cryptography – reddit

I was experimenting with RubberhoseFS, but since it is very hard to compile on anything modern, I decided to implement my own version, stripped of many unnecessary features. Namely, my implementation would only work on files (as opposed to drives/volumes/partitions), and in batch mode (no random access). However, before I start implementing it, I would like to verify that my understanding of RubberhoseFS is correct.

I wrote a full documentation of my intended implementation here, it contains all details of what I intend to do.

It boils down to this:

Is this comparable to what RubberhoseFS does? Does this seem like a reasonable implementation of Deniable Encryption?

Additionally, what is meant by the "Lattice generator"? Which primitives would I use to implement this?

And finally, RubberhoseFS uses a "whitening code" to prevent Known Plaintext Attacks. To my understanding, for each block, a random noise of the same size as half of the block is generated. The other half is then the plaintext, XORed with the random noise. Both of these are then encrypted using the key from the lattice generator, and stored in the block. Is this interpretation correct? And is whitening really necessary, if the key space is large?

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cryptography - reddit

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