(PDF Innovation): Encryption Software Market Report By MarketResearch.Biz [Involved Key Players Are: Microsoft,Sophos Ltd. and .] – Sound On Sound…

Know How The Best Growth Opportunities in Encryption Software Market to Generate Huge Acquisition in Forthcoming Years [2020-2029]?

Have a look at the recently added report by MarketResearch.Biz titled as Encryption Software Market 2020: Market Geographical Segmentation, Key players, Key Topics Industry Value and Demand Analysis Forecast to 2029 provides comprehensive investigation. The investigation additionally provides the Encryption Software market competitors offer and region-wise analysis around the world.In this report you will learn;

In this report, our team offers a thorough investigation of Encryption Software Market, SWOT examination of the most prominent players right now. Alongside an industrial chain, market measurements regarding revenue, sales, value, capacity, regional market examination, section insightful information, and market forecast are offered in the full investigation, and so forth.

Browse Complete Summary of this report andDownload FREE Sample PDF!

Scope of Encryption Software Market: Products in the Encryption Software classification furnish clients with assets to get ready for tests, tests, and evaluations.

Key Highlights of theEncryption Software Market Report:

1. Encryption Software Market Study Coverage: It incorporates key market sections, key makers secured, the extent of items offered in the years considered, worldwide Encryption Software market and study goals. Moreover, it contacts the division study gave in the report based on the sort of item and applications.

2. Encryption Software Market Executive outline: This area stresses the key investigations, market development rate, serious scene, market drivers, patterns, and issues notwithstanding the naturally visible pointers.

3. Encryption Software Market Production by Region: The report conveys information identified with import and fare, income, creation, and key players of every single local market contemplated are canvassed right now.

4. Encryption Software Market Profile of Manufacturers: Analysis of each market player profiled is detailed in this section. This portion likewise provides SWOT investigation, items, generation, worth, limit, and other indispensable elements of the individual player.

Some of the major objectives of this report:

1) To provide a detailed investigation of the market structure alongside conjecture of the different sections and sub-portions of the worldwide Encryption Software Market.

2. To provide bits of knowledge about factors influencing market development. To examine the Encryption Software Market dependent on different variables value examination, store network investigation, porter five power investigation and so on.

3. To provide authentically and estimate the income of the Encryption Software Market portions and sub-fragments concerning four principle geographies and their nations North America, Europe, Asia, and the Rest of the World.

4. Nation level examination of the market regarding the present market size and future prospective.

5. To provide a national level examination of the market for section by Application, Deployment, Industry Type, And Region.

6. To provide key profiling of key players in the market, thoroughly investigating their center capabilities, and drawing a serious scene for the market.

7. Track and break down serious advancements, for example, joint endeavors, key coalitions, mergers and acquisitions, new item improvements, and research and improvements in the worldwide Encryption Software Market.

Have Any Query Or Specific Requirement? Ask Our Industry Experts!

Encryption Software Market Report Covers the Following Segments:

Global encryption software market segmentation by application:Disk encryptionFile/folder encryptionDatabase encryptionCommunication encryptionCloud encryption

Global encryption software market segmentation by deployment:CloudOn-Premise

Global encryption software market segmentation by industry type:Banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI)HealthcareGovernment & public sectorTelecom & retailAerospace & defenseOthers

Market Size Segmentation by Region & Countries (Customizable):

Following 15 Chapters Speaks To The Encryption Software Market All Globally:

Chapter 1, Enroll the objective of worldwide Encryption Software Market covering the market presentation, item picture, market outline, advancement scope, Encryption Software Market nearness;

Chapter 2, Contemplates the key global Encryption Software Market contenders, their business volume, market benefits and cost of Encryption Software Market in 2020 and 2029;

Chapter3, Shows the serious scene perspective on worldwide Encryption Software Market based on predominant market players and their offer in the market development in 2020 and 2029;

Chapter4, Directs the region-wise investigation of the worldwide Encryption Software Market dependent on the business proportion in every area, and market share from 2020 to 2029;

Chapter 5,6,7,8 and 9 Shows the key nations present in these districts which have revenue share in Encryption Software Market;

Chapter 10 and 11 portrays the market dependent on Encryption Software Market item classification, a wide scope of utilizations, development dependent on a market pattern, type and application from 2020 to 2029;

Chapter 12 Shows the worldwide Encryption Software Market plans during the figure time frame from 2020 to 2029 isolated by areas, type, and item application.

Chapter13, 14, 15 notices the worldwide Encryption Software Market deals channels, market sellers, vendors, market data and study ends, supplement and information sources.

Whats more, For detailed informationhttps://marketresearch.biz/report/encryption-software-market/#toc

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report versions like North America, Europe or Asia

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See the original post here:
(PDF Innovation): Encryption Software Market Report By MarketResearch.Biz [Involved Key Players Are: Microsoft,Sophos Ltd. and .] - Sound On Sound...

Suspect who refused to decrypt hard drives released after four years – Naked Security

The contentious case of a man held in custody since 2015 for refusing to decrypt two hard drives appears to have reached a resolution of sorts after the US Court of Appeals ordered his release.

Former Philadelphia police sergeant Francis Rawls was arrested in September 2015, during which the external hard drives were seized along with other computers from his home.

Based on forensic analysis of his download habits and the testimony of his sister, the police believe they contained child abuse imagery but were unable to prove that without access to the drives.

Rawls claimed he did not know or had forgotten the passcodes while his lawyers argued that on principle forcing him to reveal these violated his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Ruled in civil contempt of court, in 2017 a second court rejected the Fifth Amendment argument.

Never formally charged with a crime, a lot seems to have hinged on whether Rawls should be treated as a suspect or a witness. If Rawls was considered a witness, the fact that hes being asked to provide information that could be used against himself, is, in effect, self-incriminating testimony.

From the start, this was an unusual case that will be referenced for years to come, not last by the civil liberties campaigners who took up the case and opposed the Governments arguments.

The prosecutors said they had ample evidence of Rawls alleged downloading of child abuse images but seemed happy to leave him in jail without charge.

Their assumption that he knew the passcode meant that he would surely relent rather than languish in jail indefinitely. And yet, Rawls didnt relent, perhaps calculating that the courts would eventually take his side in a highly technical argument.

Rawls has now been released on the basis that the detention under civil contempt does not allow prosecutors to hold a witness for longer than 18 months.

But there was always a technical dimension hovering over this case the hard drives were reportedly encrypted using Apples FileVault software.

Although Rawls could have been using any encryption software, Apples involvement must have hit a nerve.

The company has been in dispute with the Government over a series of cases, most famously attempts to force Apple to aid access the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooter in 2015. More recently, the iPhone access issue came up again after a shooting at a US Naval base.

The Rawls case is different in that its not the company being pursued but the suspect. But it underlines the battle now happening between companies offering encryption which can be used by anyone and a Government keen to head off the inconvenience this creates.

In January it was alleged that Apple has been more cooperative with the Government than its yet admitted, rowing back on a plan to extend end-to-end encryption to iCloud backups.

Ultimately, the FBI would like a backdoor only they could use, a move Apple has resisted.

But failing that, theres always the front door. Rawls seems to have held out against demands for encryption passcodes, but he wont be the last to be asked.

Continued here:
Suspect who refused to decrypt hard drives released after four years - Naked Security

Assuming responsibility for data protection in the cloud – TEISS

Given the responsibility to ensure data protection in the cloud, how can organisations encrypt, share and manage data securely?

Data protection is of top priority for business leaders and consumers alike. The implementation of GDPR and the extensive media coverage of major data breaches has made organisations more mindful of their responsibility to ensure data protection. Despite the numerous benefits of cloud usage, many are reluctant to migrate to the cloud as they feel storing data off-premises robs them of the control needed to ensure its security, thus exposing their organisation to the risk of being faced with hefty GDPR fines, job losses or suffering substantial brand damage.

A recent study reveals that, alarmingly, only 32 per cent of organisations believe that protecting data in the cloud is their own responsibility. The terms and conditions of major cloud providers includes a Limitations of Liability clause which puts responsibility for data security on the cloud user. For example, AWS states it accepts no liability in the case of any unauthorised access to, alteration of, or the deletion, destruction, damage, loss or failure to store any of the users content or other data.

Those responsible for cloud infrastructure in an organisation generally understand the risks involved with storing data in the cloud. However, all cloud users need to be conscious of the severity of protecting data in the cloud. Hackers are devising many sophisticated methods to target innocent and vulnerable users, making human error prevalent among data leakage incidents.

It has often been said that data is the new oil. Data can provide valuable insights that drive key business decisions, political campaigns and marketing initiatives. And just as the oil industry has security measures in place to protect against terrorism and maritime piracy, organisations need to establish security measures to ensure the protection of their data.

One vital step is encryption. More than half (51 per cent) of organisations fail to use encryption to protect sensitive data in the cloud. Arguably, most cloud providers will encrypt their customers data. However, the encryption key is stored in the cloud and thus accessible to hackers and cloud staff much like leaving your house key under the doormat, which half the neighbourhood knows about. Interestingly, Apple was recently pressured by the FBI to abandon its plans to fully encrypt its iCloud backups as it did not give the FBI a backdoor. Recall the liability clause? Full encryption of data cannot be dependent on the cloud provider.

To be a truly secure solution, the user needs full and secure control of the encryption key that is stored away from the data. This will protect the data even if the cloud account is hacked.

The more people the data is shared with, the greater the challenge to ensure security. Sharing encrypted data securely allows for instant collaboration in the cloud, saving time when compared with what would be days spent posting encrypted USB flash drives between colleagues. Keeping the encryption key, which is encrypted itself with a PIN-authenticated code, away from the cloud increases the number of security measures from just one (the cloud account login) to up to five factors of authentication.

Another important step to ensure data privacy is a central management of data shared. Not being able to efficiently monitor and manage data can have severe implications. For example, an engineer at Raytheon Missile Systems took US missile defence secrets to China, despite warnings from officials not to travel with his laptop. This incident could have been avoided if Raytheon had been able to remotely disable the engineers access to the confidential files, place geofencing restrictions or monitor file activity.

The cloud is here to stay and shouldnt have to be avoided for security concerns. At an age when sensitive data needs to be stored and shared digitally, businesses and particularly government institutions must assume responsibility for encrypting sensitive data, securing the encryption key and monitoring and managing that data.

By John Michael, CEO iStorage

Discover your solution to encrypt, share and manage your data in the cloud at istorage-uk.com/product/cloudashur/ or visit iStorage at Stand 14 during TEISS 2020, to see a demonstration.

See the original post:
Assuming responsibility for data protection in the cloud - TEISS

The code breakers: This vault is ground zero for law enforcement’s battle to unlock encrypted smartphones – USA TODAY

Apple has reopened a privacy battle with the FBI after refusing to unlock the iPhones of the Saudi pilot who opened fire at Naval Air Station Pensacola Buzz60

NEW YORK Inside a steel-encased vault in lower Manhattan, investigators are bombarding an Apple iPhone 7 with ajumble of numerical codes generated by nearby computers.

The grinding exercise has continued for the past 21 months with a singular aim: Crack the phone's passcode so police can extract potentialevidence in an aging attempted murder investigation.

Despite the formidable resources ofa $10 million cyber laboperated by the Manhattan District Attorneys Officeincluding costly assistance provided by privatesleuthsso far the phone has won.

Last month, Attorney General William Barr revived the titanic struggle betweenlaw enforcement and Big Techwhen he disclosedthat the FBI couldn'tunlock two iPhones used by a Saudi officer who opened fireat a Navy base in Florida in December.

Yet the breadth of the ground war wagedagainst encrypted phones, tablets and other devices seized in criminal inquiries is perhaps best appreciated withinthe securedoors of this Manhattanlaboratory.

Steven Moran, director of the High Technology Analysis Unit at the Manhattan District Attorneys Office, describes how investigators try to crack encrypted smartphones in a special steel-encased vault. It was built to block outside radio frequencies, preventing suspects from remotely erasing their devices.(Photo: Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY)

More than 8,000 devices have poured into the facility since 2014.Each year, more of them are locked, rising from 24% in 2014 to 64%last year. For Apple devices, it's gone from 60% to 82%.

Nearly 2,500 of the locked devices remain inaccessible to investigators, hindering investigations into child exploitation, financial crimes, theft, violence and other crimes.

The numbers illustrate afrustration shared by law enforcement agencies across the country.

"I don't think there is an awareness of the scope of the problem," Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance said.

Duffie Stone, president of the National District Attorneys Association, describedthe challenge as a technological tidal wave overwhelming agencies across the country, particularly smaller oneswithout Manhattan's considerable resources.

However, it's been difficult to measurehow much of a problem locked devices are for law enforcement. There is no national data repository tracking how often investigators areblockedby phones "going dark," as they say.

In 2018, the FBI estimated federal authorities had recovered nearly 8,000 locked phones for analysis. Butthe bureau acknowledged that figure was overstated.The FBI has not publicly updated the data since, leaving Vance as law enforcements most vocal authority in the struggle between law enforcement and privacy interests.

Tech giant Apple is law enforcement's favorite target because of its commercial popularity and its efforts to bolster user privacy.In the past six years, law enforcement officials maintain, Apple and other companies have made their devices virtually warrant-proofby enabling encryption by default and moving fromfour-digit passcodes to six.

Law enforcement vs. consumer privacy: Should Apple help DOJ unlock terrorist's iPhones?

"We have always maintained there is no such thing as a backdoor just for the good guys," Apple said last month, responding to Barr's claims that the company had not helped unlock the two iPhones recovered from the Pensacola shooter.

"Today, law enforcement has access to more data than ever before in history, so Americans do not have to choose between weakening encryption and solving investigations," Apple said. "We feel stronglyencryption is vital to protecting our country and our users' data."

Steven Moran, director of the High Technology Analysis Unit at the Manhattan District Attorneys Office, stands outside the vault where computers bombard seized smartphones with codes in order to guess the passcodes and enable investigators to access their data. New batches of phones are moved into the chamber like unbaked cookies and others are moved out before they're done.(Photo: Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY)

It looks like a bomb shelter. In a sense, it is.

Just off the main corridor of the Manhattan cyber laboratory, protected by a heavy steel door, is a small chamber where some of the lab's most consequential work is carried out in isolation.

About 100 locked cell phones,seized in various criminal investigations, arestacked neatly on two shelves. Nearby,computerssilently batter the devices with spurts of numerals as they attempt toguess thepasscodes.

Only when the lights are offis the workvisible, in flashes of blinking lights.

Success can come in minutes, hours, days ormonths. Or not at all.

Of the 1,035 devices that were locked on arrival at the lab last year, 405 remain inaccessible, according to lab records. The year before, 666 of the 1,047 locked phones could not be opened.

New batches of phones are moved into the chamber like unbaked cookies. Others are moved out before they're done.

"We might need more shelving," said Steven Moran, director of the High Technology Analysis Unit.

The room's heavy drape of security, Moran said, is not for show. It was built to block outside radio frequencies, preventingsuspects from remotely erasing their devices before examiners can break the locks.

"It is a real concern," Moran said, adding that some suspects released on bond have sought to do just that.

In particularlyurgent cases, or when devices prove especially resistant, they are hand-delivered to private contractors who subject the phones tonew types of hacking.

From 2014 to 2019, Vance said,his office paid those contractors $1.5 million for software and assistance.

New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance arrived in October for a federal court hearing on his efforts to get several years of tax returns from President Donald Trump's longtime accounting firm.(Photo: ANGELA WEISS, AFP via Getty Images)

Their help has become critical not only in Manhattan but in places like South Carolina's 14th Judicial Circuit, a five-county area in the state's low countrywhere Duffie Stone is the local prosecutor.

"The use of technology by criminals is probably the biggest change in the criminal justice system," Stone said. "We are confronting this kind oftechnology, and the challenge of penetrating it, in virtually every case we are prosecuting."

Stone credits Vance with helping other prosecutors take on the new investigative burdens.

"The value of digital evidence is not limited to proving a defendant's guilt," Vance told a Senate panel in December. "In some instances, evidence recovered from devices mitigates the culpability of an accused or exonerates a defendant entirely."

In 2018, Vance said, an internal survey revealed 17 casesin which his office "reduced or dismissed charges because of evidence recovered from a smartphone."

Ordinarily, few would confuse William Barr with Cyrus Vance.

As Donald Trump's attorney general, Barr has shielded his boss from Vance's subpoenas and document requests. Their fight over the president's tax records is now before the Supreme Court.

On the issue of encryption, however, they have found common ground.

Last month, Barr rekindled a longstanding dispute between the Justice Department and Apple when he accused the company of failing to provide "substantive assistance" in unlocking two iPhones used by the Saudi attacker who killed three people atNaval Air Station Pensacola in December.

Airman Mohammed Hathaim, Ensign Joshua Watson and Airman Apprentice Cameron Walters were killed in the shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola. USA TODAY

One of the devices was believed to have been damaged by a bullet fired by the gunman in an attempt to destroy anyevidence it contained.

The attorney general said investigators rebuilt both phones, but they had not been able to bypass the passcodes to gain access to the data.

"This situation perfectly illustrates why itis critical that investigators be able to get access to digital evidence once they have obtained a court order based on probable cause," Barr said then.

Apple rejected Barr's rebuke, saying it had responded quickly to investigators' many requests. The company said itlearned only a week earlier that the Justice Department needed help unlocking the phones.

Barr's criticismmirrored a standoff between the FBI and Apple over an iPhone recovered after a 2015 mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 people dead.

In that case, the FBI went to federal court todemand Apple assist investigators in accessing the device recovered from terrorist Syed Farook, who was killed withhis wife, Tashfeen Malik, in a shootout with authorities following the attack.

The FBI's effort was led by then-director James Comey, whomaintained the bureau wanted accessonly in that case. Apple and other tech companies feared granting access to Farook's phone would ultimately require them to build so-called backdoors that would allowlaw enforcement around the country to access their devices.

Nothing to see here: FBI blacks out most details on hack of terrorist's iPhone

Law enforcement officers search for the suspects of a mass shooting Dec. 2, 2015 in San Bernardino, Calif. A man and a woman suspected of carrying out a deadly shooting at a center for the disabled were killed in a shootout with police, while a third person was detained, police said. (Photo: Patrick T. Fallon, AFP via Getty Images)

The FBI dropped its challenge after it secured the assistance of an outside contractor that successfully bypassed the iPhone's passcode.

Vance, who supported Comey's efforts at the time, said theSan Bernardino caseraised public awareness of the problem. But itultimately "deflated because there was mutual finger-pointing."

If Barr were to challengeApple again, Vance said he probably would support it. Yet the district attorney said courts won't offer a long-term solution.

"Nothing really has changed" since San Bernardino,Vance said.

"Companies are not going to redesign their devices to open for search warrants," he said. "The only way to move forward is the threat of federal legislation."

Read or Share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/02/11/manhattan-vault-investigators-try-unlock-encrypted-iphones/4670518002/

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The code breakers: This vault is ground zero for law enforcement's battle to unlock encrypted smartphones - USA TODAY

Encryption Software Market research interpreted by a new report – WhaTech Technology and Markets News

The encryption software market is segmented on the basis of applications: disk encryption, file/folder encryption, database encryption, communication encryption, and cloud encryption. The disk encryption segment is expected to hold the largest market size during the forecast period. The importance of encrypting a disk is that even if the encrypted disk is lost or stolen, its encrypted state remains unchanged, and only an authorized user can access its contents. Currently, enormous amounts of data are being generated and stored across organizations. It has increased the cost of protecting critical data against thefts and breaches.

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Recent developments in the mobile technology in terms of software and hardware, their distribution among businesses, and the increasing penetration of smartphones are further projected to offshoot the demand over the coming years. The increased number of enterprises moving toward cloud computing, combined with the Big data, demand the protection of sensitive data, thus raising the deployment for encryption software.

Key Encryption Software Market players

Major vendors in the global encryption software market include IBM (US), Microsoft (US), Symantec (US), Thales e-Security (France), Trend Micro (Japan), Sophos (UK), Check Point (Israel), Micro Focus (UK), McAfee (US), Dell (US), WinMagic (US), ESET (US), Cryptomathic (Denmark), Bitdefender (Romania), Stormshield (France), and CipherCloud (US). These vendors have adopted various organic and inorganic growth strategies, such as new product launches, partnerships and collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions, to further expand their presence in the global encryption software market.

Thales e-Security (France) is among the leading vendors offering encryption solution and services across the globe. The companys encryption product offering includes data encryption, Vormetric application crypto suite, and key management.

Thales e-Security offers its customers best-in-class encryption solution to meet compliance. Moreover, the company provides best practice requirements for protecting data from external threats or malicious insiders with proven, high-performance, and scalable data encryption.

In 2018, the company invested about 6% of its annual revenue in R&D to develop new products with enhanced capabilities and gain a competitive edge.

Getthis Report @ http://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/contactcount/1055

Global Encryption Software Market 2019 research reports around the world provide in-depth analysis, including summaries, definitions, and market coverage. The Encryption Software industry is broken down by product, location and region.

This segmentation is intended to give the reader a detailed understanding of the market and the essential elements that make up the market. This allows you to better describe the driver, restraint, threats and opportunities.

The Encryption Software Market analysis report expresses about the growth rate of global market up to 2025 by revenue, chain structure, manufacturing process and market entry strategies. The Encryption Software Market report providing comprehensive syndicated market research reports with in-depth analysis of global trending markets and global sectors.

The research experts use exclusive mixture of primary and secondary research, different analytics, and industry research to give a holistic view of the market and business ecosystem.

Encryption Software Market Competitive Analysis:

Encryption Software market analysts involved in the study use their unique primary and secondary research techniques and tools to present the information and data most accurately. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the competitive environment, including company profiling of top companies operating in the market.

Readers will be given detailed information on the market, including neatly calculated revenue and volume growth, CAGR and market share estimates. This report provides systematically prepared statistics showing a comparison of the above-mentioned estimates over the entire forecast period.

In addition, Encryption Software s offers various benefits such as preserving wealth through proactive management & suitable strategies, it assists with the allocation of wealth from one generation to next through strategic asset allocation and it mitigate risks by diversifying investments. The benefits of these Encryption Software s increase demand worldwide.

However, the limited availability of Encryption Software s is one of the major factors limiting the market growth of Encryption Software s around the world. As competition with hedge funds, investment banks, and other asset management companies intensifies, it is difficult to find merchants with the required level of expertise and keep advisors.

Global Encryption Software Market report outlines characteristics and growth, SWOT analysis, Porters five, pest analysis, segmentation, regional overview, competitive landscape, market share. The present market condition and future prospects of the segment has also been examined.

The report includes accurate analysis of data from players in the primary industry and their area of market through most analytical tools.

For Any Query on the Encryption Software Market @ http://www.adroitmarketresearch.com/contactuying/1055

Encryption Software Market Report Highlights:

Chapter 1. Executive Summary

Chapter 2. Research Methodology

Chapter 3. Market Outlook

Chapter 4. Global Encryption Software Market Overview, By Type

Chapter 5. Global Encryption Software Market Overview, By Application

Chapter 6. Global Encryption Software Market Overview, By Region

Chapter 7. Company Profiles

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Encryption Software Market research interpreted by a new report - WhaTech Technology and Markets News

Keeping classified information secret in a world of quantum computing – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

By the end of 1943, the US Navy had installed 120 electromechanical Bombe machines like the one above, which were used to decipher secret messages encrypted by German Enigma machines, including messages from German U-boats. Built for the Navy by the Dayton company National Cash Register, the US Bombe was an improved version of the British Bombe, which was itself based on a Polish design. Credit: National Security Agency

Quantum computing is a technology that promises to revolutionize computing by speeding up key computing tasks in areas such as machine learning and solving otherwise intractable problems. Some influential American policy makers, scholars, and analysts are extremely concerned about the effects quantum computing will have on national security. Similar to the way space technology was viewed in the context of the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, scientific advancement in quantum computing is seen as a race with significant national security consequences, particularly in the emerging US-China rivalry. Analysts such as Elsa Kania have written that the winner of this race will be able to overcome all cryptographic efforts and gain access to the state secrets of the losing government. Additionally, the winner will be able to protect its own secrets with a higher level of security than contemporary cryptography guarantees.

These claims are considerably overstated. Instead of worrying about winning the quantum supremacy race against China, policy makers and scholars should shift their focus to a more urgent national security problem: How to maintain the long-term security of secret information secured by existing cryptographic protections, which will fail against an attack by a future quantum computer.

The race for quantum supremacy. Quantum supremacy is an artificial scientific goalone that Google claims to have recently achievedthat marks the moment a quantum computer computes an answer to a well-defined problem more efficiently than a classical computer. Quantum supremacy is possible because quantum computers replace classical bitsrepresenting either a 0 or a 1with qubits that use the quantum principles of superposition and entanglement to do some types of computations an order of magnitude more efficiently than a classical computer. While quantum supremacy is largely meant as a scientific benchmark, some analysts have co-opted the term and set it as a national-security goal for the United States.

These analysts draw a parallel between achieving quantum supremacy and the historical competition for supremacy in space and missile technology between the United States and the Soviet Union. As with the widely shared assessment in the 1950s and 1960s that the United States was playing catchup, Foreign Policy has reported on a quantum gap between the United States and China that gives China a first mover advantage. US policy experts such as Kania, John Costello, and Congressman Will Hurd (R-TX) fear that if China achieves quantum supremacy first, that will have a direct negative impact on US national security.

Some analysts who have reviewed technical literature have found that quantum computers will be able to run algorithms that allow for the decryption of encrypted messages without access to a decryption key. If encryption schemes can be broken, message senders will be exposed to significant strategic and security risks, and adversaries may be able to read US military communications, diplomatic cables, and other sensitive information. Some of the policy discussion around this issue is influenced by suggestions that the United States could itself become the victim of a fait accompli in code-breaking after quantum supremacy is achieved by an adversary such as China. Such an advantage would be similar to the Allies advantage in World War II when they were able to decrypt German radio traffic in near-real time using US and British Bombe machines (see photo above).

The analysts who have reviewed the technical literature have also found that quantum technologies will enable the use of cryptographic schemes that do not rely on mathematical assumptions, specifically a scheme called quantum key distribution. This has led to the notion in the policy community that quantum communications will be significantly more secure than classical cryptography. Computer scientist James Kurose of the National Science Foundation has presented this view before the US Congress, for example.

Inconsistencies between policy concerns and technical realities. It is true that quantum computing threatens the viability of current encryption systems, but that does not mean quantum computing will make the concept of encryption obsolete. There are solutions to this impending problem. In fact, there is an entire movement in the field to investigate post-quantum cryptography. The aims of this movement are to find efficient encryption schemes to replace current methods with new, quantum-secure encryption.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is currently in the process of standardizing a quantum-safe public key encryption system that is expected to be completed by 2024 at the latest. The National Security Agency has followed suit by announcing its Commercial National Security Algorithm Encryption Suite. These new algorithms can run on a classical computera computer found in any home or office today. In the future, there will be encryption schemes that provide the same level of security against both quantum and classical computers as the level provided by current encryption schemes against classical computers only.

Because quantum key distribution enables senders and receivers to detect eavesdroppers, analysts have claimed that the ability of the recipient and sender [to] determine if the message has been intercepted is a major advantage over classical cryptography. While eavesdropper detection is an advancement in technology, it does not actually provide any significant advantage over classical cryptography, because eavesdropper detection is not a problem in secure communications in the first place.

When communicating parties use quantum key distribution, an eavesdropper cannot get ciphertext (encrypted text) and therefore cannot get any corresponding plaintext (unencrypted text). When the communicating parties use classical cryptography, the eavesdropper can get ciphertext but cannot decrypt it, so the level of security provided to the communicating parties is indistinguishable from quantum key distribution.

The more pressing national security problem. While the technical realities of quantum computing demonstrate that there are no permanent security implications of quantum computing, there is a notable longer-term national security problem: Classified information with long-term intelligence value that is secured by contemporary encryption schemes can be compromised in the future by a quantum computer.

The most important aspect of the executive order that gives the US government the power to classify information, as it relates to the discussion of quantum computing and cryptography, is that this order allows for the classification of all types of information for as long as 25 years. Similarly, the National Security Agency provides guidelines to its contractors that classified information has a potential intelligence life of up to 30 years. This means that classified information currently being secured by contemporary encryption schemes could be relevant to national security through at least 2049and will not be secure in the future against cryptanalysis enabled by a quantum computer.

In the past, the United States has intercepted and stored encrypted information for later cryptanalysis. Toward the end of World War II, for example, the United States became suspicious of Soviet intentions and began to intercept encrypted Soviet messages. Because of operator error, some of the messages were partially decryptable. When the United States realized this, the government began a program called the Venona Project to decrypt these messages.

It is likely that both the United States and its adversaries will have Venona-style projects in the future. A few scholars and individuals in the policy community have recognized this problem. Security experts Richard Clarke and Robert Knake have stated that governments have been rumored for years to be collecting and storing other nations encrypted messages that they now cannot crack, with the hope of cracking them in the future with a quantum computer.

As long as the United States continues to use encryption algorithms that are not quantum-resistant, sensitive information will be exposed to this long-term risk. The National Institute of Standards and Technologys quantum-resistant algorithm might not be completedand reflected in the National Security Agencys own standarduntil 2024. The National Security Agency has stated that algorithms often require 20 years to be fully deployed on NSS [National Security Systems]. Because of this, some parts of the US national security apparatus may be using encryption algorithms that are not quantum-resistant as late as 2044. Any information secured by these algorithms is at risk of long-term decryption by US adversaries.

Recommendations for securing information. While the United States cannot take back any encrypted data already in the possession of adversaries, short-term reforms can reduce the security impacts of this reality. Taking 20 years to fully deploy any cryptographic algorithm should be considered unacceptable in light of the threat to long-lived classified information. The amount of time to fully deploy a cryptographic algorithm should be lowered to the smallest time frame feasible. Even if this time period cannot be significantly reduced, the National Security Agency should take steps to triage modernization efforts and ensure that the most sensitive systems and information are updated first.

Luckily for the defenders of classified information, existing encryption isnt completely defenseless against quantum computing. While attackers with quantum computers could break a significant number of classical encryption schemes, it still may take an extremely large amount of time and resources to carry out such attacks. While the encryption schemes being used today can eventually be broken, risk mitigation efforts can increase the time it takes to decrypt information.

This can be done by setting up honeypotssystems disguised as vulnerable classified networks that contain useless encrypted dataand allowing them to be attacked by US adversaries. This would force adversaries to waste substantial amounts of time and valuable computer resources decrypting useless information. Such an operation is known as as defense by deception, a well-proven strategy to stymie hackers looking to steal sensitive information. This strategy is simply an application of an old risk mitigation strategy to deal with a new problem.

Quantum computing will have an impact on national security, just not in the way that some of the policy community claims that it will. Quantum computing will not significantly reduce or enhance the inherent utility of cryptography, and the outcome of the race for quantum supremacy will not fundamentally change the distribution of military and intelligence advantages between the great powers.

Still, the United States needs to be wary of long-term threats to the secrecy of sensitive information. These threats can be mitigated by reducing the deployment timeline for new encryption schemes to something significantly less than 20 years, triaging cryptographic updates to systems that communicate and store sensitive and classified information, and taking countermeasures that significantly increase the amount of time and resources it takes for adversaries to exploit stolen encrypted information. The threats of quantum computing are manageable, as long as the US government implements these common-sense reforms.

Editors Note: The author wrote a longer version of this essay under a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory contract with the US Energy Department. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. The views and opinions of author expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. LLNL-JRNL-799938.

Read the original here:
Keeping classified information secret in a world of quantum computing - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

SigmaDots is building decentralized IoT security for everything – Stacey on IoT

Essence Group, an Israeli smart home and medical device company, wanted to get serious about security, so it created a startup calledSigmaDotsthat is now spinning out to become its own venture. Itsik Harpaz, the CEO of SigmaDots, is taking a three-pronged approach to securing the IoT and believes it could work for everything from the smart home to industrial settings.

Harpaz says that many of the devices used in the internet of things are relatively low power and resource-constrained, which can make them hard to secure. Its both expensive to buy chips that can ensure good security with a secure enclave and encryption, and those security options can require more power or memory than a sensor really has. Add to the constraints on the device and there are also just so many of them, that securing them might be physically impossible.

Thus security at the outermost edge is difficult. But having security inside a data center or inside a gateway device on a factory floor has a different set of challenges. There, devices need ways to handle encrypted data, they need to handle security for the more powerful computers inside gateway devices, and they need to secure apps running on those devices.

Between the gateway and the edge devices, companies also need to think about data flowing across the network and what might happen if an attacker gains access to the network. This is a lot to worry about, which is why most businesses will rely on a mix of security services such as firewalls, encryption, network monitoring and software that runs on edge devices and checks back into a cloud for credentials.

SigmaDots tries to tackle all of the above with its product. For the edge, it has an agent that will run on all devices and enables devices that are in good standing to communicate their data back to a gateway using a proprietary communications protocol. This is a similar approach toMocana, which also communicates through a proprietary communication protocol.

In its marketing materials, SigmaDots says it uses the blockchain, but in reality, it is mimicking the blockchains decentralized architecture but isnt doing any tracking of changes or ledger functions associated with a blockchain. I found this confusing, so let me just say straight up that SigmaDots is not using blockchain.

Thats not a negative. The agent on each device is important, and so far SigmaDots is working with cellular chip makers to get its agent installed on their devices, which helps make it easier to find edge devices that will be secure using the SigmaDots system. It also handles the fears of network attacks and attacks on applications running on the gateway with a firewall and behavior monitoring. That way its tough for hackers to operate the network, and if they do, weird behavior will be flagged.

Typically, firewalls and network monitoring come from two different vendors and must be cobbled together by IT staff. SigmaDots also offers encryption of data in motion and at rest as well as secure MQTT messaging. Finally, the license fee also includes continuous monitoring and patching, which makes sense because security threats are constantly evolving.

There are dozens of companies trying to tackle aspects of IoT security, although few are trying to tackle everything. I think SigmaDots may have to focus on one set of customers as opposed to trying to win business in industrial, enterprise and in the smart home, but there is plenty of interest in new IoT security options, and if it really can provide an all-in-one solution, SigmaDots would have a big advantage.


Read more:
SigmaDots is building decentralized IoT security for everything - Stacey on IoT

Encryption Key Management Software Market to Witness Increased Incremental Dollar Opportunity During the Forecast Period 2020 2026 – Reporting 99

Global Encryption Key Management Software Market 2020 research will help you to decide how the market will evolve, to make confident decisions to capture new opportunities. Encryption Key Management Software Market Report also describes the supply and demand scenario, marketplace panorama, and aggressive scenario. The report covers the increase scenarios over the coming a long time & dialogue of the key carriers.

Global Encryption Key Management Software Market 2020 Report comprises of strong research of global business which empowers the consumer to look at the possible requirement as well as foresee the implementation. The restraints and drivers have been assembled following a deep study of the global Encryption Key Management Software Market proficiency. The development ratio thats requested from the viewpoint of the rational analysis offers detailed info of the global Encryption Key Management Software industry. Encryption Key Management Software Market Research report has analyzed all current trends and previous status of business under the supervision of business specialists. By which report supplies impending assessment of Encryption Key Management Software Market that includes market size in value and volume by region, manufacturers, kind and application.

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Major Players in the Encryption Key Management Software Market Report:Netlib SecurityFortanixAvery OdenAWSMicrosoftOpenBSDHyTrustGnuPGHashicorpGemalto

Moreover, the report also focuses on global prominent manufacturers of Encryption Key Management Software market delivering information such as company profiles, production, price, cost, revenue, product picture and specification, capacity, and contact information. Upstream raw materials, equipment, and components, and downstream demand analysis are also carried out. The Global Encryption Key Management Software market growth trends and marketing channels are considered. As a very last factor, the feasibility of recent funding initiatives are evaluated and universal research conclusions presented.

Market Segment by Type, coversCloud BasedWeb Based

Market Segment by Applications, can be divided intoLarge EnterprisesSMEs

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Encryption Key Management Software Market to Witness Increased Incremental Dollar Opportunity During the Forecast Period 2020 2026 - Reporting 99

Encryption Software Market Increasing Demand with Leading Player, Comprehensive Analysis, Forecast 2026 – Jewish Life News

The Encryption Software Market report 2020-2026 provides a comprehensive analysis of the current market for Smart Camera. It determines the market size of Encryption Software and also determines the factors that control market growth. The report begins with a basic overview of the Encryption Software industry and then goes into the Details of the Encryption Software market.

Global Encryption Software Market was valued at USD 3.32 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 30.54 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 27.96% from 2017 to 2025.

The Encryption Software market report provides detailed information on key factors, Opportunities, Challenges, industry trends and their impact on the market. The market report Encryption Software also includes company data and its operation. This report also contains information about the pricing strategy, brand strategy and target customer of the Encryption Software market. It also provides the distributors/dealer list offered by the company. This research report also deals with the main competition, the market development with forecast of the expected years and the expected growth rates. The main factors that drive and influence growth market data and analysis come from a combination of primary and secondary sources.

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[Note: our free sample report provides a brief introduction to the table of contents, table of contents, list of tables and figures, competitive landscape and geographic segmentation, as well as innovations and future developments based on research methods.]

The top Manufacturer with company profile, sales volume, and product specifications, revenue (Million/Billion USD) and market share

Global Encryption Software Market Competitive Insights

The competitive analysis serves as a bridge between manufacturers and other participants that are available on the Encryption Software Market. The report includes a comparative study of Top market players with company profiles of competitive companies, Encryption Software Market product innovations and cost structure, production sites and processes, sales details of past years and technologies used by them. The Encryption Software Market report also explains the main strategies of competitors, their SWOT analysis and how the competition will react to changes in marketing techniques. In this report, the best market research techniques were used to provide the latest knowledge about Encryption Software Market to competitors in the market.

Global Encryption Software Market Segmentation information

The report provides important insights into the various market segments presented to simplify the assessment of the global Encryption Software Market. These market segments are based on several relevant factors, including Encryption Software Market product type or services, end users or applications and regions. The report also includes a detailed analysis of the regional potential of the Encryption Software Market, which includes the difference between production values and demand volumes, as well as the presence of market participants and the growth of each Region over the given forecast period

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Encryption Software Market: Regional Analysis :

As part of regional analysis, important regions such as North America, Europe, the MEA, Latin America, and Asia Pacific have been studied. The regional Encryption Software markets are analyzed based on share, growth rate, size, production, consumption, revenue, sales, and other crucial factors. The report also provides country-level analysis of the Encryption Software industry.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The report starts off with an executive summary, including top highlights of the research study on the Encryption Software industry.

Market Segmentation: This section provides detailed analysis of type and application segments of the Encryption Software industry and shows the progress of each segment with the help of easy-to-understand statistics and graphical presentations.

Regional Analysis: All major regions and countries are covered in the report on the Encryption Software industry.

Market Dynamics: The report offers deep insights into the dynamics of the Encryption Software industry, including challenges, restraints, trends, opportunities, and drivers.

Competition: Here, the report provides company profiling of leading players competing in the Encryption Software industry.

Forecasts: This section is filled with global and regional forecasts, CAGR and size estimations for the Encryption Software industry and its segments, and production, revenue, consumption, sales, and other forecasts.

Recommendations: The authors of the report have provided practical suggestions and reliable recommendations to help players to achieve a position of strength in the Encryption Software industry.

Research Methodology: The report provides clear information on the research approach, tools, and methodology and data sources used for the research study on the Encryption Software industry.

What will you find out from the global Encryption Software Market Report?

The report contains statistical analyses of the current and future Status of the global Encryption Software Market with a forecast to 2026.The report contains detailed information on manufacturers, Encryption Software Market raw material suppliers and buyers with their trade outlook for 2020-2026.The report informs you about the most important drivers, technologies and Trends that will shape the global Encryption Software Market in the near future.The report added an exclusive market segmentation, broken down by Product Type, Encryption Software Market end user and Region.The strategic perspectives on Encryption Software Market Dynamics, current production process and applications.

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See the article here:
Encryption Software Market Increasing Demand with Leading Player, Comprehensive Analysis, Forecast 2026 - Jewish Life News

The Future of International Crime: AI, 5G, Encryption, Cryptocurrencies and 3D technologies? – Lexology

Rapid technological change and disruptive technologies have had a profound effect on the criminal law landscape, providing endless opportunities for criminals to exploit and endless challenges for law enforcement to contend with.

In a recentreport, Europol anticipates the challenges that developing and emerging technologies will present and the likely impact on serious and organised crime, stating that it is no longer good enough to be reactive when contending with such rapid evolutions in technology and criminality.

Key technological developments and the impact on crime

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI technologyis developing at a rapid rate and becoming increasingly available, providing opportunities for malicious actors to exploit.

Whilst AI can be used to increase cybersecurity, it can also be used as a powerful tool by cybercriminals. Some potential criminal applications of AI include:

Law enforcement authorities need to invest in better understanding AI and the potential threats it will bring, as well as exploring opportunities to counter these threats, particularly in the area of cyber security.

Quantum computing and encryption

Quantum computers are expected to deliver an unprecedented increase in computer processing power, which is likely to revolutionise the areas of information security and encryption. Potential criminal applications include:

There is a need for researchers, law enforcement and government authorities to collectively develop an effective approach to the regulation and use of quantum-enabled computing, including exploring the area of quantum cryptography which will likely have a significant impact on the work of law enforcement.

Fifth generation of telecommunications systems (5G)

Despite the anticipated benefits of 5G such as lightning-speed data connections, the technology also poses a number of challenges for law enforcement, including:

There is a need for law enforcement to engage with providers and contribute to developments in the area of 5G from a security perspective, for example ensuring that lawful interception becomes part of the design process.

Dark web networks and cryptocurrencies

Thedarknetis a key facilitator for the trade in illicit goods and services, whilstcryptocurrenciesallow criminals to anonymously conduct transactions and perpetrate crimes. Ongoing challenges for law enforcement posed by these technologies include:

Law enforcement need to be involved in discussions around regulation of these technologies, forming partnerships with the private sector to ensure a safer global digital environment.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

The Report refers to IoT as the evergrowing network of interconnected physical devices enabled by internet connectivity and the communication that occurs between them.

The rise of this technology will raise a number of cybersecurity implications, including:

Law enforcement need to keep pace with the rapid development of IoT technology, anticipating and preparing to combat the threats it poses.

3D printing and related technologies

The increasing availability of 3D printing technology creates opportunities for criminal abuse, including:

Law enforcement need to follow the developments of these technologies to better anticipate, mitigate and respond to misuse by criminals.

Biotechnology and genetic engineering

Due to increased availability and reduced cost of rapidly developing bio-technologies, there is the potential for criminal misuse, including:


Emerging and rapidly developing technologies such as AI, 5G, IoT and quantum computing are predicted to present vast opportunities for exploitation by criminals, thereby creating unique challenges for law enforcement.

Go here to see the original:
The Future of International Crime: AI, 5G, Encryption, Cryptocurrencies and 3D technologies? - Lexology