RNC 2020 Night 2: Speakers, start time, and schedule – Vox.com

A slew of President Donald Trumps surrogates, including first lady Melania Trump and two of his children, Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump, will be making the case for his reelection during the second night of the Republican National Convention on Tuesday.

The Republican National Committee abandoned its plans to hold a large-scale, in-person convention in Charlotte, North Carolina as well as its subsequent plans to relocate the convention to Jacksonville, Florida on account of concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. The convention has consequently gone almost entirely virtual and will largely take place in Washington, DC, including speeches delivered from the White House lawn and the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, over the course of just a few hours of condensed programming that will be broadcast nightly through Thursday, August 27.

The theme of Tuesday night is Land of Opportunity. The official proceedings go from 8:30 pm to 11 pm Eastern. All major television networks will broadcast the final hour; the full program will be available on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch, as well as streaming services including Amazon Prime Video. Trump will be featured in the nights programming more than once but will not give live remarks, according to his campaign.

On the first day of the convention, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were formally renominated by the Republican Party. Trump responded to his nomination by painting a dark picture of what he claims would befall America if former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, were elected. His speech was followed by others from the presidents family and allies, including Donald Trump Jr. and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, that largely struck the same tone.

Later in the week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, Ivanka Trump, and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the presidents personal lawyer, will each deliver high-profile addresses. The appearances are leading up to Trump accepting the nomination on Thursday night from the White House a break from tradition that some legal and ethics experts argue is a violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits the use of government property for political activities.

Heres the lineup of speakers for Tuesday night (which is subject to change and may exclude surprise guests, according to the Trump campaign) in the order they are scheduled to appear:

Unlike former first ladies, Melania Trump has largely laid low during her husbands reelection campaign, apart from her recent renovation of the White House Rose Garden, where she will deliver tonights keynote address live in front of a small audience. The Trump campaign said it is consulting with a coronavirus adviser about the speech and that all appropriate precautions will be taken.

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RNC 2020 Night 2: Speakers, start time, and schedule - Vox.com

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