The Future of International Crime: AI, 5G, Encryption, Cryptocurrencies and 3D technologies? – Lexology

Rapid technological change and disruptive technologies have had a profound effect on the criminal law landscape, providing endless opportunities for criminals to exploit and endless challenges for law enforcement to contend with.

In a recentreport, Europol anticipates the challenges that developing and emerging technologies will present and the likely impact on serious and organised crime, stating that it is no longer good enough to be reactive when contending with such rapid evolutions in technology and criminality.

Key technological developments and the impact on crime

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI technologyis developing at a rapid rate and becoming increasingly available, providing opportunities for malicious actors to exploit.

Whilst AI can be used to increase cybersecurity, it can also be used as a powerful tool by cybercriminals. Some potential criminal applications of AI include:

Law enforcement authorities need to invest in better understanding AI and the potential threats it will bring, as well as exploring opportunities to counter these threats, particularly in the area of cyber security.

Quantum computing and encryption

Quantum computers are expected to deliver an unprecedented increase in computer processing power, which is likely to revolutionise the areas of information security and encryption. Potential criminal applications include:

There is a need for researchers, law enforcement and government authorities to collectively develop an effective approach to the regulation and use of quantum-enabled computing, including exploring the area of quantum cryptography which will likely have a significant impact on the work of law enforcement.

Fifth generation of telecommunications systems (5G)

Despite the anticipated benefits of 5G such as lightning-speed data connections, the technology also poses a number of challenges for law enforcement, including:

There is a need for law enforcement to engage with providers and contribute to developments in the area of 5G from a security perspective, for example ensuring that lawful interception becomes part of the design process.

Dark web networks and cryptocurrencies

Thedarknetis a key facilitator for the trade in illicit goods and services, whilstcryptocurrenciesallow criminals to anonymously conduct transactions and perpetrate crimes. Ongoing challenges for law enforcement posed by these technologies include:

Law enforcement need to be involved in discussions around regulation of these technologies, forming partnerships with the private sector to ensure a safer global digital environment.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

The Report refers to IoT as the evergrowing network of interconnected physical devices enabled by internet connectivity and the communication that occurs between them.

The rise of this technology will raise a number of cybersecurity implications, including:

Law enforcement need to keep pace with the rapid development of IoT technology, anticipating and preparing to combat the threats it poses.

3D printing and related technologies

The increasing availability of 3D printing technology creates opportunities for criminal abuse, including:

Law enforcement need to follow the developments of these technologies to better anticipate, mitigate and respond to misuse by criminals.

Biotechnology and genetic engineering

Due to increased availability and reduced cost of rapidly developing bio-technologies, there is the potential for criminal misuse, including:


Emerging and rapidly developing technologies such as AI, 5G, IoT and quantum computing are predicted to present vast opportunities for exploitation by criminals, thereby creating unique challenges for law enforcement.

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The Future of International Crime: AI, 5G, Encryption, Cryptocurrencies and 3D technologies? - Lexology

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