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The Commercialization of Eugenics
The recent book by Debora L Spar, The Baby Business: How Money, Science, and
Politics Drive the Commerce of Conception, is exceptional in its neutral
position on modern eugenics and its commercialization. It is rare to find a
well-written and well-researched book, that tackles a politically sensitive
issue, that does not bring the author's bias into the discussion. She, unlike
others, uses the term eugenics openly and explains the history of why it had to
go underground for so many years—the Nazis lost the war.
She opens, "These children of the future are already among us. In 2001,
nearly 41,000 children in the
"It is difficult to conceive of a child as commerce. For even at the start
of the twenty-first century— even in an age driven by technological advances
and dominated by market capitalism—we like to believe that some things remain
beyond both markets and science, that there are some things money can't buy. In
economic terms, these things—like love, truth, kidneys, and infants—are defined
as being inalienable: the people who 'own' the assets have no ability to profit
from them. In moral terms, they are things that we as a society have chosen not
to sell, assets or attributes that somehow are more valuable than any price
they might fetch. This prohibition seems particularly strong for children. Who,
after all, could put a price on a child? Who could imagine selling one? Across
the world, baby-selling is strictly prohibited, defined as a crime more
egregious, more unthinkable, than slavery….The Baby Business does not
insist that this market is either good or evil. It simply argues that it
There are so few authors that will bring you the data without then telling the
world what is wrong and how to correct it. Not Spar, she is too rational. She
states, "Usually, this is the point in any provocative book where the
author lays out a road map for reform. Having led readers through hundreds of
pages of description and analysis; having criticized others' theories and
bemoaned the current state of affairs, the author concludes with a plan, an
argument about precisely what should be done to fix the problem at hand. But
this author is not going to do that. Why? Partly, it's because offering a plan
at this point would be unreasonable: the baby business is running so quickly
and expanding so radically that time is likely to render any detail moot."
Later on I will get into the behavioral ethicists bemoaning of the immorality
of these new genetic technologies, but they have already lost the battle to
stop this technology. People want it, it is difficult to uncover if it had to
hide, the rich will go to other countries to get the eugenic results they
desire, and in the end it will be as normal as birth control—which was also
seen as a moral outrage when it was first made readily available.
Today, many women tend to work first and get married and have children later,
but fertility drops off rapidly with age. When they finally have the
opportunity and the desire to have children, they are often unable to do
so—they lack sufficient eggs. "An average twenty-eight-year-old woman, for
example, has a 72 percent chance of conceiving after a year of effort. An
average thirty-eight-year-old, by contrast, has only a 24 percent chance. Put
differently, female fertility drops 20 percent after the age of thirty, 50
percent after thirty-five, and 95 percent after age forty."
Fortunately, hormone therapy now makes harvesting ripe eggs possible. Savvy
young women who have the forethought to do so, can have there eggs harvested
and frozen for use later on in life when they are ready to have children. If
they never have children nothing is lost. But when they do, the eggs will be
available no matter how old they are—even if they have to use a surrogate womb
and a donors sperm.
Sperm banks and the more recent egg banks, keep eggs and sperm frozen until
needed. Spar explains that these commercial enterprises are growing in size and
only the largest will remain in business. She explains, "Much of this
revenue goes to covering the banks' fixed costs: donor screening, specimen
storage, and the paperwork involved in tracking large numbers of anonymous,
identical-looking 'products.'" Donor screening of course is the eugenics
involved in supplying sperm and eggs to those who want them. The public generally
denies that genes make the person, but a tremendous amount of effort is put
into detailing every aspect of the donor's eggs or sperm. Apparently, the
usually quite intelligent people who avail themselves of these services do not
really believe the equalitarian hype of the media, academia, and government
Fortunately in the
What is truly shocking about this technology is how recent much of it is, how
much farther it will go, and the accelerating pace it will take—just like
personal computers. For example, in the need to be able to freeze eggs as
easily as sperm, Spar notes, "Watching from the outskirts, a
Once fertilized eggs can be created, sorting for the best of the best becomes
possible. For example, not only could a couple purchase vials of the best Ivy
League sperm, they could fertilize a dozen eggs and select the very best—or selecting from the
best of breed—a eugenicists' dream. Preimplantation genetic testing then can
occur at many levels. Best of best sperm, best of best eggs—by selecting the
best of best embryos.
One of the most controversial components of the new eugenics will be renting
wombs for raising one's children. As Spar explains surrogacy contracts, "the
surrogate agreed to assume all the risks of pregnancy, refrain from intercourse
during the insemination period, refrain from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco during
the pregnancy, undergo amniocentesis or abortion at the contracting parents'
discretion, and accept a lower payment for a stillborn child….These couples
were paying roughly $25,000 to $45,000: a $10,000 fee for the surrogate,
$15,000 for the broker, and all expenses….The price of surrogacy, however,
remained relatively steady throughout this period, settling at roughly $20,000
per pregnancy….Who will these women be? They will be young (to carry a
successful pregnancy), they will already have borne children (because parents
want surrogates who understand the experience), and they will almost certainly
be poorer than those who contract for their services. Some of these poor, young
mothers will live in the developed world. But many more, demographically
speaking, will live in the poorer nations of the developing world, where opportunities
for poor, young women are even scarcer. To put it bluntly, a surrogate earning
$20,000 in
"International surrogacy" seems like a natural. All one needs are
some willing young poor women; make sure they reside in a hospice by hiring
people to watch over them during the pregnancy. When the child is due, the
owners of the child fly in, wait for the birth, and after a short time at the
resort-like hospice, fly home. Is this really any different than mail-order
brides? Rent a bride or rent a womb—it is all very similar.
Prenatal testing is not as eugenically glamorous as some of these other
procedures, but it will be more universal and is often state sponsored. It is
one thing to seek the "best of the best"—it benefits all of society
if fewer genetic defectives are born. Spar notes that, "Prenatal testing
also shows signs of robust commercial competition. In 2004, for example, Baylor
College of Medicine announced plans to offer its patients the largest panel of
prenatal tests available: $2,000 to screen a fetus for fifty indicators of
mental retardation…. [P]arents are treating detection not as a medical service
but as something akin to a luxury good—an accessory to childbirth, rather than
a need. More importantly, some small number of them are also using prenatal
detection as a path to a new form of private eugenics: choosing, for a price,
the children they want to keep and those they want to avoid." Genetic
testing is now becoming routine and growing rapidly. Whether outside the womb
or in, parents want to know the quality of their future children—and the
commercialization of that desire will drive the technology.
Any attempt to regulate this personal eugenics will fail, because the nations
that embrace it the most will have the healthiest and brightest children to
compete globally, and less money wasted on the genetically disabled. Spar notes
that people who really want eugenics are readily crossing boarders to get it.
Most Western countries have laws that have tried to hobble this or that
practice of eugenics, but people just go somewhere else to get the service—and
they are usually the fitter people to start with, thus increasing the gap
between the haves and the have-nots in terms of eugenic quality. There are for
example over fifty clinics in the world that screen embryos prior to
implantation. Soon, well-off people will look down on their cohorts if they do
not likewise test for defects.
This brings up the issue of the sanctity of life and the bioethicists'
numerous arguments against eugenics. Spar notes that, "At the University
of Chicago, biologist Leon Kass argued that 'this blind assertion of will
against our bodily nature—in contradiction of the meaning of the human generation
it seeks to control—can only lead to self-degradation and dehumanization.'
Similarly, Paul Ramsey, a leading Protestant ethicist, pronounced, 'Men ought
not to play God before they learn to be men, and after they have learned to be
men they will not play God.'"
A eugenicist can rebut that without eugenics humans will never be intelligent
enough to be rational, combining intelligence with wisdom. So without eugenics,
we will continue to slide into a dysgenic morass where low IQ populations out
breed and will replace the more intelligent ones. However, if humans reach a
high level of rationality, then they will be able to understand that since
there is no God, we can play at anything we desire as part of our creative
And Spar notes just how wrong Kass is about how humans link reproduction,
children, and sex: "As matters turned out, the supply of both of these
components grew as a result of their unbundling. In other words, women were
considerably more interested in providing eggs if they didn't also have to
undergo pregnancy, and they were more interested in serving as
surrogates if the child they carried was not genetically theirs. By removing
the traditional-link between egg, womb, and mother, gestational surrogacy thus
reduced the legal and emotional risks that had surrounded traditional surrogacy
and allowed a new market to thrive."
And later she notes: "For the first time, parents could now choose not
only whether to have a child and with whom (the focus of eugenics) but also
whether to give birth to a specific child, one blessed or cursed by a
revealed genetic fate. If eugenics had grasped for control over parents, then
genetics gave power to the parents, allowing them to decide which child to
Over and over again, people are initially outraged or frightened by new
technology, but then very quickly accept it as quite normal. We are a highly
adaptive creature, not one that is programmed to accept some ethical or moral
The record to date is that contrary to Kass's assertion that this technology
will lead to dehumanizing, it has led to quite the opposite. Those who embrace
eugenics pay exceptional notice and show a great deal of perseverance in making
sure that they have healthy, bright, attractive, tall children and are willing to
use all available technology to get what they consider to be the perfect child.
It has also been shown that children and adults alike want to have high status,
and that status develops during adolescence based on stature, attractiveness,
intelligence, etc. (See No Two Alike
by Judith Rich Harris, 2006)) What parent wouldn't want their children to have
higher status, dominance, and a happier life being free of disease, and free of
the struggle to pursue anything they want. With intelligence, athleticism,
beauty….it is all the more probable that a person will achieve their goals in
There is a great deal of angst concerning eugenics because it will be sought
out by normal parents, it will certainly turn into an arms race, and because of
its inherent inegalitarianism, it will be fought on many fronts. Now note the
inherent contradictions with regards to eugenics. Anyone who has debated or
discussed the issue knows that many people, who understand eugenics from its
historical perspective, still call it pseudoscience. At the same time, many on
the Left are now calling for an equal distribution to access to this
"pseudoscience." They have a real dilemma—for decades the
heritability of intelligence and eugenics have been denied and attempts to bury
these notions are now failing quickly.
Spar states what happened in the past to excess children, "In some parts
Spar states the ethical issue clearly: "At a conceptual level, it is easy
to bemoan this market, to insist that reproduction—like truth or love or
honor—should never be sold. It is also easy to decry the cutting edge of
reproductive science, arguing that it breaks the rules of nature or threatens,
as Leon Kass once predicted, to lead to 'voluntary self-degradation, or willing
dehumanization.' Such arguments, however, are increasingly unrealistic: the
baby business, as this book has shown, is alive, well, and growing. It's hard
to imagine that we could ever put this particular genie back in its bottle.
Moreover, it's not at all clear that we should. For the baby business—unlike,
say, the arms race or the heroin trade—produces a good that is inherently good.
It produces children, for people who want them. Some paths to these
children may be less virtuous than others. Some parents may not deserve the
children they get. Yet the underlying dynamic—parents getting children—is
certainly not bad."
When I look around me, I see dehumanization in the form of the ghettoization of
too many unfit. My worldview sees humanness as wholeness in health, character,
intelligence, etc. Like so many other things, everyone could come up with a
different description of what they view as humanness, so let the free market
decide how each of us should pursue our reproductive methods as long as we have
the resources to pay for them.
Spar goes on: "Similarly, although one can argue that any imposition of
the marketplace into the realm of reproduction is inherently wrong, again this
is an assertion rather than a fact. Empirically, we have no way of knowing
whether expensively procured children feel any less cherished than those
created for free. We don't know whether their parents, or even other parents,
were degraded by the market forces that contributed to their birth. By what
right, then, can we claim degradation on their behalf?"
Early results of research on how adopted and children born using donated sperm
or eggs do not feel any different. They sometimes have questions, at certain
times during their life, where they might want to find out who their parents
are or the person[s] who donated their genes. What has been shown is that these
attitudes change quite rapidly. The disgrace of illegitimate children in the
past has now morphed into many women of means having children without getting
married. It has become a status symbol when chosen—rather than happening by
There is a true irony in how humans become indoctrinated. After losing World
War II, and having effectively been stigmatized as the eugenics–genocide
monster state,
On the other hand, Blacks and Jews have been the most active proponents of
expanding genetic testing due to sickle-cell anemia and Tay-Sachs disease
respectively. Researchers have found almost 900 diseases linked to a single
gene defect (one gene one disease). Testing for these diseases is not only
eugenic, it is kind. If possible, a child would prefer to be disease free and
pain free. The material for making children is abundant, why not select the
very best?
Numerous books have now been published on eugenics and on reproductive
technologies. It is interesting to note that invariably, sperm and egg banks
only recruit donors from elite universities because when people go looking for
the desired genes, they know that such things as intelligence, attractiveness,
athleticism, stature, and even hobbies and interests are highly genetic (about
50% for behavioral traits, 80% in adulthood for intelligence). If intelligence
was not highly genetic, why wouldn't sperm and egg banks recruit primarily average
people with good health records rather than great SAT scores?
Spar notes that, "When parents purchase eggs, for example, they are
clearly selecting along genetic lines. Why else pay extra for that attractive
Ivy League donor? Sperm is also marketed by genes, as evidenced by information
regarding the donor's height, weight, and favorite hobbies. Preimplantation
genetic diagnosis, in that regard, is only another step forward, a higher-tech
means of achieving more accurate results. If parents will pay for smarter eggs
and taller sperm, why not pay more to guarantee that the child who results from
this high-potential pairing really does carry the optimal set of genes? In
economic terms, perfected children make perfect sense."
Granted, if one wanted to have a child that was primarily athletic rather than
intelligent, it might be better to look somewhere else than elite universities
for athletic genes. So we have a contradiction: most people still
deny—explicitly—that intelligence is primarily genetic, and yet virtually
everyone in the egg/sperm donor business openly acknowledge that at leas for
them, genes are extremely important for a host of traits desired. This to me is
very telling, for it shows that people do believe that intelligence is genetic
but prefer to deny it because of the issue of differences between the average
intelligence of different races.
There are some problems with current eugenic technology. Spar notes, "Even
pregnancy and birth rates, moreover, don't tell the full story of success,
because recent research indicates that children conceived via IVF may carry a
higher risk of birth defects. One Australian study, for example, found that IVF
babies were twice as likely as naturally conceived infants to have multiple
major birth defects. Others report higher rates of rare urological defects and
increased risk of early childhood cancers. IVF also leads to a much higher rate
of multiple births—37 percent, according to one recent study—which itself leads
to more complicated pregnancies and a greater chance of premature or
under-weight births."
Overall however, with a combination of genetic testing, and improvements in IVF
technology, the children will be on average more disease free than natural
childbirth without testing.
Matt Nuenke, May, 2006
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