The crypto-agility mandate, and how to get there – Help Net Security

To achieve long-term data protection in todays fast-changing and uncertain world, companies need the ability to respond quickly to unforeseen events. Threats like quantum computing are getting more real while cryptographic algorithms are subject to decay or compromise. Without the ability to identify, manage and replace vulnerable keys and certificates quickly and easily, companies are at risk.

So, what do we mean when we talk about crypto-agility? Fundamentally, you will have achieved crypto-agility when your security systems are able to rapidly deploy and update algorithms, cryptographic primitives, and other encryption mechanisms. Going a step further, it means you have achieved complete control over cryptographic mechanisms your public key infrastructure (PKI) and associated processes and can quickly make whatever changes are needed without intense manual effort.

The replacement of manual processes with automated ones is critical to keeping up with accelerating change. As computing power and security technologies continue to evolve at a faster and faster pace, your existing cryptographic infrastructure is destined to become obsolete in a few years unless you can keep it upgraded to the latest technologies. Notably, threats continue to evolve as well.

Moreover, as the world transforms to depend on digital systems more fully, weve embedded cryptography deeply into virtually every communication system in the world. Its no longer possible for cryptography to remain isolated from other critical systems. The vast interdependent nature of modern systems makes it imperative that IT teams have the ability to respond quickly or face the risk of major outages and disruption.

Cryptographic standards like RSA, ECC, and AES that are in broad use today are constantly being updated with more advanced versions. Eventually governing bodies like NIST get in the act and mandate the use of the latest standards, with browser and cloud providers often raising the bar as well. To avoid becoming non-compliant, you must have the ability to quickly upgrade all your systems that rely on deprecated cryptography.

A robust, cryptographically agile infrastructure also brings other long-term benefits and plays a critical role in preventing security breaches. Achieving crypto-agility will make your operations teams more efficient, and eliminate unnecessary costs such consulting fees, temporary staff, fines, or remediation costs.

Such scenarios can unfold when a bad actor gains admin access, for instance, and may or may not have issued certificates. This uncertainty means that certificates from the impacted certificate authority (CA) can no longer be trusted and all certs from that CA must be revoked and re-issued. Without crypto-agility and a clear understanding of your potential exposure, youre looking at a costly all-hands-on-deck response to track and update hundreds or thousands of certs. And, of course, anytime you have humans involved with security response, youre opening yourself to human error and further compromise and outages.

The looming threat of quantum computing some say we could see 100,000x faster quantum computers as soon as 2025 represents another compelling reason to focus on improving your crypto-agility. While all crypto algorithms are breakable on paper, the incredible computing power required for such a feat does not currently exist. That could change with quantum computers which one day will be able to break most existing algorithms and hash function in minutes or hours.

To avoid the doomsday scenario where every system in the world is potentially exposed to compromise, work is already underway toward quantum-safe cryptography. However, given how little we know about quantum computing and the inability to perform real-world testing, its safe to assume there will be considerable give and take before quantum-safe algorithms are widely available.

In the meantime, your cryptography, certificate management and key distribution systems must be agile enough to adapt to this very real emerging threat. The table below presents a scenario of the time and expense involved with swapping out existing cryptography for quantum-safe cryptography. In this scenario, with incomplete or partial automation most enterprises would be looking at a 15-month vulnerability period compared to just six days when a fully automated solution has been put in place.

A comparison of quantum doomsday mitigation scenarios

Crypto-agility is a complex topic at scale and working towards it requires a multifaceted approach. Changes need to be made to security setups in organizational policy, operating methods, and core technology and processes. Your PKI may need to be upgraded and enhanced to support rapid swaps of cryptography, and software development procedures may need to be revamped to incorporate a nimbler approach to cryptography as opposed to being bolted on top of finished software.

The first step toward true crypto-agility is to understand the extent of your cryptographic exposure. This is accomplished by tracking down every digital certificate deployed across the organization and capturing details including algorithms and their size, the type of hashing/signature, validity period, where its located and how it can be used.

Once you have a complete inventory, youll then need to identify the vulnerable certificates by the type of cryptography in use and look for anomalies and potential problems. These can include certificates that use wildcards or IP address, certificates located on unauthorized or unintended systems as well as certificates abandoned on deprecated systems.

Finding your certificates and vulnerability isnt enough by itself to deliver crypto-agility youre still looking at the aforementioned 15-month-long process if you need to swap everything out manually.

Here are three pillars of crypto-agility that will put your organization on the right path toward withstanding whatever the future holds:

#1 Automate discovery and reporting. At the push of a button, you should be able to produce a full report of all your cryptographic assets. This will allow you quickly identify vulnerable cryptography and to report anomalies. There are any number of tools available to help you do this, but ideally certificate reporting should just be incorporated into an automated PKI solution.

#2 Automate PKI operations at scale. The ideal solution here is a fully automated Certificate Management Systems (CMS) that will manage the entire lifecycle of a certificate from creation to renewal. When the CMS is used to create a certificate it should have all the data it needs to not only monitor the certificate for expiration but automatically provision a replacement certificate without human intervention.

#3 Be nimble. At an organization and management level, your IT organization from DevOps through to day-to-day operations staff need to be ready for threats and change. You should carefully evaluate and rethink all aspects of your PKI to identify areas that may lock you into a particular vendor or technology.

The risk of having a slow-to-respond cryptographic infrastructure is increasingly daily, not only as digital transformations increase our dependency on inter-connected systems but as external threats and technology evolve with increasing pace. Looming above it all is the threat of quantum computing. Put it all together and its clear that the time to automate your PKI and move toward crypto-agility is at hand.

Go here to read the rest:
The crypto-agility mandate, and how to get there - Help Net Security

Debunking the myths surrounding WireGuard – TechRadar

WireGuard has certainly made the VPN industry stand up and take notice in recent times. This high speed, secure and low footprint open-source protocol utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography and offers stiff competition for the likes of IPsec and OpenVPN. From the users point of view, what benefits can they expect from WireGuard and what are some of the myths surrounding its use that have been touted in the media and elsewhere?

About the author

Tomislav ohar is the founder of VPN.

The use of more modern and efficient cryptographic techniques means that WireGuard is an extremely fast protocol that doesnt sacrifice security. WireGuard works from within the Linux kernel meaning that it can process data faster - this eliminates much of the latency associated with other VPN protocols. With security in mind, WireGuard is a lot newer than the likes of OpenVPN, which means it was built from the ground up to support more modern encryption methods and hash functions such as ChaCha20, BLAKE2s, SipHash24, HKDF, and Curve25519.

WireGuard also offers a lower footprint - unlike OpenVPN and IPsec, it was made to be as lightweight as possible and can be implemented with just a few thousand lines of code. This has the added benefit of making for a smaller attack surface, which in turn makes auditing the code a much more simple and efficient process. And it also has built-in roaming capabilities allowing users to switch from something like Wi-Fi to 4G LTE, seamlessly whilst connected.

WireGuard uses your network more efficiently than other protocols. Its overhead is just a mere 32 bytes while other protocols use much more space for their signaling. This means more space for your data and, in turn, higher throughput.

Taking all of these benefits into account, recent media coverage and some claims have certainly been a cause to raise eyebrows. Lets take a look at just a few of the myths that have been circulating in recent weeks and months so that you can better understand exactly what WireGuard can deliver.

Some are, but that heavily depends on the circumstances and is not really related to crypto. What good is a speedy crypto if you're connected through a dialup modem? Also, if you are a provider that supports much faster protocols (such as SoftEther on Windows or IKEv2 on anything else), then WireGuard isn't going to deliver dramatic speed promises.

Actually, WireGuard doesnt demand anything. It behaves just like any other protocol - it operates as a versatile cryptographic piece of a larger puzzle called a VPN tunnel. It's really more about how you manage it. Using a simple or rigid setup means static IPs on the servers. But it can be managed dynamically. Adding IPs when they're needed and getting rid of them as soon as the VPN session is done, means that WireGuard may behave just like any other VPN protocol.

No it doesnt - its the same ball game. Just like the other protocols. It really doesnt get more simple than that.

Not true at all - IPSec is way faster on all platforms! IPSec is way faster because it runs in the kernel too, but is way more optimized for Intel CPUs. The thing is, running within the kernel is a major speedup, but WireGuard is not the only protocol to run that way. PPTP/L2TP do too. OpenVPN developers plan to release a kernel module for Linux soon. SoftEther, which is completely running in the userspace, outperforms WireGuard when the throughput is the primary concern.

Actually, it only supports one method of key exchange. Only one AEAD is supported. Other VPN protocols support a plethora of cryptography systems but tend to settle on AES. AES is not flawed, no exploit has been found yet. Also, AES cipher ( Rijndael is the actual cipher name ) is cryptographically stronger than ChaCha20 which is used by WireGuard. However, It is computationally expensive when compared to ChaCha20. ChaCha20 is a tradeoff, best bang for the buck. One could argue that Poly1305 MAC is stronger than GCM, but then again we come to the point of AES-GCM being supported in the hardware.

WireGuard certainly is an interesting VPN protocol with the ability to be a game changer for the VPN industry. In comparison to some existing VPN protocols, WireGuard may offer faster speeds and better reliability with new and improved encryption standards. As it increases in popularity and demand increases, it is inevitable that more VPN services will include WireGuard into their frameworks.

Continued here:
Debunking the myths surrounding WireGuard - TechRadar

Debunking the myths surrounding WireGuard – TechRadar Singapore

WireGuard has certainly made the VPN industry stand up and take notice in recent times. This high speed, secure and low footprint open-source protocol utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography and offers stiff competition for the likes of IPsec and OpenVPN. From the users point of view, what benefits can they expect from WireGuard and what are some of the myths surrounding its use that have been touted in the media and elsewhere?

About the author

Tomislav ohar is the founder of VPN.

The use of more modern and efficient cryptographic techniques means that WireGuard is an extremely fast protocol that doesnt sacrifice security. WireGuard works from within the Linux kernel meaning that it can process data faster - this eliminates much of the latency associated with other VPN protocols. With security in mind, WireGuard is a lot newer than the likes of OpenVPN, which means it was built from the ground up to support more modern encryption methods and hash functions such as ChaCha20, BLAKE2s, SipHash24, HKDF, and Curve25519.

WireGuard also offers a lower footprint - unlike OpenVPN and IPsec, it was made to be as lightweight as possible and can be implemented with just a few thousand lines of code. This has the added benefit of making for a smaller attack surface, which in turn makes auditing the code a much more simple and efficient process. And it also has built-in roaming capabilities allowing users to switch from something like Wi-Fi to 4G LTE, seamlessly whilst connected.

WireGuard uses your network more efficiently than other protocols. Its overhead is just a mere 32 bytes while other protocols use much more space for their signaling. This means more space for your data and, in turn, higher throughput.

Taking all of these benefits into account, recent media coverage and some claims have certainly been a cause to raise eyebrows. Lets take a look at just a few of the myths that have been circulating in recent weeks and months so that you can better understand exactly what WireGuard can deliver.

Some are, but that heavily depends on the circumstances and is not really related to crypto. What good is a speedy crypto if you're connected through a dialup modem? Also, if you are a provider that supports much faster protocols (such as SoftEther on Windows or IKEv2 on anything else), then WireGuard isn't going to deliver dramatic speed promises.

Actually, WireGuard doesnt demand anything. It behaves just like any other protocol - it operates as a versatile cryptographic piece of a larger puzzle called a VPN tunnel. It's really more about how you manage it. Using a simple or rigid setup means static IPs on the servers. But it can be managed dynamically. Adding IPs when they're needed and getting rid of them as soon as the VPN session is done, means that WireGuard may behave just like any other VPN protocol.

No it doesnt - its the same ball game. Just like the other protocols. It really doesnt get more simple than that.

Not true at all - IPSec is way faster on all platforms! IPSec is way faster because it runs in the kernel too, but is way more optimized for Intel CPUs. The thing is, running within the kernel is a major speedup, but WireGuard is not the only protocol to run that way. PPTP/L2TP do too. OpenVPN developers plan to release a kernel module for Linux soon. SoftEther, which is completely running in the userspace, outperforms WireGuard when the throughput is the primary concern.

Actually, it only supports one method of key exchange. Only one AEAD is supported. Other VPN protocols support a plethora of cryptography systems but tend to settle on AES. AES is not flawed, no exploit has been found yet. Also, AES cipher ( Rijndael is the actual cipher name ) is cryptographically stronger than ChaCha20 which is used by WireGuard. However, It is computationally expensive when compared to ChaCha20. ChaCha20 is a tradeoff, best bang for the buck. One could argue that Poly1305 MAC is stronger than GCM, but then again we come to the point of AES-GCM being supported in the hardware.

WireGuard certainly is an interesting VPN protocol with the ability to be a game changer for the VPN industry. In comparison to some existing VPN protocols, WireGuard may offer faster speeds and better reliability with new and improved encryption standards. As it increases in popularity and demand increases, it is inevitable that more VPN services will include WireGuard into their frameworks.

The rest is here:
Debunking the myths surrounding WireGuard - TechRadar Singapore

Congress To Hold Hearing On Remote Voting Technology, Blockchain Not Invited – Forbes

On Friday, the House of Representatives will hold a virtual hearing titled, Exploring the Feasibility and Security of Technology To Conduct Remote Voting In The House. Unlike the discussion for how Americans would vote anonymously in a primary or general election, this hearing narrowly discusses how our elected representatives can safely vote on legislative bills from a location other than our nations Capitol.

On May 15th, the House of Representatives broke with a tradition held for 231 years since 1789, when to cast a vote or fully participate in a hearing, lawmakers were required to be in person. The current notion of proxy voting, where if I lived in and represented Hawaii and you were representing Virginia, I could entrust you to vote for me so as not to make the long and less socially-distance choice of travel by plane.

However, the House now explores taking this concept one step further, and while for many corporations the idea of remote working, when possible, is considered a given based on the current state of affairs in our country, the fully remote option clashes against the long-standing traditions of what it means to represent our country.

Ron Rivest, Cryptographer and Institute Professor at MIT

Enter The Grandfather Of Crypto

Professor Ronald Rivest, who has been a crypto Professor at MIT possibly before Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin, was even born, will be testifying at the hearing tomorrow. Without any kind of spoiler alert, Rivest has already provided his verdict on the idea publicly in the press as well as in a draft of an academic paper titled, Going from Bad to Worse: From Internet Voting to Blockchain Voting.

Rivest, is a co-winner of the famous 2002 A.M. Turing Award with American computer scientist Leonard M. Adleman and Israeli cryptographer Adi Shamir. The award was based on his ingenious contribution for making public-key cryptography useful in practice by patenting a Cryptographic Communication System and Method, known commonly today as RSA encryption.

In his written testimony, Rivest indicates this accomplishment as well as how he has spent over two decades on voting security. Rivest reveals his background includes being, ... a member of the Technical Guidelines Development Committee from 20042009, advisory to the Election Assistance Commission; I chaired the subcommittee on Computer Security and Transparency...a founding member of the CalTech/MIT Voting Technology Project. And I am on the Board of Verified Voting, a non-profit promoting voting system security, especially through the use of risk-limiting audits.

His testimony also states ... the House is in a good position: there are indeed suitable secure voting technologies available. The important reason why that is true is that House votes are NOT SECRET. Voting in the House is not based on secret ballots.

Rivests MIT homepage recently released a draft of a paper titled, Going From Bad to Worse: Internet Voting To Blockchain Voting. He has made no secret about his belief that blockchain voting should not be used in public elections. The paper explains that how blockchain may look attractive for electronic voting, ...e.g., using cryptographic signatures to make forging votes difficult, and using hashing and distributed consensus to maintain a ledger of votes that attackers cannot tamper with unless they co-opt much of the network. However, the paper goes on to note, ... it is extremely challenging to make these techniques work reliably in practice while looking attractive for the use case of voting in elections.

The paper goes on to stress that these are extremely hard concepts to put into practice and does not eliminate the concept of what it calls a serious failure. In particular, blockchain voting systems are still vulnerable to serious failures, and the cryptographic and consensus guarantees of blockchains do not prevent serious failures. Indeed, recently Russia started using blockchain technology offered by Kaspersky Labs, the security software company that the President kicked out of the United States due to its alleged ties and influence from the Kremlin. For policymakers, entrusting the vote in any kind of technology will need to be one that is all-American and air-tight in terms of avoiding meddling from Russia, particularly after 2016.

The Other End Of The Technological Spectrum

Newt Gingrich, former US Speaker of the House attends "Free Iran 2018 - the Alternative" event ... [+] organized by exiled Iranian opposition group on June 30, 2018 in Villepinte, north of Paris. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP) (Photo credit should read ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI/AFP via Getty Images)

While no match technologically for Rivest and other computer science luminaries, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich will seek to sway current Representatives to the threat of a virtual legislative dictatorship should remote voting be allowed. We have young men and women risking their lives all across the planet to protect freedom, but their elected leaders cant risk being in a room with immediate access to doctors and remarkably little risk of anything bad happening. I am embarrassed for this House that such a proposal could even get to a hearing.

The full hearing can be viewed tomorrow at 1pm ET as well as the testimony of what is a total of seven witnesses. Also testifying is William Crowell, Partner, Also Louie Partners; Jon Green, Vice President and Chief Security Technologist, Aruba Networks, Dr. Aviel Rubin, Professor and Technical Director, The Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute, Dr. David Wagner, Professor, Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, and The Honorable Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Read more here:
Congress To Hold Hearing On Remote Voting Technology, Blockchain Not Invited - Forbes

The Importance and Scope of Cyber Security – CIOReview

Cybersecurity is a need and not a want today. The current digital landscape experiences several cybercrimes, and this has widened the usability of cybersecurity across various industries.

FREMONT, CA: The dominance of the Internet has given us a clasp over the world. But given the enormous use of the Internet, connected devices, and cloud-based platforms, we have invited more number of cybersecurity threats. The soaring number of cybercrimes has alarmed the organizations to plan and appropriately invest in cybercrime management models.

The importance of cybersecurity today

Every 14 seconds, witness a cybercrime somewhere or the other, on the globe. With this intensity of breaches, studies infer that cybercrime losses will be worth more than $6 trillion in the next two years. These forecasts highlight the significance of cybersecurity at this hour.

An efficient cybersecurity module offers protection in different layers across computers, networks, and programs. Every element in the module, including the people, must ensure integrity among them to achieve a secure cyber environment. It is important to note that not only the giant corporations fall in the trap of cyber breaches, but the smaller companies and individuals are also affected by severe hacking and data compromises. At this hour, therefore, companies handling colossal sensitive data and information, it is wise to incorporate cybersecurity for maintaining the safe cyber regime.

Perks of Cyber Security

Espionage, fraudulent, and others, scar the cyber environment of an organization. Under such conditions, it is essential to enhance the Cyber Security framework. A genuine Cyber Security Framework ensures;

Protection against unauthorized access,

Adequate security measures without hindering the organization's credentials,

Preventing any anticipated cyberattack and devices responsive and recovery tools,

Enhanced business continuity, and

Effective security centralization for stakeholders.

Scope of Cyber Security across multiple domains

The fabrication of cybersecurity has become highly advanced in terms of its capability to resolve issues across different sectors. They consist of many defensive layers that enable them to generate hindrances in the way of the attackers. Let us take a look at the domains where organizations deploy cybersecurity.

Security Management

This field involves risk assessment, adjusting security functions to abide by operational compliance, modifying management processes, and sensify users so that they are aware.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

IAM deals with designating the user-identity, authentication, and controlling the access. Identity and authentication procedures function simultaneously where identity processes define unique user-identity and their systems while authentication procedures monitor the access of authorized users.

Security Engineering

Both network security and computer operation security constitute security engineering. It looks into the aspects of intrusion detection, unwanted intrusion prevention, firewalls, vulnerability and virus scanning, antiviruses, and prevention of data losses.

Business continuity

It is this unit that acts as the recovery tool for disaster struck businesses. Business continuity analyzes the central system of functioning of the organization and offers processes to ensure proper running of these functions with minimum data loss.


The primary responsibility of this domain is to inspect the security measures and their compliance with the organization's regulations.


Organizations often use Cryptography for safeguarding data integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality.

Physical security

Physical security mostly pertains to the physical hardware and its related workflow, which generally affects the cyber environment in case of a cyber attack. The domain oversees the protection of the data centers, installation of HVAC, fencing of facilities, and other processes.

Software Development Security (SDS)

SDS is responsible for managing system or application issues. It arranges for security training sessions for the developers, analyzes coding-decoding modules, and examines the requirement for additional features of an application and its effect on cybersecurity.

Security operations

Security Operations Center monitors the cybersecurity tools, their efficaciousness, and compliance with the organizational legislation. These operations deal with threat hunting, incident response, and forensics.

The Future of Cybersecurity

Recent studies report that the number of Internet users will grow by three times in 2020 and reach about 7.5 billion by the end of this decade. This rising number of users hints at regularizing cybersecurity more and making it a mandatory regime within every organization. Artificial Intelligence can be an efficient tool for detecting some vulnerabilities and alert people regarding risky websites or incompetent security actions.

Researchers also believe that the upcoming years can witness cyber warfare. Therefore, organizations will need to establish reliable and secure cyberspace.

Today, the number of hacks has also increased significantly with the increased number of sophisticated cybercriminals. However, there exists a severe problem of bridging the gap in the requirement for sound cybersecurity experts.

Therefore, it is an urgent need of the organizations to deploy an adequate security and compliance system. It is vital to ensure proper management of cybersecurity to keep up to the changing trends of the cyberattacks and consequently develop a safe digital space for all.

See Also:Top Identity and Access Management Solution Companies

Read more:
The Importance and Scope of Cyber Security - CIOReview

Best Cybersecurity Certifications to Master in the 21st Century – Analytics Insight

Cybersecurity is an expansive field, integrating application security, networks, information security, cyber espionage, biometrics together. The rise of cybersecurity certifications can be well ascertained by the rise of data threats and information security concerns.

Cybersecurity certifications are a great way to fast track your career especially in todays times when COVID-19 has risen the dependency on the cloud. The best cybersecurity certifications can get you the requisite career gains. To chart your career to new heights, Analytics Insight has compiled the Best Cybersecurity Certifications available in both online and offline modules-

Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean

Retirement date: none

Cost- Price based on the country in which the exam is proctored

Part of the requirements for: Microsoft Certified: Azure Security Engineer Associate

Azure security certification is designed for Microsoft Azure security engineers who are entrusted to implement security controls, manage identity and access, and protect the data, applications, and networks. Azure security certification is an associate-level certification aimed to enhance the users security knowledge and experience of collaborating with the different aspects of Microsoft Azure.

As industry surveys, AWS security certified professionals report an average annual income of US$114,000.

CISSP certification is meant for professionals and candidates who have prior experience of building safe systems and responding to a wide range of threats. The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam is a six-hour exam covering 250 questions which certify security professionals in ten different aspects these include business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning, access control systems and methodology, management practices, telecommunications, physical security, operations, security and networking security. Other important specialization areas which the CISSP certification covers include security architecture application and systems development, law, ethics, cryptography and investigation.

Forbes reports that the average salary of CISSP certification holders in 2019 was $117,000.

The CISM (Certified Information Security Manager) course is particularly popular in Europe and APEC, particularly into education and consulting industries. It is one of the best cybersecurity certifications preferred by professionals who are earning from US$80,000-US$150,000, a prior 3 to 5 years of work experience is required to pursue the CISM certification.

The CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) cybersecurity certification is popular among those who are working in the military, manufacturing, software, and telecommunications sectors. The CEH is particularly popular in the MEA (the Middle East and Africa) countries.

This cybersecurity certification covers 18 of the most up to date and important security domains an applicant would need to work on a career as an ethical hacker when they are looking to test how well an enterprise is prepared to counter attacks, besides, to improve the information security policies by identifying the potential loopholes in the enterprises IT network. This cybersecurity certification comprehensively covers over 270 attack methods and technologies which are commonly used by cybercriminals and hackers.

According to Forbes estimates, the average salary of those holding the CEH certificate in 2019 was US$116,000.

OSCP is offered as an ethical hacking certification course, extremely popular among those who are in the income bracket of US$60,000 to US$80,000 in the APAC region, specifically in the mining and the pharma sectors. The offensive security certified professional certification trains users on testing tools and techniques via a 24-hour certification based on the real-world situation.

To earn this certification, users need to have an understanding of TCP/IP networking. Besides basic knowledge of Bash scripting with basic Python or Perl would be an additional plus.

Choosing the best cybersecurity certification can be tough, especially when there is plethora of cybersecurity certifications as stated above. In addition to income and career gains, a basic understanding of cybersecurity is vital for all IT professionals. As the gap between the business and technology specialists begins to fade all stakeholders must have a foundational understanding of cybersecurity and the risks the rapidly changing technology possesses.

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Kamalika Some is an NCFM level 1 certified professional with previous professional stints at Axis Bank and ICICI Bank. An MBA (Finance) and PGP Analytics by Education, Kamalika is passionate to write about Analytics driving technological change.

Here is the original post:
Best Cybersecurity Certifications to Master in the 21st Century - Analytics Insight

WEI Art Collections Unveils New Multi-Million Dollar Contemporary Art Collection Commemorating Bitcoin and Ethereum – Press Release – Digital Journal

DUBAI, UAE / ACCESSWIRE / July 17, 2020 / WEI Art Collections has stayed true to the meaning of their name with a new art collection. WEI means extraordinary and WEI Art Collections is again set to excite the creative industry with their latest multi-million-dollar contemporary private art collection to celebrate blockchain technology. The new series is an unprecedented fusion of crypto-currency and art.

WEI Art Collections has carved a niche for creating the finest, most extraordinary abstract, contemporary, and crypto art. With a team of talented and well-respected artists from different parts of the world, representing numerous cultural, ethnic, and racially diverse creative talent, the platform has provided art collectors as well as corporate and technology leaders with an opportunity to acquire exclusive works of art from the WEI Art Collections series.

The WEI Art Collections Innovation Series is specifically put together for crypto-currency whales, art buyers, and advocates of the blockchain technology. The series also has its obvious appeal to professionals in the financial sector. The latest collection is coming at the most ideal time, with the world rapidly embracing the features and benefits of crypto-currency and blockchain technology.

In the fall of 2018, billionaire and abstract contemporary art collector Adam Lindemann, amongst the world's leading art collectors, stated in an article in Bloomberg news by Katya Kazakina on November 29 as follows: "Everyone is talking about blockchain, but no one really understands it," said Lindemann, 57, referring to the technology that supports Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. "This is the right time to think about art and tech."

As the mp3 file undeniably influenced and redefined how the world listens to music, blockchain technology is destined to be applied in numerous industries. The use of crypto-currency has become increasingly popular in recent times, with experts predicting growth to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars in the near future. The International Monetary Fund has also substantiated the claim, commenting on the advantages and stability crypto-currency values will enjoy as world economies and fiat currencies continue to falter. However, the creative industry has been seemingly silent on the subject of crypto-currency and this is where WEI Art Collections is looking to change the narrative with the WEI Art Collections Innovation Series.

WEI Art Collections initially features the top three of the most prominent crypto-currencies destined for global dominance in the blockchain, global banking, and financial industries. There is also the Innovation Series 21 featuring 21 unique works, developed exclusively featuring Bitcoin. The series is developed in commemoration of Bitcoins issuance of 21 million coins.WEI Art Collections exemplifies the pinnacle of the crypto-art medium, engaging and employing emerging artists directly.

The mission of WEI Art Collections is to be amongst the premier contemporary abstract and cryptography art designers/producers/collectors, featuring works that celebrate the bourgeoning field of Cryptography through the new world technology of blockchain digital assets. Owning an exclusive work from the WEI Art Collections Series will also serve as an investment that will go down in history and appreciate over time. For more information about the WEI Art Collections and how to be a part of this art world innovation please visit https:/

Media contactCompany: WEI Art CollectionsContact: Jean MarquetteE-mail: info@weiartcollections.artWebsite:

SOURCE: WEI Art Collections

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WEI Art Collections Unveils New Multi-Million Dollar Contemporary Art Collection Commemorating Bitcoin and Ethereum - Press Release - Digital Journal

MadHive announces $50M deal with SADA to expand its Google Cloud deployment – SiliconANGLE

Digital TVadvertising firm MadHive Inc.announced a five-year deal worth $50 million today with Google Cloud consultancy firm SADA Systems Inc. to expand its use of Googles cloud for launching a range of new products and services.

MadHive is already heavily reliant on Google Cloud. It uses a number of Googles cloud services, including Google BigTable, Google Kubernetes Engine, TensorFlow and Google BigQuery, to power its advertising platform, which provides companies with tools for audience forecasting, precision targeting and activation. The platform also relies on advanced cryptography to prevent fraud and increase margins for customers, and these services are also powered by Googles cloud services.

Enormous cloud deployments of this kind are a challenge to implement for even the biggest companies, which is why MadHive turned to SADA for help when it first decided to go all-in on Google in 2017. SADA, a professional services provider that helps companies with tasks such as application migrations and managing databases, was tasked with migrating MadHives advertising platform to Google cloud so it could run at large scale with low latency while supporting a rapid development cycle and taking advantage of Googles advanced machine learning capabilities.

SADAs first step with MadHive was analyzing the limits of the Kubernetes- and Docker-based implementation they had previously used for prototypes, Simon Margolis, director of cloud adoption at SADA, said in a statement. We then applied our in-depth knowledge of Google Cloud to help MadHive redesign the entire platform using Google BigTable, Google Kubernetes Engine, TensorFlow, Google BigQuery and a multitude of additional Google Cloud services.

MadHive said its advertising platform now runs perfectly in Googles cloud environment, maintaining low latency and high availability for all users, even when it experiences unexpected surges in traffic. The company said its saving around 60% in costs on cloud services with Google, thanks to SADAs efforts in building more efficient scaling and performance-optimized reads and writes.

SADA has been instrumental in helping us through even our most nuanced and sophisticated technical needs, said MadHive Chief Scientist Aaron Brown. With their help, we move from research to deployment, sometimes within the very same day.

MadHive saysdemand for its advertising platform has grown rapidly, and that its eager to offer new products that enable sophisticated cross-screen planning and precision targeting to its customers. But those products will demand even greater artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data resources.

As such, MadHive has decided to expand its use of Googles cloud services, and once again it will rely on SADAs expertise to help.

MadHive has incredibly aggressive technology, compute power and system performance needs, and a mandate to become the worlds leading ad-tech firm, said SADA Chief Executive Officer Tony Safoian. Theyve spent the past three years pushing the limits on Google Cloud and having seen a clear ROI.

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MadHive announces $50M deal with SADA to expand its Google Cloud deployment - SiliconANGLE

Understanding the importance of Quantum Computing – Analytics Insight

Quantum Computing is slowly becoming a focal point of interest among the researchers and technology enthusiasts. This enticing technology promises to be an advanced version of the standard computers we use today. Unlike the binary encoding system of a conventional computer, quantum computer is powered by superposition and entanglement. Also, developments in quantum computing translate to advances in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. These can lead us to breakthroughs in drug discovery, cybersecurity, cryptography, robotics, and banking. Areport by McKinsey & Partner, predicts the field of quantum computing technology to have a global market value of US$1 trillion by 2035.

In scientific parlance, quantum computing is a subfield of quantum information science. This form of computing is focused on developingcomputertechnology based on the principles ofquantumtheory, which explains the behavior of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels. It enables to process massive and complex datasets more efficiently than classical computers, which rely on transistors and microchips.

Quantum systems use qubits (quantum bits) as basic units for processing information. Unlike binary values that can either be 0 or 1, a qubit is not confined to a two-state solution, but can also exist in superposition. This means qubits can be employed at 0, 1, and both 1 and 0 at the same time. Therefore, it can perform many calculations in parallel owing to the ability to pursue simultaneous probabilities through superposition along with manipulating them with magnetic fields. Also, because of this, quantum computers can perform exceptionally complex tasks at supersonic velocities.

Another interesting aspect of qubits is that the superpositions can be entangled with those of others via pairing, meaning their outcomes will be mathematically related even if we dont know yet what they are. So, changing the state of one of the qubits will instantaneously change the state of the other one predictably. This can empower companies to have instant communication relays.

Superposition and entanglement are impressive physical phenomena, but leveraging them to do the computation, generating and managing qubits is a scientific and engineering challenge. Several companies, like IBM, Google, and Rigetti Computing, use superconducting circuits cooled to temperatures colder than deep space. For instance, in the case ofIBMs Quantum One, it is cooled to .015 degrees Kelvin. Others, like IonQ, trap individual atoms in electromagnetic fields on a silicon chip in ultra-high-vacuum chambers. In both cases, the goal is to isolate the qubits in a controlled quantum state.

Another challenge is they need to be run many times, as current qubit implementations have a high error rate. When it comes to hardware implementation, entanglement isnt easy to achieve. In many designs, only some of the qubits are entangled, so the compiler needs to be smart enough to swap bits around as necessary to help simulate a system where all the bits can potentially be entangled.

Once we overcome the hurdles in developing and designing a quantum computer, we are left with endless possibilities that these systems can offer. In manufacturing, automobile leaders, Volkswagen, and Daimler are using quantum computers to simulate the chemical composition of electrical-vehicle batteries to help find new ways to improve their performance.

In banking, JP Morgan is exploring the utilization of quantum computing in option pricing. The bank believes that quantum computing has the capability to curtail expenses and accelerate the number of simulations essential to compute the exact option price. In the pharmaceutical sector, companies are leveraging them to analyze and compare compounds that could lead to the creation of new drugs. This is receiving massive uptick due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, quantum computing gave birth to a better crypto-security system called quantum encryption. The quantum encryption involves sending entangled particles of light (entangled photons) over long distances in what is known as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) to secure sensitive communications. Moreover, it is speculated that the RSA and ECC cryptographic algorithms can be broken down by quantum computing in the future.

Using quantum annealing(a type of quantum computing), one can improve the logistics industry in terms of calculation of optimal routes of traffic management, fleet operations, air traffic control, and freight distribution. Further, quantum computing can improve the accuracy of weather forecasting. Director of engineering at Google Hartmut Neven says thatquantum computers could help build better climate modelsthat could give us more insight into how humans are influencing the environment. These models also help in determining what steps must be taken to prevent disasters.

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Understanding the importance of Quantum Computing - Analytics Insight

Quantum Cryptography Solutions Market: 2020 Global Industry Size, Share, Uses, Benefits, Trends, Growth Application, Key Manufacturers and 2026 Demand…

Quantum Cryptography Solutions Industry 2020 Global Market Research report presents a widespread and elementary study of Quantum Cryptography Solutions business at the side of the analysis market size, share, trends growth, revenue, production and 2025 forecast. This report also gives you the analytical data of market, like consumption volume, and Quantum Cryptography Solutions Market price structures throughout the forecast amount from 2020 to 2025.

The report forecast global Quantum Cryptography Solutions market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2020 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2026.The report offers detailed coverage of Quantum Cryptography Solutions industry and main market trends. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Quantum Cryptography Solutions by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.

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Major Players in Quantum Cryptography Solutions market are:

The scope of the Global Quantum Cryptography Solutions Report:

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Market by Type

NetworkApplication Security

Market by Application


Important Aspects of Quantum Cryptography Solutions Report:

Why To Select This Report:

Complete analysis on market dynamics, market status and competitive Quantum Cryptography Solutions view is offered.

Forecast Global Quantum Cryptography Solutions Industry trends will present the market drivers, constraints and growth opportunities.

The five-year forecast view shows how the market is expected to grow in coming years.

All vital Global Quantum Cryptography Solutions Industry verticals are presented in this study like Product Type, Applications and Geographical Regions.

Table of Contents

Part 1 Market Overview

Part 2 Global Market Status and Future Forecast

Part 3 Asia-Pacific Market Status and Future Forecast

Part 4 Asia-Pacific Market by Geography

Part 5 Europe Market Status and Future Forecast

Part 6 Europe Market by Geography

Part 7 North America Market Status and Future Forecast

Part 8 North America Market by Geography

Part 9 South America Market Status and Future Forecast

Part 10 South America Market by Geography

Part 11 Middle East & Africa Market Status and Future Forecast

Part 12 Middle East & Africa Market by Geography

Part 13 Key Companies

Part 14 Conclusion

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Quantum Cryptography Solutions Market: 2020 Global Industry Size, Share, Uses, Benefits, Trends, Growth Application, Key Manufacturers and 2026 Demand...