5 Best Stories on Real Money: Cramers Covid Top 15, Bitcoin – TheStreet

Cramer gives you his buy list as long as Covid continues to rage. Helene Meisler goes to one chart shes never gone to before; andTim Collins warns about "dumpster diving" in this market. It's all on Real Money.

Plus,Rev Shark antes up on investing and gambling; and Doug Kass has a lot to say about Robinhood and its merry band of traders.

Here are five must reads from the columnists of Real Money and Real Money Pro, our premium sites for Wall Street professionals and active investors:

Instead of scratching your head and saying this stock market defies logic, look to the Jim Cramers Covid-19 Index.

Here are the Top 15 performing stocks in the index from Cramer and Real Money.

Helene Meisler always found bitcoin fascinating, but that was it. She'd never traded it.

But after a reader asked the "Divine Ms. M" about the cryptocurrency, she decided to take a look.

Heres what she found on bitcoins (GBTC) charts and indeed it's fascinating.

The market isnt supposed to work like this. Some companies, which probably shouldn't be public, are seeing their share prices double, triple, or reach valuations that are mind-boggling.

Tim Collins,Real Money columnist,has seen this before and it doesnt end well.

Market participants like to believe they aren't gamblers, but Jim Rev Shark DePorre says there's no denying that luck plays a major role in the investment process.

Read Rev Shark'sinvesting wisdom hereon Real Money.

With so much systemic buying and little discretionary buying, speculation and large price moves have become more commonplace, explains Real Money Pros Doug Kass in his Daily Diary.

Read how Robinhood is at the core of speculation and why its impact is considerable...and likely short-lived.

Real Money and Real Money Pro are TheStreets premium sites for active traders. Click here to get great columns like these from Jim Cramer, Jim Rev Shark DePorre, Doug Kass and other writers each trading day.

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5 Best Stories on Real Money: Cramers Covid Top 15, Bitcoin - TheStreet

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