ScaleOut Software Builds Redis Open-Source Software Execution Capabilities into its Scaleout StateServer Product – Database Trends and Applications

ScaleOut Software is introducing support for Redis clients in ScaleOut StateServer Version 5.11, available as a community preview.

With this release, Redis users can harness the companys flagship distributed caching product to connect to a cluster of ScaleOut servers and execute Redis commands.

This integration of Redis open-source software with ScaleOut StateServer adds breakthrough capabilities for Redis users by dramatically simplifying cluster management, enabling seamless throughput scaling, and automating recovery from server and network outages, according to the vendors.

Targeted at enterprise users, ScaleOut StateServer now offers important new capabilities and the potential for substantial cost savings over competing commercial Redis products.

Redis clients can connect to a ScaleOut StateServer cluster in the same way that they connect to a Redis cluster and by using the same RESP protocol.

This version implements all Redis data structures (strings, sets, sorted sets, lists, and hashes), as well as transactions, publish/subscribe commands, and utility commands.

This release does not include support for streams, modules, LUA scripting, and AOF persistence. Redis support incorporates open source Redis version 6.2.5 code to process Redis commands, and it offers the flexibility to run on either Linux or Windows servers.

Unlike open-source Redis, ScaleOut StateServer implements fully consistent updates to stored data. In addition, ScaleOut StateServers native APIs run alongside Redis commands and incorporate advanced features, such as data-parallel computing, streaming analytics, and coherent, wide-area data replication that are not available on open source Redis clusters.

Key capabilities include:

We are excited to provide a new execution platform for Redis clients with ScaleOut StateServer to meet the needs of enterprise users, said Dr. William Bain, ScaleOut Softwares CEO and founder. By incorporating this technology, Redis users can take advantage of ScaleOut StateServers industry-leading features for cluster management to both reduce their operating costs and gain full consistency for stored data.

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ScaleOut Software Builds Redis Open-Source Software Execution Capabilities into its Scaleout StateServer Product - Database Trends and Applications

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