Joe Biden’s Team Hid A Job Advert Within The Source Code Of Their Transition Website – IFLScience

President-elect Joe Biden's team has hidden a secret job advert within the source code of their website, which has now been found by Internet sleuths.

Hiding fun easter eggs in the back-end of websites is almost as old as html itself.Job adverts have been hidden within code on sites for any developer to see, completely hidden from the average user so uncurious they've probably never even tried out the inspect element tool, except that one time when they did it accidentally, panicked, and immediately called IT.

Some cool ones in the past have been by Apple and The Guardian.



In a recent hidden easter egg, Google hid a text adventure game within Chrome's development console. No stranger to hiding fun games to play around with (it once hid a version of Mario Kart within Google Maps), the tech giant hid the new retro adventure within a specific search.

If you want to play it yourself, visit Google and type in "text adventure", then open up the console by right-clicking and pressing "inspect" and it will ask you if you want to play. Which you do. It's awesome and makes Joe Biden's hidden message look like an amateur made it, frankly.

The message hidden in Biden's transition website is far simpler. It was discovered by self-described "cyber minuteman" and "hacktivist" The Jesteron the Build Back Better website.


"If you're reading this, we need your help building back better," the message reads, with a link to the recruitment websiteof the US Digital Service (USDS), likely looking for coders and website specialists to join the Biden administration's staff.

"This harkens back to the likes of the UK's MI5 and MI6 who I believe used to recruit the type of people they were looking for by publishing obscure crossword and puzzle competitions in newspapers," The Jester wrote on Twitter.

Is it a good recruitment process? Well, it certainly weeds out anybody who isn't interested in the Biden administration, as well as anybody who isn't nerdy enough to poke around in the code of any website they happen to be on. Some coders have replied to say that they will do this, just to see what it's like in there.

"I do it pretty frequently just to poke around and see what their front-end architecture looks like," one Redditor said. "You can quickly see if it's something rolled in-house or a customized blog platform or common framework, etc. Some sites will even surface information about their server architecture/versions and even internal networking details (which is a big no-no, generally. You don't want to reveal what your back-end is because it narrows down which vulnerabilities you may be susceptible to)."

So if you're tech-savvy enough (and mature enough not to find the phrase "back-end" amusing), it may be worth poking around on the websites where you'd like to work.

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Joe Biden's Team Hid A Job Advert Within The Source Code Of Their Transition Website - IFLScience

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