want to make sure that we authenticatedanybody who is trying to access the data, said Joshi. Authorization means thatonly people with proper permission to view data are allowed to do so. The lastpart, auditing, means that companies can keep track of who accessed the data,when, and which data specifically. This helps ward off against internal fraud.

Sloane noted that authentication, authorization, andauditing is more important than ever due to a variety of new regulations,including the E.U.s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Californiasdata regulations.

Overall, DataSeers approach assumes that the data is comingin as a mess. Therefore, the companys proprietary process is designed to cleanthe data, homogenize it, label it, enhance it, encrypt it, and allow for it tobe seamlessly distributed. By taming the data, DataSeers enables companies tomore effectively leverage it.

Understanding and documenting where data is coming from,when it is coming, and what is coming is very important for companies. Beingable to keep track of all these questions is known as master data management(MDM). Sloane likened MDM to housekeeping, pointing out that while MDM is oftenoverlooked, making sure you know where everything is kept, if it is labeled,and who has access to what, is all essential.

Since it is such an integral part of many companiesworkflow, MDM is a very big industry, with many companies offering productswhich allow clients to better manage their data.

However, unlike a lot of solutions in the market, DataSeersapproach is tailored made for the payments industry. We understand what isrequired in order to have a better compliance platform, a better fraudplatform, and even a better reconciliation platform, said Joshi.

The next major aspect of effective data governance andmanagement is data security.

My definition of data security is the person whos supposedto have access to the data at the very specific time is the only person, atthat very specific time, who gets access to that very specific data, offeredJoshi. If the wrong person tries to access the data, or even the right personbut at the wrong time, denying them access is key to data security.

Joshi provided a useful analogy of someone securing theirhouse. If someone invested in a series of security tools, such as a camera,fancy lock, and expensive security service, yet forgot to lock the front door,all the fancy tools would be for naught. Similarly, the basic thing you haveto really think about is how well protected your data is at the source, saidJoshi.

DataSeers approach to securing data is unique, said Joshi.We call it the submarine architecture. It works by compartmentalizing thedata, so if one section gets compromised, the rest of the data is safe, similarto how a submarine compartment can fill up with water, but the rest of thesubmarine remains safe. An end user faces multiple steps upon logging into thesystem and is ultimately unable to get all the way to the source.

Assessing the quality of a data set is not a straightforwardexercise. You cannot just assign an arbitrary number to data set, labeling itsquality as 80, for instance, and have that make any sense. Instead, the qualityof data is measured by your ability to act on it, said Joshi.

If you are able to act on it with less noise and highaccuracy, your data is potentially very good quality, he said.

Sloane agreed, adding that the quality of data is dependentupon the purpose that youre going to apply the data to.

To this end, DataSeers invented a quality index on scale of1-100, which signals how actionable the data is in various situations.Depending on the specific situation and corresponding algorithm, each data elementis weighted for how important it is.

Encryption is another important aspect of good datamanagement. As Joshi noted, encryption is a broad term, which can refer to datathat is encrypted to simply comply with PCI standards, or data that isencrypted on multiple levels. In the former case, the data is only encrypted atrest, which means it can still be vulnerable.

Therefore, If you really want to do encryption, if youreally want to encrypt your data, data encryption has to happen at multipledifferent levels, said Joshi. DataSeers offers this level of encryption in itslatest release of software. We are supporting even column level encryption,stated Joshi. We are trying to keep the data encrypted as much as possible.

Such an approach allows users to access reports, but maybenot a specific column contained within, depending on who the user is and thecolumn in question.

Sloane pointed out that encryption like this combinesauthentication and authorization, allowing people to view only what theyresupposed to view.

Joshi agreed, adding, One of the things that we areimplementing is everything that comes out of our platform will be encrypted insuch a way that the only person who can decrypt it is going to be our clients.

Approaches to data such as the one embraced by DataSeersprovides companies with the platform necessary to get the most out of theirdata.


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Get a Handle on Your Data: DataSeers on the Importance of Data Governance & Management


Security is paramount, as the data is highly sensitive, and hackers are constantly trying their utmost to access it. And due to how valuable and sensitive the data is, companies must comply with a myriad of government regulations dictating acceptable practices. Its essential that companies understand where their data comes from and how to maintain it properly.



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Get a Handle on Your Data: DataSeers on the Importance of Data Governance & Management - PaymentsJournal

Ako Ransomware: Another Day, Another Infection Attacking Businesses – BleepingComputer

Like moths to a flame, new ransomware targeting businesses keep appearing every day as theyare enticed by the prospects of million-dollar ransom payments. An example of this is a new ransomware called Ako that is targeting the entire network rather than just individual workstations.

Ako was discovered yesterday when a victim postedin the BleepingComputer support forums about a new ransomware that had encrypted both their Windows 10 desktop and theirWindows SBS 2011 server.

After looking at the ransom note and the Tor payment site, it quickly became apparent that this was not a ransomwareinfection we had seen before.

Looking on VirusTotal, I was able to find an oldersample of the ransomwareand shared it with SentinelLab's Vitali Kremez who offered to help analyze it. Soon after, newer samples [1, 2] were found that allowed us to see a broader picture of how this ransomware works.

According to Kremez, who performed the analysis of the ransomware, Ako shares some similarities to MedusaLocker that has led people to call it MedusaReborn.

"This is the new ransomware-as-a-service offering under development with the version 0.5 that seems to be inspired by the Medusa Locker behavior including its anti-Windows behavior and registry mapped drive disable targeting and isolating specific machines for encryption," Kremez told BleepingComputer.

The ransomware operators confirmed this by telling BleepingComputer via email that the Ako ransomware is their own program.

"We see news about us. But that is wrong. About MedusaReborn. We have nothing to do with Medusa or anything else. This is our own product - Ako Ransomware, well, this is if you are of course interested."

To make matters worse, when we asked the ransomware operators if they are stealing data before encrypting, they told us "Yes, it's our job."

When started, Ako will first execute the following commands to delete shadow volume copies, clear recent backups, and disable the Windows recovery environment.

It will alsocreate the Registry valueEnableLinkedConnectionsunder theHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystemregistry key and set it to1. This is done to make sure mapped drives are accessible even in a UAC launched process.

The ransomware will now begin to encrypt files on the device.

When encrypting files, Ako will encrypt all files that do not match the ".exe,. dll, .sys, .ini, .lnk, .key, .rdp" extensions and whose paths do not contain the following strings:

When a file is encrypted, it will be renamed to and a randomly generated extension will be appended to the file name. For example, 1.doc would be encrypted and renamed to1.doc.Ci3Qn3 as shown below.

Appended to the contents of each file will also be aCECAEFBEfile marker that can be used to identify that this file was encrypted by Ako. This file marker can be seen in the hex editor of an encrypted file below.

During the encryption process, Ako will usethe GetAdaptersInfo function to get a list of network adapters and their associated IP addresses.

The ransom will then perform a ping scan of any local networks using the IcmpSendEcho function to create a list of responding machines.

Any machines that respond, will be checked for network shares to encrypt as well.

When the ransomware is finished, the encryption key used to encrypt the victim's files will itself be encrypted and stored in a file namedid.key on the victim's Windows desktop.

Also on the desktop will be a ransom note named ako-readme.txt. This note contains a URL to access the Ako Tor payment site in order to get payment instructions. This site is located athttp://kwvhrdibgmmpkhkidrby4mccwqpds5za6uo2thcw5gz75qncv7rbhyad.onion.

Note how the ransom note states that "Your network have been locked" to indicate they are targeting networks and not individual devices. When we asked the ransomware developers whether they target both both networks and individual workstations, they told BleepingComputer that they are "Only working on network."

Included in the ransom note is a 'Personal ID' that when decoded becomes a JSON formatted object containing the extension, encrypted key, network configuration setting, a subid most likely used for affiliates, and the ransomware's version. The version is currently at .5.

When a victim accesses the Tor site they will need to enter their personal ID to see the ransom demand and instructions.

This Tor payment site also includes a chat service and the ability to decrypt 1 file, which is a bit low as most ransomwareinfections allow the decryption of at least threefiles.

Unfortunately, in a brief analysis byID-Ransomware owner Michael Gillespie, the encryption method used by Ako appears to be secure.

If a weakness is discovered, we will be sure to post more information. For now, if you wish to discuss this ransomware or need help, you can use our Ako Ransomware Support & Help topic.

Furthermore, it is not known how this ransomware is distributedbut is most likely through hacked Remote Desktop services. If you are affected by this ransomware, we would be interested in learning how your network became infected.

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Ako Ransomware: Another Day, Another Infection Attacking Businesses - BleepingComputer

Drive High Cagr By Global IoT Security Solution for Encryption Market Along With Top Key Players, and Types (Software Platforms, Service) -…

The recent rport on Global IoT Security Solution for Encryption market begins with a description of the product, definition, scope of product and classification, specifications and industry outlook. The report provides IoT Security Solution for Encryption market forecast period from 2020 to 2024. It includes a thorough analysis of IoT Security Solution for Encryption market growth factors, static data, the top manufacturers/major players, and geographical region-wise analysis. It analyses historical IoT Security Solution for Encryption market values to work on latest market needs and estimate future market propensity. It composes of development plans and policies of each and every IoT Security Solution for Encryption key players along with their manufacturing processes and distinct approaches used during the process.

The report consistently focuses on the competitive analysis of worldwide IoT Security Solution for Encryption market which disclose top competitors involved in selling and marketing of IoT Security Solution for Encryption market products. This report will give an elaborated and complete information to the readers of IoT Security Solution for Encryption market. It also serves an actual analysis of parent market of IoT Security Solution for Encryption industry with the help of past, present and future IoT Security Solution for Encryption market information. Which will be beneficial to take the decisive judgment of business on IoT Security Solution for Encryption market and increase the profit margin.

Get a sample of the report from https://www.orbisreports.com/global-iot-security-solution-for-encryption-market/?tab=reqform

Vital Regions that operate IoT Security Solution for Encryption market covers Latin America (Colombia, Argentina and Brazil), North America (Mexico, Canada and The United States), IoT Security Solution for Encryption market in Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and South-East Asia), Europe (UK, Russia, Germany and Italy), The Middle East and Africa (South Africa, UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia). Besides, production value and volume, IoT Security Solution for Encryption market share, IoT Security Solution for Encryption market value, import/export detailing, price/cost, IoT Security Solution for Encryption market growth analysis and SWOT analysis.

Leading Manufacturers of IoT Security Solution for Encryption market are:

Cisco SystemsIntel CorporationIBM CorporationSymantec CorporationTrend MicroDigicertInfineon TechnologiesARM HoldingsGemalto NVKaspersky LabCheckPoint Software TechnologiesSophos PlcAdvantechVerizon Enterprise SolutionsTrustwaveINSIDE Secure SAPTC Inc.AT&T Inc.

Different product types include:

Software PlatformsService

worldwide IoT Security Solution for Encryption industry end-user applications including:

HealthcareInformation Technology (IT)TelecomBankingFinancial Services, And Insurance (BFSI)AutomotiveOthers

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Detailed information about IoT Security Solution for Encryption market opportunities, growth, prohibiting and risk study. Furthermore a complete analysis of existing and emerging markets IoT Security Solution for Encryption market segments. Leading market IoT Security Solution for Encryption players are present in the report. The advance IoT Security Solution for Encryption market tendencies, strategies, and technologies have accelerated number of enterprise models and corporations across the globe. The correct arrangement of IoT Security Solution for Encryption market is done on the basis of segments, market size, and share. The data serves in this research IoT Security Solution for Encryption report is not only descriptive in terms of quantity but also quality. Each and every IoT Security Solution for Encryption information collected from secondary sources are cross-examined several times during paid primary interviews and industry professional expertize.

The research methodology of IoT Security Solution for Encryption market includes not only primary but also secondary research information sources. It carries out distinct factors affecting IoT Security Solution for Encryption industry such as market environment, various government policies, historical data, and latest trends, technological advancement, future innovations, market risk factors, market restraints, challenges, opportunities and any technical evolution in IoT Security Solution for Encryption industry. Research analysts initially collect the data from distinct trivial IoT Security Solution for Encryption information sources such as financial reports of the company, internet, magazines and IoT Security Solution for Encryption research reports.

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Later, the fetched IoT Security Solution for Encryption market data is verified and justified to assure its quality. various quality testing techniques are used to ensure its quality of IoT Security Solution for Encryption market. They are approved by attending, conducting and direct interviews and questionnaires with IoT Security Solution for Encryption companys CEO, market main opinion leaders, market experts and industry executives. At the end, the data is represented in a pictorial way in the form of tables, bar graphs, pie-charts and figures format. Different paths are used to collect data about IoT Security Solution for Encryption market size covers top-down and bottom-up approach. Resulting part of the IoT Security Solution for Encryption report gives a list of manufacturers/distributors, information sources, research findings, and addendum.

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Orbis Reports is a frontline provider of illustrative market developments and workable insights to a wide spectrum of B2B entities seeking diversified competitive intelligence to create disruptive ripples across industries. Incessant vigor for fact-checking and perseverance to achieve flawless analysis have guided our eventful history and crisp client success tales.

Orbis Reports is constantly motivated to offer superlative run-down on ongoing market developments. To fulfill this, our voluminous data archive is laden with genuine and legitimately sourced data, subject to intense validation by our in-house subject experts. A grueling validation process is implemented to double-check details of extensive publisher data pools, prior to including their diverse research reports catering to multiple industries on our coherent platform. With an astute inclination for impeccable data sourcing, rigorous quality control measures are a part and parcel in Orbis Reports.

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Proposed changes to intermediary guidelines will put digital India’s future at risk: ISOC – MediaNama.com

The content filtering requirements in Indias proposed intermediary guidelines to curb online misinformation and illegal content, will put the security of the Internet and its users, and the future of a digital India at greater risk, the Internet Society (ISOC) said in an open letter to Indias IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. The letter, which has 27 signatories, said that making intermediaries liable for monitoring communications would limit the use of end-to-end encryption and encourage others to weaken existing security measures. ISOC has also urged the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) reconsider the current proposed amendments and protect Indias Internet economy and users, by supporting the use of end-to-end encryption.

Traceability requirement will weaken everyones security: End-to-end encrypted communication platforms, such as WhatsApp and Signal, cannot provide the level of monitoring required in the proposed amendments. Under the current proposed amendments to the rules, intermediaries must enable tracing of the originator of the information on their platform.

Whether its through putting a backdoor in an encryption protocol, storing cryptographic keys in escrow, adding silent users to group messages, or some other method, there is no way to create exceptional access for some without weakening the security of the system for all. ISOC in the open letter.

Apart from protecting people and the economy on the Internet, encryption also secures web browsing, online banking, and critical public services like e-government services, electricity, hospitals and transportation, the letter said. It added that more than 400 million people in India use end-to-end encrypted messaging services for communicating, and engaging in business.

As the Intermediaries Guidelines highlights, intermediaries should take all reasonable measures to secure [their] computer resources and information contained therein. ISOC in the open letter.

Current proposals will affect Indian companies as well: The letter said that the proposed amendments might reduce the trust that consumers have on Indian products. It said that Indian companies might feel compelled to weaken strong encryption on their services or fail to implement the technology at all. This would, in turn, jeopardise the success of Indian products and services globally.

India has the potential to be a world leader in the global digital economy, but only if consumers trust the products and services provided by its companies. In a global market, trust can make or break a decision to go with an Indian product or service, rather than a well-established competitor from North America or Europe. ISOC in the open letter.

Wikimedia Foundation has also expressed concerns on the proposed changes: This open letter comes days after the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit group that operates Wikipedia, had written to the IT Minister expressing concerns over the impact the proposed amendments would potentially have on Wikipedias open editing model. The Foundation had urged MeitY to make the latest changes to intermediary rules public and seek comments from concerned stakeholders.

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Proposed changes to intermediary guidelines will put digital India's future at risk: ISOC - MediaNama.com

Encryption Software Market Size, Top Companies, Business Opportunities and Growth 2020 to 2027 – Pro News Time

New Jersey, United States, The recent report added by Verified Market Research gives a detailed account of the drivers and restraints in the Encryption Software Market. The research report, titled [Encryption Software Market Research Report 2020] presents a comprehensive take on the overall market. Analysts have carefully evaluated the milestones achieved by the global Encryption Software market and the current trends that are likely to shape its future. Primary and secondary research methodologies have been used to put together an exhaustive report on the subject. Analysts have offered unbiased outlook on the global Encryption Software market to guide clients toward a well-informed business decision.

Global Encryption Software Market was valued at USD 3.32 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 30.54 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 27.96% from 2017 to 2025.

Request a Sample Copy of this report @https://www.verifiedmarketresearch.com/download-sample/?rid=1826&utm_source=PNT&utm_medium=007

Top 10 Companies in the Global Encryption Software Market Research Report:

Global Encryption Software Market: Competitive Landscape

Competitive landscape of a market explains strategies incorporated by key players of the market. Key developments and shift in management in the recent years by players has been explained through company profiling. This helps readers to understand the trends that will accelerate the growth of market. It also includes investment strategies, marketing strategies, and product development plans adopted by major players of the market. The market forecast will help readers make better investments.

Global Encryption Software Market: Drivers and Restrains

This section of the report discusses various drivers and restrains that have shaped the global market. The detailed study of numerous drivers of the market enable readers to get a clear perspective of the market, which includes market environment, government policies, product innovations, breakthroughs, and market risks.

The research report also points out the myriad opportunities, challenges, and market barriers present in the Global Encryption Software Market. The comprehensive nature of the information will help the reader determine and plan strategies to benefit from. Restrains, challenges, and market barriers also help the reader to understand how the company can prevent itself from facing downfall.

Global Encryption Software Market: Segment Analysis

This section of the report includes segmentation such as application, product type, and end user. These segmentations aid in determining parts of market that will progress more than others. The segmentation analysis provides information about the key elements that are thriving the specific segments better than others. It helps readers to understand strategies to make sound investments. The Global Encryption Software Market is segmented on the basis of product type, applications, and its end users.

Global Encryption Software Market: Regional Analysis

This part of the report includes detailed information of the market in different regions. Each region offers different scope to the market as each region has different government policy and other factors. The regions included in the report are North America, South America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. Information about different region helps the reader to understand global market better.

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Table of Content

1 Introduction of Encryption Software Market

1.1 Overview of the Market 1.2 Scope of Report 1.3 Assumptions

2 Executive Summary

3 Research Methodology of Verified Market Research

3.1 Data Mining 3.2 Validation 3.3 Primary Interviews 3.4 List of Data Sources

4 Encryption Software Market Outlook

4.1 Overview 4.2 Market Dynamics 4.2.1 Drivers 4.2.2 Restraints 4.2.3 Opportunities 4.3 Porters Five Force Model 4.4 Value Chain Analysis

5 Encryption Software Market, By Deployment Model

5.1 Overview

6 Encryption Software Market, By Solution

6.1 Overview

7 Encryption Software Market, By Vertical

7.1 Overview

8 Encryption Software Market, By Geography

8.1 Overview 8.2 North America 8.2.1 U.S. 8.2.2 Canada 8.2.3 Mexico 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Germany 8.3.2 U.K. 8.3.3 France 8.3.4 Rest of Europe 8.4 Asia Pacific 8.4.1 China 8.4.2 Japan 8.4.3 India 8.4.4 Rest of Asia Pacific 8.5 Rest of the World 8.5.1 Latin America 8.5.2 Middle East

9 Encryption Software Market Competitive Landscape

9.1 Overview 9.2 Company Market Ranking 9.3 Key Development Strategies

10 Company Profiles

10.1.1 Overview 10.1.2 Financial Performance 10.1.3 Product Outlook 10.1.4 Key Developments

11 Appendix

11.1 Related Research

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Highlights of Report

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Encryption Software Market Size, Top Companies, Business Opportunities and Growth 2020 to 2027 - Pro News Time

Apple made a rare appearance at tech’s biggest conference and defended encryption on the iPhone – Business Insider

Apple's top privacy executive has defended the firm's use of encryption despite its recent clashes with the FBI on the issue.

According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, iPhone privacy chief Jane Horvath who was peaking on a panel at this year's CES tech conference in Las Vegas said that iPhones' susceptibility to being stolen means they must be encrypted to protect personal information such as financial and health data.

"Our phones are relatively small and they get lost and stolen," Horvath said, according to CNBC. "If we're going to be able to rely on our health data and finance data on our devices, we need to make sure that if you misplace that device, you're not losing your sensitive data."

It was a rare move for Apple, which normally shuns public appearances at industry conferences. At the 2019 CES, its only visible presence was a massive billboard extolling its privacy practices.

Horvath added that she doesn't support the creation of backdoors to give law enforcement easier access to encrypted phones.

The FBI has clashed with Apple on multiple occasions over access to locked iPhones. Gaston De Cardenas/Reuters

Horvath's remarks came as Apple was sent a letter by the FBI on Monday asking it to help unlock two iPhones belonging to the man suspected of carrying out last month's shooting in Pensacola, Florida, in which three people were killed.

It isn't clear yet to what extent Apple will help, and in the past the firm has refused to help officials access phones belonging to suspected criminals.

In 2015, Apple refused to help when government officials sought access to an iPhone from a terrorist who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015. The FBI persisted regardless, and was eventually able to hack into the device with the help of an unknown third party.

In the aftermath of the San Bernardino case, Apple CEOTim Cook said that creating a so-called "backdoor to the iPhone" was not the answer words echoed at CES by Horvath, who said that "building back doors into encryption is not the way we are going to solve those issues."

Business Insider has approached Apple for comment.

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Apple made a rare appearance at tech's biggest conference and defended encryption on the iPhone - Business Insider

Encryption Software Market 2020 Size, Growth By Top Companies, Forecast Analysis To 2027 – Citi Blog News

Verified Market Research has recently published a research report titled, [Global Encryption Software Market Research Report 2020] assessing various factors impacting its trajectory. Analysts have used primary and secondary research methodologies to determine the path of the market. The data includes historic and forecast values for a well-rounded understanding. The global Encryption Software Market is expected to augment in the forecast period owing to various drivers and opportunities that lie in the ever-growing market. This report includes assessment of various drivers, government policies, technological innovations, upcoming technologies, opportunities, market risks, restrains, market barriers, challenges, trends, competitive landscape, and segments.

Global Encryption Software Market was valued at USD 3.32 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 30.54 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 27.96% from 2017 to 2025.

Dell, Thales E-Security, Eset, Symantec, IBM Corporation, Sophos, Ciphercloud, Pkware, Mcafee, Gemalto, Trend Micro, Microsoft Corporation

Global Encryption Software Market : Drivers and Restraints

This section of the report assess various drivers, opportunities, and restrains that lie in the market. These drivers and restraints are determined by various factors such as region, key players, innovations, and others. The report will help readers determine the key drivers and solutions for restraints. It also highlights the possible opportunities. The drivers and restraints are identified by current trends and historic milestones achieved by the market. The chapter on drivers and restraints also offers an evaluation of the investments made in production innovation through the years. The changes in environmental perspective have also been factored in to understand their impact on the growth of the global Encryption Software Market .

Analysts have also highlighted the potential restraints present in the global Encryption Software Market . With the help of market experts the report points out what changes companies can make to overcome these hurdles over the forecast years.

The research report includes segmentation of the global Encryption Software Market on the basis of application, technology, end users, and region. Each segment gives a microscopic view of the market. It delves deeper into the changing political scenario and the environmental concerns that are likely to shape the future of the market. Furthermore, the segment includes graphs to give the readers a birds eye view.

Last but not the least, the research report on global Encryption Software Market profiles some of the leading companies. It mentions their strategic initiatives and provides a brief about their structure. Analysts have also mentioned the research and development statuses of these companies and their provided complete information about their existing products and the ones in the pipeline.

Based on regions, the market is classified into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. The study will provide detailed qualitative and quantitative information on the above mentioned segments for every region and country covered under the scope of the study.

Advanced analytical research solutions within one platform; Verified Market Research. Offering information enriched research studies that include primary and secondary research studies. Verified Market Research assists in understanding holistic industrial factors and trends.

Analysts with high expertise in data gathering and governance utilize industry techniques to collate and examine data at all stages. Our analysts are trained to combine modern data collection techniques, superior research methodology, subject expertise and years of collective experience to produce informative and accurate research reports.

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Encryption Software Market 2020 Size, Growth By Top Companies, Forecast Analysis To 2027 - Citi Blog News

WidePoint Partners with KoolSpan to Offer End-to-End Encryption for Phone Calls and Text Messages – GlobeNewswire

FAIRFAX, Va. and BETHESDA, Md., Jan. 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WidePoint Corporation (NYSE American: WYY), the leading provider of Trusted Mobility Management (TM2) specializing in Telecommunications Lifecycle Management, Identity Management and Digital Billing & Analytics solutions and KoolSpan, the provider of TrustCall, have entered into a partnership through which WidePoint delivers KoolSpans cross-platform, end-to-end communication solution to WidePoint customers so that they can make phone calls and send text messages securely.

WidePoint has partnered with KoolSpan to resell TrustCall, the leading secure mobile communications platform to governments and enterprises globally that secures phone calls and messages with end-to-end encryption. TrustCall is an enterprise-grade solution that delivers high performance and HD quality encrypted audio and can be flexibly deployed via the cloud, on premise, or in hybrid form.

KoolSpans TrustCall ensures that devices use end-to-end encryption for all communication paths, which is crucial to improving the security of global telecommunications networks, said Jin Kang, WidePoint President and Chief Executive Officer. By partnering with KoolSpan, we have immediately added a secure communication tool that is directly complementary to our product suite and a critical need for our federal and enterprise clients. We expect this partnership to give us an additional leg up over our competition as we continue to focus on expanding our presence as a leading provider of trusted mobility management services.

Nigel Jones, KoolSpans Chief Executive Officer, stated: WidePoint has a long history of successfully serving both federal agencies and enterprise clients, and by partnering with them, were able to leverage their reputation and relationships to serve a much broader customer base.

Global telecommunications networks are inherently insecure as has been well documented by cyber security experts in the U.S. Government and across the private sector. The threats, from surveillance of communications to theft of IP to corporate espionage, are posed by systemic vulnerabilities in the global telecommunications infrastructure that readily enable interception and monitoring of mobile communications, both voice and data, said Elad Yoran, KoolSpan Executive Chairman. The only viable solution to this problem is to use end-to-end (E2E) encryption for all communications. KoolSpan is excited to partner with WidePoint to provide TrustCall.

About WidePointWidePoint Corporation (NYSE American: WYY) is a leading provider of trusted mobility management (TM2) solutions, including telecom management, mobile management, identity management, and digital billing and analytics. For more information, visit widepoint.com.

About KoolSpanKoolSpan is a leading provider of robust, cross-platform, end-to-end communication security on smartphones globally. KoolSpan TrustCall delivers strong end-to-end (E2E) encryption for calls, text/chats on Android and iPhone devices. Customers include governments and enterprises in 60+ countries. TrustCall is FIPS 140-2 validated and has 33 issued patents with dozens pending. KoolSpan is privately held and based in Bethesda, Maryland. For more information, visitwww.koolspan.com.

Investor Relations:Gateway Investor RelationsMatt Glover or Charlie Schumacher949-574-3860, WYY@gatewayir.com

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WidePoint Partners with KoolSpan to Offer End-to-End Encryption for Phone Calls and Text Messages - GlobeNewswire