Are these the best quantum computing stocks to watch? – IG UK

One of the highest profile players in the quantum computing space is Alphabets Google. Google Inc. announced in 2019 that they had attained quantum superiority. In other words, its quantum processor, Sycamore, had successfully performed its first-ever function beyond the capabilities of classical computers.

However, this was soon questioned by IBM, who claimed that the same problem could be solved by a standard computer just over the space of days, compared to Sycamores mere minutes.

Then, in the second half of 2020, a smaller version of Sycamore reached another milestone performing its first quantum chemistry reaction.

In May 2021, Google opened its new Quantum AI Campus in Santa Barbara, California, along with a new goal: to build the worlds first useful, error-corrected quantum computer by 2029. 1

Google has even, to a certain extent, opened this effort up to the public in collaboration, when it announced Quantum Computing Service in December 2021. This allows approved customers the opportunity to send their own computing programs to Google to be run on their quantum computing hardware at the lab in Santa Barbara.

With this kind of computing power, Google is hoping to solve problems humanity hasnt been able to for centuries. Some of these include developing better medicines, solving world hunger and climate crises. However, this is a long way off for now.

The only recent news regarding Google and quantum computing has been speculative. For example, there have been rumours that Google Inc. may or may not take Sandbox, its secretive quantum department unrelated to its quantum AI campus, public. However, nothing concrete has been confirmed and it could be years before any further tangible quantum milestones are reached.

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Are these the best quantum computing stocks to watch? - IG UK

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